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Are You a Homeschool Curriculum Junkie?

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How many on this forum will admit to being a Homeschool Curriculum Junkie?


Do tell why you feel you deserve this crown.




I admit that I am a HC junkie. I love to read homeschool catalogs and hop from site to site for the latest curriculum.


Although I have read up on several curriculums for my children, I am still not sure which curriculum I should buy. If I am not careful, I might just end up buying every homeschool curriculum there is.:lol:

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I'm no longer homeschooling, but I still love reading the catalogs. I just requested the Sonlight catalog, and I must admit I had a fleeting thought of using the British Lit core for myself. LOL.



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I buy everything.


I buy stuff I won't need for years, and by the time I need it, I either forget where I put it, or forget I ever had it and buy it again (only to find the original stuff a month or two later.)


I already have several (yes, several) potential complete curriculum choices, some purchased a long time ago, and others more recently, yet I keep looking at more options.


I honestly don't think it's healthy. I was probably better off last year, when I convinced myself that the BJU DVDs were working for us, and that I shouldn't shop for anything else. (Now, I've changed my mind about using BJU for everything and have already bought 5 different writing programs, three spelling programs, Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Redesigned, and two years' worth of Oak Meadow.


And I am completely and utterly confused about what to use. :confused:



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I buy everything.


I buy stuff I won't need for years, and by the time I need it, I either forget where I put it, or forget I ever had it and buy it again (only to find the original stuff a month or two later.)


I already have several (yes, several) potential complete curriculum choices, some purchased a long time ago, and others more recently, yet I keep looking at more options.


I honestly don't think it's healthy. I was probably better off last year, when I convinced myself that the BJU DVDs were working for us, and that I shouldn't shop for anything else. (Now, I've changed my mind about using BJU for everything and have already bought 5 different writing programs, three spelling programs, Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Redesigned, and two years' worth of Oak Meadow.


And I am completely and utterly confused about what to use. :confused:





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I admit it and I wish I weren't a junkie. But alas, my homeschool resource blog is just a portion of what I have used over the 22 years of homeschooling. But I am stuck now. Finally. With the Robinson Curriculum as our spine and A2 for supplements. Feels good to take a rest.:tongue_smilie:

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Well, I think I have enough history spines to make it to high school with all three children WITH NO REPEATS. Ugh. But I love history ...


I am already rethinking my next year even though I had already started buying next year and have so far discarded a writing and poetry program for the oldest and history for the youngest two, with the rationalization that it was all bought used anyhow, and all I am really out for the history is the used IG (um, cause I had most of the stuff for it already on the shelf :blink:). Usually buying the stuff is my clue to stop shopping for it, but not this year, I guess.


Oh, and I still have to buy math for the oldest, and there is a nice basket waiting there, along with a cart full of stuff at another site for the youngest two of their new all-in-one program that really better cure the sickness. Really. And I will literally have to sit on my hands or let my husband watch me place that order or the oldest will get her own level of the new curriculum too, even though I am totally satisfied with what she has.


I think my current sig line says it all for me.:blush:

Edited by Asenik
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I buy everything.




And I am completely and utterly confused about what to use. :confused:




BTDT. I'm a recovering curriculum junkie. But your post made me think of this quote:


A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure. ~Lee Segall


KISS!! Simple, simple, simple! Just keep telling yourself that! :)

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Who, ME???


Ummm, yup.


I am working on cataloguing our books, and I'm at about the 3000 mark. I think I might be about halfway through.


I use Biblioplan and supplement with Hentys, Landmarks, Sonlight titles, Veritas titles, and various titles I find on the internet. I was planning next year and found SIX biographies (various levels) of Ben Franklin on my shelf *sigh.* I have probably about five history spines, and I have not yet bought one for high school! I had to run out and get the DK one when we talked about it!


I am the go-to lady in my town for curricula ideas, and I lend books out regularly. My Cathy Duffy book might as well be installed in a revolving door in my house. I have about 50 books checked out of the library right this minute, and we go RELIGIOUSLY every week. Last week I made an annual pilgrimage to a fabulous homeschool used book store about four hours away and happily spent over two hours there and left with a large stack of great finds.


I don't jump ship a lot with major curricula, but I'm always swapping enrichment titles in and out. My husband has, over the years, learned to make a MEAN bookshelf. If we had to buy all the bookshelves we needed, we would be totally broke. And each child got their own, hand-made, full-size bookshelf this year that they will gradually fill and be encouraged to take with them to start their own families. I have a whole shelf dedicated to "keepsake curricula" that I envision like family heirlooms to pass down to the next generation--the best of the best.


I think I'm a sick puppy, but I must admit I like the atmosphere of lots of books in our home. Even when I'm behind the eight ball in reading and reviewing things . . . like I am right now.

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OK, I double-checked my library program, and I overstated. The current number is 2326. So I guess I have about 5000 total, although I hope to know for sure by the end of the summer.


But the last time we compared bookshelves, I was actually on the low side. I have about 12 full-size bookshelves. To me, that's 6-7 ft tall, 3 ft wide. And there were lots of people who had more bookshelves than me.

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Yes, I am a complete curriculum junkie. Considering, buying, and reading new curriculum is way more fun than actually teaching math facts! (I do teach math facts, I do, especially on the trampoline, but it's not as fun as going through my new CW Homer!)


I want it all. It's probably just as well that I'm broke and can't afford to buy all of it.:willy_nilly:

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Okay, I just did an estimate of our books. I came up with between 4500 and 5000. Now I want to really count. I'm not sure why.:001_smile:


I guess I am a curriculum junkie. My excuse has to be that we have been homeschooling for SO many years (since 1995) and different things have worked for different children. That, and I can't seem to part with anything.


We converted one of the bedrooms in our house to a library and had custom shelves built all the way around the room. We also have an 8ft high, 12ft long in our family room in the basement. We have some built in shelves in that room as well. Even so, there are books everywhere in our house.

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I am a reformed curriculum junkie, but it is a constant struggle. :) I still read up on the latest and greatest, pondering ways to somehow use it in our school. My kids get glassy-eyed everytime I pull out a new book. Poor things. But, I have realized the error of my ways and am purging, selling, purging and selling. I don't frequent the curriculum board like I used to. I am still, however, hopelessly addicted to books of all kinds. I love books. I get giddy when I find a great book on the library sale shelf or at Good Will. But, I'm running out of room so I will need to stop the madness soon.

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I'm no longer homeschooling, but I still love reading the catalogs. I just requested the Sonlight catalog, and I must admit I had a fleeting thought of using the British Lit core for myself. LOL.





I have thought the same thing, and was seriously considering this year since I already own more than 1/2 of the books. I have thought about getting the IG and remaining books and studying it myself.


As for my being a curric junkie, yeah that would be me. I buy EVERYTHING it seems, I currently have 2 math currics PLUS over a dozen supplementary books to use with our manips, 4-5 science currics PLUS 7 other spines to use if I ever get around to study those topics. I have changed my plans for next year 3 times now, and think I am settled, luckily I won't have the money to buy the remainder of my stuff until August. Oh did I mention I have enough materials here to hs for another 5-6 years WITHOUT buying anything new, but based on the plan I have for next year I will spend over $3000 on new materials. I have shelves of curric I will not use because I finally found what works in some subjects, or because I simply do not have time to cover everything.


What's worse is I was this way BEFORE homeschooling, I used to drool over the daycare catalogs, I also started gathering toys, clothes etc for my children when I was 12, I had almost everything I needed for ds1 before I even conceived him. I think it goes with that planning gene I have, and the fact I am a shopoholic and feel less guilty if it is geared specifically towards something important (like school)

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Yes! What you all said!:iagree::iagree:


Now THESE are all the homeschool rooms/houses I want to see! Because this kind of homeschooling stuff, just doesn't fit in a tote by the kitchen table!:lol:

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What's worse is I was this way BEFORE homeschooling, I used to drool over the daycare catalogs, I also started gathering toys, clothes etc for my children when I was 12, I had almost everything I needed for ds1 before I even conceived him. I think it goes with that planning gene I have, and the fact I am a shopoholic and feel less guilty if it is geared specifically towards something important (like school)



Don't forget the Lakeshore Learning catalog and store!!!!

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I think I'm a reformed (Ok, reforming) junkie. Because of the economy, we are forced to really cut out any major purchases. But it's OK, because we really have most of what we need with the exception of a few things.


We've been homeschooling since 1993/94 school year, and I think I have used or tried just about everything out there. I love the smell of new books and like to read catalogs before bed. :D


Over the past couple of years I seem to have found my niche and have begun to thin out the bookshelves to include only the books that we only really love or the ones that I want to pass down to the grandkids.


There is still a part of me that wants to yell out "but wait! I need....."

Thankfully, I can't just go out and buy it.;)

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I've not even started homeschooling ds yet (he's 4),but I've already got materials, books, curricula for the next several years! And I just keep collecting more. I'm one of those people that has to research everything I'm interested in (currently homeschooling) in depth. So I've been reading forums, blogs, yahoo groups, catalogs, magazines and practically every homeschooling book at our library (quite a lot), so that I feel "ready" once we do officially start.


I've got these big lofty plans, I just hope I can follow through!:tongue_smilie:

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I am a junkie. I don't buy everything, but I do spend way too much time working on rough outlines for high school... for my 5 and 6yos!


I have several detailed outlines for my 10yo. You know, because things change and I wouldn't want to be taken by surprise... 4 or 5 years from now.:w00t:

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Top 10 Signs Of A Curriculum Junkie


by Irene





You know youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re a Curriculum Junkie when:



10. You not only schedule your family vacations around your stateĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s annual homeschool convention but you also schedule your family vacations around your stateĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s surrounding stateĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s annual homeschool conventions.



9. Before leaving for a homeschool convention, you promise yourself that you are only going to look and not buy any curriculum and even leave your rolling cart behind at home as an incentive to not have to haul around heavy curriculum all day. But you end up buying another rolling cart at the home convention anywayĂ¢â‚¬Â¦and proceed to fill it up. TwiceĂ¢â‚¬Â¦maybe three times.



8. You add up your homeschool curriculum purchases for the year and they add up to more than you spent for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries and tithing combined.



7. Your 7-ft tall 6-shelf curriculum bookcase is so full that you can dedicate a complete shelf to each subjectĂ¢â‚¬Â¦and your child is only in Kindergarten.



6. Your 7-ft tall 6-self curriculum bookcase is completely full and so now you need to order another one for next yearĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s purchases. And your child is still only in Kindergarten.



5. YouĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re not only on a first name basis with your UPS delivery man but you know him so well that you get invited to his kidĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s birthday parties.



4. You lend out your curriculum to your homeschooling friends for them to Ă¢â‚¬Å“try outĂ¢â‚¬ before they buy because youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve never used it yourself to give them an honest review about it first-hand.



3. The last thing you read at night is the curriculum catalog that came in the mail that day.



2. The first thing you read in the morning is the curriculum catalog that came in the mail the day before.



And the Number 1 sign that you are a Curriculum JunkieĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.


1. You purchase a really cool curriculum and stow it on your brand new curriculum bookcase next to the exact same curriculum that you forgot you had already purchased the year before.

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Yes, yes, yes....

all of it.


I buy it, sell it, buy it again, sell it again, then tell myself I finally have figured out what we need to do, buy it again, throw all the catalogs away and when some nice person tries to tell me about a new and wonderful thing that will change the way I homeschool forever, I stick my fingers in my ears and yell, "BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH", then I begin the process of self-doubt, break down, and order the thing.


Hi, my name is Heather and I am a homeschool curriculum junkie.

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Yes, yes, yes....

all of it.


I buy it, sell it, buy it again, sell it again, then tell myself I finally have figured out what we need to do, buy it again, throw all the catalogs away and when some nice person tries to tell me about a new and wonderful thing that will change the way I homeschool forever, I stick my fingers in my ears and yell, "BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH", then I begin the process of self-doubt, break down, and order the thing.


Hi, my name is Heather and I am a homeschool curriculum junkie.


:grouphug: Admitting that you are a homeschool curriculum junkie, is the first step in the healing process.:D:lol:

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now I can go to bed (w/curriculum catalog in hand) without feeling so guilty. I've been paralyzed lately w/all the stuff I have and not knowing how to incorporate it into my well-thought out plan (today's plan that is). It's been a huge burden trying to overcome the feeling that since I bought it I have to use it. And there's just way too much stuff to do that. Right now my shopping carts at both Amazon and RR have at least $150 each in them waiting for me to hit the proceed to check out button.


I'm new to this board (altho 2d year hs'ing) and have spent every free moment in the evening learning even more from all of you. I keep wondering when I will arrive at the end of the hs curricula universe and know that I've uncovered every possibility out there.


Such relief at knowing I'm not alone.


And I did pull out one of my supplemental math books this week and the dc had a blast doing math that day (instead of their regular diet of Saxon and MUS). Of course, this just whet my appetite. LoF is in my cart at RR right now.



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My name is Imp, and I am a curriculum junkie fantasy addict.

I lack the funds to indulge, ya see, so I zoom from site to site drooling over different curric, daydreaming, clicking around, drooling some more.

I scared my dh recently. Like many a broke folk will, we were daydreaming about what we'd do with a lotto win. I immediately launched into all the curric I'd buy, from where, when, how much, what style, copy, etc...All he could manage to gasp out was, "I'm not shopping with you!" before he fled the room. :lol:

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My name is Imp, and I am a curriculum junkie fantasy addict.

I lack the funds to indulge, ya see, so I zoom from site to site drooling over different curric, daydreaming, clicking around, drooling some more.

I scared my dh recently. Like many a broke folk will, we were daydreaming about what we'd do with a lotto win. I immediately launched into all the curric I'd buy, from where, when, how much, what style, copy, etc...All he could manage to gasp out was, "I'm not shopping with you!" before he fled the room. :lol:




:lol: That is too funny. My daydreams for a lottery win include the big library and schoolroom to be built into my new home.


I love that top 10 list. I am not on a first name basis with the UPS driver, though the postal truck driver knows me well and knows we homeschool based on all the boxes that arrive int he fall and winter. And the teacher store I frequent puts items they think I might like aside for me when a new shipment comes in because I buy so much from them lol

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the moms at your monthly homeschool meeting mention either a new, an old, or unheard of (by most) curriculum and all turn to you for a full report. Not to mention the fact that you probably own it and therefore they can get a hands on look at it.


Oh, yes...I am truly a junkie. :blush:

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My name is Imp, and I am a curriculum junkie fantasy addict.

I lack the funds to indulge, ya see, so I zoom from site to site drooling over different curric, daydreaming, clicking around, drooling some more.

I scared my dh recently. Like many a broke folk will, we were daydreaming about what we'd do with a lotto win. I immediately launched into all the curric I'd buy, from where, when, how much, what style, copy, etc...All he could manage to gasp out was, "I'm not shopping with you!" before he fled the room. :lol:


For some reason I've got this mental picture of that Gollum from the Lord of the Rings movie.


He was so mesmerized by this golden ring. He kept saying, "Precious, my precious.":D

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I used to be, but I am happy to say that after 6 years of homeschooling, I no longer feel it is quite as extreme and I can go for months without thinking about curriculum nowadays. It is an interest, but my obsession with homeschooling is also diminished. It is interesting, and I still enjoy it, but its no longer what I think about all the time.

It is a relief to have moved on from being a curriculum junkie, and easier on the pocket!

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There I said it.


I come to these forums specifically to learn about new curriculum. I will try anything once. LOL I love catalogs and dog-ear so many pages I don't even think I make enough money in a month to buy it all. I have boxes and boxes of curriculum that I have started and never finished with and I use at least 5 books for each history and science year we do. Often I even find I have bought the same thing twice.:confused:

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I'm a CJ, but it isn't all bad. I pieced together SL Cores PK-4 and some WP when I discovered how to do it for cheap on half.com and although we won't really do some of those cores for another 3 or 4 years, I do love having all the books. Whenever we need to look something up or I want a tie-in to Nova or a new museum exhibit, I can visit my shelves and come up with something. I've also found that I need variety in order to stay motivated. It's very difficult for me to use the same program 2 years in a row with ds and then dd and not go stir crazy. I really need to mix it up and use something new with dd. The same thing applies if I need to reteach ds something. We both need a fresh approach to make it less drudgery.


I admire those families that can just buy Calvert or Abeka or all of SL and make it work year after year. But that's not us (okay, that's not me). Since we're in this for the long haul, my job satisfaction is very important to the smooth functioning of our homeschool and our home. New curricula is a relatively small price to pay for happy homeschoolers.

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the moms at your monthly homeschool meeting mention either a new, an old, or unheard of (by most) curriculum and all turn to you for a full report. Not to mention the fact that you probably own it and therefore they can get a hands on look at it.


Oh, yes...I am truly a junkie. :blush:



That's me!:iagree:

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For some reason I've got this mental picture of that Gollum from the Lord of the Rings movie.


He was so mesmerized by this golden ring. He kept saying, "Precious, my precious.":D



:smilielol5: Oh my gosh, that's too funny!

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I've not even started homeschooling ds yet (he's 4),but I've already got materials, books, curricula for the next several years! And I just keep collecting more. I'm one of those people that has to research everything I'm interested in (currently homeschooling) in depth. So I've been reading forums, blogs, yahoo groups, catalogs, magazines and practically every homeschooling book at our library (quite a lot), so that I feel "ready" once we do officially start.


I've got these big lofty plans, I just hope I can follow through!:tongue_smilie:


I wish we had some sort of "separated at birth" smilie-icon-thing, because I could have written your post five years ago... or yesterday, for that matter! (I guess the research and curriculum addictions are tough to kick!)



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Top 10 Signs Of A Curriculum Junkie





Ok, who's been spying on me?!?!?!?!




PS. I'm on a first-name basis with the UPS guy and the FedEx Guy, but I think the neighbors are beginning to suspect I'm having a torrid affair with the mailman. (Like I'd have time for that, unless he wanted to come in and do some vacuuming or something.)


Thankfully, he's cuter than both the UPS guy and the FedEx guy, so at least if anyone starts a vicious rumor, I'll be the envy of all of the neighborhood ladies... ;)

Edited by Catwoman
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Ok, who's been spying on me?!?!?!?!




PS. I'm on a first-name basis with the UPS guy and the FedEx Guy, but I think the neighbors are beginning to suspect I'm having a torrid affair with the mailman. (Like I'd have time for that, unless he wanted to come in and do some vacuuming or something.)


Thankfully, he's cuter than both the UPS guy and the FedEx guy, so at least if anyone starts a vicious rumor, I'll be the envy of all of the neighborhood ladies... ;)


That is too funny!:lol:

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