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Would love to hear what you are doing for 3rd grade


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Which may be revised after the year is over and we evaluate how it went:


Singapore + BJU math (but I'm testing the MEP free math right now)

Lively Latin

Copy, dictation and narration based on WWE (Writing with Ease)


SOTW 3 for history

R.E.A.L Science Life



Reading from the library

Art at the local art school

She wants to try the National Mythology Exam this year so that will take up what would be our literature time.

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Bible: We use the Book of Life to supplement our Bible reading; but are using a Responsibility Bible Study right now and are going to start another missionary lapbook soon.

Math: Abeka Arithmetic 3

Penmanship: A Reason for Handwriting - Transition

Reading: various ( Doors to Discovery reader by Christian Light and chapter books <she's really into Katie Kazoo>) & we're using an old program I found at our homeschool library called SRA Reading Power (to build thinking skills-only 2x a week)

History: SOTW 2 (with siblings)

Language Arts: LLTL yellow book, with Write Away handbook and worksheets for reinforcing concepts that are brought out in LLTL

Writing: paragraphs and 3 paragraph essays (no particular program); starting to incoporate IEW methods-outling and rewriting

Spelling: Spelling Power (3x a week)

Vocab: Wordly Wise (2x a week)

Typing: Typing Instructor Deluxe (2x a week)

Piano Lessons

Science: This has been hit and miss this year. We started out with Considering God's Creation (did a few sections; it just wasn't holding our attention); did a lapbook on bees after we studied insects; picked up an Abeka health reader at our homeschool library and have been reading and discussing that; we just started back using CGC this past week-studying the human body)


We really enjoyed the Elementary Apologia Astronomy that we used last year; I highly recommend it. It was lots of fun. I will probably use one of those next year with my 4th grader and Ker. I'm surprised at how much we are enjoying LLTL. Many here think it's light, but I'm finding that it hits on everything and I love how it teaches grammar through literature. It also includes spelling, but we were already using Spelling Power and decided to stick with it.




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As of right now, this is the plan...due to change!


Math-Right Start level C (we are a bit behind)


History/Literature/Geography-Tapestry of Grace Y2U4-Y3U?


Science-child lead learning...they (I will have a 1st grader too)have expressed interest in the human body, the sea and tidepools, chemistry, and lots of different animals. We use lots of living books, various worksheets, notebooking pages, lapbooks, experiments, and field trips. We will also continue doing our nature study informally.


Writing-IEW SWI Level A;have not decided if we will continue with WWE as well.


Latin-Latin for Children A


Grammar-Growing With Grammar 3

Spelling-??????????? Spelling Power or Phonetic Zoo???????????


Misc.-Mindbenders, MCP maps charts and graphs


Through our charter school he will continue taking-Drawing, Music Appreciation, P.E., and Science (Astronomy).


We are also looking into him playing the violin.

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Singapore Math & MUS (finished Beta and started Gamma)


Easy Grammar 3/4 (because we already owned it)


Pathways Reader (because we already owned it, but it makes it easy for him to read to dh)


Spelling Workout (but we're switching--this program did not work, nor did my favourite, Spelling Power)


Handwriting Without Tears Cursive (love this program)




RS4K Chemistry


Swim lessons


I know I'm missing things we do. We haven't yet started Latin, although I meant to, nor have we started German, which he's begging to start (RS). We school year round, so I'm going to add these by the end of the spring.

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What we've used this year:


Math - Dd finished the Miquon series and worked in several levels of Developmental Math, stopping with Level 12. She's done some work in Key to Measurement and Key to Fractions, and is currently working through Life of Fred Fractions. Math comes very easily to her, though.


Spelling - All About Spelling

Grammar - Growing With Grammar

Writing - Writing Tales 1


Literature - various selections from 1600-1850 plus historical fiction, concentrating on the US


History - SOTW 3, supplementing US history with a variety of books


Science - The Elements


Music, Art, Drama - outsourced through Master's Academy

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This is the tentative plan for my middle DD, who is a 3rd grader next year:


Grammar: Rod & Staff English 3

Spelling: All About Spelling 1

Writing: WWE 2 and CLE cursive handwriting book

Phonics: Little Angels phonics D

Math: Abeka Math 3

Science: Apologia YE Zoology 1

Religion: Faith and Life 3

Social Studies: Sonlight Core 1


And piano lessons, YMCA homeschool PE, and either swimming or martial arts. I would live to add in Prima Latina, but not until phonics is completely over and done!


* Continuing where we leave off this year and subject to changes because I am notorious for not completely making up my mind until August! *

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Bible: Rod & Staff 3 Reading which is all Bible

Math: RightStart D - supplementing with Singapore CWP 2 & Kumon workbooks

Reading: Highland Summer Reading list and lots of History books fromt eh library

History: SOTW 3 (with siblings)

Writing: Writing Tales 1, going slower than normal

Grammar: R&S Grammar 3

Spelling: SWR

Latin: Latina Chrisitana I

Memory: Bible Memory at church

Science: We did Apologia Exploring Botany the 1st half of the year and then finished the year with Chemistry a la WTM

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This is our tentative schedule for next year. I'd like to pretend it's all going to come together, but you just never know!


Math: CLE

Reading: Sonlight + other good books (Tanglewood 3rd selections)

History: Sonlight Core 1

Writing: Finish WWE 2 and start WT1

Grammar: CLE

Spelling: AAS or use from CLE

Science: undecided. Earth/Space

Latin: Prima Latina

Memory work: various sources (poems, Bible verses, etc.)

Music: Music Ace & Themes to Remember

PE: enrichment program + swimming & ice skating

Art: enrichment program & some sort of art appreciation?

Logic: Detective Club (Prufrock Press)

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My dd's just finishing up 3rd:


Math: Sinapore 3A/B, Math Detective, Math Mosaics, Code Breakers

History: Modern US history (with siblings)

Writing: Writing class, WWE 2

Penmanship: Getty Dubay Italic D

Grammar: Editor in Chief, Mad Libs, Grammar Rock

Spelling: Sequential Spelling

Reading: Book Club w/ Literature Circles, assigned reading from history

Vocab: Word Roots

Science: Science coop including RS4K Chem Pre-level 1

German: German Sat. School

Spanish: EspaĂƒÂ±ol para chicos y grandes level 1

Logic: Mind Benders

Music: Piano lessons, chorus


gymnastics, skating, tennis (not all at the same time :))

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Daily, my eight-year-old third grader does


Composition - Writing With Ease 2,

Latin - Lively Latin,

Greek - Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek Book 2,

Maths - Singapore Math 3 (both A & B books)

Music - the Pianimals series

Drawing - Create a Sketch Vision Dexterity Focus

Memory work - selections from Andrew Campbell's Living Memory and other materials


Weekly, my eight-year-old does


History - a hodge podge I put together on the Middle Ages

Science - also a hodge podge I put together + Oak Meadow Earth Science Syllabus

Religion - Norse Myths by the D'Aulaire's + Hands of a Child lapbook kit

Literature - Favorite Medieval Tales by Mary Pope Osborne, King Arthur, Robin Hood

Geography - We're all over the place on this one too because the kids love geography. We took a break from that to do an intense little child-directed unit on the United States, but we are now back to Evan-Moor Antarctica.

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Math: TT6 and Life of Fred

Science: Noeo Science

Writing: Writing Tales

Grammar: FLL4

History: SOTW CD's

Spelling: Spelling Power

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Several Critical Thinking Co books: Novel Thinking, Math Detective, Word Roots, Vocab Smarts

Several Tin Man Press books

Piano Lessons

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We'll be doing 3rd grade in the fall, with a boy who, as of right now, is still not really reading.


Math - Right Start C/D


Grammar - FLL 3


Writing - WWE


Phonics/Spelling - combo of ETC and AAS


Handwriting - Cursive First


Literature - LCC selections


History - TOG Y3-4 LG


Science - child-led


We may or may not start Latin this year, depending on how his reading goes.

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For my 3rd grader in the fall:


Singapore Math

Writing with Ease 3

Growing with Grammar 3

Latina Christiana I

Spelling ? Still need to decide

SOTW 3 plus more American History with Time Travelers and lots of books

Science--Probably Chemistry using either Elemental Science or REAL Science Odyssey

Outdoor Hour Challenges

Finish Artistic Pursuits book 2, beyond that I don't know what I'm using for art

Piano lessons

Scriptures and tons of library books

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We're finishing 3rd grade this year.


History, Geography, Literature: TOG Y2

Bible: Discover 4 Yourself - Kay Arthur

Reading: Read all Sonlight 2 Intermediate readers and TOG literature selections

Math: Singapore 3B/4A. About to start Key to Fractions.

Language Arts: Character Quality Language Arts. (Includes copywork, dictation, grammar, writing, etc.)

Spelling: Sequential Spelling

Handwriting: Reason for Handwriting level C. Switching to Happy Scribe for the rest of the year.

Science: Noeo Biology I

Art: Artistic Pursuits

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This year my 3rd grader did (or is still doing):


Bible/History/Science/Art/Music: Adventures in My Father's World (MFW)


Language Arts: LLATL Yellow, HWT Cursive


Math: BJU 3, switched to Singapore


Latin: Song School Latin, Minimus, Latin's Not So Tough 1


My upcoming 3rd grader will be doing:


Bible/History/Science/Art/Music: MFW- Creation to Greeks


Language Arts: LLATL Yellow, Spellwell


Math: Singapore 2A/B


French: Ecoutez! Parlez! Book 1

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CLE Math / Singapore


Language Arts


R&S spelling

Writing With Ease--also adding some creative writing

CLE Reading



Adventures in My Father's World




Critical Thinking wkbks-from Prufrock Press and Critical Thinking Co.


music/art/PE/library/computer/Spanish-- co-op one day per week


swimming lessons, sports skills class

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This is what my 3rd grade son will use next year.


  • Growing with Grammar 3
  • Writing with Ease 2
  • Bob Jones Spelling 3
  • Christian Light Reading
  • Christian Light Math
  • Christian Light Science
  • Christian Light Social Studies

I'm also thinking of using Characater Quality Language Arts for spelling, grammar & writing instead of 3 separate that I mention above. Still deciding though.


My current 3rd grader is using


R&S Spelling 4

Writing Tales 1

Singapore 2/A, 2B & 2A Intensive

CLE for Science, History & Reading

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Math: Continue RightStart (level D now) with a bit of Singapore thrown in


Language Arts: WWE3, FLL3, Spelling Workout (level D now), cursive practice, lots of reading and some creative book reporting


Science: Animals and Plants (maybe with REAL Science), plus stray chemistry experiments


History: a change here - we were doing the WTM rotation but just finishing Ancients now. However, with our move East, we are going to focus on American next year to tie in to lots of field trips.


Art/Music: Themes to Remember, Artistic Pursuits, piano


PE: swim team (maybe just a summer thing), YMCA soccer and basketball


Plus Cub Scouts and church stuff.

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My youngest is currently in second. Here's the tentative plan for her next year.


Math-Right Strat C (currently in B, yes we're behind) probably adding in some Singapore.



My dream is that I will write my own curriculum for the Little House series over the summer incorporating literature, grammar, writing (using the WWE copywork, narration, and dictation plans without the workbooks), spelling, vocabulary, and all things English. I also want to take field trips to a bunch of Laura Ingalls Wilder sites and maybe throw in a few arts/crafts projects which my dd totally digs even though I'm not that great at actually doing them.


Whether I end up pulling that off or not, we will definitely do:

GWG-She just finished her phonics program about a month ago and we started GWG 1 because I have this thing for starting at the beginning. I'm thinking we can move through 1 and 2 pretty quickly and will probably catch up to GWG 3 sometime in her 3rd grade year.


ETC-She is currently on book 4 and likes it well enough, so we will just continue. I don't have any particular goals as to what books she will complete when. We just start the next one when she finishes the one she's on.


AAS-I am having all of my kids do this together. We are currently about half way through Book 2 and will keep going at our own pace. Hopefully we'll finish Book 2 this year and get through books 3 and 4 next year.


All of her other subjects are folded in with her big brothers. My 6th grader is doing k12 for everything except math and I have my youngers do history, art (aligned with history), and science along with him.

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Only a month and a half left of Third grade and this is what we have done:


History--Story of the World at the rate of 1 chapter per week, she colored the map or coloring pages while I read.


Latin--Finished Minimus and started Lively Latin in January. Lively Latin has been great.


Composition--Classical Writing Aesops




Lapbooks--She picks a topic and we learn about it over a 2 to 4 week period and lapbook the results.


Science--outdoors, the garden, life, pet rabbits, etc. We also used My Pals are Here but she wants more experiments.


Literature--she reads a variety of books on her own. Her love is graphic novels especially Baby Mouse.




Physical education--swim in the summer, gymnastics this spring, playgroup on Fridays.


It has been an excellent year for us and we have made a lot of progress.:001_smile:

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For my 8ds:


Explode the Code 7 & 8

Writing with Ease

CLE Reading (maybe)

Sylvan 3rd grade spelling or Spelling Workout C

Wordly Wise 3000 3rd grade

MUS Gamma

Evan-Moor Daily Math Practice

BJU Science 3 from Covenant Home Curriculum

BJU Heritage Studies 3 & 4 from Covenant Home Curriculum

Sonlight readers

Song School Latin or Greek Code Cracker

Bible for Children 1-or-continue Rod & Staff Bible Readers

Truth and Grace Memory Book

Perplexors A

lots of golf with Dad; soccer

unsure about arts-we attended Master's Academy of Fine Arts this year but don't know if we can swing it next year

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Here is what we are planning for next year for my son. This is similiar to what is sister did for 3rd grade so I am hoping he can handle it. It is a BIG jump from what I expected of him in 2nd grade.



Math- Abeka 3


Language- Abeka 3 with Daily Grams


Vocab- Worldly Wise


Spelling- AAS?


Handwriting- Copy Work and begin Abeka Cursive


Writing- Super Sentence and super paragraph by evan moor, then IEW?



History/Literature- Sonlight Core3 with Famous People Study


Science- Co-Op


Geography- Evan Moor Daily Geography


Logic- Teddy bear logic and maybe building thinking skills?


Typing- Sponge Bob


Music- piano lessons and Music Ace


Art- Co-Op


Spanish- LaClase Divertida and complete book of spanish


PE- karate, gymnastics, soccer, and home school PE

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This year we did/are doing:

Horizons 2A & B. Finished. Memorizing math facts and doing math worksheets.

MP Copybook 3 & English for the Thoughtful Child

Reading 1/2 hr- 1 hour a day-usually Usborne, historical fiction or Kingfisher

Science-working through the Tiner books with his ds

Memory work: Poetry, Bible, history, grammar, math, latin, Latin sayings, IEW's poetry, etc using LM, CC, etc.


Prima Latina

SOTW Modern Age

TeenPact 1-day

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Next year our plan for 3rd grade (age 8) is:

Adventures in MFW (two oldest will be doing this together)

Horizons Math 3



Spelling Power

Latina Christiana I


Adventures in MFW integrates history (geography and US), science, art and Bible. We will add reading from Sonlight Core 3 reading list throughout the year. HTH

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This was our first year homeschooling and we started out with the basics, then added things in as the year went along. Right now we're doing the following:


SOTW1 (including recommended readings)

R&S English 3


MUS Delta (finished Gamma before Christmas)

Prima Latina

Science (combination of Adventures with Atoms, Usborne and KF)

typing (Dancing Mat)

Art History (hit or miss)


We had a spelling and vocabulary program, but Elle didn't care for either of them and we've just been working on both using words from her readings.

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For DD2 next fall this is what I have so far:


MATH: Singapore Primary 3A and 3B with Miquon Yellow and Purple



HANDWRITING: copywork switching over to dictation


READING: daily assigned reading from 1000 Good Books List that is narrated to Mom

HISTORY: Ancients with older sister

SCIENCE: to be decided

LATIN: Prima Latina


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We will be using:


3rd grade English paces

WWE 2-for composition

Spelling-Rod and Staff spelling 3 (Also some dictation from Spelling Plus Dic.)

Reading-Pathway readers 3rd grade level-no workbooks, just oral buddy reading and narrations. Also lots of trade library books for reading and pleasure.


Math-CLE (level 2, hopefully we will work our way up to 3 within the year. If we don't, that's okay too, since CLE's math is spiral and introduces things earlier than mastery math programs.


Science and Social Studies/History-I'm thinking Abeka, but not sure yet. I'm still thinking about this one.


Bible-Bible Study Guide


I buy art supplies, he creates drawings, paintings, and crafts. :)


I'm a big believer of strong language skills from k-3rd, so serious history and science study will begin from 4rth grade on up. :)





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Language Arts:

Oak Meadow 3 supplemented with Natural Speller



HWOT Cursive



Saxon Math 3



Oak Meadow 3, supplemented (probably) with various library books



History Odyssey Ancients (he asked for ancients) supplemented with stories from Oak Meadow 3

Local (county) history a couple of times a month


Art & Music Appreciation:

monthly studies of various artists



Art class and Spanish class at charter school

Gymnastics and/or martial arts

May add in very loose use of English From the Roots Up

Will probably listen in on/participate in younger sister's nature studies (Oak Meadow)

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Language Arts:

Rod and Staff 3

Spelling Workout C/D

Reason for Handwriting C

IEW Student Writing Intensive A

Lots of reading, trying to use a few comp guides this year inc. selections from VP Narnia and others



Horizons 3, MUS Gamma



1/2 year Earth Science, 1/2 year WP Animal Worlds with younger sister



Ancient History with MOH as spine (along with older sibs)



VP Bible Cards


Foreign Languages:

Latina Christiana 1/Minimus

Hey Andrew Greek, Level 2


Extra: violin, orchestra, tennis

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We're winding down 1 third grader and will have another one next year.


This year we did


Singapore 3a &b

FLL3 with WWE

Sequential Spelling

Wordly Wise


Exploration Education Physical science (not great - we won't be doing it again)


Wow, that doesn't look like a whole lot, but we keep plenty busy. The 2nd and 3rd grader are doing the same Wordly Wise, Sequential Spelling, SOTW and science.


ETA: We're also doing HWOT Cursive for both of the older girls and Bible copywork.

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Guest janainaz

Math: Saxon 5/4

Latin: Prima Latina

Grammar: FLL3 (First Language Lessons)

Writing: WWE - Year 2

Spelling: Spelling Workout D

History: SOTW 3

Science: God's Design for Science (Universe, Earth Science....)

Handwriting: My ds does 75% of his writing in cursive


We do everything 4 days a week. The fifth day we read our supplemental reading (history, literature, science, etc.).

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Math: Horizons 3 then 4 (we're half way through 3 now)

Bible: CLE 3 then R&S 3 (we do bible daily and CLE is only for 2-3 times a week) and MFW ECC

Reading: CLE officially, then tons of fun and assigned reading

Social Studies:MFW ECC

Language Arts: (grammar, writing, spelling, penmanship) CLE 3 and Imitations Aesop's

Piano Lessons

Spanish - La Clase 2 or Rosetta

Art - Altieir

Science: ECC, lots of fun stuff locally

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HMMMM. . . .

This is what I will do the NEXT time I teach 3rd grade (obviously not necessarily what we're doing now:D):


HOD Bigger Hands for His Glory - History and Bible

Rod and Staff English 3

A Beka 3rd grade Math

One of the Jeannie Fulbright Apologia books for science (we used Botany with my oldest this year and we've really enjoyed it)

HWT Cursive

Drawn Into the Heart of Reading

Artistic Pursuits


You don't want to know EVERYTHING we did this year. This year was the year of waking up and realizing I need everything more streamlined if I'm going to teach two children:lol: I'm waaayyyyy excited about next year.




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Hi, I'm really new here but here's what my 3rd grader is doing this year:


Science: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, miscellaneous other experiments/discussions as they come up (like throwing boiling water into the air to make snow and sprouting seeds in the kitchen)

Reading: anything he can get his hands on -- esp. comics, Hardy Boys, historical biographies, sports stories, Sugar Creek Gang, Freddy the Pig, etc.

LA: LLTL yellow, CTC Language Smarts C

Logic: CTC Mind Benders

Handwriting/Drawing: Reason for Handwriting B and starting cursive transition book soon, plus Draw Right Now

Math: Horizons Math 4, just started 5, adding Life of Fred soon.

History: Diana Waring Ancient Civ, plus some from Learning Adventures (stuck on Ancient Egypt right now and will probably be here for awhile)

Misc: piano, Cub Scouts, basketball, baseball, football,

Art, Science (Astronomy/Weather) and Gym classes through our local co-op 2x monthly, and lots of legos time.


Sheesh, I was feeling like I wasn't doing enough with him lately; I feel a little better about myself after listing all that, haha!


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Hobbes is in third grade this year. He is doing:


Galore Park Junior English 2

Singapore Maths

Some extra maths drill

A British handwriting book

SOTW3 plus Our Island Story and This Country of Ours

Teaching Physics with Toys (thanks for the tip, Jessica)

Logic Countdown

Recorder From the Beginning

Various music/art history

Various art

Mandarin at community school

Greek for beginners

Galore Park French book 1

Running every day; Karate and riding once a week each



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My son starts grade 3 this fall.


Bible Study: Bible, bible stories, worksheets

Math: Horizon, worksheets, white board drills, some pc work

Science: A mish/mosh of various subjects. Looking to implement chemistry as main focus.

Social Studies: A mish/mosh of our own creation.

History: SOFT 3 plus a workbook we enjoy focusing on American History. DS is also a war buff. We study wars and he journals, draws, etc.

Second language: Chickasaw American Indian, sign language, latin, some Japanese

Composition: Writing With Ease?, Creative stories, journals, letter writing, thank you notes, etc

Music/Art: Our own mish/mosh - weekly

PE: Martial Arts, basketball, outdoor stuff daily

Spelling: Spelling Workbooks D, E - plus little drills I like to throw at him

Handwriting: Handwriting without tears

Literature: Lots of various books, every day.




I am still wondering if I should get Writing With Ease? Not sure, not sure.




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Here's my 3rd grader is doing this year:


Bible: Explorer's Bible Study

Math: Abeka Math 3, Singapore 3A, Abeka Math 4 (just started)

Grammar: Abeka Language 3

Spelling: All About Spelling level 1,2,3

Composition: Just Write, Writing with Ease

Science: Abeka and Library books

History: Sonlight Core 2

PE: Gymnastic, Bowling, Baseball, Floor Hockey

Music/Arts: Co-OP Classes

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Okay, oldish thread, but I'm back from our HS conference, and want to see this in writing. :)


Language Arts

Writing Tales I

HWOT Cursive



Miquon, last two books



Easy Classical Geology, Weather, and Astronomy



Grapevine Studies



Thinking about HOD, Bigger Hearts, also for lit and music



La Clase Divertida



Mark Kistler's Mini-marshmallows drawing lessons



Hope to do some sport thing for phy ed this summer

Probably Cub Scouts and piano lessons too

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Grammar: FLL 3

Composition: WWE (1? 2? 3? currently in 2 and getting a good narration is like pulling teeth. Don't even ask how dictation goes around here.)

Reading: my own made-up reading list - a mishmash of other reading lists

Spelling: AAS

Math: Horizons 3 + our own math games and hands-on activities

Bible: continue in our children's Bible and Keys for Kids

Penmanship: only if he can't yet write cursive for other subjects - if he can, then I will require neat cursive writing for some and consider that penmanship. If not, either Abeka Writing w/ Phonics 3 or my own: passages from Scripture, history, and science to trace/copy in cursive.

PE: TKD, soccer, Homeschool Family Fitness

Logic: Mindbenders, Logic Liftoff, games & fun stuff

Latin: looking @ the one Logos School uses... I think it's called Latin Primer?

Music: guitar lessons? Themes to Remember? Classical Kids Collection?

Science: Earth & Space Science using one of these: R.E.A.L., RS4K, God's Design Series, Apologia, TOPS learning, Christian Kids Explore... research for this is pending. :D

Nature Walks/journaling: using Comstock's (sp?) book

History: THE BIGGIE THAT COULD CHANGE IT ALL. Currenlty on course to move onto SOTW 2 +AG for 3rd gr., but have been highly distracted and tempted by SL, TOG, and MFW, with a light draw to VP. Some of these, if chosen, could change the choices for other subjects above completely. :tongue_smilie:

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