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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We average about 3 hours of formal learning a day. Some days we get through what was planned in an hour and a half and some days take 4 or more. However, take that with a grain of salt. This is our first year and I did not want it to be an overwhelming experience so we have our core subjects and everything else is gravy.
  2. Dh just purchased an air purifier for our bedroom. I did not want it and believe they are a crock. That said, it has been in use for a few days now and his snoring is much improved.
  3. I chose 9:30 because that is the reality. My goal is always to start by 8:30. I find the kids are at their best if we do our lessons in the morning. Truthfully, that is when I am at my best as well. Afternoons are for errands, pursuing individual interests, field trips, and so on.
  4. Ours fluctuates with the season. Right now we are in high gear. Monday- Swim & Gym class (both), track & field-dd Tuesday- track & field (ds) Wednesday - track & field (dd) Thursday- track & field (ds) Friday - horseback riding (both) Saturday - tennis (both) Sunday - track & field meets (this starts in mid-April) There are various other field trips, errands, girl scouts, earth scouts, etc. during different weeks. Up until a week ago-there was very little on the schedule.
  5. Your Welcome. I am sure the kids will love it!

  6. This is one thing we struggle with. We are fortunate that there are plenty of kids on the block for playing. My children attended school for a few years so most of their friends are from school. I do know what you are talking about with the connection. I am finding that my kids have a lot of acquaintances. We started an Earth Scout chapter by us and now that it has been a number of months I am finding the kids are starting to form friendships. One of the things that makes fast friends is being together a lot and sharing experiences. In school, 5 days a week you are in the same classroom with the same teacher and the same kids. You do everything together. Gym, art, music, etc. all the time with the same kids. Friendships are formed quicker. I am finding it challenging to foster that kind of environment at home. But, the friendships are coming. Seeing the same kids weekly in gym class, and swim class, and homeschool classes at museums, and outings with our homeschool group. Slowly but surely the friendships are forming.
  7. I would find a new doctor. I love my endocrinologist. He takes the time to talk to me and explain things. I have been going to him since I was 15. Almost 20 years now. I am horrified that he will retire one day.
  8. Ds had an Indiana Jones theme last year. The activity the kids loved best was the treasure hunt. I filled a huge container with rice and bird seed. Then I took the contents of their goodie bag and buried them. They each took a turn finding the contents. They had to find a bag of chocolate coins, gold nugget magnets, and a snake.
  9. I read that book in college. Absolutely loved it.
  10. meetup.com and yahoo groups is how I found homeschoolers near me.
  11. It is a multi-level marketing company. The only way your mom will get rich from it is if she has a great downline under her. Meaning the more people she signs up to sell and the more merch they sell the more money she will get.
  12. We will end the end of June when our school district ends. I find it easier to start and end when my kids school friends do.
  13. That is the one I have and I love it. We are a family of 4. At Holiday time when I was making dozen after dozen of cookies for dh's clients it was nice being able to whip up double batches at a time.
  14. Some that have not been mentioned: Holiday Inn The Music Man Meet Me in St. Louis Great Expectations The Pink Panther movies (with Peter Sellers)
  15. Sweep as needed, clean up spills as they happen, mop weekly. If I happen to notice the baseboard is gross I will get down on my knees and clean.
  16. My dd is turning 9 this year and here is her wish list: American Girl Doll Craft Supplies Clothes Money to put towards a Wii iPod Barnes and Noble Gift Cards
  17. At any given time I have all or some of the following: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut, Grapeseed, Safflower, Canola, and butter.
  18. Yes, a definite difference. I now have laundry day and I hang the bulk of it to dry. As I do each load I throw the stuff I am using the dryer for in but don't run it until all the loads are done. That way I only run it once.
  19. We either mash them or roast them with other vegetables here.
  20. It could be your knife. Dull knives break the bread. That said, this is the recipe we use, it makes 2 loaves: 2.5 cups warm water 1.5 T yeast 3 T honey 1 T brown sugar 3 T oil (I use grapeseed) 1 T salt 4-6 cups Whole Wheat Flour 1 cup oatmeal Vital Wheat Gluten (I use 1 T per cup of flour) Dissolve yeast and honey in water. Let stand for 10-15 minutes. Mix remaining ingredients using only enough flour to make a soft and slightly sticky dough. Knead 10 minutes (I use my kitchenaid). Now if you like a dense bread after kneeding you can divide into 2 an shape into loaves and let them rise in bread pans until doubled in size (approx 45 minutes) and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. If you like a softer loaf, transfer dough to an oiled bowl and let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes. Then punch it down, kneed for a minute and then divide into 2 loaves and let rise for another 45 minutes and then bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
  21. My kids know what they are and have had them at friends houses. Never in ours.
  22. My 10 year old-soon to be 11 has his pre-teen angst going full blast. Sometimes I still get my sweet little boy. As a pp stated-keep those lines of communication open.
  23. I bake 2 loaves at a time and I bake bread once a week. Usually Monday is bread baking day.
  24. I had Barbies growing up. My dd has a couple of Barbies. It is a doll. If my dd grows up thinking of herself only as a boys plaything or that physical beauty is all that matters than that is my failure as a parent. I know I did not measure my self worth by comparing myself to a toy when I was a little girl. I have no desire to live in a Nanny State. It is my job to raise my dd to value herself not the State or Federal government.
  25. I chose other. I belong to a couple of groups that organize events and posts opportunities for things but there is no requirement to show up to anything. We attend what interests us and ignore the rest.
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