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Everything posted by kewb

  1. My mom's standby was always a black cat. Black tight leg stuffed with whatever was on hand, paint on whiskers, and off we went.
  2. Sounds better than the Principal at my kids school. When I pulled mine she could barely talk to me let alone say something supportive.
  3. We do History Pockets. Right now, I have traced their bodies and we are placing parts as we study them. So far we have the bones of the leg, the lungs, and the heart in place. Mummified chicken sounds like a great project.
  4. Hi, My name is Kathy and I am a helicopter mom. It has been 3 weeks since my last helicopter incident. Being over protective is something I struggle with daily. Reading Protecting the Gift last year helped me greatly. My oldest is 10 and my youngest 8. Over the last couple of years I have let them play on the block without parental supervision with the other kids on the block. This year I let ds walk to his friends houses 2 blocks away. Over the summer I started letting him and his sister walk to the park by themselves. The park is 2 blocks away. These were huge for me. The first time they went to the park I wanted to follow them. Even though ds had a cell phone and called me when they got there and they call when they are on their way home. I battle my demons but I know they are my demons and I have to let them experience the world.
  5. I have found their clothes to run big/true to size on my two. I have a boy and a girl. Very true about ordering the slims.
  6. Non-induced ds was born on a Sunday. 20 minutes shy of being on Monday.
  7. I've watched the show every now and again. Every time I have watched all the kids have had the correct answers. A lot of the time I don't know the answer but I know how to look it up. Knowing how to locate information is important.
  8. Lunch is pretty casual around here. Sandwiches, eggs, leftovers, salad, soup. I suppose I am a bit of a forager for lunch. What kind of foods do you like?
  9. I find that if I go for a pap too close to getting my period that it will come back with abnormal cells. I just go redo the pap. So far, the redo has always come back normal. I am glad yours was nothing to worry about.
  10. I love the idea of handle it once and sometimes I even follow through but it is so much easier to just make a big pile of paper and recycle it 3 months from now because I have not even looked in that pile once.
  11. I had no idea Costco carried yeast and it did not occur to me to look. I recently started baking our bread and have been trying to figure out where to buy yeast in bulk and how to store it.
  12. This is how I decide as well. Although I have gone 3rd party in local elections when I could not bring myself to vote for either corrupt candidate.
  13. We are Jewish but secular in our homeschooling as well. My two attend Hebrew School at the synagogue. At home we study a little about all religions.
  14. Our school is named after my father. Howard Academy. The kids chose it.
  15. Not natural but when I was a kid mom had us soak our feet in a bleach/water solution. Worked every time.
  16. It drives me batty when they take a book I love and change it. However, there have been some movies when taken on their own merits are pretty good.
  17. Watching the Olympics with my kids drives me batty. The two of them talk non-stop. Sometimes, I go watch in the other room.
  18. I love my foodsaver. It really works. I admit I go through phases. Sometimes I am just feeling lazy but when I get a great deal on meat or fruit or cook in bulk it is fantastic.
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