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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I have heard of it but never tried it. I wash my face with raw honey.
  2. I love my food saver. I have never used it for veggies though. I use it for bulk meat and cheese. The canisters I use for bulk popcorn and grains I don't use that often.
  3. I could not stand this book. I really wanted to like it. Everyone told me I would love it. I couldn't wait to be done with it. Anything by Ann Coulter. Catch 22.
  4. If it makes you feel better ds was in public school until 4th grade and he did not know who she was. I tell myself I am a successful parent because my kids love to rock to Meatloaf.
  5. For certain mine would have been shoving each other.
  6. I liked the dress, too. Now if you want to talk about Aretha Franklin's hat....
  7. I don't remember any of the words spoken to me when my father died last year. What made me feel better was the friends who just sat with me and said nothing.
  8. Public School K-12. The worst years of my life. I wish my parents had done something to help me. Back when I was a kid no one we knew homeschooled. If you heard about it at all it was in relation to some wacky fundamentalist/anti-establishment wackos. How we came to homeschooling: The idea first got planted when we bought our house. The people we bought it from homeschooled. They had sent their kids to a local catholic school and she told us of the problems her dd was having, etc. Dh and I thought they were nuts homeschooling 4 kids when there was a perfectly fine elementary school down the block. Fast forward a number of years-I become involved in a parenting website which had a homeschooling forum. I would glance at it every once in awhile but I still thought these people were loco. I worked full time and my kids attended the greatest day care. It was phenomanol. The teachers there were fantastic, the groups were small, they had an art studio, a gym, and numerous enrichment classes-gymnastics, dance, etc. My kids thrived all the way through Kindergarten. Then came public school. My oldest started 1st grade at the wonderful school down the block. His first grade teacher. I love her. She was fantastic and I am grateful my dd had her too. He had a great first year in public school. Then came 2nd grade. The experience started going downhill. Ds had a good year but there were problems and I started thinking about alternatives. 3rd grade-another great teacher and academics wise-all was fine. Those other problems were still there and not improving. 4th grade-the teacher was very nice but not the greatest. My ds learned in spite of the teacher. Those other problems-worsened. To the point where ds developed trichotillomania and started talking about wanting to take shooting lessons. Dh and I knew we had to do something. But what? I mentioned homeschooling back in 2nd grade-no go. Again in 3rd-still no. So we explored our options -private school, another elementary school in the district, or homeshcooling. After I did all the research we went with homeschooling.
  9. My grammar snobbery bit me in the butt today. I asked ds for something using "Can I" and he took great glee in saying "You can but that doesn't mean I will hand it to you."
  10. I use blogger. Simple enough for someone as clueless as me.
  11. I love facebook. I am addicted to word challenge and probably need an intervention. I do not have 682 friends. The people who matter to me are friends. We use it as a way to see what's up with one another. I also chat with a couple of my friends after the kids go to bed. No talking or ringing phones that will wake up my light sleepers. Some people take it way to seriously and get caught up in what dh and I refer to as facebook drama. We do the things we like and ignore the rest. We do not have high expectations of what it will do for our lives we simply have fun with it. Sometimes I check it once a day, sometimes I can go on numerous times a day, and some days I am not on it at all.
  12. Chips and Salsa, cereal, cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, pasta, pasta, pasta, potatoes, and maybe sometimes I would make a salad or cook a meal.
  13. I just requested for the 2nd time that my dh's aunt stop sending those forwards to me. I don't mind the cute/funny ones but she insists on sending me all kinds of racist garbage about all kinds of things that are easily proven incorrect with a minimum of looking. On this last one she emails me back telling me she thought the email was informative.
  14. If I am in a hurry I throw them in a bowl and coat with a little olive oil, Sprinkle Italian Seasoning mix, salt and pepper to taste. Bake.
  15. I still use an address book. But, I have also started entering everyone's info into my online address book for mass mailings. I always reach for my address book first, not my computer.
  16. I wish I could tell you how I kicked the habit but I have been off soda for a couple decades. I am pretty sure I quit cold turkey.
  17. Mine seem unable or unwilling to self regulate and if they play too much their behavior towards each other is less than desirable. That said: During the school week they can play for 1/2 an hour after school and chores are done. On the week-ends they can play for an hour, sometimes longer if the weather is bad.
  18. With the economy being what it is I would take the camp job. Bird in the hand and all that. Accepting the camp position does not mean he can't look for other opportunities.
  19. They sure can. I bought my two their own shovels this year. They were so excited until the 2nd snow fall of the season.
  20. Excessive. I rarely drink soda and neither do my kids. Wasted calories. I may drink soda if I am out to lunch or dinner. The kids only get a can or glass of soda at a party.
  21. PJ's go under the pillow. If it doesn't smell it goes back in the closet or dresser. If it needs an airing then it needs to be washed. I just got rid of our combination exercise equipment/clothes rack.
  22. I have been using History Odyssey and have been enjoying it.
  23. Ladies, this is why I like this forum. I can air my pet peeve and get a reality check. Thank you for all the feedback. Going forward I will improve my efforts not to correct their friends grammar no matter how much it irks me. I will continue to expect my children to use May I.
  24. I use both. I try to be consistent and use zero but sometimes I slip.
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