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What jobs could you never do? (details in post)


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3 hours ago, KidsHappen said:

Nothing to do with eyeballs. I have a pretty strong stomach and can handle most things that other people find gross but eyeballs really gross me out. 

I am claustrophobic so nothing in confined spaces.

I couldn't medically treat small children or animals because I just don't have the patience and gentle demeanor needed for that. 

That is interesting.   A friend I had a long time ago was a cornea transplant extractor (Ok, I don't know his official title) but he would take corneas off of dead people and save them for transplant.   

So he did a job both of us couldn't do, you can do eyeballs and I can't do anything to do with dead people..

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2 hours ago, Kidlit said:

Thought of another--anything to do with heights 

I’m right there with you, feet firmly planted on the ground. I can climb a ladder to paint interiors within reason, but if we start talking about boom lifts, cranes, bridges, etc. - nope! I’m out.

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I could never be a EMT or ER health care provider. I was a lifeguard in my youth and am still feeling the affects of some of those unfortunate experiences.

I'm not sure I would have volunteered to be a parent if I'd known how tough it was going to be, either. 😉 

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1 minute ago, wintermom said:

I'm not sure I would have volunteered to be a parent if I'd known how tough it was going to be, either. 😉 

I hear you!  Good thing foresight =/= hindsight.  😛

Edited by SKL
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9 minutes ago, ikslo said:

I’m right there with you, feet firmly planted on the ground. I can climb a ladder to paint interiors within reason, but if we start talking about boom lifts, cranes, bridges, etc. - nope! I’m out.

I'm the opposite - heights good, down in the depths of a coal mine is not good for me. 

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Nothing with other people’s bodies. Nothing with hoarder houses. Nothing with big fire. Nothing with other people’s animal’s poop. No septic, plumbing, or scary basement/Crawlspace work. Nothing with super smelly trash. Nothing deep in the woods with bears and snakes. Nothing with full size cows or horses. (I’m okay around minis.) Nothing with processing animals from whole. No dog grooming.

 I’m too picky of an eater to be a food critic.

I could not pick farm produce. My kids have, but I can’t stand a lot of heat or all the bending.

I don’t think I could grade undergrad papers. At least not at CC!

No major routine driving jobs. No commercial vehicles at all.

I am legit afraid of interning in a year or two, because I know the easiest internship to get is with CPS, which involves going into strangers’ houses, often unannounced, in the “city” and rurally, and having people get angry on their territory. I’ll seek out other options of course, but I’m dreading the likelihood.

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I don’t deal with vomit or poo so anything that involves those are out. Mouth stuff, too, would be out. I can barely stand the sounds and smells of a dentist office to go in for a cleaning, cannot imagine working around that all day. 
I am normally pretty okay with blood, but still wouldn’t want to be around it. 
I have a friend that started driving a school bus a few years ago. I was super impressed, though know she did it out of desperation. (Needed medical insurance for her kid.) I could never be a bus driver. Esp for kids. I love very few kids. Most annoy me. Bad, I know. Guess teacher or teachers aid would also be out because. Kids.  
Urology anything. Or anything related to certain private parts of the body. DH has bladder cancer and let me just get this out right now. I am so over seeing man parts. Especially man parts with medical stuff in them. 
Anything feet related. Or waxing body parts, like men’s backs. 
Also out are anything where i would need to clean bathrooms or involving fast food. I would love to work for a tea room or pastry shop, but nothing involving fried food or meat. (True story: My mother used to manage a fast food fried chicken place. I once saw one of her employees slip on the greasy floor and spill a garbage can of chicken waste on himself. It was dreadful and so icky.) 

I am actually in the job market so have been giving all of this way too much thought lately. 

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14 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I physically feel the pain of some injuries when I see them on other people - it actually hurts me. So no doctoring or nursing for me.

I can't even watch the supposedly funny videos of people falling, etc. I feel it all over my body, kind of like a very unpleasant tingle. 

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I couldn't work in a restaurant dealing with raw meat, especially chicken. If I'm cooking chicken at home, the disinfection process takes me a long time, so in a restaurant I'd go crazy! I wasn't like this before I got food poisoning from chicken at a restaurant. I couldn't do any job that involved poo, vomit, blood and/or bodily fluids of any kind. I couldn't do any job that involved being in a hot room or outdoors in the heat - I basically need to stay in a cool, not humid environment all the time or my body doesn't work. 🫠And nothing that involves public speaking!

Thankfully I work from home in a temperature controlled environment that doesn't involve talking to many people.😁

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I’d be an midwife 💯 because birth is just my favorite topic. I love everything about it, BUT I’m too weak to be in the medical field AT ALL. Couldn’t do it. Can’t do blood. I would feel scared too. I loved my births, but I think I’d be scared to witness someone else give birth. My dad’s grandma was “midwife” with no official training. She was there when my grandma was born and she was also there when my grandma gave birth to my dad. I’m SO disappointed this tradition didn’t stay with my family. So beautiful for the women of the family to assist each other in their births. 

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17 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

Question: Do you think if you were a cleaning person somewhere that it is reasonable for them to expect that it is part of your job description to clean human waste off floors and walls? Camps where there are boys and stuff. Or would it be more reasonable to be clear that that should be cleaned up by properly equipped personnel wearing proper protective gear? Am I thinking crazy?

If I were in any janitorial position, that would be where I would draw the line. Could not do that. 

I was a cleaning person at a camp one summer during college. I wore gloves; the permanent staff, by choice, did not. There was lots of gross cleaning involved. Blood, poop, urine, dried snot, vomit, etc. The permanent staff gave us wimpy college kids one "nope" per summer, where they would take over something we just couldn't handle. I never used mine because I could always imagine something worse coming up later. 

It would be prohibitively expensive in such a setting to have special cleaners come in for that sort of thing. There's a reason I only did it one summer.

Last summer, at a camp where I was volunteering as director, some boys clogged the urinal of a port-o-john with trash, then used it, I'm hoping thoughtlessly. The next boy, instead of using the toilet on the same cubical, also used the clogged urinal, and so on until it was literally and copiously overflowing. It fell on me to stick my hand in to remove the trash. Yes, I wore a glove, gagged a lot, and scrubbed copiously afterwards. 

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On 8/3/2023 at 9:32 AM, SKL said:

I don't think I could have a job that involves being SKL's boss.

It's funny because my bosses have all liked me, but I think about and I would be so frustrated managing myself. 

I mean I can't even do remote work because I hate managing myself so much.

Edited by Clarita
What was I writing?!
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20 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

Question: Do you think if you were a cleaning person somewhere that it is reasonable for them to expect that it is part of your job description to clean human waste off floors and walls? Camps where there are boys and stuff. Or would it be more reasonable to be clear that that should be cleaned up by properly equipped personnel wearing proper protective gear? Am I thinking crazy?

If I were in any janitorial position, that would be where I would draw the line. Could not do that. 

Not only is it a janitor's job, it's also the responsibility of a lot of people who are not janitors.

My kids work at an ice cream shop.  One of their on-boarding documents was a state-required instruction on how to clean up vomit or diarrhea should a customer have an accident in the store.

But yes, I would recommend wearing gloves.  😛

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10 hours ago, MercyA said:

This! Don't miss the rave soundtrack. 😉  This literally made my palms sweaty.


I could never do that. Nope. I didn’t get sweaty palms watching it though. I guess I can disassociate pretty well. However - If I was standing near that window I would be hugging the floor and hyperventilating.

What made me mad though was them putting holes in that building envelope.  I work at a building products testing company and those holes scream water infiltration to me. But they’re not the ones who would have to deal with that, right, so why should they care? 🤨

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I just came across a video of a guy replacing a lightbulb on a tower that was 2000 ft. tall.   It says he gets paid $20k per light bulb change.   It takes him a several hours to climb.   

Nope!   Nope!  Nope!   I mean, $20k for a day's work is great, but nope!

This is a 1500 ft. tower and it is still a nope from me.


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3 hours ago, DawnM said:

I just came across a video of a guy replacing a lightbulb on a tower that was 2000 ft. tall.   It says he gets paid $20k per light bulb change.   It takes him a several hours to climb.   

Nope!   Nope!  Nope!   I mean, $20k for a day's work is great, but nope!

This is a 1500 ft. tower and it is still a nope from me.


That was so much worse than watching the AC replacement in the high rise!

I can’t even imagine the trip back down. I feel like jello inside just thinking about it.

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Just now, kbutton said:

That was so much worse than watching the AC replacement in the high rise!

I can’t even imagine the trip back down. I feel like jello inside just thinking about it.

Right?   Me too!   My knees were wobbling just looking!

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No hordes of children. I like kids one on one or in small groups. I hate teaching large groups of children.  Because I home educated,  the local Jewish schools think I want to teach.  No way Jose!

Nothing up high please.  I'm not totally fearful of heights but why make me age before my time?

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3 hours ago, DawnM said:

Right?   Me too!   My knees were wobbling just looking!

When I was in college, one year for a mini-break I was trying to earn some money. My mom said she'd pay me to power wash the house. I was going along just fine until I got in the back where it was two stories. I had never ever experienced this before, but halfway up the ladder, my legs started shaking so badly that I just couldn't do it. I made several attempts, but I'd get stuck. Finally, my mom had to take over the back part of the house. I was so embarrassed, but my legs were shaking so hard it was precarious. 

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1 minute ago, Jaybee said:

When I was in college, one year for a mini-break I was trying to earn some money. My mom said she'd pay me to power wash the house. I was going along just fine until I got in the back where it was two stories. I had never ever experienced this before, but halfway up the ladder, my legs started shaking so badly that I just couldn't do it. I made several attempts, but I'd get stuck. Finally, my mom had to take over the back part of the house. I was so embarrassed, but my legs were shaking so hard it was precarious. 

I get it!

3 hours ago, ikslo said:

I thought of another. I could never be a fishmonger. The smell 🤮

I’d rather clean toilets. <<< not hyperbole

My cousin worked on a salmon boat every summer to help pay for his college tuition.   He only got about 4 hours of sleep per day and it was exhausting and scary and very cold even though it was summer.

I could not do that either.

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  • 5 months later...

Any job that involves dealing with animals that are grown for food - meat processing, dealing with chicken coops, growing and tending animals before slaughter, etc.  Ugh.  We don't eat a lot of meat in our house, but I would become a vegetarian if I ever had to face the reality of what the animals go through for our consumption.

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Anything dental. I can't stand the thought of sticking my fingers into people's mouths, even if I wore gloves. This doesn't count my own child or any child who might have something dangerous in their mouths and I'm the one who is closest to take it out. But as a profession, no.

Anything that involves heights. And by heights I mean anything higher than one story in a building. Nope.

Anything that involves end of life or possible end of life for humans or animals. 

Driving a semi. I used to drive a 15 passenger van full of high school cheerleaders and that's a big a vehicle as I'm willing to drive.

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