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It’s Christmas Eve and I feel very sad


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First Christmas with neither my Mother nor my MIL. 

Things are complicated with my dad. I invited him to TG luncheon at my house but he made an excuse and didn’t come. DH said I should be understanding about that; he doesn’t want to come because he misses my mom. Okay. Dh is likely right about that. But I did not make any plans for Christmas (in my family) and I’m not hosting anything. My dd and dsil are out of state and will not be here. So, very low-key. 

So, I wondered if my dad will be home alone twiddling his thumbs. I asked one of my sisters. He is at her house and will be there for Christmas morning. I almost asked if I could swing by for a bit to see my dad and all of them. But, as she didn’t mention it and seems to have kept it on the DL that he would be there, I felt that it would be intruding. She has young kids (the youngest grandkids by far) and I can imagine that the last thing she wants on Christmas morning is an unplanned drop-in guest. 

I just said I was happy he would not be alone on Christmas. But I am probably rather jealous. He did not come to see my family for TG because he “had a doctor’s appointment” but he can arrange to spend Christmas Eve and morning at my sister’s house? That makes me feel rejected! Does he not like me? 

My eyes are watery right now. My mom always drove the family connections and I knew this would be a problem if my mom died first. My dad is not a good communicator (think probably undx’d high-functioning autism) and the family “joke” was always, “Well I guess I’ll know when my mom dies because it will be the first time my dad ever calls me.” In reality, it’s more like, “I guess I know my mom is dead because now my dad never sees or talks to me at all.” 

Sorry for the pity-party. I wish I could be closer to my dad but I feel rebuffed by him and I feel further apart than ever. Ironically, my dad and I have very similar personalities. I think I am the most like him of all my siblings. In my fantasies we could have deep, intelligent conversations about things other people can’t care about. But the trajectory is…the opposite of that. 

Thank you for reading. 

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I’m sorry. I’m sure it has nothing to do with you or your sister. It’s a youngest grandchildren thing. Little kids have forgotten all about the grief the rest of you are having. They’re focused of fun and presents and Santa. Their joy is allowing him to disassociate instead of thinking about it. We sometimes act like that’s not healthy, but a break from the grief can be good. My siblings and I were the youngest set on one side and the oldest on the other. We were treated drastically differently in each family. 

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1 hour ago, Ginevra said:

I just said I was happy he would not be alone on Christmas. But I am probably rather jealous. He did not come to see my family for TG because he “had a doctor’s appointment” but he can arrange to spend Christmas Eve and morning at my sister’s house? That makes me feel rejected! Does he not like me?

You might thing about laying this out for him at some point. I did this with my mom after my father's passing and we had a tough talk. For sure, I did not get the answers that I wanted but in the long run it helped us have a relationship that works and is healthy for us. (I am not saying in any way it is the ideal I have in my head but at least it's healthy.)

The conversation helped me to see my mom as a real person and realize that she falls short of my expectations, not because of me but because of her weaknesses. Part of it is at the time we were both grieving and needing what we needed which were not aligned to each other, but in realizing that it help me feel better about seeking that elsewhere. Especially since some of that stuff society believes we should get from our parents, but our parents are flawed people and can't always offer what we need. 

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I am sending warm and gentle hugs. It's the first Christmas without my mom. I'm Jewish but grew up in a Christian family.

We were down for Thanksgiving and afterwards he told me he wasn't happy with my young adults' behaviors.

He also cancelled the trip to see two of his sisters who had looked forward to seeing him at Christmas time. I had already made plans to be with my DH's family for the week and he certainly doesn't want to be a part of that.

Yeah, our fathers are grieving. And so are we. It's hard to feel like we can attend to their reactions and deal with our own.

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