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Everything posted by kewb

  1. It was the predictable cheese factor put to Abba that made it a fun movie to see with my friends. I can relate to expectations set too high. That is how I felt about On Golden Pond. I think I am the only person in the world who hated that movie.
  2. I make dh clean the shower. On the rare occasion that I do it-Baking Soda or Bon Ami, vinegar and a sponge or rag.
  3. The Champ. Little Ricky Schroeder at the end. "Wake up champ. Wake up." Welling up just thinking about it. Beaches- I cry all through that movie. I am such a sap.
  4. I wonder what dh would say if I told him I think we need a festivus pole?
  5. Ah, the honesty. So delightfully refreshing. My dd loves to tell me and anyone who will listen about my squishy belly.
  6. The new one is creepy. Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka is too creepy Michael Jackson for me. I think they both veer from the book. Just in different areas. Gene Wilder will always be Willy Wonka to me. Plus, my dd cried hysterically every time the oompa loompa showed up on screen in the new version. She never cried in the original.
  7. Hang them during the season. When the decorations come down I toss the majority. Some of the family ones I may keep.
  8. Once we open a bottle it goes in the fridge. No one here cares one way or the other if it is warm or cold.
  9. Stamps are expensive. I have received fewer cards this year and I have sent fewer this year. I love receiving and sending Holiday cards but I had to cut costs. A lot of once a year people were cut from my list.
  10. Dh and I have had numerous conversations about this. I do not check the pockets if it is in the hamper. His pockets, his responsibility. If I pick it up to wash I will check. That said, I have washed, on more than one occasion dh's wallet, money, receipts, pens, keys, and other assorted pocket items. Dh also knows that money found in the wash becomes my mad money.
  11. Let's see in my own life over the last 2 years: Lost an uncle to bone cancer, my father to pancreatic cancer, my fil had prostate cancer, one aunt-in-law had breast cancer, my sil just had a double mastectomy, neighbor with colon cancer. My dh will be going for his 5 year check-up from kidney cancer as will my mil. My mother did tell me about an old neighbor from where I grew up who had a brain tumor a couple of years ago and I did work with 2 people who had brain tumors a couple of years ago. Where I live I have heard of more cases of prostate cancer than brain tumors. No matter what kind it is, Cancer sucks.
  12. 3 books I read over and over: Gone With The Wind A Woman of Substance Evergreen Some of my favorite authors: Harlan Coben Jeffrey Archer Patricia D. Cornwall -Her Dr. Kay Scrapetta series. Jeffrey Deaver Terry Brooks
  13. Around here crowd pleaser soups for our less adventurous friends are: New England Clam Chowder Roasted Tomato Corn Chowder Ministrone Vegetable Pea Soup
  14. My in-laws do not support our decision at all and I have had similar moments only mil tells me they need to go back to school. She seems to view this as our year off but that next year we will get serious and send them back to school. After all I can't teach them through high school and how will they go to college. I was smiling politely and thinking about asking her to pass the bean dip when dh walked by and heard her. He was, in my opinion, a little harsh to his mom, but I was also thrilled to hear him supporting our decision So to make my long story longer, I would let dh handle it and try not to stew over the holidays. Plus, cut back on dd's alone time with her.
  15. I feel your pain. I hate cooking with my kids which is why I signed them up for a 6 week cooking class. Having someone else show them how to hold the knife and measure and do other assorted things is helping our cooking at home. I still have to resist the urge to send them away and just do it myself but it is a bit better. I have been working on this because I realized they need this skill and the reason they could not do more than make themselves eggs and pancakes had to do with my control freak tendencies.
  16. The school vs non school question-I think it has more to do with personality
  17. I have been doing 98% online for a good number of years now. It seems there is always someone I forget and then have to run out and get a gift card.
  18. My kids may get bored but they don't tell me about it. My solution usually involves housework.
  19. What don't I cry at would be more accurate. Snoopy come Home-when he leaves Charlie Brown-just a blob of tears. Steel Magnolias-that cemetery scene is a killer Old Yeller-come who does not cry for the dog Orca-when they kill his mate
  20. I started taking a teaspoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar 3x a day. You are supposed to put it in a glass of water but that taste awful to me so I just take the vinegar and do a water chaser. It is not that I now have this incredible energy but more like the energy I do have is a bit better and lasts longer.
  21. Such a fun movie. I saw it in the theatre with friends for Ladies Night Out. We sang our hearts out.
  22. We cut up our cards 8 years ago. If we don't have the cash we don't get it. DH has a cc for his business and we have a Firestone one in case of emergencies. Otherwise it is cash on the barrel. I have never been happier.
  23. The 2 favorites around here are: Roasted veggies. Coarsely chopped shake in a bag with olive oil, garlic, spices of your choice and roast. Mashed cauliflower
  24. Allow me to clarify. It stinks when you have a girl who wants all pink stuff and loves to build with pink blocks. My dd did not care what color the Legos were but plenty of her friends did.
  25. Having worked in the Toy industry for a number of years I can tell you the reason the girl's sets are weak is because there is not enough demand. The girl's lines simply are not profitable enough to warrant the manufacturing. It stinks when you are the parent of a girl who likes to build stuff.
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