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Book-A-Week in 2009: Week 0 Update

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Greetings, readers! I know lots of you have blogs, so you can link here. SWB is posting (and hosting) her book a week on her blog. I thought it would be nice to have a weekly thread... perhaps it will encourage folks to hop on once we've started!


A quick review of the rules:


  1. Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks
  2. Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009
  3. School related books don't count (unless you want them to)
  4. You can start reading on 1-1-09 at 00:00:01AM

You can post this week what your chosen first book is, and then next week we'll update with what we've read, and what we want to read next. There have been so many great ideas so far!


Countdown until midnight and then... ready... set... READ!!!




My book for the week will be the second in The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica: “The Search for the Red Dragonâ€. The first one was great! This is a fun fantasy series starring the historical Inklings (that’s CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, et al) as real life adventurers.


Here's a link to the 1st in the series:


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Does anybody read just one book at a time, finish it, then move on? I always seem to have 5 or 6 going depending on my mood. So right now the books I'm contemplating starting include:

Deconstructing Penguins

1066--The Year of the conquest

On the Trail of Marco Polo--Along the silk road by bicycle

Prelude to Glory book 1 (series about colonial America)

Ronia, the Robber's Daughter, to read aloud to the boys as soon as we finish Robin Hood

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Is it ok if I use the book of the month for the book discussion group here. I have it at the library ready to be picked up. Not sure after that. I really need to back up a bit and read some that I never finished. KWIM? Maybe I will get serious about the Well Educated Mind and pick up Don Quixote again. What I read I enjoyed immensely, unfortunately, I couldn't keep it up and the libs only allows one renewal. I suppose I could return it and then the next day check it out again. Hmm.

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Joy in the Morning, by Betty Smith. I was a new teen a LONG time ago :eek: when I first read this book! The only thing I remember of the story is when she cut her hair and the text said she "bobbed" it! I've seen this book pop up in some other posts, and decided to re-read it as my first book in '09. Signed it out of the library earlier today!


I am SO delighted with this challenge, and with the weekly accountability thread (and seeing what others are reading)! Thanks again to the OP!:)

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I'm a REALLY slow reader. It often causes me to not get through books, or even start them if they appear intimidating. I see the value in sticking to it though. Help me out....


What are your high quality rec's for a slow reader to join in? I enjoy most kinds of fiction (though I'm often a sucker for sci fi, and the like). Historical fiction is always nice, but I often find it too dry....When well done though, it's my favorite!



- Stacey in mA

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I'm working on "Chagrin d'école" by Daniel Pennac, French author, high school teacher, and very bad student. His approach to schooling is making me revisit our plans for high school. I might even go back to college so I can teach high school French his way!


As a part-time sometimes German and Spanish teacher, I'd love to hear more about this! I'll have to see if it's been translated into English.

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I just finished The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. It was really good. I would really recommend it. It is short, easy to read, and is just a fabulous story.


I am going to start Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv tomorrow. The sub title is "Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder" so it sounds interesting. We'll see...

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As a part-time sometimes German and Spanish teacher, I'd love to hear more about this! I'll have to see if it's been translated into English.


I don't remember if that's your case or not, but I am talking about French as a first language here. Pennac loves litterature like none of my teachers ever did! One of the things he does with kids aged 16 and over, is to learn beautiful texts by heart. Yup, memorization at that age! In his book, he explains why and how it has impacted his students love for the written word. It makes me want to try it! I've always had the feeling that my own teachers didn't expect much from us, and yet I attended one of the best high schools in this city. :001_huh:

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I am going to re-read Homeschooling With A Meek And Quiet Spirit. I really need to read this again before picking up school on Monday. :)


I am also in the middle of re-reading The Prisoner Of Azkaban so I'll probably finish that by Monday as well. Then I'll pick something new for the next week. I have a running list of all the books y'all have posted that look interesting.



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I don't think I'll even make it through week #2, but I'm collecting the Reader's Digest "World's Best Reading" books and have more than enough of them to fill up the year. So that takes care of deciding what to read next if I manage to finish one. :D


Starting with The House of the Seven Gables.

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