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Everything posted by kewb

  1. What don't I love. You can't ever have enough stoneware. I have the pizza stone, 2 large bar pans, a medium bar pan, and the small bar pan, 2 loaf pans (makes the best bread ever), the mini loaf pan, and the discontinued stoneware roaster and lid. The lid can also be used as a roaster on its own. The stoneware works great in the microwave and on the grill. Just love the stuff. The garlic press-fabulous. The chopper-great for kids the cake/pie knife The spreaders The pizza cutter The batter bowls The Santoku knife is very nice, and I have the bread knife The apple slicer The mini prep bowls. I thought I would never use them and I use them all the time. The spatulas, the whisks, all good. I am beginning to think I may need a support group.
  2. My kids make me breakfast in bed. So sweet. Toast and a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice. Sometimes it is toast, eggs, and a glass of juice. I like to veg on mother's day. Do a little yard work, read a book. We used to have my mother over for brunch but now she lives in AZ. It is an ongoing battle with my MIL. She wants us to go to her for mother's day. I don't. It caused a big arguement one year between dh and I. I pointed out that we spend every father's day with his father because that is what he wants to do on father's day and I was entitled to the same courtesy.
  3. I would ask them to check for it at the library. I have had them miss a returned book. Easy to do when I return 10-15 at a time. Of course, recently I insisted I had returned a book that dd took out. Had them looking for it the library, etc. My dd found it in her room under some toys a week later.
  4. 1. USA 2. It depends on the circumstances. In the house I leave it on but there is a time limit to shower (otherwise my kids would spend all day in there). Growing up, when we lived on the boat-wet down, water off, wash up, water on. For me, it depends on the water situation.
  5. We just put up a fence. You have to check the rules for your town. We are allowed to put the fence on our side of the property line. Whereas our garden wall had to be a foot off the property line. There are also height restrictions based on how far from the street you are.
  6. I spend about $1200 a month to feed our family of 4. Some months more and some less-depending on what I need. I do moslty organic and seasonal/locally grown. My downfall is cheese. We all love quality raw milk cheese. We buy very few pre-packaged snacks. If I do buy them it is because of a killer sale. The cost of living where I am is also very high and that does not help any of my bills.
  7. We have it. I won't say I am over the moon about it but the kids enjoy it. The reason I am not over the moon is because the reality is I could have taken envelopes and labeled them as he does, made a chore chart, and made a saving for chart. The reality, however, is that I probably never would have so the kids use it and enjoy it. They set goals (saving for a Wii), they got to purchase what they saved for, and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
  8. How have I changed for the better? Interesting question. I don't know. I don't know if the parent I am today is because we homeschool or not. I am happy to say that after being home with them this year I still like them and want to be with them. I find so many parents who seem, at least to me, to be in a hurry to get rid of their kids. Their kids are home for one week for school break and 3 days into it they are all asking when it will be over. I don't get it. When I was working full time I lived for those breaks so I could be with my kids. As for regrets, I don't think I have any yet. This is only our first year so I have plenty of time to develop some. I do wish that we could have started sooner but that is not really a regret.
  9. I want a song now. Knowing my kids they would pick Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf.
  10. It depends. Daddy/daughter time is sweet and special. At a dance, a tea party, a sporting event, 2 people enjoying each others company. Purity Ball, pledging to remain a virgin, promise ring -creepy.
  11. My children are readers. I don't know what I did that worked but here is what I did when they were little. Plenty of books around. Picture books, felt books, story books, bath books, etc. I read to them. A lot. If they came at me holding a book I stopped what I was doing (if I could) and read it to them. Believe me, if I never see Are you my mother? again I will be thrilled. When they started reading on their own we shared reading the story. They read a sentence, then me. They read a page then me. At night-I would let them read me the bedtime story. They thought that was funny. Bedtime always involved a story. After jammies and teeth brushing we snuggle up in the bed and read a story or 10. Now that they are 11 and 8 we still read together at bedtime. Not every night but most nights. Right now we are reading the Oz series. I modeled my love of reading. I always have my nose in a book. My children saw me reading for my own enjoyment. They still see me doing that. That said-my oldest will behave as if I asked him to remove a limb when it comes to History. No matter how fun the book. I think he feels about history the way I feel about ironing. It is not so bad once I start but the idea of it-ugh. My SIL, who is a teacher, says doing all the things I did will not necessarilly create a reader. It is just setting the stage so the possibility can blossom.
  12. Homeschooling is something we do. It is a big part of our lives but it does not define who we are. I am many things. I identify as a person. If you ask me about the kids and school you will get an ear full. I can pontificate with the best of them but it is not the driving force in my life. Our family focus is on living life to the best of our abilities.
  13. I post photos. I do not use full names or the town we live in. It is very easy to figure out what State we are in based on the activities we do. I do sometimes wonder if someone is doing gross things with my kids pics but I don't wonder enough to stop. Statistic wise harm is still more likely to come from someone we know.
  14. I read it 20 years ago but I remember really enjoying it.
  15. I used it this year (levels 1 and 2 for the ancients) and have really enjoyed it. The kids also like it. However, due to my own scheduling inadequacies we did not get as far into it as I would have liked. We will not be finishing it this school year. That said, I do plan on using the Middle Ages next year because I do like the program.
  16. The only definition I have heard is in reference to an alcoholic drink. What else does it mean?
  17. Thank you for sharing that. I am waiting for my 8 year old dd to outgrow bed wetting. She turns 9 in a few months and I am hoping it will be the magic year as it was for my niece.
  18. I chose other. I have a son and a daughter. They both have things that are easy about them and things that are challenging. I don't think you can pigeon hole either sex as being easier.
  19. We have Kleen Kanteens. Everyone has their own sleeve for quick identification.
  20. Impromptu 25. It would be a good way to clean out the fridge, I suppose.
  21. I voted for the catalog. As much as I love to go paperless whenever possible I enjoy that catalog. It lives in the bathroom where dh is sure to look at it.
  22. Horseback riding also requires good posture. My 11 year old ds has slouches all the time. Drives me batty.
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