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Status Updates posted by ScoutTN

  1. Planned a get togther, cleaned the house, made some cookies, and I don't think anyone is going to come. Discouraging!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Critterfixer


      Now that sounds nice!

    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      But just think - your house is clean and you get to enjoy it! It's about the only time my house is ever truly clean.

    4. ScoutTN


      Mine too! ;)

  2. Dh lost his wedding ring in the yard while raking leaves. 5 hours of fruitless searching.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Critterfixer


      I feel like I need to make a LOTR joke, but I can't think of one.

    3. ScoutTN


      Ha ha, LOTR! I am going to have to think of. a good line to use with Dh about this when he is in a better mood. ;)

    4. trulycrabby


      Yay, you found it!

  3. Who made up "Giving Tuesday" anyway? Bah Humbug.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mathnerd


      I am getting tons of phone calls from organizations that I have never heard of asking for money. I have already given generously for the whole year.

    3. marbel


      Not to mention on facebook people being sure to let everyone else know that they donated to this or that charity. My family is very happy to donate as we can.

    4. SparklyUnicorn
  4. How I love Quizlet. Thank you, teachers and students who make these study sets!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hornblower



      I use Anki but I review daily.

    3. cintinative


      Yes! The Latin ones have been fantastic for us!


    4. Angie in VA
  5. Someone ate all the M&Ms out of the trail mix!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ScoutTN


      At least you had the courage to 'fess up! No one here does! ;)

    3. Kerileanne99


      See, that is just wrong.

      Revenge: have to eat the rest of the plain trail mix.

    4. ScoutTN


      Yep, got that plain trail mix packed for the pool this afternoon!


  6. Free theater tickets and dinner! Woohoo, a date!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScoutTN


      Thanks! Max McLean does an excellent show and we have not seen the new one, about C.S. Lewis' conversion, yet.


      Dh is not big on planning dates, and we are seriously no-spend this month, so this is lovely all around.

    3. cintinative
    4. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Sounds really special!

  7. Our library just raised the per card check out limit to 100 items!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. countrygal


      whoa. Ours has a check out of 8 but she always overrides that for us! lol (rural small library!)

    3. Tress


      That is...that is...I don't even have words. That is so awesome. We have a check out limit of 10 books a card.

    4. melbotoast


      I could get in a lot of trouble with that many books :)

  8. Header to the beach tomorrow! My kids have never been before.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GailV


      How fun that you get to go! Enjoy!

    3. gingersmom


      Wow! Have an amazing time!

    4. ScoutTN


      Thanks! Hoping for a nice, relaxing week.

      Definitely no formal schoolwork!

  9. Gingerbread men are taking over my kitchen!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScoutTN


      Only when they jump into my 6 yo's hands and run down the hall!

    3. LivingHope


      As fast as can be, you'll never catch me! Gingerbread is my favorite.

    4. ScoutTN
  10. Pretty day here... we went to the zoo. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScoutTN


      Ahh, the benefits of living in the South. I grew up in OH and I don't miss the winter!

    3. ladydusk


      Well ... we had the fridge die and a sick kid, so it was kind of a not so fun day. The cold should kill the bugs anyway :)

    4. ScoutTN
  11. Yikes! Major gas shortage here.This week's activities may need to be re-arranged.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elizabeth 2

      Elizabeth 2

      I wondered how much of an impact it would have.

    3. ScoutTN


      Oil rigs off the Tx coast have been down because of hurricanes so production is off some. Then a pipline burst near Birmingham, AL. Many gas stations here are closed and others have very long lines. Prices have gone up over 40 cents in two days.

    4. JennyD


      Is that what's going on?! I went to Costco today to fill up and was baffled by the long lines.

  12. Our grass is GREEN, not brown. Spring is here! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScoutTN


      hooray for the bees!

      We usually have lots of big fat ones but not many honeybees.

    3. Rosie_0801


      Our grass is going green too! Winter is coming! lol


    4. ScoutTN


      Hooray for green grass on both sides of the world!

  13. It's 60 degrees here today and my daffodils are peeking up! Time to plan my spring garden!

    1. HeWillSoar


      I saw forsythia in bloom down the road! It's very early for that.

    2. ScoutTN


      No forsythia here yet.

    3. Momof3littles


      So. Jealous. Snow on the ground here and COLD. Wah. Enjoy it for me :)

  14. Sigh...Will ds EVER learn the multiplication table?

    1. Crimson Wife

      Crimson Wife

      I felt that way with my 2nd. I tried everything I could think of. What finally worked was having him fill out a multiplication chart daily for months. I let him use the chart for his schoolwork but only if he filled it out completely first.

    2. Miss Marple

      Miss Marple

      One of my boys learned them while bouncing on the trampoline reciting the times table with me. Some studies show that memorization works better when doing something physical while reciting.


    3. SnMomof7


      Reflex Math - DD finally learned at 13.

  15. Too much Harry Potter? A friend asked ds about his science for next year (chemistry) and he called it Potions!

    1. purpleowl


      This is awesome. :)

    2. Momto6inIN


      No such thing as too much Harry Potter! lol

    3. Dmmetler


      I'm tempted to make Harry Potter book covers for DD's books...hmm...

  16. Seed catalogs are here! I



      Thanks for the reminder... mine came last month and got buried... The Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening is my latest book.. I haven't read many books on gardening.

    2. ScoutTN


      Dh had a major haelth crisis last summer so I grew mostly weeds. Hoping for good health and lots of veggies this year!



      My Square foot gardens and herb bed did great last year.. everything else suffered... raised beds were made but still, bugs and too much rain here did us in.



  17. My Odyssey needs a new transmission. Sigh!

    1. Kim in Appalachia

      Kim in Appalachia

      Oh, that stinks.:( How many miles does it have?

    2. MamaSprout


      Is is covered under the Transmission recall? I had an '01 that was six years ago.

    3. ScoutTN


      120K miles. It's an'03. No warranty or recall coverage. I'm thankful that we have the $ to have it fixed. DH found a transmission guy to do it for half of what the Honda place charges.

  18. Dh and kids and I are all home together. Such a small but glorious thing!

    1. Penguin


      Glorious, indeed :)

    2. creekland


      Glad to hear it! May recovery go well!

  19. Quizlet has my kids loving Latin vocab practice!

    1. Dmmetler


      My DD likes making her own games on Quizlet-awesome site :)


    2. Mommy22alyns


      We've been on Quizlet lately too, for Apologia Gen. Science!

  20. First summer tomatoes tonight! Yummmmm!

    1. Renai


      Wow, already? Lucky! Our plants are 3 inches tall.

    2. ScoutTN


      These came from my CSA farmer, who starts them early in tunnels. Mine are about 2 ft. tall, but no tomatoes yet.

  21. Woohoo! Finished for the year!

    1. Chrysalis Academy
    2. Critterfixer


      Let the summer fun begin!

  22. DS5: "Cars in your pockets make your pants fall down." He had 5 Hotwheels in each pocket!

    1. EKS


      Yes--once when I was about 5, I had the same thing happen, only instead of cars, it was rocks.

    2. ladydusk
  23. Ds hit his head on a table today 5 stitches at 8AM. Never boring here!

    1. ladydusk


      Ouch! Hope he's feeling better soon!

    2. ScoutTN


      I let him watch Liberty's Kids most of the day - drugged with a screen - to keep him still!

  24. How I love to cook bacon in the oven!

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      I've GOT to try that!

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      I cannot tell you how much we miss bacon! Have a piece for dd and me. Have two.:-)


  25. Woohoo! DS passed the swim test at the pool today!

    1. ladydusk


      Yippee! My son did that recently, he's so excited to jump off the diving boards!

    2. melmichigan


      It's so cool once they all pass.

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