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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I do think it is rude to blindside someone with that rule. I do not like taking my shoes off in other people's homes who I do not know well. If I was not expecting to stay there is a good chance I am not wearing socks or have holes in them or they are mismatched or my husbands. Often dh has powder in his shoes which is then tracked all over.
  2. We so do not speak the same language. me: acts of service followed by affirmation dh: physical touch with a little affirmation thrown in.
  3. I chose as much as I could afford but it more than that,but not all. I prioritize. I am a bit of a locovore when it makes sense and I try to stick to seasonal produce.
  4. I am using VIE this year for 3rd grade and 5th grade. I don't love it and will be switching next year. It is a solid program and my kids are learning but there is no love from them. Not a good fit for us.
  5. I am with you on the sterility. I somewhat believe about poisoning. Everything going on today speaks to me of the book Brave New World with a bit of The Handmaid's Tale thrown in.
  6. Total food snob: No processed, chemical laden foods here. Pretty much the rule here is if you can not pronounce or know what an ingredient is you shouldn't be eating it. But I do miss Yodel's an Ring Dings and Chocolate Pop Tarts. Eggs from the farm-store bought are just not as good. Poultry also comes from the farm. Cheese-raw milk is best. Chocolate-the darker the better Fruits & vegetables-I am a locavore. If it isn't in season it is not on our plates (well as much as possible) Mayo- there is only Hellman's. I will eat Trader Joe's but it is not as good. Ketchup-Heinz Pizza- I do not know how anyone eats Papa John's or Pizza Hut or Dominoes or any other mass produced pizza. Pizza is supposed to come from a local pizzaria. Ice Cream-Breyer's Honey-raw and local and for all you blue ink pen people-pens should only have black ink in them. :)
  7. I wore a brace from 13-16. I couldn't tell you what it was called but it sounds like the Boston Brace. I wore an undershirt under the brace. In the beginning I remember being sweaty and itchy. It was not long before I was used to it. The only horrible memory that I recall was my 9th grade English teacher noticing it during class and proceeding to ask me what felt like 5 gazillion questions about it. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. Because what 13 year old awkward girl doesn't mind being grilled about her new brace. It worked and I have excellent posture. I also remember having to do lots and lots of sit ups to strengthen the muscles that support the spine.
  8. I don't think the noodles themselves are s terrible but that seasoning packet. A definite no in our house. However, to me they conjure up some nice memories. During lean times they can produce a satisfying meal.
  9. 1.Do you teach your children about other religions? Christians, do you teach them about Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Paganism, etc.? Pagans, do you teach about these other religions as well? Muslims, do teach about the others? Etc., etc. Right now we don't go out of our way to teach about other religions. As they come up in our curriculum we discuss them and compare to our believe system. 2.Do you teach about opposing scientific views? Creationists, do you teach about evolution? Evolutionists, do you teach about creationism? We teach evolution and creationism. But I believe they can co-exist and teach it as such. 3.Do you teach opposing moral/social beliefs? Pro-lifers, do you teach about the arguments that exist in favor of abortion? Pro-choicers, do you teach about the arguments opposing abortion? This one has not come up yet. When the time comes we will discuss it all. Obviously, I could go on and on. These are just a few examples that popped into my head. Is it profitable for your children to understand what skeptical scholars opposed to your way of thinking/believing are saying, and if so, why? Yes, I believe it is important to question everything religion teaches. If you never question how can you find your path? What dangers exist as you examine these opposing belief systems and how do you overcome it? If you DO teach opposing beliefs, do you do it in an objective manner or do you teach them as something others believe and that these beliefs are false and why they are false? The only danger I see is them choosing a different path than the one I have chosen. That is more my problem than theirs. It has to do with what I want vs. what they want. Dh and I believe in giving a solid foundation in our beliefs and that is the main focus but the long term goal is that they will be able to use that foundation to find their path to G-d. Does the benefit of knowing “all sides of the story†outweigh the chance that your children might choose to believe something that you oppose? Yes. You can't make an informed decision if you don't have all the choices. If my children choose a different path then I will do my best to support their decision.
  10. Dad is dad or daddy. Papa or poppi is what they use for their grandfathers.
  11. I do not care. I will not be watching. Dh goes to a superbowl party. I stay home with the kids.
  12. Oh, Yes. I have the Professional series and I love it. I use it weekly for bread dough. I have the meat grinder attachment and use that a couple of times a month. Holiday time I made batch after batch of cookie dough.
  13. Not sticky at all. I keep a small tub of it in the shower and just scoop some out and use it. The steamy air in the shower keeps it soft.
  14. My 37 year old sister-in-law just had a double mastectomy and has started chemo. She is the only person currently under treatment. My dh just hit his 5 year survivor mark. Kidney cancer. My MIL will be hitting hers in month. Kidney cancer FIL- survivor. prostate cancer My father passed away a year ago from pancreatic cancer. My Uncle passed away a year ago from colon cancer. Aunt-in-law-2 year survivor -breast cancer. Neighbor-1 year survivor-colon cancer I feel I am at the age when people I know are diagnosed and battle this awful disease. I spoke to my mom once about how it seems like every other day I hear someone battling this. She said it was the same for her when she was my age. Many years without hearing the word and then boom every time she turned around.
  15. Yes, the expectation is that they will go on to get their BA's.
  16. My standard is that you have to be dressed. You do not have to have shoes on for school work. I find that the mindset is better when wearing clothes. Pajama days do not seem to result in much work being done.
  17. I have gotten rid of most of my unused gadgets, but lets see. I have the V-shaped cutter from Pampered Chef. You know, to make perfectly fluted peppers to put dip in when I make crudite or for the perfect melon bowl. Funny thing-I always buy a veggie tray that comes with dip and fruit salad in a bowl already made. I used it once on a melon bowl. Do you know what a pain in the neck it is to chop all that fruit for a fruit salad. At some point I had a spiral cutter for making all those cute garnishes. Never used it. Not even once. I do have this http://www.pamperedchef.com/our_products/catalog/product.jsp?productId=13835&categoryCode=BK. I bought it for all that cupcake decorating I was going to do with the kids, Still in the box. I used the Pampered Chef Sandwich Sealer tons when mine were little and hated crusts. They loved the round sandwiches. I used to make my own pb & j snackable things for the freezer with it. Then my 2 kids decided they don't like pb & j. It never really sealed my sandwiches, though, because I always use stiff multi-grain bread. Actually, they use it to make their own round sandwiches when the mood hits them. I have always managed to resist the urge to buy the ice cream sandwich maker. I want it but I know I will never use it.
  18. I mostly use my stoneware for baking. It took awhile to convert over all my pans but in the end it was worth it.
  19. My dh first asked: like in sexy? Then wanted to know why he would be rifling through my clothes. As a pp stated he said no way would he want to go in my closet because he would mess it up and there is nothing provocative about me screaming like a banshee.
  20. You are not alone. It drives me batty when people don't push their chairs in. I usually think of myself as fairly easy going. I have discovered I have more than my fair share of pet peeves. Maybe it is an age thing.
  21. I don't eat it. However, my dad loved it mixed with pineapple and he also loved it on toast sprinkled with cinnamon.
  22. RHPS is an experience. Without the audience participation it is just not as much fun. Although my youthful recollections are a bit fuzzy because there was a lot of alcohol involved.
  23. Text of make a phone call in the middle of conversation with me and I will tell you that you are being rude, I love fb but I don't do it when I have company. A lot of people don't even realize they are doing it or that others think it rude. I have found that when I point it out most people put away their phone.
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