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When you wake up in the morning, do you feel energized and refreshed?

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Or do you feel like you just want to burrow your head back in and sleep for 6 more hours, no matter how much sleep you got? I don't think I've ever had a morning in my life where I swung my legs out of bed and hopped up, energized and ready to face the day. I'm starting to wonder if that's just something you see in commercials :confused:


The backstory is that I'm trying to create a routine for myself that includes regular waking and bedtimes. I LOVE the feeling of being up early in the morning, but unfortunately, whether by body chemistry or by (many, many) years of habit, I'm a total night owl. I've been fighting and fighting with myself to get to bed early, but no matter what, I just cannot seem to drag my tail out of bed before 8 a.m. I guess I'm wondering if it's normal, and whether the energy part comes after you've been up for a little while. Can you share your experience?



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The only time in recent history that I was ready to greet the day, my oldest dd came down to tell me, quite loudly that my ds had peed on the floor of the bathroom. He waited just a tad bit too long to go. I was terribly groggy until I hear the pinging of something dripping into my bedroom. The jumping out of bed happened when dd says "Oh and it's dripping through the floor onto your bed now." :glare: I usually get to bed at 10 at the latest and I am never bright eyed and bushy tailed.

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If I go to bed by 9:30, I am very able to get up and feel cheerful and energetic, just like in the commercials. ;) However, by nature I'm a night owl (it's 11:30 here now!), and I pay for it the next day when I let myself stay up too late. Even then, though, I force myself to get up early. Life falls apart here if I sleep late. Then, the energy comes later, after my walk.


FWIW, I've found melatonin at night makes a big difference in my ability to go to sleep earlier, and exercise in the early morning gives me more energy for the day.

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I am a night owl too and an insomniac so I take whatever sleep I can get and if it comes at 10:00 am or 1:00 pm so be it. The one unbreakable rule in this household is: don't wake mom! ever! for any reason! (well, ok maybe for fire or blood or even a broken body part.) Honestly.


When I was young, I could sleep anytime. I was an attachment parent (way back before I had ever even heard the term) so I woke at all hours and I said to myself, "It's ok. I can sleep when I am old." Well, I am here to tell you right now, no you can't. Sleep is precious. It is a gift of youth. If you have no reason to get up that early in the morning, then why make yourself? Being able to sleep late is one of the benefits of homeschooling. :)

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I don't think I've ever had a morning in my life where I swung my legs out of bed and hopped up, energized and ready to face the day. I'm starting to wonder if that's just something you see in commercials


*prepares to dodge flying objects*

I am fully awake within 30 seconds of opening my eyes. I start talking within 35 seconds, until my husband tries to smother me with a pillow. Then I take that as my cue to go shower, where I sing and whistle and make plans for the day. I have *always* been that way. Always, always, always. My husband has always been exactly the opposite and in the nine years we've been married he has never successfully transitioned into being a morning person, hard as he has tried for the sake of his sanity, having to live with a cartoon character for a wife. I just think people are either morning people or they're not, and I don't hold out much hope of that changing. Sorry...

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Do you get 8 hours of sleep? I do and I still wake up groggy and without energy. I did an adrenal test (you spit into a different test tube every 4 hours and they test the cortisol level in your spit). When my Dr. read my test results she asked me, "How do you get up in the morning?" My cortisol reading for 8 am (when I normally wake up) was zero. So if you are actually getting enough sleep, you could be having a similar problem.

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...hard as he has tried for the sake of his sanity, having to live with a cartoon character for a wife.


Er...so...your avatar is an actual photo of you?











:lol: I'm sorry, that was completely OT, but I could. not. resist! :lol:

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I have found that I am only really awake and ready to start the day on the days when I naturally wake up. If it's by an alarm clock, or by the baby or one of the other kids, then no, I'm not ready to get up. If my eyes open naturally, even if it's 5 or 6am, I know that if I don't get up right then, I will fall back asleep and be worse when I wake up 3 hours later.


Unfortunately, it's a rare event that I wake up naturally. It's even rarer that I do what I know I'm supposed to do, and actually get up.


It's so conflicting. I just love my bed so much. Seriously, it's incredibly comfortable and the sheets and comforter are heavenly...I just could live there all the time. But when I'm in bed and not sleeping, I feel unbelievably lazy and unproductive and that eats at me big time. BIG TIME.


Hello. My name is Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.

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The jumping out of bed happened when dd says "Oh and it's dripping through the floor onto your bed now." :glare:


:smilielol5: Hilarious! I've had similar experiences where older DD has come into the room and said, "Mom, Julie's up, and there's all this sand in her bed from her (exploded) diaper!" What a way to start the day...


If I go to bed by 9:30...


FWIW, I've found melatonin at night makes a big difference in my ability to go to sleep earlier, and exercise in the early morning gives me more energy for the day.


9:30! I have no hope. My oldest isn't even asleep by 10 :( And I've been taking the melatonin too, when I remember in time. It does help, but if I accidentally push past the "window," I'm up half the night. Annoying!


Even if I have the same approximate number of hours of sleep, I am tired all day if am alarm wakes me. If I am allowed to wake up on my own, I feel great.


Yeah, I can see that. Unfortunately, my body doesn't really care to wake on its own until like, 10 a.m. or so. I'm not even kidding :001_huh:


I was an attachment parent (way back before I had ever even heard the term) so I woke at all hours and I said to myself, "It's ok. I can sleep when I am old." ...


If you have no reason to get up that early in the morning, then why make yourself? Being able to sleep late is one of the benefits of homeschooling. :)


Ha! We APed too, and I used to say, "I'll sleep when I'm dead." But yes, I can really see the impact a good night's sleep makes on my mood and temper. My night owl habits stood me in good stead those long, breastmilk-addled, sleepless nights, but I will say that I am now grateful for unbroken sleep :D And yes, sleeping in is a benefit of homeschooling. Unfortunately, my employer does not include it in the benefits section of the employee handbook *sigh* Someday...


Do you get 8 hours of sleep? I do and I still wake up groggy and without energy. I did an adrenal test (you spit into a different test tube every 4 hours and they test the cortisol level in your spit). When my Dr. read my test results she asked me, "How do you get up in the morning?" My cortisol reading for 8 am (when I normally wake up) was zero. So if you are actually getting enough sleep, you could be having a similar problem.


This is very interesting. VERY interesting. I've always assumed my cortisol levels were insanely off the charts because of stress (I always say I run primarily on caffeine, cortisol, and adrenaline), but I also know you can overwork your brain and basically poop out your cortisol production. I will look into that, thank you!

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Do you get 8 hours of sleep? I do and I still wake up groggy and without energy. I did an adrenal test (you spit into a different test tube every 4 hours and they test the cortisol level in your spit). When my Dr. read my test results she asked me, "How do you get up in the morning?" My cortisol reading for 8 am (when I normally wake up) was zero. So if you are actually getting enough sleep, you could be having a similar problem.


I did this as well and had pretty much the same results. My cortisol peaks when society says it is time to sleep.

Edited by KidsHappen
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I did this as well and had pretty much the same results. My cortisol peaks when I society says it is time to sleep.


What's the solution for that, then? Light therapy and sleep retraining, or something along those lines? Do you basically just have to retrain your system to work otherwise?


Oh goodie, some research to do at 1 a.m.--just what I needed! :lol:

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I'm a night owl too. I'd love to wake up at 10 or even 11 and go to bed at 1am. My hubby is the opposite and we drive each other bonkers with our schedules being so different.

So tell me more about this cortisol stuff...

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I can never remember a time when I woke up energized and refreshed. Sometimes I will wake up and just know that I won't be able to sleep anymore though, so don't waste a whole lot of time laying around before getting up. Whether or not I'm still tired is more a function of when I wake up and not how much sleep I've gotten. If I wake up before 7, then I will generally be tired, and I would prefer to sleep until 8, but that doesn't happen very often. Even when I do get up early, it's because I am a bit of an insomniac, not a morning person.

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So tell me more about this cortisol stuff...


Ugh. http://www.nutrition4health.org/nohanews/NNSp05Harding.htm


It's safe to say that everything that article mentions that is negative applies to my life. I really need to make some changes around here.


8 a.m. sounds good to me. Why do you think you need to get up earlier??


Well, the main reason is that my days go much, much more smoothly if I'm up before the kids, showered, figured out breakfast, checked my e-mail and started my work. If I get up at the same time as the kids, I'm behind the 8-ball all day long, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. I work from home, and this is a new job, where the standards are very high. I used to be able to do a fair amount of work at night after everyone was asleep, but the work I do then is not high-quality because I'm worn out. In this new job, every tiny detail (and there are many many many) is scrutinized, so if I'm tired and off my game, it's very visible.


Plus, on a more selfish level, I just really like the early mornings. I like being the first one up, watching the sun come up and hearing the neighborhood come alive, going out and smelling the fresh morning air, making fresh coffee...kind of cheesy, I know :tongue_smilie: But I do!

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What's the solution for that, then? Light therapy and sleep retraining, or something along those lines? Do you basically just have to retrain your system to work otherwise?


Oh goodie, some research to do at 1 a.m.--just what I needed! :lol:


No I just function on my schedule, I go to bed just about any time now and then sleep until about 10. It works for me.

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Not today:glare:. Like other posters have said I feel pretty refreshed if I have woken up on my own accord but not if the alarm wakes me up. Today I have been awake since 4am. Not wide awake just awake enough that I was aware of the fact that I was awake but not awake enough to turn the light on and read. I feel like a wrung out dishrag and I have two gazillion things that have to be done before lunch. I foresee a crash and burn this afternoon.

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Never. My morning hours are the least productive hours of my day. Even when I was working full time, and had to wake up at 6 am every morning for years, I never really adjusted to it. It still took until after 9:00 am for me to be able to get any real work done at the office. And strangely enough, the only time I've ever felt drowsy while driving is in the morning. At night I'm always completely alert.


After years and years of trying to be a morning person and failing, I decided to give up. :D Now, my dh gets the girls breakfast before he leaves for work. He wakes me up at 8 on his way out. I drag myself out of bed, sit at the computer for about 30 minutes with a cup of coffee and some yogurt, clean up breakfast, and then we start our day. I'm usually in my jammies until after lunch, when my dd2 takes a nap, I take a shower, and dd4 has reading time (unless we have to go somewhere in the morning). I do my planning, cleaning, etc. after dinner. I try to be in bed by 12.


For me, things started running much more smoothly when I adapted my schedule to my body's own cycle. I've noticed that my energy level is highest between 11 am and 4 pm and between 8 pm and 12 pm. I have learned not to expect to much from myself outside those hours (and dh has too :lol:, although he still doesn't really get it - being a morning person himself).


So, I'm not sure if it's normal or not to have a hard time getting going in the morning, but you're definitely not alone. :001_smile:

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If I go to bed early, I can get up early nice and fresh. I do need my 8 hours sleep.

However, most days, by 1 or 2 pm I am done, and I have a rest, and often even sleep.

Somehow this works for me- my kids are older, I arrange our day so they dont need me by then.

But yes, I do awake refeshed most of the time, but I am pretty good about going to bed early.

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After years and years of trying to be a morning person and failing, I decided to give up. :D Now, my dh gets the girls breakfast before he leaves for work. He wakes me up at 8 on his way out. I drag myself out of bed, sit at the computer for about 30 minutes with a cup of coffee and some yogurt, clean up breakfast, and then we start our day. I'm usually in my jammies until after lunch, when my dd2 takes a nap, I take a shower, and dd4 has reading time (unless we have to go somewhere in the morning). I do my planning, cleaning, etc. after dinner. I try to be in bed by 12.

This is SO where I'm at right now!!!


For me, things started running much more smoothly when I adapted my schedule to my body's own cycle. I've noticed that my energy level is highest between 11 am and 4 pm and between 8 pm and 12 pm. I have learned not to expect to much from myself outside those hours (and dh has too :lol:, although he still doesn't really get it - being a morning person himself).


I'm contemplating just giving in. My day seems to go so much smoother when I'm up before everyone, but maybe things will be different if I just give in to my body instead of fighting it all day.


And O/T - Laura - welcome! and I love your blog!

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I have never, ever felt energized in the morning no matter how much sleep I get. I'd prefer to go to bed early and get up early, but I can't. My head hits the pillow at 10pm and I have all I can do to get up at 8am. I've tried to sleep less and sleep longer and I guess this is how it is. The other day I had to get up at 6am and I felt sick from lack of sleep. So don't talk to me .... I am NOT a morning person.:tongue_smilie:

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If I fall asleep around 9 on the couch, stumble to bed and wake up at 6am, I am pretty good to go. Unfortunatly, I normally go to bed at 11pm, at least on of my dc wake me up at night by crying or cralling into my bed and I wake up feeling like a zombie.


I have been trying toget to bed eariler because I really need 9 hours of sleep, but my dc just won't let me sleep though the night.


I am the queen on zombie!3_8_12v.gif

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I am NOT a morning person. People around here are chirpy to me in the morning at their own risk. I get up (with an alarm) at 6:30 every morning anyway - partly because I can have a little while to wake up, have my coffee, etc. by myself. I have to go to bed by 10:00 - and make myself do it - in order to get enough sleep.

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Treating my adrenal/cortisol problem:


1st thing my naturopath did was to test me for some other problems: vitamin D and thyroid specifically. I was low in both levels. My body was stressed from being low in these levels and as they have been treated my adrenal glands have had some of the pressure taken off of them.


2nd thing: she told me to take 100 mg. of a Vitamin B complex. It helps me to deal with stress.


3rd thing: she prescribed for me a bio-adaptagen (a kind of supplement) with licorice in it. I'm supposed to take it when I first wake up. This is new to me so I don't really know much about it and can't really recommend it per se.


4th thing: I have trouble winding down at night so I take a homeopathic tablet or two called "Calms Forte". It's not magic but it does help me to get to bed at a more reasonable time.


We're still working on this problem so I can't give a perfect testimonial. But I can say that I have seen some improvement.

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This is SO where I'm at right now!!!



I'm contemplating just giving in. My day seems to go so much smoother when I'm up before everyone, but maybe things will be different if I just give in to my body instead of fighting it all day.


And O/T - Laura - welcome! and I love your blog!


Not trying to push myself to be a morning person has lifted a HUGE weight from my shoulders! I think once our kids are older it won't be as big of an issue anymore. In the meantime, I'm soooo glad dh doesn't mind taking care of the girls in the morning while I get that extra hour of sanity sleep. :D

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Not a morning person here either. I have not gotten up to greet the day in forever. I've had insomnia off and on for the last year and that just wrecks it. I still get up fairly early between 6am and 7:30am. Just don't talk to me.


Dh gets up amazingly early, not always as he wants, but he walks out the door usually before I'm up.


I try to sleep in on the weekends, 9am is late for me.


My best hours of the day are between 10am and 2pm, when we are doing school.

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I used to be a night owl but now I'm neither. I need to be in bed by 10pm or I start feeling nauseous. I wake up at different times depending on the season (9am earliest in the winter, 6-7am during the summer). Even though I wake up naturally, I don't feel functionally for the first couple of hours in the morning so I've scheduled free time first thing in the morning and start school after lunch.

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Nope, not when I try to wake up too early, I never feel completely rested. I need 9 hours of sleep as well.


When I was 3 months old, my mom complained to the doc that I wouldn't sleep at night. So the doc said to do things during the day to keep me awake so I'd sleep at night. (apparently I was a pretty sound sleeper during the day) When that didn't work, I was finally put on sleeping medication at 6 months old so I'd sleep at night.


I never got over being a night owl though. I used to work at a movie theater till all hours of night and sleep till 12-1 pm the next day and be ready to work again. I think one summer I didn't see the sun once, and really didn't care. (That's awful isn't it?) Okay...I take that back. Sometimes we'd go out after work and I'd see the sunrise as I was driving back home to go to bed.


While having kids has changed that particular habit, I'm still not miss personality plus during the mornings, and my family knows it. I'm in the process of trying to simplify my mornings as much as possible. I'm starting to take my showers at night so I can get up and get dressed. I'm trying to remember to set my coffee maker at night to automatically go off in the morning. I need to start working out, and I'm going to try to start doing that in the evening as well. 8:00-3:00 belongs to homeschooling, and if I try to add too much before 8am, it just isn't going to get done.

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Nope. I hate waking up in the morning. But I roll out of bed at 6am nonetheless and start yoga straight away. After an hour of yoga I DO feel refreshed and energized and ready for the day.

I'm in bed by 10 at the very latest and do better if I'm in bed by 9. I've always needed lots of sleep. I get physically ill if I miss too much pillow time.

I do like getting up before the kids who usually rise around 6:45-7. I don't like being constantly interupted by little ones during yoga. Kinda kills the calm, meditative vibe, KWIM? :0

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*prepares to dodge flying objects*

I am fully awake within 30 seconds of opening my eyes. .


LOL--I'm right there with ya! My night-owl dh once asked me how long it took me to wake up in the morning. He thought I was joking when I responded that I just open my eyes and I'm there.


As my dd has gotten older and is proving to be more like dh in this regard, I've really had to adjust my expectations. I'm ready for her to come in and cheerfully start school right after breakfast (which of course should happen right after she gets up), and she's just . . . not. Dh has warned me that not everybody works that way. I come from a family of morning people, so I'm a slow learner when it comes to these things!


I am, of course, dead in the water by 9 or 10 p.m., so there's the trade-off.

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Nope, not usually!


I don't really talk, or open my eyes more than necessary, until I've had my cup of coffee in the morning!


I noticed two things about the quality of my sleep:


1) we got a new bed, a very expensive one, that I wish we never purchased. It's a pillow-top which is sooo uncomfortable, even when we rotate it monthly. I constantly wake in the middle of the night to find a new position and wake often with a stiff neck. Blah.


2) If I have coffee after noon, I have a hard time falling asleep at night! That's how much caffeine affects me (which of course, is great for the morning!) So, only one cup daily for me :glare:


So, for me, it's not really about timing, it's about quality.

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I'm a morning gal. I LOVE getting up early. If I followed my body rhythms, I'd go to bed at dark and get up at about 4:30 in the morning. As it is, I'm often up by 5:00am without an alarm of any kind. I manage to get as far as Leno's monologue at night.


I generally wake up happy, but don't always want a lot of talking at first. I need food of some kind, exercise, and a shower fairly soon after waking. When I get all that, life is good. ;)


I'm sad other people don't love mornings the way I do...the world is a magical, quiet, beautiful place in the mornings, but, maybe it is that way because all the rest of you are still sleeping. :D

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working at night. I only do weekends, one to two nights, and am awake and very busy all night, almost every single night. When my weekend ends, I awake Monday morning feeling so energetic and lively, I hardly know what to do with myself!


My dh, the psychiatrist, tells me that an old time therapy for depression, before good drugs existed, was sleep deprivation. I am a true believer-and by the end of the week, I am sliding back into sluggish awakenings again.

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*prepares to dodge flying objects*

I am fully awake within 30 seconds of opening my eyes. I start talking within 35 seconds, until my husband tries to smother me with a pillow. Then I take that as my cue to go shower, where I sing and whistle and make plans for the day. I have *always* been that way. Always, always, always. My husband has always been exactly the opposite and in the nine years we've been married he has never successfully transitioned into being a morning person, hard as he has tried for the sake of his sanity, having to live with a cartoon character for a wife. I just think people are either morning people or they're not, and I don't hold out much hope of that changing. Sorry...


This has me LOL! :lol:

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Ugh. http://www.nutrition4health.org/nohanews/NNSp05Harding.htm


It's safe to say that everything that article mentions that is negative applies to my life. I really need to make some changes around here.




Well, the main reason is that my days go much, much more smoothly if I'm up before the kids, showered, figured out breakfast, checked my e-mail and started my work. If I get up at the same time as the kids, I'm behind the 8-ball all day long, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. I work from home, and this is a new job, where the standards are very high. I used to be able to do a fair amount of work at night after everyone was asleep, but the work I do then is not high-quality because I'm worn out. In this new job, every tiny detail (and there are many many many) is scrutinized, so if I'm tired and off my game, it's very visible.


Plus, on a more selfish level, I just really like the early mornings. I like being the first one up, watching the sun come up and hearing the neighborhood come alive, going out and smelling the fresh morning air, making fresh coffee...kind of cheesy, I know :tongue_smilie: But I do!


Can you do some of this the night before? I like to shower the night before if I want a running start in the am. And if you have a standard b-fast plan (Mondays are eggs, Tuesdays are oatmeal, etc) and a programmable coffee maker perhaps you can sleep a bit later and still get a jump on the kids?

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