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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Okay, I deserve that. I try not to correct their friends but sometimes I am unable to help myself.
  2. In the big scheme of things it is probably not a big deal. It is my own little pet peeve because I am a grammar snob. Old fashioned-perhaps. It irks me when someone says "Can you get me a glass of water?" Yes, I can. I am perfectly capable of fetching a glass of water. Just because I can does not mean I will. There is a difference.
  3. who has taught her children the difference between May I and Can I. I admit-this is a total pet peeve of mine. My two know that if they say Can I my answer will be "I don't know, can you?" or "You can, but that does not mean I will give permission" There was a friend over today and he asked if he could have something to drink and I automatically gave my response as I went to get the water. Total blank stare. No clue about the difference. This is not the first time I have gotten the blank stare. Pet peeve rant over. Thank you for listening.
  4. How exciting. We are still a number of years away from college but I think about it frequently and we plan to the same thing as you.
  5. I have: 1. Used the "I don't understand whinese" option. 2. Say in a playful voice-"Oh, someone has whiners in their tummy. We need to tickle them out." Tickle. Then after a moments tickling shout "There they are! Stomp on them before they get back in your tummy." Usually a few moments of tickling and stomping puts everyone in a better mood.
  6. The number one way I keep it clean is to not go in there with a black light.
  7. The first time I had my hair cut and highlighted was 5 years ago and I almost fell over when the bill was $210. Plus, I did not like it. The place where I go now-cut, color, and highlights-$65.
  8. I stocked up right before the last price hike. Maple Syrup is like gold around here. I am the only one allowed to pour it. I am hopeful that prices will go down a bit this Spring.
  9. We use a bread knife. Depending on who is slicing the slices range from super thin to an inch thick.
  10. I drink water. Sometimes I will have a glass of OJ. In the winter if I am feeling cold I have a cup of hot chocolate.
  11. We love Geico. We have never had a problem. When our neighbor backed into dh's car a couple of months ago everything was taken care of right away. Adjuster, repair work, return of the car -all done quickly and with a smile. There was even a follow up call about their service and did we have any complaints.
  12. I started baking all of our bread last September. I just could not justify the $3-$4. a loaf for good whole wheat bread. Making the bread is now part of our Practical Life Skills curriculum.
  13. When mine really go at it I make them hold hands. They have to do everything together (except the bathroom-the other has to sit outside the door). They really hate when I make them do that and I have not had to do it in years. If they hit each other they know that increases their time together.
  14. I sucked my thumb until I was 9. Everything my parents did to make me stop did not work. I became a closet thumb sucker. They had me wear mittens to sleep, bandaid on my thumb, shaming me. Shame was a big one for them. It only made me feel worse and made the habit worse. Truthfully, I can't even tell you why I finally stopped but it was probably when my parents stopped harassing me about it. I hope you were only kidding about asking his friend to tease because that seems downright mean.
  15. I thought I was bad at $25. I have been really trying to stay on top of returning on time or at least renewing online before the due date. Some months I am more successful than others.
  16. A week is not enough time for an accurate evaluation. We pulled our kids out right before the new school year. We took the summer to make the decision. We did not do any heavy learning over the summer but we talked about homeschooling and they participated in the Hogwarts Correspondence School so that I could get a feel for if I would be a good teacher for my children. Over the summer we went to some local homeschool events so we could meet other homeschoolers. So far, the decision to homeschool has been one of the best decisions we made. At first they did have a little seeing my friends all the time withdrawl but they soon realized that they see their school friends after school and on weekends. The only thing that really changed was they no longer had to wait for the rest of the class, they did not have to do busy work, and their were no more bullies during the day.
  17. I can but it is not a consistent skill at all.
  18. We don't read aloud during lessons but at bedtime I still read to them. They love it and they are 10 and 8. We are currently reading The Marvelous Land of Oz. We all enjoy the story time and I will read to them as long as they let me. I feel it connects us and opens the door to some excellent conversations.
  19. When my dd turned one I looked at dh and said "If we are going to go for a third we need to start thinking about it." We looked at each other and said "2. 2 is a good number." I do not get baby fever at all. I see a cute baby and I think "How nice, not mine. How wonderful."
  20. I did not like the heavy check in with a certified teacher at the end but overall it was nice.
  21. If my child opens a present in the presence of the giver and thanks them at that time then no written thank you is required. Any gift received and opened without the giver in attendance gets a written thank you.
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