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Quick - Help dress me for an interview? - Update in first post . . .

Jenny in Florida

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Thank you all again for jumping in: I got the call yesterday offering me the job. 

(I would be excited, except that (a) this really was my second choice, and it seems my first choice is "moving forward with another candidate"; (b) I had to tell the boss I like so much and have worked with so closely for the past 3.5 years that I'm leaving her. I feel like a rat deserting that sinking ship.)

So, I start in a little less than three weeks. I'll be making a bit more money, get my foot in the door with a very large company where there should be room to move both around and up and be doing something in my field but distinctly different from what I've been doing for the last few years. All good things. 

Oh, and I'll be in the office a few days a week, a good thing for me, since I don't thrive working at home.

This does mean the need to buy some clothes just became more pressing, but I'll figure it out.

Anyway, I figured you all might want to hear how the story turned out. Many thanks!


****************************** Original Post ********************************************

I  have to leave for a job interview in an hour. Normally, my elder adult kiddo is my fashion consultant, but they are off in NYC on an interview of their own. I have two options. I'm posting a full-body and torso of each.

Two things:

  • The office environment is business casual, and I know folks who work, not in this specific office but for the same company. I am confident that either one of these options would be okay.
  • Also, please ignore the wandering beasties who photobombed my session and the mess in the background. We are in the middle of a big closet organization project, and there are piles of stuff all over the room waiting to be donated or put away.






Edited by Jenny in Florida
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40 minutes ago, Hannah said:

How did it go?

Thanks for asking.

I feel like it went reasonably well. This isn't actually the one that I am most enthused about, but it would be a way out of where I am and into a large company where I might have room to move around and grow for the remaining decade or so of my career. I actually interviewed with two managers, who between them have three roles to fill. 

I for sure have the skills and experience necessary to do the job, and I would be a good fit for the company culture (and vice versa). 

The money is better than what I'm making now, but not earth-shakingly so. And it's a contract position, which makes me nervous. Mind you, virtually everyone I know who works for this company either got in the door through a contract position (including one of the managers I met today) or was outsourced/insourced at least once. And both managers made it clear that -- no promises -- they technically have open head count, are going through a contracting agency only because a hiring freeze prevents them from hiring directly and intend to keep fighting to fill the roles permanently. 

They are back in the office most days, which is fine for me. (I don't really like working from home full time.) And it's very close to my house. 

It would offer a lot more variety of task than what I'm doing now, which would also be nice. I'd get opportunities to go out into the field to meet users and observe the things I'm trying to write training for. That would be cool after three years of sitting in a chair trying to guess or scrounge online for answers.

I should hear something from them within a week or so.

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55 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Also, a quick sartorial follow-up: Thank you all so much for encouraging me to wear the blazer. As it turned out, one of the two managers with whom I met was wearing a blazer in a very similar pattern. Twinning with your potential boss can't be a bad thing, right?

So funny!  I loved the blazer too.  Fingers crossed for you.

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  • Jenny in Florida changed the title to Quick - Help dress me for an interview? - Update in first post . . .

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