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Is this enough?


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We have had just grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner before.  Or, a fairly simple homemade tomato basil soup (I am not a canned tomato soup fan) and a green salad or hearty bread.  Much depends upon what we have eaten (or will be eating) the rest of the day.  

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We have all sorts of fancy dinners over here and I would 100% call tomato soup and grilled cheese a dinner. I don't do canned tomato soup here just because I can use canned tomatoes so many ways that I'd rather buy that then combine with some chicken stock and call it done (may or may not puree it depending on low lazy I feel). Throw some Basil on top if I have it.

If I want to make my tomato soup and grilled cheese dinner fancy I'll cut sprigs of rosemary from the garden and put it on each bowl. If I'm feeling super fancy I'll use more than one cheese in the grilled cheese.   


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3 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I am curious if your family would consider canned tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches qualify as dinner at your house or would your group expect more? 

Dinner as in lunch or dinner as in supper?

 Lunch -yes, because my kids snack. 
Supper - unlikely

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3 hours ago, BusyMom5 said:

Sandwiches would need some meat on them, and no one but me likes tomato soup.  So no-   Not a meal in my house.

^^^ This. Canned or not, no one here but me (and on a rare occasion 1 offspring) would have the tomato soup. Dh hates cheese, so this would be something I might throw together for just me and the offspring. It would more likely be a lunch rather than a dinner

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This is timely.   We just had tomato soup (Hungry Harvest brand and in a jar) and vegan cheese quesadillas for lunch today.    It was a delicious and filling lunch.   In fact, it was so good we are planning to have the same thing tomorrow for lunch.

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For me it would depend on how you treat snacks. At my house it would be enough for dinner but people will be rummaging for snacks later, like a bowl of cereal or toast, maybe a sandwich or frozen meal.  So it’s enough if you allow snacking later.  

Since snacking would happen, it would suffice if I was short on time or energy but it wouldn’t work as a budget meal.

If you don’t allow snacks or insist on only minimal snacks, then no, it wouldn’t work for my house.  

Edited by Heartstrings
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This was a really common supper for my family growing up.  I expect it had more to do with it being easy and cheap than anything else, and we didn’t have snacks and rarely seconds.

But we were also a little hungry fairly frequently. Whether it was money or my mom, who literally is never hungry and wasn’t even as a teenager, didn’t realize how much food growing kids actually need.

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That one was of my favorite meals growing up!  It would've worked for my own family when my children were younger, but as teens and older, it wouldn't have been enough for some.  However, I like the idea of adding ham to the sandwich, or other veggies like avocado, tomato, etc.  Then I think it could be enough, maybe with the option of more than one sandwich for heartier eaters.

Edited by J-rap
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