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What week of the homeschooling year are you on?

Jean in Newcastle

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Thanks for posting this. I just went and updated my homeschool tracker. we are well past the half-way mark for number of days needed for the year.


As for what week we are actually on--I don't know because we switched paths mid-year and we are on track for being where I want to be in August so I am happy with that.:)

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LOL, I probably shouldn't admit this, but I have no idea! My dd's were in private school last year until mid-May. I started homeschooling them the Monday after their school let out. The girls have done math & reading 5 x per week ever since (even during holiday weeks).


We must be getting close to 40 weeks (or whatever the standard *school year* is) because we only have a couple of weeks worth of curriculum left before we'll need to start the next grade.


Obviously, I'm not much of a planner! :) I always thought we would do some version of year round education (with a reduced schedule during vacations, busy times of the year, etc...) because I can't think of a reason not to.

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We are only on week 15.


Wow, Jean, you make me feel way ahead of schedule!!! We are on week 19. (we are supposed to be on week 24) I was relieved when I opened up our lesson planners again this week to find out that one of the weeks we missed was actually scheduled as a week off. So, we are really only 22 days behind schedule. In my mind I thought we were 30. (but I also hadn't planned on starting back until next week, so that shortened up some right there)


It is really cute b/c the kids looked at me today and said they were really glad to be back to doing school! (The only time I usually here those words are during the first week of Aug when we start after summer vacation.) ;)

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We are only on week 15 (and it is likely to overflow to next week because we aren't getting everything done this week). I'm pretty much resigned to homeschooling year-around this year. But I'm just wondering where everyone else is at.



I think we have about 15 weeks to go . . . and even at that, I don't think that will mean we ended up with 36 weeks. But, in 15 weeks we will be done with our books. If we work hard. And don't get sick. And don't get a migraine. Oh, and if none of our appliances break down. You get the idea. :rolleyes:


But I am really, really determined to finish the work for those weeks. Too many times we have given up short of the finish line, and I don't want to do that again. Plus, I *really* want the month of June off.


Hang in there, you're not alone. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

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Thanks so much for the input. I'm not trying to "catch up" to all of you - some of you are so far ahead of me I couldn't! But it helped to give me a sense of where we were in the year. I've decided that even if it means a little bit of work on the weekend (probably about an hour's worth only) - we will make the extra effort to get done with this week's work. We are starting to see some signs of spring and I know "spring fever" will only get worse the later in the year it gets!

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We are only on week 17! I aimed to start our school year on Sept. 1st, but the weather was so nice for four weeks in a row, that I kept pushing our start date back to the next week, and to the next week, etc! It gets so dark and loomy here in England in the winter, that I just couldn't bring myself to not take advantage of the beautiful weather. We also take four weeks off at Christmas. That's one of the beauties of homeschooling, though, you can be flexible. We'll probably school well into the summer, and we do double up sometimes, but I'm not worried. We'll finish.


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We started different subjects at different times in the year so I don't really know where that leaves us. We are on our second Spelling and Math book and almost completed our English but are no where close to finishing our History or Science. I plan to school year round and take breaks throughout the year when they best fit our family. Summer is just too hot in South FL to really enjoy much of anything.

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We are only on week 15 (and it is likely to overflow to next week because we aren't getting everything done this week). I'm pretty much resigned to homeschooling year-around this year. But I'm just wondering where everyone else is at.


Ok I am going to have fun with this one:


Tapestry of Grace year 3: Week 6

Right Start Math...well I am in 4 different places, starting a book with the oldest, 3/4 of the way through B with the 8yo, 1/3 of the way through B with 6yo and 1/4 of the way through A with ds 5.

Science: Just finished one program yesterday, starting a new today.

Bible: 10yo will be done by summer, 8yo will be done by fall, 6yo will start a new Bible before summer and 5yo will start a new one mid-summer.

LA: 6yo will start a new program in a couple of months, 8yo is on about week 7, 9yo will start her new program in a couple of days.


I hs year around, can you tell? :D






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We are required to do 180 days of school per year. So, before Christmas I log onto my umbrella school's website and starting in August I record 90 days. If I am feeling particularly lazy, I may just click every day until I get to 90, even weekends! In June I do the same thing again.


I am very loose with record keeping, since we homeschool year round I know we get enough days in.


So, short answer, I haven't a clue.:)

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