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Help me brainstorm a small gift for a teen I don't know?

Jenny in Florida

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We're trying to finish up our shopping for the families we adopted through a local organization. One family has a six-year-old girl who loves Encanto and Disney princesses, so easy-peasy. Done.

The same family has a 16-year-old boy whose only specific likes/requests were for movie tickets and McDonald's gift cards. 

We got him the gift cards, but I would like to include some kind of tangible object. (And also to balance the sheer number of items his little sister is receiving.) I have clothing sizes -- and I have looked all over town for any t-shirt or pair of silly socks or such that has a McDonald's-ish graphic on it -- but without any additional information about this kid, I feel truly stumped about what to buy. 

I also thought of any kind of small card or board game with a fast food or movie theme, but I have struck out on those fronts, too. (There are a few movie trivia games, but most of them require a depth of knowledge of film history that I can't assume.)

Given the timeframe -- we need to drop the gifts at the organization's office by next weekend -- I am limited in terms of ordering. And I try to use Amazon as little as possible. So, extra points to anyone who can suggest a brick-and-mortar source for me. 

So, if you wanted to add something for this kid to the family's bag, what would you toss in and where would you find it?

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Just now, Tanaqui said:

As always, I'd include a book. Perhaps several books. But I'd also give his sister books too, so that won't really help.

How about a winter hat and gloves? It doesn't have to be silly or meaningful, it just has to be warm.

Sister already has a couple of books in her gift stack. But, without any information about this kid's interests other than fast food and movie tickets, I wouldn't have a clue what book(s) to buy.

Since we're in Florida, winter accessories are not really necessary. I would be happy if I could come up with an equivalent, appropriate-for-our-environment item.

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Would you be willing to do a couple of McDonald’s gift cards - even $5 each? He might be asking for the McDonald’s cards because if his friends go their after school,  games, etc it gives him social time and food and that discretionary money might be hard to come by in his family.  My 16 yo can stretch a dollar at McDonald’s with the app.  I understand the tangible idea, but wanted to give another perspective. 

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16 minutes ago, footballmom said:

Would you be willing to do a couple of McDonald’s gift cards - even $5 each? He might be asking for the McDonald’s cards because if his friends go their after school,  games, etc it gives him social time and food and that discretionary money might be hard to come by in his family.  My 16 yo can stretch a dollar at McDonald’s with the app.  I understand the tangible idea, but wanted to give another perspective. 

Oh, we already got him the McDonald's gc and another one for movie tickets. I just was putting together the bag of stuff for that family and was unhappy to see the comparison between the small stack of gifts for his sister and the two little pieces of plastic for him. 

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Possibly a water bottle? These are handy things to have around for everyone, especially in a hot humid climate. We take ours everywhere in the summer but aren't quite so careful about that in the winter.  Target or Walmart have some - I would do insulated, but I like my drinks cold. 

Since he likes going to the movies, can you include a selection of the small boxes of candy (Dollar Tree, Walmart)? (Do theaters let you bring in outside food?)

Pocket knife?

We have a local store here that has their own Tshirts - very popular. If you have something like that there, it works for everyone. I have seen so many wearing them, so I went to look, but I'm not paying $25+ to advertise a store. They are very trendy here. 


Edited by Bambam
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I would consider buying a polo or collared button up shirt so he has something nicer to wear if he needs it. And maybe nicer pants. Not sure what your budget is. I always feel badly for the kids that seem to feel a bit out of place because they don't have appropriate event attire at schools etc.


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Target has a lot of retro graphic t shirts - some are company logos, they may have something suitable. The gift cards I’m giving have been taped to large candy bars and movie sized candy boxes and wrapped.

Do you have any interest in making a movie theme gift basket for him? Microwave popcorn, a couple of glass bottles of soda and/or reusable cup w/ straw & lid, tick the movie gift certificates in there, maybe add a dvd/blue ray - you could pick something action oriented or maybe something like old Hawaii five 0 or gilligans island that he might get a kick out of. Maybe a magazine that has movie reviews in it (if there is such a thing). Pinterest probably has a ton more ideas.

Maybe a book on history of the movies - something like DK possibly.

ETA - Apollo 13 is another good movie he might like.

The Academy Awards has a museum store - they have posters. I think five below does too, but maybe not. 



Edited by TechWife
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Lots of good suggestions here, thank you.

I will add that all items have to be delivered unwrapped (along with wrapping supplies so that parents in the facility can wrap the gifts for thie own children), so cute ideas to wrap gift cards won't address this particular issue. Also, we are already including stockings and a selection of candy in the package (again, just providing the supplies so the parent can fill them). 

I particularly love the water bottle and hoodie ideas, especially if I can find anything with a Marvel theme. And, of course, including gift receipts.

So, it'll be back to Target for me in the next day or two. With so many good ideas, I am sure I can find a couple of things to add to the pile.

Thanks, all.

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I'd hit up the bookstore, GameStop, and if you have a game/music store, there as well.  Things my oldest would have loved at this age would have been things like:

an awesome pair of slippers/lounging accessories in "teen boy" theme

a puzzle game (he ended up finding a love for Rubik's Cubes around this time) or any game for one player

something kitchy, like a pop-bubble calendar or other attention grabber for his room.

He totally would have loved food as a gift!  But here's a few other things he would have enjoyed.

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