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Why did you not warn me? Why didn't I use common sense?

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Good night, what was I thinking?! So I developed a new habit over the holidays. I have a new friend and she and her husband own a coffee company. They give me fresh bags of coffee every week! So this morning, I decided to let the kids have some. :001_huh: Really. All five of them are going ape shi...well you get the idea. Looks like we're doing school outside.


Lesson learned...

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that I sometimes give my children coffee to get them going in the morning. I still remember standing in line at a cafe at Disney telling my 9 year old son, "No, no orange juice. You need something with caffeine" and getting really funny looks.


Well, I will say, my ds13 that inherited his mother's raging ADD is working quite efficiently right now. I think we're on to something...

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Well, I will say, my ds13 that inherited his mother's raging ADD is working quite efficiently right now. I think we're on to something...


I work in pharmacy and have several parents say that a cup of coffee works better than a lot of the meds their kids have tried over the years for certain ADD, (not typically ADHD) issues. Caffeine is medically proven to increase concentration and learning in most people (of course everyone is different). The key is to finding the right balance of stimulant to help the brain but not amp up the kid. The funny thing is, most parents who I have talked to that found that this helped, have said that it doesn't energize the child that has ADD, it is like the brain metabolizes it different in them. But in ADHD, it does energize the kid more.


Disclaimer....This is just anedotal, in the parents I have talked to and don't know if there is any research to support it.

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I read about this in one of the many ADD books I've read. My 3rd son has ADD symptoms and we use the caffeine candies rather than coffee because he doesn't like the taste of coffee. I have to say that it does work. How well it compares with medication I can't say because we've never used meds.

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I work in pharmacy and have several parents say that a cup of coffee works better than a lot of the meds their kids have tried over the years for certain ADD, (not typically ADHD) issues. QUOTE]




Coffee helps all three of my kids focus, and it's been far more effective than Ritalin or Strattera for ds2. His therapist can always tell if he's had his morning joe or not. He takes it black with sugar, really ;).


I still don't have the guts to actually order the kids coffee out in public, but they end up drinking all of mine.

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I work in pharmacy and have several parents say that a cup of coffee works better than a lot of the meds their kids have tried over the years for certain ADD, (not typically ADHD) issues. Caffeine is medically proven to increase concentration and learning in most people (of course everyone is different). The key is to finding the right balance of stimulant to help the brain but not amp up the kid. The funny thing is, most parents who I have talked to that found that this helped, have said that it doesn't energize the child that has ADD, it is like the brain metabolizes it different in them. But in ADHD, it does energize the kid more.


Disclaimer....This is just anedotal, in the parents I have talked to and don't know if there is any research to support it.


I have a cousin who is using this method of treatment with their son. It works great for them and their doctor recomended it.

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My dd (9) loves decaf mochas. The coffee shop we go to all the time starts making hers when we walk in the door. We went to a different coffee shop and the guy was shocked. He kept asking if I was sure. He finally realized she was ordering a decaf. I once make the mistake of letting her have a (caffeinated) frappuccino about an hour before bedtime. Worst. mistake. ever.

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A friend uses Yerba Mate (a herbal drink rich in caffeine) with his daughter with ADD to good effect. Why Yerba Mate instead of coffee? I don't know.


She's doing well, and they've been able to keep her from going back on the ritalin-like drugs she was once on, so they are pleased. They use fish oil too.



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This is so funny.


Do you remember my post about how I always thought of coffee in the same category as alcohol and cigarettes?


I was thinking about that the other day as I passed the coffee aisle. I think I'd feel as guilty about purchasing coffee as I do when I pick up a six-pack. I don't know why I feel this way when everyone else is obvioulsy so entranced with it - it's so weird!!!

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coffee in the morning but I've always been told it stunts growth. Ds is like me who needs a lot of help getting going in the morning. Although ds hasn't been diagnosed with ADHD, he acts like it.


I drink tons of coffee but I am already permanently short so it doesn't matter. Funny, my dad, who might be ADD, used to drink coffee at night to relax.

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Coffee Graduates to Health Food Status


Good news for the 80 percent of Americans who down an average of 3.2 cups of java a day: Your liver loves it. And because the liver is your body's vital detox center, that's a big health plus. It's not the caffeine. Apparently, it's the antioxidants or other compounds in coffee that keep your liver humming. So if you were just thinking you could do with a cup of joe, go for it.


The liver is a major multitasker. It's a housekeeper: It filters toxins from the blood, cleaning pollutants, alcohol, useless residues, nicotine, and other garbage out of the body. It's also a stock clerk: It keeps extra carbohydrates on hand and releases them when blood sugar levels are low, plus it warehouses fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K for future use. It's a body builder, too: The liver makes proteins to build muscles, and it produces bile, which is needed to digest fat.


Evidence that coffee takes some stress off the liver was discovered when scientists determined that coffee lovers have fewer liver enzymes in their blood than do coffee shunners -- and that's a good thing. Liver enzymes are an indication of liver damage.



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Coffee Graduates to Health Food Status


Good news for the 80 percent of Americans who down an average of 3.2 cups of java a day: Your liver loves it. And because the liver is your body's vital detox center, that's a big health plus. It's not the caffeine. Apparently, it's the antioxidants or other compounds in coffee that keep your liver humming. So if you were just thinking you could do with a cup of joe, go for it.


The liver is a major multitasker. It's a housekeeper: It filters toxins from the blood, cleaning pollutants, alcohol, useless residues, nicotine, and other garbage out of the body. It's also a stock clerk: It keeps extra carbohydrates on hand and releases them when blood sugar levels are low, plus it warehouses fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K for future use. It's a body builder, too: The liver makes proteins to build muscles, and it produces bile, which is needed to digest fat.


Evidence that coffee takes some stress off the liver was discovered when scientists determined that coffee lovers have fewer liver enzymes in their blood than do coffee shunners -- and that's a good thing. Liver enzymes are an indication of liver damage.




Oh YEAH baby! I LOVE cawfee. I adore it. I am thinking about my cup o joe when I go to bed at night. Right now I'm lovlingly thinking about tomorrow's cup. I only have one cup - I guess I need to increase my consumption! :)

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Coffee Graduates to Health Food Status


Good news for the 80 percent of Americans who down an average of 3.2 cups of java a day: Your liver loves it. And because the liver is your body's vital detox center, that's a big health plus. It's not the caffeine. Apparently, it's the antioxidants or other compounds in coffee that keep your liver humming. So if you were just thinking you could do with a cup of joe, go for it.


Yay!! You are my hero, RC!

I no longer have to feel guilty about the 3.2 pots of coffee that I drink daily...

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Wow. You people are blowing my mind. Compared to most of y'all, I am an extremely permissive parent. (Sure, go have sex, boys, just use a condom. But if I catch you drinking coffee, that's it! You're grounded!) It would never, ever, ever have occurred to me to offer my children coffee. It is a grown up drink!


Okay I'm totally kidding about the sex. But really, not about the coffee. When I came home from college for Thanksgiving my freshman year, I was happily reading the comics and eating my Grape Nuts when I sensed my father's presence. I looked up and there he was, holding a cup of coffee on a saucer, just how he drinks it. He solemnly placed it in front of me, with a funny little smile. I was grown up.


You rock my world. Over and over and over.

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I love coffee, but rarely drank it until this week. Now that I am following my new schedule I am getting up at 5 am which means I am drinking a pot a day, good to know I am helping my body :) Actually now that I am drinking the coffee I am not craving the pop I usually drank to get that caffiene boost.


Nicole I also always thought of coffee being a grown up drink but have actually been trying to coerce dd into wanting to drink it, because any adhd meds we have tried have never worked and she needs the help.

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Nicole I also always thought of coffee being a grown up drink but have actually been trying to coerce dd into wanting to drink it, because any adhd meds we have tried have never worked and she needs the help.


Well, we have our issues here, but adhd isn't one of them, and I don't get out much (;)), so I just did not know about this connection. If it helps, that's fantastic.

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coffee in the morning but I've always been told it stunts growth. Ds is like me who needs a lot of help getting going in the morning. Although ds hasn't been diagnosed with ADHD, he acts like it.


I drink tons of coffee but I am already permanently short so it doesn't matter. Funny, my dad, who might be ADD, used to drink coffee at night to relax.


Well, if it does stunt your growth - THANK GOODNESS! We kids all drank plenty of coffee growing up and heard all the "stunt your growth" comments. I am the shortest kid in my family at 5'10". My sister is an even 6 foot and my baby brother is pushing 6'5". Imagine what freaks we would be if we hadn't consumed all that nasty coffee! :lol:

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Coffee doesn't stunt growth. It's a myth that started during the industrial revolution. Factories that hired children were pumping them up on caffeine (coffee and tea) after about 4 pm so that they could work 12 hour days. The social reformers of the time (before they helped enact child labor laws) tried various things to get factories to stop doing this, and finally the only one that worked was to launch a psuedo public health campaign that claimed coffee stunted the growth of children, who would therefore NOT grow into strong workers. For whatever reason, this worked, and by and large, the over-caffeinating of child workers stopped.


Also, it's pretty customary for farm kids to drink caffeine with breakfast. My grandpa, my dad, and my husband (all of whom grew up on working farms) were drinking black coffee by the time they were seven. My husband is under thirty, so it wasn't all that long ago. I'm not sure if mores have changed since then, but I kinda doubt it.

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