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Do you own a gun?

Do you own a gun?  

  1. 1. Do you own a gun?

    • Yes
    • Yes, but no ammo
    • No
    • No, but I use
    • Not yet
    • Used to
    • Don't know
    • Other

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My dh (before he was dh) bought a 22. We went out shooting in the desert a few times. When the other thread came up, I asked him where the ammo was. He said he didn't have any. I think I actually planted the idea so now he'll go buy some. The gun is in our bedroom, behind our bed.



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I was raised in a hunting family. My dad used to own a small gun business. He always kept a hand gun available for emergencies and showed us where he kept the ammo and how to load it once we were old enough.


I am definitely the black sheep in that regard, as I do not hunt, have no desire to hunt, and no desire to own a gun. I am thankful that dh is the same. He seems to enjoy hunting sometimes with my dad and the rest of the family but has yet to suggest that we own a gun.

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Yep. I have very fond memories of going into the barnyard and shooting at beer cans with my grandpa from pretty early on. I take my kids shooting with me when I go and they have a healthy respect for guns. My dh grew up in Chicago where only bad guys had guns - as he has spent time shooting with my dad, he has come around to realize that target shooting is fun and guns aren't inherently bad. We have lots of military friends, so most people we know have guns too.

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When I lived rurally, forty-five minutes from town, in a neighborhood of summer homes, so that we were alone up there most of the year... my husband's best friend, who lived in a trailer on our property and shared meals and a bathroom, childcare, etc., with us, kept a gun. Not for people. For mountain lions.


My kids were 1 and 3 when we moved away, and Rusty's kids were 12 and 14, and it was locked away all of the time, bullets locked away elsewhere. We were all much more worried that they'd get into my husband's bows and arrows. My ex insisted on keeping them out and handy. Indeed, when Rusty's younger son was 11, we came home to find the boy crying, feeling guilty 'cause he had pinned a chipmunk to a tree without killing it. I don't think I've ever seen Rusty madder... and my husband locked away the archery equipment after that!


But that little detail -- gun and ammo in different places, both locked up -- is so very important to me. Also, for wildlife, not for people, that's important to me too.

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I have to say though that the choice "Don't know" makes me giggle a bit. I can see not knowing if maybe your dh had one squirreled away somewhere, but if you owned one you'd know right?


I usually try to put in some funny answers but haven't lately because there seem to be more posters that aren't familiar with me or my standard attempts at humor.


I wanted to put something like, "No, but I will if [insert poster's name] moves into town!"

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I usually try to put in some funny answers but haven't lately because there seem to be more posters that aren't familiar with me or my standard attempts at humor.


I got it. Some people have no sense of humor though. I don't know how they survive. :D

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"Not yet" is the best answer I can come up with.


Where we live (the kind of rural that makes you think you must be safe, but with the same kind of crime as everyone else), I'd like to have one. We may not be high crime, but regional police can take quite a while to arrive! Of course, I would never own one without first having the proper training. And I have no idea when I'll manage to swing that!


OTOH, we plan to move back to civilization eventually. For me, the cons (no pun intended) might outweigh the pros at that point.


We do have BB rifles that look pretty scary from a distance!

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It depresses you that half of us do and half of us don't?


It saddens me that, if we use this board as a sampling of the wider population, (at least) half of the people in this country own guns. Although as I alluded to in my original post to this thread, in my own community the percentage of gun ownership is far, far higher.

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I thought about posting this same poll question last night. Then I decided not to because I had a feeling the results would depress me. I was right.


But I hate guns! The ones we have are more like pieces of history, war relics a grandfather gave to his grandson (things he brought back from the war). We also have a German officer's sword too. Would knives and swords also depress you?


We have never used them, nor do we plan to. Not everyone who owns a gun is going to shoot someone or something with it. Just hoping to add a small caveat to the results.

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But I hate guns! The ones we have are more like pieces of history, war relics a grandfather gave to his grandson (things he brought back from the war). We also have a German officer's sword too. Would knives and swords also depress you?


We have never used them, nor do we plan to. Not everyone who owns a gun is going to shoot someone or something with it. Just hoping to add a small caveat to the results.


Put me in this group. A gun with no ammo - not much good - which is fine by me.


Oh, we do have two antique guns that I didn't count. They don't even work - missing some of the pieces parts.



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I put myself in the "not yet." I don't feel the need right now, and with small children would not want to get them if I didn't feel a strong need, iykwim.


I would get one and get trained on it if I felt the need with no hesitation.


My mother works as a correctional officer and has a handgun, and her husband hunts. When my kids are older I would like them to teach my kids to handle them safely, have them take a course (maybe I could take it with them).


I'm as liberal as they get but have never had anything against guns.

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It saddens me that, if we use this board as a sampling of the wider population, (at least) half of the people in this country own guns. Although as I alluded to in my original post to this thread, in my own community the percentage of gun ownership is far, far higher.



Actually ... and I don't mean to depress you further, but... it's statistically likely that more than half of the people in your country have guns based on this poll because a significant number of the people who have voted and posted that they don't have guns are not from your country. However, I wouldn't say that the sampling of people on this board in any way resemble the Americans I know and have known, including the time I lived in the US and the time I haven't.

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Guest Katia
But I hate guns! The ones we have are more like pieces of history, war relics a grandfather gave to his grandson (things he brought back from the war). We also have a German officer's sword too. Would knives and swords also depress you?


We have never used them, nor do we plan to. Not everyone who owns a gun is going to shoot someone or something with it. Just hoping to add a small caveat to the results.


:iagree: I voted *no* that I don't have a gun because *I* don't.


My dh, however *does*, but it is some old......shotgun? I don't know. It's old, and has been wrapped in a blanket that is wrapped completely with duct-tape and stored in the back of our closet for the last 26 years. No ammo. And it's probably all rusted and wouldn't shoot anyhow.


I think it was dh's grandfathers and that's why he has it. More like for a memento, kwim?


But just because there is one in our home doesn't mean it will ever be used to shoot someone or something. I suppose at one point in time dh's grandfather used it on deer and rabbits. Were he alive today, he would be in his 100's.......so it was a loooonnnnggg time ago that this old firearm was used!

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I'm glad the bad guys aren't the only ones with guns.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I hear this oft-repeated perspective. Suffice it to say knowing I'm surrounded by people who own guns doesn't make me feel any safer than if that weren't the case.

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I will never forget the day that my grandmother snuck my grandfather's gun out of the house. It was a major covert family operation. He never knew, until the day he died, that he didn't have a gun.



We have several guns.

But we don't really keep them for self-defense.

I'm sure dh would use them in self defense if it was necessary, but we both realize there are 768,000 steps to take in preparing for self defense, and getting a gun is one of the last steps. he's more comfortable w/ a baseball bat ;)



When i filed for divorce, I did so when he was out on an errand and took all the guns down to the police station for safe keeping.


My eldest helped load them quietly so the other 4 wouldn't see. Then I dropped the kids w/ a friend and drove to the police. I knew the other kiddos wouldn't be able to NOT say where the guns were. But my oldest realized all too well the covertness of the situation.


DH realized w/in hours that they were missing. In his zeal to retrieve the guns [i.e. driving to friends' houses asking if they had the guns], he never thought about them being at the police station where he could have checked them out at any time as the legal owner.......or he realized later that if he did get them out, he'd be REALLY screwed. i haven't asked him which applies yet.


we went down and picked them up after the divorce was final. I'm content w/ the way things have gone so far.




and that's ok Colleen --I'm sure many here don't know whether to laugh or cry at your comments either. ;)

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wouldn't own one even if it was legal here.



Unfortunately, looking at the news, it appears that only the bad guys in Mexico own one.


Does that mean that laws don't work? Hmmm..... I suppose we all know the answer to that one.

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