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Help! I need baby girl name ideas from the Bible (CC)

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After having 5 boys in a row, I'm due the end of August with baby #8 and for the first time in a long time, this one's s*x is completely unknown :) We've been able to figure it out from the u/s on our own the last four times but the technician forgot to turn our tape on :)


We started out completely unintentionally using Bible names for our kids (First two are Benjamin and Rebecca - not really named from the Bible but just because I thought having a Ben and a Becca would be cute). More purposefully , we continued with the Bible names for all the next five boys (Elijah, Josiah, Abraham, Ezekiel and Gideon) and all are from the O.T. Anyway, boys name in the O.T. are easy to come up with and I think we've settled on Boaz Quinton if it's a boy.


However, girl's names are not quite as plentiful! We've kicked around Abigail (which fits in with the O.T. theme) and Lydia (which is N.T. but still o.k.) but neither one is really as unique as we like. . . We've settled on Grace for a middle name.


So, can anyone help me out? I really, really do not want to do Hannah, Sarah, Ruth or Esther (these names are fine but there seem to be a lot of Hannah's and Sarah's in our lives and the other two happen to be my MIL's name). It also does not have to be a person (maybe a place?)


Thank You, Thank You!

Edited by JanOH
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I probably have tons of names floating around in my head, but what comes to mind immediately are 'Eden' (means beautiful) and 'Mara' (unfortunately means 'bitter' but I think it is a beautiful name. I also really like the names that pps contributed. Congrats on such a wonderfully happy event!:001_smile:

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Jerusha (wife of a godly king Uzziah, mother of Jotham also a godly king...2 Kings 15:33)



Phoebe (Romans 16:2)



Bethany (means "worships God", is the city in the Bible)

Damaris (means "gentle woman", one woman who professed Christ in Acts 17:34)



Priscilla (Acts 18:2)

Tabitha (Acts 9:36)


My Mom gave me a baby name book of Bibical names. I think she's trying to influence our upcoming name choice. That's where these came from and the references, I didn't check them myself.


Or you could be really different and go with Jezebal, Rahab or Bathsheba. :)

Edited by Alice
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We have a few things in common. :) We also had 5 boys in a row (all 5 are teenagers now), and we unintentionally used a lot of biblical names, including Josiah and Benjamin.


I have a niece named Selah (pronounced SAY-la). I love that name and would have used it if I had thought of it first. It is from the Psalms, of course. A close friend adopted a baby girl last month and used it as a middle name (Evangeline Selah). Selah Grace sounds beautiful to me.


We also have a Hannah and a Sarah and I understand why you don't want to use them. Way too common! We almost had a Rebekah too, but my sister stole that name--literally. (I've told the awful story on these boards before and it's too early in the morning to get into it now. I still love my sister.)


A few other biblical girls' names I like are Rachel and Elisabeth. ETA: And Jordan. Our oldest is Jordan Elisabeth. She loves her name. It's crazy how many people have said to her this phrase, "All the cute girls are named Jordan."


Best wishes and congratulations!

Edited by Luann in ID
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My daughter's middle name is Salome. We pronounce it as sa/lome (a-as in uh and ome as long o and silent e). Her full name is Grace Salome. I wanted Salome Grace but I didn't like the way it flowed as well as Grace Salome.


My other daughter's name is Sela as "C/la". It is the city that is Petra in Greek. You can find Sela in 2 Kings and Obadiah.

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Oh, hey, I just thought of something else.


My sister's name is Martha. I've never met another Martha. And she's in her early thirties. I'm not sure how she feels about her name, but I know it's unusual, at least for our and our children's generations.


However, my parents gave her the middle name of Dorcas. Yep. That's more than fun as a kid, let me tell you. Whenever she made me mad, I would threaten to tell people at school what her middle name was. BTW, she dropped the Dorcas when she got married; she hated it that much.


So, in conclusion; Martha is unusual, but please, use caution with the name Dorcas. :D

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You've gotten some GREAT ideas, both more common names and out of the way names.


The only one I really really really don't like is Eve. I just don't like naming children Adam or Eve considering they were PERFECT and chose disobedience which has passed sin and death on to each of us (though thankfully those will soon be completely done away with; but it took another perfect man's sacrifice of life to do it!). So though I totally get not striking off names because someone with that name did something bad, I really think this is different.


JMO. I mean NO offense to those who have chosen to name their children those names. It is just my heartfelt opinion and a consideration someone MIGHT want to look at. If not or they hold a different opinion (and even *I* can think of a couple rebuttals and reasons TO use those names), great. I'm just saying what *I* think of when *I* hear people considering those names.


ETA: What about Gabrielle or Gabriella? It wouldn't be a Bible name so much as based on a Bible name but that seems almost as close as a New Testament name...maybe? Anyway, we were thinking Hannah Gabrielle at one time.

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My daughter's middle name is Salome. We pronounce it as sa/lome (a-as in uh and ome as long o and silent e). Her full name is Grace Salome. I wanted Salome Grace but I didn't like the way it flowed as well as Grace Salome.


My other daughter's name is Sela as "C/la". It is the city that is Petra in Greek. You can find Sela in 2 Kings and Obadiah.


Well, I am obviously not Christian, but my dd's name is Silla, pronounced the same way as yours. It means to have a deep, direct connection with God (from Arabic salah).

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Gosh I can't ge enough..sorry.

Thought I would add that one of my children has a middle name Shalom (peace) and we also have a Justice (which is VERY biblical).






What are the odds?


I have a Hannah Shalom and a Justice Gideon.


What are the odds???

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My oldest is Hannah Marie, but 20 years ago there were few Hannahs that we new of. My next oldest is Rachael, and my third is Abra, the feminine Abraham. We also tossed around Naomi and Sarah Bethany. I love Bible names; there are so, so many to choose from.



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I've only ever met one Shiphrah -- the name of one of the midwives who lied to Pharoah to save the Israelite babies...


Not many Jemimahs around either, in this country anyway. Unfortunately, it's got the Aunt Jemimah association, but I think it's a lovely name.


Naomi is lovely, and there aren't many of them around either.

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We have a few things in common. :) We also had 5 boys in a row (all 5 are teenagers now), and we unintentionally used a lot of biblical names, including Josiah and Benjamin.


I have a niece named Selah (pronounced SAY-la). I love that name and would have used it if I had thought of it first. It is from the Psalms, of course. A close friend adopted a baby girl last month and used it as a middle name (Evangeline Selah). Selah Grace sounds beautiful to me.


We also have a Hannah and a Sarah and I understand why you don't want to use them. Way too common! We almost had a Rebekah too, but my sister stole that name--literally. (I've told the awful story on these boards before and it's too early in the morning to get into it now. I still love my sister.)


A few other biblical girls' names I like are Rachel and Elisabeth. ETA: And Jordan. Our oldest is Jordan Elisabeth. She loves her name. It's crazy how many people have said to her this phrase, "All the cute girls are named Jordan."


Best wishes and congratulations!



My foster daughter's name was/is Carolyn Trinity. I love it. She's our 3rd daughter and she was a suprise blessing and we've always felt her name was one way God was telling us to not fear the foster/adoption process. After 2 years of fostering her, her adoption into our family was finalized this spring. :001_smile:


I love the suggested name above -- Selah. It beautiful too.

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It is Elias James Shalom (boy) and Justice Lily May (Girl) so it looks like the genders are switched, but....this is very, very cool. Makes me feel sort of kindred and maybe a detined friendship.




What are the odds?


I have a Hannah Shalom and a Justice Gideon.


What are the odds???

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My new baby niece is named Eden. So, another plug for that one. My bestest friend named her last little girl Moriah. I, too, like the name Hadassah as opposed to Esther. I see you already have a Rebecca, so that name is out, though it was going to be my contender for you.:D

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My dd is Peninah. Although the Peninah in the Bible isn't very nice, the name is Hebrew for Pearl.


How do you pronounce that? I've never heard it before. :)


Anyway, I LOVE Zipporah. It makes me envision a spunky little gal who goes by Zippy. ;)


I also like Hadassah, Lydia, and Esther.

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OK -- more than one more -- this is just so much fun!


everyone here has given excellent suggestions, imo; one of the responses jogged my memory: when my twins were born almost 9 years ago, a friend of mine who is in Israel, had a little girl a few days after and she named her 'Noa' and I loved that name then and I still love it. Very different.

That same friend also has b/g and they are Maya and Erez.

I did realize, while reading the other responses, that my second oldest's middle name is "Leah" which we all love, and which my ds mentioned has the same letters as the end of his name -- 'Michael.' Our 2 youngest girls have a Hebrew middle name: Chaeli (pronounced kaylee - meaning 'G-d answers prayers) and Chai (pronounced ki [long I]) which means life.


We have other friends whose little girl is 'Aviva' which means spring in Hebrew and they call her Avi which is just adorable.

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Just chiming in...I know of people whose names are:




Tzipporah (Zipporah)




Each of these names are beautiful.


My advice is to go with what you really really like no matter what anyone else says and before your know it, no one will think of them in any other way.


We gave my daughter a very "different" name. My BFF didn't like it, but in two months said "I can't imagine her anything else!" I still wish we had named her "Ocean" but everyone really balked. Never go with the crowd. Go with your gut. Lesson learned!


Oh, edited to add that I also know a Hadassah and love that name,too! And I know a Jezebel. She's a lovely person and has given me a knew thought about the name! I"m willing to bet their were many Jezebels that were nice in Biblical times, and no doubt their were many Mary's who weren't so nice.....just a thought.

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Oh, hey, I just thought of something else.


My sister's name is Martha. I've never met another Martha. And she's in her early thirties. I'm not sure how she feels about her name, but I know it's unusual, at least for our and our children's generations.


However, my parents gave her the middle name of Dorcas. Yep. That's more than fun as a kid, let me tell you. Whenever she made me mad, I would threaten to tell people at school what her middle name was. BTW, she dropped the Dorcas when she got married; she hated it that much.


So, in conclusion; Martha is unusual, but please, use caution with the name Dorcas. :D


I had to tell you that this made me LOL! Everytime we discuss names my 16 yods mentions Dorcas.


Martha has been flitting in and out of my mind lately. Our kids always have nicknames and I think that Marty would be cute.

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You've given me much to think about and consider.


I don't have time to respond to each poster but just a few caught my eye. Elizabeth Grace was the name my last four children were going to be if they were girls so I think I had dropped it off the list just because it had been on the list for so long (the nickname was going to be Betsey) but when I saw it written I remembered why I liked it.


I mentioned Keturah last night to my husband who voted "no" immediately because I guess at one point in Genesis she's referred to as Abraham's concubine - though in another place she's referenced as Abraham's wife after Sarah died. I laughed at him because our daughter is Rebecca which means the "deceiver" and isn't exactly a character in the Bible that we would wish our Rebecca to folllow!


I really like Selah and am probably hesitating to use it because of a silly reason. . . . I'm 44 and this may be our last baby so I can just hear all of the jokes if we end our family with a "Selah"


I like Hadasseh but am not sure about a nickname for that one and a nickname has always been essential in our house.


I'm going to print all these suggestions out and put them out for a family conference (though of course dh and I have 20 votes each, to their one each vote).


I knew I could count on you! Thank you so much! If you want to keep them coming that's great with me!

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Since nicknames seem to be important, I thought I'd add that we always called my sister, whose name is Martha, Marti. In fact, I liked to call her Marti-Farti. Cute, right? Well, you know, when we were little. :) My boys still call her Aunt Marti.


And the little girl I know named Hadassah didn't have a nickname. I don't think you can shorten Hadassah. Haddy? That's strange, IMO. :D Cute, but strange.

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I was named after Rachel specifically because my mother thought having a guy work for your hand in marriage for 14 years was a great idea.


It didn't work. :lol:


I thought being the "second" wife (even if he wanted you first) was lame.

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