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Who knows someone famous?

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My Mother-in-law is somewhat famous in the nursing field. She was president of a national nursing sorority and wrote textbooks or nursing schools. She is now retired and writes murder mystery novels. There is a very old picture of dh and ds on her website when we were at one of her book signings.
So you come by your writing talent naturally?!


One of our neatest I met someone famous stories was when we were in Hilton Head Island. Dh and I were wandering through this very expensive menswear store. They had a model of an old AJ Foyt race car. I had just bought dh the same car. We commented on that to the owner and he said, "That my car." very smugly. Then he said, as our jaws dropped, "Yes, I own the original, it sits in the Indianapolis Motor Speedway museum." It was Bob Bowes. Dh got his autograph and we put with the car. It held a lot of memories because his dad had been such a Bob Bowes and AJ Foyt car.
So, your dh's dad is a car? :001_huh:
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Can I do a "I know someone who knows someone"?


Our former church's former youth pastor's wife (still following?) is very close friends with Kate DiCamillo. And their son asked her for a story about a mouse with very large ears...and Despereauxwas born.


That is very cool.

I want to be friends with an author and know all the behind-the-scenes stuff.

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I went to high school with Robert (Bobbie) DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots. Went to high school with Robert (Bob) MacDonald, former MLB pitcher for the Yankees, Mets, and a few other teams.

My ds15 takes bass lessons from Rick Criniti, former keyboardist for Cinderella.

My husband's cousin Jennifer Cella (she shortened her name :glare:) sings in the Trans-Siberian Orchestra

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I've bumped into various people on planes and such many years ago. Ray Charles, Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Dolly Parton & Jonathan Winters come to mind easily.


As a child, I met Gerald Ford & had my photograph taken with him. (My dad was in the Secret Service.)


Lance Armstrong went to high school with my sister.

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For anyone who knows about the "biggies" in the breastfeeding field, I was a co-leader of a LLL group for two years with Pam Wiggins (Pamela K Wiggins). We recently abandoned the Group as our small town simply can't support one.


Our former pastor is Richard Burr's father (US Senator from NC). My parents were involved in his campaigns and I met him once.


I saw Bill Cosby play tennis once when I was in elementary school.

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We've met Carly Patterson (Olympic gold medalist 2004). Her choreography coach is DDs' former coach. Nastia Luikin (Olympic gymnast 2008) is friends with my DD's friend.

Dh has played golf w/ George W Bush and brother Jeb. Also met GH Bush in high school. We met Ari Fleisher in Kennebunkport.

Both DSs' soccer coaches are famous in that sector. One trained several World Cup players (Oscar Pisano), and the other one is a former World Cup player. My BFF dated a pro football player and semi pro golfer. I taught a Chicago Bears' DD in 2nd grade (fave student. ooops! Did I admit that? LOL)

I partied with Cheap Trick in college. Met Edie Brickell after a London concert.

DDs improv coach is also Steve Carell's 'comedy coach' (or whatever the correct term is).

Tyra Banks and Wilem Dafoe were on the same flight as our family to Rome last year. Hardly Christmas card list type of acquaintances :) We saw the Pope twice in December. Once he waved at my children. That was pretty spectacular.


It's fascinating to see how involved other people are, and where their sphere of influence lies. Bet a few of us know someone who knows at least one person on this board.

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I have the best of both worlds. My sister knows dozens of famous people, and I get to hear all about them but NOT have to meet a single one.


My favourite story was the time my BIL got a call at an L.A. restaurant from a worked-up, petulant, rather unreasonable Famous Person. This was right after AHHHH-nold had been elected governor, and I knew my BIL was a mucky-muck in his charity. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach that the new governor was carrying on about funding cuts etc etc in such a childish way. My BIL got off his cell phone and went to the bathroom and my sister leaned across the table and mouthed the words "Placido Domingo". I didn't care if an opera singer was so emotional, and was very relieved it wasn't AHHHHH-nold.

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Josh Davis, he was a year behind me and my senior year we won state..


My dh is related to the Martinelli's (sparkling apple cider) and also ee cummings


I went out with "Elliott" of ET fame a very long time ago


I met Anthony Michael Hall when I was an extra in Johnny Be Good

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My dad was a pilot in The Big Lift.


It was filmed in Berlin in 1950. My dad was an airlift pilot, and they used military personnel for some of the minor roles in the film. My dad was a pilot of a plane that was taking off in one of the scenes.


Does that count? :D


I have a brother who is on tv and in movies in some very minor roles. For example, he was on The George Lopez Show and Passions, plus some unknown movies.


I met several political/journalism figures in college - Jean Kirkpatrick, James Callahan, George Will, and Ed Bradley to name a few.


And once, in Nordstrom in Bethesda, MD I was in the dressing room next to Linda Carter, aka WONDER WOMAN! She's tall.

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What a timely thread: Former attorney general John Ashcroft and his wife were in my church this AM--isn't that weird? I mean, he doesn't attend there; we're a tiny "country" church in the VA exurbs. What was he doing there, I wonder?


Fans of 80s music MAY know these names: Growing up outside of DC in the 80s, I met Midge Ure of Ultravox and also the Kentucky Headhunters at the Bayou in G'town.


Layla McB

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No one famous attends my church at this time... but there are several people who work in "the industry".


One woman is a camera person on "Bones", among other shows, so she gets to see David Boreanaz all the time.


And one of our leading elder members was the Director of Operations at CBS... worked there over 50 years and only retired a few years ago. He knows many many people in Hollywood, particularly "old timers"--seems like there are so many funerals lately for him. He's especially close to Carol Burnett. http://www.emmys.org/awards/halloffame/cappleman.php


My mom has a job where she gets "face time" (as she says) with lots of famous military officials, and I know she met the President briefly at the Pentagon shortly after 9/11.


Other than that my closest brush with fame has been walking past Harrison Ford in a hospital waiting room.

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What a timely thread: Former attorney general John Ashcroft and his wife were in my church this AM--isn't that weird? I mean, he doesn't attend there; we're a tiny "country" church in the VA exurbs. What was he doing there, I wonder?


Fans of 80s music MAY know these names: Growing up outside of DC in the 80s, I met Midge Ure of Ultravox and also the Kentucky Headhunters at the Bayou in G'town.


Layla McB


I'm so jealous, you met Midge Ure!!! I love Ultravox. My best friend in high school was a guy from South Africa. He was a foreign exchange student and he introduced me to Ultravox. We used to call each other when they'd play their videos on MTV. Many fond memories there.

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My dh grew up skiing with Tommy Moe (two Olympic gold/silver in downhill).


One of my college professors and friends was Richard Foster ("Celebration of Discipline").


Danny Glover gave me advice on what to do while I was visiting in Chicago (I saw him in a production at Steppenwolf and we wound up walking out at the same time).


While on a visit to the Vatican, got to shake the Pope's hand.


Ran into John Elway when he and his wife were coming out of a restaurant and we were going in.


Had dinner (well, along with about 50 other people) with Debby Boone during a fundraiser for a relief and development agency I worked for.


Got to meet John Michael Talbot while working for that same agency.

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Several years ago we were in Canada, and visiting the Museum of Man in Toronto. Ds was about 6 or 7, and we were in the children's section. They had a little 'passport' that you could stamp at various stations. We finished there and were wandering through the rest of the museum. Dh was lagging behind, so ds and I stepped into an alcove to wait.


A very large "clot" of business-suited men walked by, right as dh came into the alcove. Dh said, "Why are those bodyguards here?" (I was oblivious.) So we peered ahead of the clot - and there was Pres. Musharraf of Pakistan. We were right behind this big group of men, and one of them turned to ds (who was quite blond then, and really stood out next to all these folks from Pakistan) and said, "Would you like to meet the President and get his autograph?" Um, ok.


So they took ds up and introduced him to Pres. Musharraf, who wanted to give him an autograph. Ds pulled out the little passport and opened it - it fell open to the 'India' page, and Musharraf said, "Well, I can't sign that, can I?" which cracked up his whole entourage.


So that was all fun, but over, we thought. The next morning, I got the newspaper and there on page 3: a pic of my cute little ds with the President of Pakistan!

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My dad was a pilot in The Big Lift.


It was filmed in Berlin in 1950. My dad was an airlift pilot, and they used military personnel for some of the minor roles in the film. My dad was a pilot of a plane that was taking off in one of the scenes.


Does that count? :D



I almost forgot! My dad was a Marine extra in the John Wayne movie, The Sands of Iwo Jima. Dad has passed away and the only item I have from that now is a photo of the cast signed (extras included) signed by the cast. It is a photocopy of an old photo. I check Ebay from time to time for an original.

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Dh and I know Jeremy Camp he used to play worship for the high school group we worked with

Dh went to school with Michelle Pfeiffer - she dated a friend of his


I met him at a meet'n'greet a few years ago. I was very impressed by how real and humble he seems. Big fan!

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The closest I have gotten to celebrities was seeing a taping of the Jay Leno Show, when Harrison Ford (and I think Bonnie Raitt) was on. My brother saw Drew Barrimore when they were taping the Wedding Singer in Pasadena. But having actual friends being famous...not so much!

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Frank Bielic from Trading Spaces. He lives in the same city that I grew up. Actually, I saw him the last time I was back home and he was just as kind as ever. He still lives in the same house (he lived behind my grandparents house) still. He's cool.


I also grew up with Renee Zellweger. She and I graduated the same year, but well she's in another world now.

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Before we moved from CA we lived in the same town as MC Hammer. We used to see him driving around town in his big Hummer and shopping at Safeway all the time.


My best friend in hs was a direct relative of Mary Todd Lincoln. That was pretty cool!

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I used to work with Elvis Presley's step-brother. And I met various celebrities at the hotels where I worked. BIL's cousin is Teri Hatcher's agent. BIL is a very talented sculptor and has celebrity clients like Anne Rice and Hilarie Burton.

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My great grandfather was the caretaker for the Guggenheim family's hunting lodge and through that he and my grandfather met lots of very famous people. My ggfather once found Charles Lindbergh sleeping in his car. GGFather thought he was drunk and woke him up to help get him into the house. Turns out Lindbergh wasn't drunk, but was trying to escape all the drunkenness at the big house party.:cheers2:


Also, Ivan Albright painted his picture (which is now owned by the Chicago Art institute.)

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I had lunch with Bruce Springsteen. I was underwhelmed because all he wanted to talk about was politics! :mad:


He still has a to die for tush, politics aside.;)



Ok, now that this thread has finally been bumped again, HOW DID you get to have lunch with Bruce?


I am jealous. I will gladly talk politics with the boss :D


oh, and as you know, I agree about the tush :lol:

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Several years ago we were in Canada, and visiting the Museum of Man in Toronto. Ds was about 6 or 7, and we were in the children's section. They had a little 'passport' that you could stamp at various stations. We finished there and were wandering through the rest of the museum. Dh was lagging behind, so ds and I stepped into an alcove to wait.


A very large "clot" of business-suited men walked by, right as dh came into the alcove. Dh said, "Why are those bodyguards here?" (I was oblivious.) So we peered ahead of the clot - and there was Pres. Musharraf of Pakistan. We were right behind this big group of men, and one of them turned to ds (who was quite blond then, and really stood out next to all these folks from Pakistan) and said, "Would you like to meet the President and get his autograph?" Um, ok.


So they took ds up and introduced him to Pres. Musharraf, who wanted to give him an autograph. Ds pulled out the little passport and opened it - it fell open to the 'India' page, and Musharraf said, "Well, I can't sign that, can I?" which cracked up his whole entourage.


So that was all fun, but over, we thought. The next morning, I got the newspaper and there on page 3: a pic of my cute little ds with the President of Pakistan!


What a great story!!!

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Ummm...well when I was a kid we were neighbors with Roy Jones Jr. (boxer). Then we moved and were neighbors with his coach/trainer. Does that count for anything? ;)

Oh wait, we did know John Wayne's stunt man! He wasn't exactly famous, but he substituted for someone who was. :D He was a big man and looked a lot like John. He and his wife always had horses.

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Several years ago we were in Canada, and visiting the Museum of Man in Toronto. Ds was about 6 or 7, and we were in the children's section. They had a little 'passport' that you could stamp at various stations. We finished there and were wandering through the rest of the museum. Dh was lagging behind, so ds and I stepped into an alcove to wait.


A very large "clot" of business-suited men walked by, right as dh came into the alcove. Dh said, "Why are those bodyguards here?" (I was oblivious.) So we peered ahead of the clot - and there was Pres. Musharraf of Pakistan. We were right behind this big group of men, and one of them turned to ds (who was quite blond then, and really stood out next to all these folks from Pakistan) and said, "Would you like to meet the President and get his autograph?" Um, ok.


So they took ds up and introduced him to Pres. Musharraf, who wanted to give him an autograph. Ds pulled out the little passport and opened it - it fell open to the 'India' page, and Musharraf said, "Well, I can't sign that, can I?" which cracked up his whole entourage.


So that was all fun, but over, we thought. The next morning, I got the newspaper and there on page 3: a pic of my cute little ds with the President of Pakistan!


Funny, but I also encountered a Prime Minister of Pakistan. Years ago I was in a pet-store in the Century City mall here in Los Angeles, when I heard a subservient little man begging a woman if he might be allowed to have a little lap-dog puppy they had at the shop.


In a very authoritative voice the woman says, "NO...you already have enough dogs!!!"


I look up and it's Benazir Bhutto scolding the man I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) was her husband. No question who was "wearing the pants" in this family.



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You might no of my uncle.

Jim Sundberg. In is time, he won 6 gold gloves (he was a catcher) and is very poular in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He also has a World Series ring when he played for the KC Royals (won in 1985) Wow! That's over 20 years ago.

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Who do you know or have met?


In 1987, I was standing next to Tom Selleck in the elevator at the LA Hilton! I didn't speak to him -- he looked like he was trying to be inconspicuous, which is hard to do when you're that tall and that gorgeous! But we did rub shoulders!


That should count -- I considered never washing that arm again. :lol:

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Jesus for years now. No one more famous than him, right?


Seriously, I grew up in a town where famous people have their get-away ranches. Among other notables, it was home to the Gipper when he was in office and I once met him at church on Easter Sunday (which was written about in a book about him!) and shook hands with his wife. He is my second most favorite famous person (Jesus being first). I remember when you could ride down the road to his ranch and get stopped by the Secret Service...those were the days.


I also met a famous NFL QB (during his college days) at a party who came onto me in a very drunken state - I declined! He was so outraged and said (with a slur), "Don't you know who I am?!!"


This is a great thread...loved all the other posts.

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  • 4 months later...

"Who do you know or have met?"


I went to High School with PGA golfers Heath Slocum and Boo Weekly. Heath was in my church youth group and my best friend had a crush on him for a long time. Boo was in my science class and he liked me and asked me to "go with him" when I was a junior in HS, but I turned him down! Then his ex-girlfriend threatened to beat me up when she found out, and then they eventually got back together. She's not who he's married to now, though. Another PGA golfer, Bubba Watson, is from this same town and went to our high school, but he's several years younger. (It's amazing to think that our small-town high school has produced 3 pro golfers!)



Hmmm...what else? I'm somehow related to the Tin Man, Jack Haley...distant cousins somehow. But that's a stretch. Never met him, obviously.


These posts have all been fascinating to read!

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