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How can I chop onions without bawling. I can't take it anymore.

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I have either become increasingly sensitive or I'm buying some super potent onions but it is becoming pure torture to chop them. I have to stop and rest a couple times when chopping one large onion my eyes are so irritated.


I cook alot. Almost always with onions.


I bought one of those pampered chef style choppers. It doesn't help. I am still overcome by the irritation.


Surely someone has an answer for me. I have tried freezing them and I'm not sure I've got the hang of how long to do it for, etc. because I don't find that to be convenient. Is a food processor the answer? I don't need a food processor for anything else but would be willing to purchase for this purpose alone (that's how bad it has become).


I've started doing some bulk cooking but the thought of chopping three onions in one session is about to do me in.




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I know this sounds weird, but if I am just chopping one, I do it in the sink with some water running, and that takes care of it. For more, I pull out goggles. Cheaper than a food processor (which I have but hate to use because it is a pain to clean).

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Hold a matchstick between your teeth. A woman at a cooking party I attended (and I am sooooo not the cooking party type!) told me about this. I thought she was teasing me but humored her and, low and behold, it works!


Also, make sure you buy sweet onions. They never make my eyes water like yellow onions do.



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If you are doing bulk cooking, then I think a food processor would be worth it. You will still have the irritation when you open the processor to remove the onions, but at least it won't be prolonged, and if you rinse the food processor right away, that should help too.


I heard someone mention cutting the onions under water- not sure how to do that though. Try rinsing the knife under running water every cut or two might help, or cutting the onions near the sink w/ the water running.


Maybe you could wear swim goggles while you chop- it might work!


Hope you find some relief soon!

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The water running in the sink isn't working for me anymore but goggles are an idea i can use. I'm not above sporting some goggles to get an onion chopped. I don't know why I haven't thought of that.



Yep. Goggles seems to be the only consistently workable solution. I've found the onions harvested in drought years or that have been stored for a long time tend to be more fumy, but I avoid "sweet" onions. They, weirdly, seem to make my hands stink (but not of onion... :confused:) for days.


(I think they actually sell onion goggles in cooking stores, by the way.)

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I don't like goggles, but my sunglasses sure help! I still get the burning a little, but it's very little compared to what I used to have. Mostly feels like dry eye. The laughing from my hubby helps alleviate what little burning I still have. :lol:


One other thing that helps a bit----if you cut the root part completely off right away, it seems to reduce the tears, too.


Also, as another poster said, the sweet onions don't seem to tear me up as much as the regular yellow ones.


(the other) Heather in Al

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I have this same problem. I buy chopped onions in the frozen vegetable section of the grocery store. They come in little bags that look very much like the other frozen vegetable bags.


I was thinking of suggesting this when I read her title.


I've had periods of my life when I used these often.

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Stick a piece of bread in your mouth. I think it works best if you just hold the bread in your mouth without chewing.... it works but you'll look a little silly.:001_smile:


This really does work. You take a slice of bread, put it in your mouth like you're gonna take a bite. Only DON'T bite. Let the slice of bread hang out of your mouth while you chop.


Yes you look silly. Yes, it sounds like a practical joke. But it really does work. I have no idea why.

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I buy them frozen. I didn't know until recently you could get them easily in the veggie section of the frozen veggies. About $ .69/bag. I keep a bunch in the freezer for all of the casserole and crockpot type recipes.


FWIW, I buy them whole and chop them sometimes too. :-)

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I was going to say, "Close your eyes and chop FAST!" That's what I do.

But, I like these other ideas better. I've never heard some of them.


I'm going to try the bread hanging out of the mouth thing. I wonder if it still works if the bread has apple butter all over it. . . I'm going to find out!


I'm also going to try the water running routine.


I used to use goggles, but our goggles have little vents in the side, so they didn't help much. The chemistry goggles might help, or swimming goggles. Haven't tried them.


My ds and I are both very sensitive to onion chopping, even in restaurants. A couple weeks ago, we went to a pizza place. Ds had to go outside while we were waiting for our food because they had been chopping a whole bunch of onions in the kitchen.

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I bought this for myself at Christmas and LOVE IT for chopping onions. It does a really good job of chopping easily. You do have to be careful not to overchop so they don't get mushy, but if you do it properly, you can get perfectly chopped onions in about 5 seconds without the tears and without having to clean a big food processor.


Bosch chopper


eta: This is a British web site and the chopper runs on 220 power. You'd need to find the same chopper from an American web site for it to work over there.

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Two things I've used when working in a big restaurant:

hold a pair of oldfashioned wooden matches in our mouth by the non-head end, with the heads sticking out. Change them if they "wear out" for fresh ones.


Put a wad of French bread center (not the crust) in your open mouth and mouth breath through it.

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I learned of this "trick" years ago, and it seems to help most of the time. I set a small burning candle right next to the chopping board while I'm chopping.


Also, using a really good, sharp knife seems to help. It makes clean cuts, perhaps lessening the amount of irritating vapors released. And it takes less time, too.

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OH MY GOODNESS!!! You can buy frozen onions in the frozen food section??? Why haven't I looked for this before? Onions burn me so badly that I can't chop it. If someone else chops onions in the house, my eyes burn and water like I'm crying for hours. It's so annoying, not to mention painful.


You better believe I'll be looking for frozen onions on the next grocery store visit! The #1 best thing I've ever read on these boards!

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