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Alarm clock-I am going to lose my (expletive)


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Our renter has overall been a good renter.   He rents dad's apartment in our house.   He was noisy at night at first but we got that all straightened out.

His alarm clock goes off for over an hour.   Every. Day.    Sometimes it is kind of way in the background and I don't hear it, but this morning it has gone off for 30 min and I am about to go break into his room and throw it against the wall.

He is a super heavy sleeper and sleeps through the alarm.   So WHY can't he just wake up when he wakes up if he plans to do that anyway?   ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not even trying to sleep, but I am trying to concentrate and I can't.   

We WILL be having a discussion, but I just needed to get this off my chest.

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My sister-in-law, who was my roommate before she was my SIL (separate bedrooms) did this too. Her alarm would start beeping at 7 or so and it would continue to beep for over an hour. Fortunately, I usually had left for work and I was up hours before her so it didn’t affect me much. But it did always seem curious to me. 

I believe we can train ourselves to hear an alarm or ignore it depending on our true intentions, so yes, I did always wonder why she didn’t just set the alarm for the time she truly intended to wake and then train herself to wake up at that time. 

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DS13, who sleeps through his alarm anyway, forgot about daylight savings time and it went off an hour earlier this morning.  The rest of us were not amused.

The rest of us have adapted to alarm tones.  DS24's is very deep, dh's is like a tinkling brook, and mine is a standard beep.  Most of the time we only wake up to our personal alarms and block out the other tones, but ds13 sets his so infrequently that there is no sleeping through half an hour of constant beeps.  I may have to switch him to a sunlight alarm, just for the rest of our sanity.

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1 hour ago, HomeAgain said:

DS13, who sleeps through his alarm anyway, forgot about daylight savings time and it went off an hour earlier this morning.  The rest of us were not amused.

The rest of us have adapted to alarm tones.  DS24's is very deep, dh's is like a tinkling brook, and mine is a standard beep.  Most of the time we only wake up to our personal alarms and block out the other tones, but ds13 sets his so infrequently that there is no sleeping through half an hour of constant beeps.  I may have to switch him to a sunlight alarm, just for the rest of our sanity.

I can't sleep through much noise at all.   I am a very light sleeper.   

BTW:   It is STILL going off

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Ugh. I'm sorry. As one who generally wakes up before mine goes off, this is a pet peeve. I had a roommate years ago who would let hers go off for awhile (it was really less than a minute, but since it woke me up, it felt longer), hit the snooze, then repeat. Drove me nuts. Another of my peeves is when they turn it off, but not the snooze, then go get in the shower.😠 

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As the person who is a deep sleeper and not a morning person and struggles mightily to move in the morning, I want to apologize on behalf of your renter.  For some of us getting up is not easy and we really do need a long period of annoying sounds to reach a level of consciousness that we can even respond to the alarm.  This is as ongoing "discussion" in my household as my DH can wake up at the drop of a hat and several of us do not.  Waking up is like fighting through a battle of sludge in my mind,  I can WANT to get up at a certain time all I want but being able to get the brain alert enough to notify the body that it needs to move is a whole nother matter.

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6 minutes ago, cjzimmer1 said:

As the person who is a deep sleeper and not a morning person and struggles mightily to move in the morning, I want to apologize on behalf of your renter.  For some of us getting up is not easy and we really do need a long period of annoying sounds to reach a level of consciousness that we can even respond to the alarm.  This is as ongoing "discussion" in my household as my DH can wake up at the drop of a hat and several of us do not.  Waking up is like fighting through a battle of sludge in my mind,  I can WANT to get up at a certain time all I want but being able to get the brain alert enough to notify the body that it needs to move is a whole nother matter.

Same here. Plus right now I am having to take Benadryl at night and that makes it even harder to wake up in the morning.

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I can appreciate that he struggles to wake up, but it can't affect US in our own home.   Believe me,  he isn't paying enough rent to warrant putting up with this.   And we do not NEED the money, in fact, DH would like that room back.

He can get a bed shaking alarm, put his phone next to him, or simply get up when he naturally wakes up.  Heck, maybe not going to bed at 3am from video games would be a great start.

But if this doesn't change, he can find a new location.   I am DONE with it.

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I DID send him a text that said, "We need to have a conversation about your alarm going off for over an hour every day.   We can hear it in the office (where DH works) and from our bedroom (Where I have my office.).  I am about ready to come down there and turn it off myself!

And yup, I hit the send button.

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20 minutes ago, DawnM said:

I DID send him a text that said, "We need to have a conversation about your alarm going off for over an hour every day.   We can hear it in the office (where DH works) and from our bedroom (Where I have my office.).  I am about ready to come down there and turn it off myself!

And yup, I hit the send button.

I'd do the southern sweet version of dealing with this. I'd just go knock on his door, loudly, until he answered. And then say, "Oh thank goodness! When I heard your alarm going off for so long I thought something had happened to you!" 


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11 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

I'd do the southern sweet version of dealing with this. I'd just go knock on his door, loudly, until he answered. And then say, "Oh thank goodness! When I heard your alarm going off for so long I thought something had happened to you!" 


And I thought Brits were the masters of passive-aggressive!

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Well, OP, some people really do need what seems like a lot of whatever to wake up. I distinctly remember once going to wake our oldest up. He had an alarm that to me is as loud as a nuclear bomb going off (and I sleep on the other end of the house!) and absolutely slept through it. I went it, turned on the light in his room and he still slept. I literally pulled him from bed and tried to stand him up and gently shook him. 

And still he slept on. 

I gave up, put him back in bed, and turned off the alarm. (He had planned to get up earlier than absolutely necessary that day.)

And he still sleeps like that. 

I don't get it, but now I know it's possible.

Also, I don't think you can evict a renter based on an alarm.

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2 hours ago, barnwife said:

Well, OP, some people really do need what seems like a lot of whatever to wake up. I distinctly remember once going to wake our oldest up. He had an alarm that to me is as loud as a nuclear bomb going off (and I sleep on the other end of the house!) and absolutely slept through it. I went it, turned on the light in his room and he still slept. I literally pulled him from bed and tried to stand him up and gently shook him. 

And still he slept on. 

I gave up, put him back in bed, and turned off the alarm. (He had planned to get up earlier than absolutely necessary that day.)

And he still sleeps like that. 

I don't get it, but now I know it's possible.

Also, I don't think you can evict a renter based on an alarm.

Well, we are friends with his parents, so it CAN happen.  

He was supposed to stay for a couple of months while he looked for a place.   Then he stayed.   We were ok with it as we knew we were giving him a great deal and he is a friend of our older two sons.  

But if we can't sleep, he has to go.  

However, I do feel we can work this out.


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1 hour ago, DawnM said:

Well, we are friends with his parents, so it CAN happen.  

He was supposed to stay for a couple of months while he looked for a place.   Then he stayed.   We were ok with it as we knew we were giving him a great deal and he is a friend of our older two sons.  

But if we can't sleep, he has to go.  

However, I do feel we can work this out.


I absolutely hope you can, because if eviction would probably destroy all that. 

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7 hours ago, barnwife said:

Well, OP, some people really do need what seems like a lot of whatever to wake up. I distinctly remember once going to wake our oldest up. He had an alarm that to me is as loud as a nuclear bomb going off (and I sleep on the other end of the house!) and absolutely slept through it. I went it, turned on the light in his room and he still slept. I literally pulled him from bed and tried to stand him up and gently shook him. 

And still he slept on. 

I gave up, put him back in bed, and turned off the alarm. (He had planned to get up earlier than absolutely necessary that day.)

And he still sleeps like that. 

I don't get it, but now I know it's possible.

Also, I don't think you can evict a renter based on an alarm.

This reminded me of trying to get my brother up as kid. I remember shaking him violently, dragging him onto the floor from his bed, extracting a promise that he'd get up, then returning ten minutes later to find him snoring on the floor with the blanket pulled halfway off the bed.

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1 hour ago, Farrar said:

This reminded me of trying to get my brother up as kid. I remember shaking him violently, dragging him onto the floor from his bed, extracting a promise that he'd get up, then returning ten minutes later to find him snoring on the floor with the blanket pulled halfway off the bed.

My siblings used to throw cold water on me to wake me up.  It didn't work.

I still have so much trouble waking up.  It's kind of amazing I ever held a job.  😛

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17 hours ago, Quill said:

My sister-in-law, who was my roommate before she was my SIL (separate bedrooms) did this too. Her alarm would start beeping at 7 or so and it would continue to beep for over an hour. Fortunately, I usually had left for work and I was up hours before her so it didn’t affect me much. But it did always seem curious to me. 

I believe we can train ourselves to hear an alarm or ignore it depending on our true intentions, so yes, I did always wonder why she didn’t just set the alarm for the time she truly intended to wake and then train herself to wake up at that time. 

So train yourself to ignore it? 🤣

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5 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

So train yourself to ignore it? 🤣

I mean, that would sound like calloused advice, but it is within the realm of possibility. It sounds like OP is already awake when it goes off, so it doesn’t really apply in this case. But it is possible to train your nervous system to tune out noises and place no importance on them. That’s why, if you live near a noisy thing (I live near a railroad track), you can stop being awakened by it. You train your brain to place no importance on it. 

I have even done a pretty “woo” thing, where I use imagery to imagine I am instructing a committee in my brain to wake up at a specific time. It works! It’s too much effort to use on the daily but it worked when, in the before-cell-phone times, I had no alarm clock with me but needed to wake to catch a bus. 🙂 

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