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I made it to malaysia!!!!!!!

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I'm alive and happy! My internet is FINALLY working and I just posted all about the last week with pictures on my blog. Hop on over if you are interested. I missed chatting with you all but I am back now so let the party begin! What did I miss? :D


It's so amazing that you're REALLY relocated now! I've saved your blog addy to keep up on your latest adventures!


God bless you all!

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Heather, i'm sitting here crying tears of joy, relief and happiness for you guys.


The amazing leap of faith that your family has taken to do this is just inspiring.


I'm not normally a "cry over stuff like this" but well, i'm just so happy everything seems to be falling into place for you guys. Everything from the flights to the kids settling in and making friends.


I'm looking forward to hearing more about your adventure :D



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Yay! So glad you made it there safe and sound. I loved reading about your experiences thus far, and the pictures are wonderful as well. What an exciting journey for you. I'm happy that you've got internet and can keep us all up to date!

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Thank you to all who have enquired about my health...


I was feeling much better by the time I got on the plane. Still coughing but I took cough medicine so that I wouldn't draw any unwanted attention to myself. :D Since I've been here, the cough is still a little troublesome but not too bad. I can't believe it is taking this long to go away! I had one day of tummy troubles due to the delicious but spicey food here.


But here is the miracle....I sleep great here. I have suffered from insomnia for years and for some reason...jet lag maybe?....I sleep fine here. Praise God!


Our stuff has not arrived yet. It is due this week but we shall see. Every morning I see huge cargo ships sailing by and I pray that each one has my stuff on it.


The whole thing is pretty surreal. But really cool!

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Ack! You came through Dallas to get to Malaysia, & you didn't WAIVE??? I can't wait to hear more about how things work out there for you, & I'm so glad it's been a safe journey so far. Ds8 has already declared that we should go visit you. LOL

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Wow, sound like a great trip. Love the pictures. Hope things continue to go well and that you get your household goods soon, oh and that you find a car for a reasonable price. I so glad I did this when I was younger because I really don't think I could do it now. You make is sound so easy though. :)

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I'm so happy for you and your family!


My prayers are going out for y'all to have an AWESOME year!!! Please keep in touch... I am so fascinated by the overseas move! You said there was like a WalMart in your blog... is it easy to buy "American" food for the kids? Your boys sound good to be open to any kind of food which is fabulous!!



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I'm so happy for you and your family!


My prayers are going out for y'all to have an AWESOME year!!! Please keep in touch... I am so fascinated by the overseas move! You said there was like a WalMart in your blog... is it easy to buy "American" food for the kids? Your boys sound good to be open to any kind of food which is fabulous!!




There is a lot of "American" food here (although they call it "western" food). The grocery store had many brands I recognize and we bought mostly AMerican food...like peanut butter, cereal, ravioli, yogurt, pancake mix, etc.


Also, there is a McDonalds, KFC, Subway, Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Chilis, TGIFridays, just to name a few.


And the restaurants and food courts are really diverse: Indian, Chinese, Korean, German, Bulgarian, Italian, Seafood, etc. In fact, the only thing they really do NOT have is Mexican which is a BUMMER. But the food has been so great I am sure I won't miss it.


This morning on our way to our meeting we stopped at a stall and bought iced coffees...two of them for about 75 cents in USD. Yesterday we ate at a really nice restaurant for about $23 for all 4 of us with appetizers and desserts. So you can definitely eat cheap here.


The best is that our internet is only $14 a month! Woo hoo! That will make up for the huge electricity bill I am anticipating. :tongue_smilie:

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