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Let's brag about our graduates!


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My youngest actually graduated high school  in December! It was unplanned and the result of a weird audit of his DE program by the State DOE. They said he had too many credits lol

He's going to be studying Aerospace Engineering at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. 

My Oldest will finish his Masters in Engineering in December via Texas Tech. 

So hooray to both of them! 

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Dd (my youngest child) just graduated from college with a degree in computer science.  I'm so proud of her! 

Thanks to the WTM board, she was a NMF and got a fantastic scholarship.  I wouldn't have known it was a possibility without this community!  ❤️ 

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My oldest graduated with a Bachelors in Rhetoric and Media Studies and earned departmental honors.  I am very proud of her.  She wants to eventually get a masters degree.

She has now moved back home and is job hunting.  She isn't quite sure what she wants to do, but something in game design, story boarding, perhaps working in a library (she did that in college).

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My kid graduated with a Bachelor of Music and is going to another college for a two-year master's program, also in music.  Yes, music. People are starting to question us about what our child will do with degrees in such a useless field and if they have a back up plan. We are proud of our child and patient enough to wait and see as they weave their own unique life.

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5 minutes ago, PronghornD said:

My kid graduated with a Bachelor of Music and is going to another college for a two-year master's program, also in music.  Yes, music. People are starting to question us about what our child will do with degrees in such a useless field and if they have a back up plan. We are proud of our child and patient enough to wait and see as they weave their own unique life.

Hurray!  Ignore those people, your child is doing something wonderful for themselves and for this polarized, stressed-out world.

Dd is graduating high school, homeschooled all the way through.  This milestone is very sweet to me, as she and I clashed for several years and then we undertook a conscious realignment last year.  She is healthier, happier, thriving.


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Our beloved son just graduated with a degree in actuarial science. His wife, our dear and darling daughter-in-law, graduated with her degree in weather science. They’re taking a year to work for a faith-based organization, and ds has an actuarial position to step into next year. We’re so proud of them both.

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Our #6 told me she wanted to learn to play the cello in 2019. So I bought her a cheap, used cello, a book, and told her, "Good luck." No lessons save for YouTube. She let me know when she worked through one book so I could buy her the next one. 2020 hit and she had even more time to dedicate to teaching herself. There were attempts to find an instructor to no avail, month after month. Finally we found a gal who lives 1.5 hours away who has her own album and is involved with the local Pops and CC orchestras. She also plays for the incredible musical productions at the CC (last one was "Hello, Dolly!" starring Toni Tennille). So my dd began taking lessons with this gal which led to......

2nd Chair with the Pops orchestra - youngest participant to ever have that seat
Audition for Phoenix Youth Orchestra - got in and got Principal Chair
Winner of 3 local scholarships/competitions for music
Acceptance into University of AZ music program

I wish she was staying local - the CC created a scholarship for her and we were hoping she'd continue for at least one more year. Oh well.

Oh, and she plays hockey wicked good - totally doesn't let the boys push her around. So her Senior photos will be in front of the goal in her recital dress (gorgeous), with cello in one hand, hockey stick in another, and skates. 🙂 330202202_729521978634524_4316856534875114402_n.jpg.b4e83dedf33e8660a3309c869f5d3429.jpg


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16 minutes ago, BakersDozen said:

No lessons save for YouTube. 

2nd Chair with the Pops orchestra - youngest participant to ever have that seat
Audition for Phoenix Youth Orchestra - got in and got Principal Chair
Winner of 3 local scholarships/competitions for music
Acceptance into University of AZ music program

Wow!!  In four years she's achieved all that!  Total respect! 

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My older son graduated from vocational school (carpentry) and homeschool (academics at home/tutor and carpentry at school). He won an award of distinction for carpentry and received a tool scholarship. He was also honored with a gift card from a not-yet-matured scholarship in honor of his carpentry teacher that passed away (and my son contributed to that scholarship fund as well--I didn't know until his teacher's widow sent him a thank you note). He achieved all the credentialing he could in his program (workplace credentials, CPR, forklift, OSHA, etc.), had an internship, and he jumped through the hoops to get a career tech scholarship that can be used at the local community college (which can bridge to numerous in-state college programs). 

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My younger boy who fought the hard battle with dysgraphia for years, just got an A+ on an essay exam in university. We worked together for years on his writing, and I tried so hard to trust my gut that collaboration would eventually lead to independence in writing. And it did! 

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23 hours ago, PronghornD said:

My kid graduated with a Bachelor of Music and is going to another college for a two-year master's program, also in music.  Yes, music. People are starting to question us about what our child will do with degrees in such a useless field and if they have a back up plan. We are proud of our child and patient enough to wait and see as they weave their own unique life.

My second kid just finished his first year working on a clarinet performance degree; he's so happy and can't imagine doing anything else. 

My oldest just graduated from Macalester with a math major/data science minor. He may end up in grad school eventually, but he'll be working for now, and just got a job as a GIS analyst for a department of public safety near us; we are affectionately referring to him as "map cop" now, but I think maybe he wants us to stop 😂

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This is my first year teaching high school. I taught 16 of the 50 graduates from the class over the course of the year. The ceremony was tonight so it was fun to be a part of it. 

It was good practice for next year when my oldest graduates. 

Congratulations to all!

Edited by LifeLovePassion
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My older boy graduated last year from universtiy, and has made the transition to grad school. He has decided on a sub field (quantum computing) that gives him broader job prospects than just being a professor, which makes me quite relieved. He is absolutely loving theoretical physics and has found an awesome professor and program. I'm really pleased that he is keeping a balanced life with hobbies in cooking, plant propagation, oragami, and of course his music. 

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Last week was graduation week here.  I graduated with my AAS in Hospitality Management with a 4.0 and DD graduated with her BA in Dance, Summa Cum Laude.  I'm well positioned for my next step in my career, which will be running our teams new restaurant when it opens early next year.  I'm currently debating pursing a Bachelor's in Organizational Leadership.  DD has her sights set on a particular dance studio to work at, but wants her summer free, so she's holding off on actually applying for a little while yet.  If that studio doesn't pan out, she has a pecking order for area studios she could work at. She's making lofty plans to move out in the fall with her BF, so I sure hope she decides to apply sooner rather than later. 

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