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Lighthearted creepy kid stories


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This meme reminded me of a few weeks ago when DD3 suddenly started using words I have never heard anyone use except my late father, who died almost 20 years ago. I asked her where she learned those words and she said, “The lights taught me.”  

I was my father’s pet and DD3 looks and acts more like me than my other children. And 3 was his favorite age. So it’s not surprising that she’s the one who he would hang out with. 

So now I ask, what’s the strangest/creepy thing your kids have ever said to you? 


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Youngest ds was about 4 when he saw Lilo & Stitch for the first time.  This kid has zero imagination.  None.  Fancy stories always annoyed him because they weren't possible.  So he considered the movie for the first hour or so, and then turned and asked, "this is before aliens were common in people's homes, right?"


Oldest ds used to have entire conversations with the wall in our old home.  We'd hear him in his little toddler babble laughing and carrying on, waiting for a few minutes, and then erupting with laughter again all while staring at the wall.  He was too young to know more than a few words in English, but had really long babbled conversations.  It was like hearing/seeing one side of a telephone call.

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Not really a creepy story but more of a cute story ..... when my nephew was about 4 we were visiting our grandmother. She had a picture of God on the wall.

My nephew asked who it was and we told him it was God.

After a few minutes of thinking he said "who took the picture?"🤪

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When my youngest was around that age we recieved a free bookmark from an online bookseller with a painting of a little Dutch boy on it.

Our son insisted that this was definitely a picture of him. We said "No, that is a little Dutch boy." He said "No it is me when I was a little Dutch Boy" and proceeded to tell us stories about his "Dutch family" including his "Dutch Mama and Papa" (he did not call us or use Mama and Papa in regular speech) and his sister. 

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My daughter used to do the staring at me until I woke up thing. 

One night when she was about 3 she came downstairs and I woke up face to face with her. I let out a blood curdling scream right in her face. She burst into tears. It turns out she had come down for comfort due to a bad dream and I “traumatized” her more.  We can laugh about it now but we were both pretty upset at the time. 

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We used to have one of those plastic kid picnic tables and kept it in the family room. Ds used to like sitting there playing. When he was about 3-1/2 I left the room to do something and when I came back he was dancing on top of the table. Rather than fuss at him and scare him into falling I asked in a jokey voice, "Hey, who said you could dance on the table?" He looked up, pointed at the ceiling and said, "They did". 

When he was five used to talk about his other dad who died when he (ds) was a teenager. So he not only used to have a different dad, he was also a teenager before. There were a lot of details that only he understood. I do think he probably heard me discussing my dad with someone. Mine did die when I was a teenager.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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MDD used to sit in her crib and later on her bad staring at a spot and talk to Tim and Lanon at night.  I'm pretty sure it was ordinary imaginary friend stuff but it was creepy as heck. Partially because she never talked to them during the day.

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I woke up one night in the middle of the night to find DS, who was about 2-3, staring at me. When I woke up, he said "Mommy, there's a man in the house!" That was terrifying - and thankfully there was no man in the house!! 

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My 3 year old daughter pointed to my tummy one day and told me I had a sister baby in there. I hadn't said anything about trying to conceive. I heard the truth in her voice and went and took an immediate test. Positive, on day 23 of my cycle. I delivered a daughter.  That daughter probably had the strongest intuitive power of my kids (she passed a couple of years later from cancer), but most of my kids have the usual---knowing who it is when the phone rings before looking down at the phone, knowing when someone just pulled into the driveway, and so on. They are learning not to share outside of the family when they know things, as is wise. 

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I’m not much on supernatural and don’t really have any stories quite like these, but when my second ds was 2ish or 3ish he had super vivid dreams. One morning he woke up screaming and crying about his legs. When I calmed him down a bit he informed me he was playing on the train track and a CSX engine ran over his legs and he couldn’t walk. He was so little that for the next year or so he’d occasionally bring up the time that a CSX engine ran over his legs. 😅I’d bet anything his legs fell asleep .

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23 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I’m not much on supernatural and don’t really have any stories quite like these, but when my second ds was 2ish or 3ish he had super vivid dreams. One morning he woke up screaming and crying about his legs. When I calmed him down a bit he informed me he was playing on the train track and a CSX engine ran over his legs and he couldn’t walk. He was so little that for the next year or so he’d occasionally bring up the time that a CSX engine ran over his legs. 😅I’d bet anything his legs fell asleep .

CSX was only formed in 1980, so if it was a past life thing it would be recent. There's been a lot of accidents with them hitting the news though.

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35 minutes ago, Katy said:

CSX was only formed in 1980, so if it was a past life thing it would be recent. There's been a lot of accidents with them hitting the news though.

I don’t think. My boys were train crazy at the time and they knew the difference between Norfolk Southern and CSX and always pointed out which engine they saw.

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One of my children used to talk about 'back before I was me ...' and then give detailed stories about previous-her.  By about age 5 or 6 this stopped though.

One time she talked about when she died during childbirth. Not something you expect a 3 or 4 year old to be imagining as play.

This seems like a reasonably common thing, but it's kind of eerie when it happens.

Edited by chocolate-chip chooky
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30 minutes ago, Selkie said:

There's a professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine who studies memories of past lives in children. He wrote a book about called Return to Life and it is pretty fascinating stuff. 


I literally was reading this in a Virginia magazine at the dentist yesterday!

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Dd dreamed that her deceased brother told her that she had to speak to her in Auslan from then on, and when she asked how he even knew it, he said he'd learned it from their also deceased great-grandfather who, to my certain knowledge, knew less Auslan than Ds. Dd asked how he'd learned, and he said he'd gone back in time to eavesdrop on my Auslan classes at uni.

Dd worked pretty hard on her Auslan for a while after that. 😅

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4 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

Dd dreamed that her deceased brother told her that she had to speak to her in Auslan from then on, and when she asked how he even knew it, he said he'd learned it from their also deceased great-grandfather who, to my certain knowledge, knew less Auslan than Ds. Dd asked how he'd learned, and he said he'd gone back in time to eavesdrop on my Auslan classes at uni.

Dd worked pretty hard on her Auslan for a while after that. 😅

I had to google what Auslan is, but that's pretty cool.

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1 hour ago, Rosie_0801 said:

Dd dreamed that her deceased brother told her that she had to speak to her in Auslan from then on, and when she asked how he even knew it, he said he'd learned it from their also deceased great-grandfather who, to my certain knowledge, knew less Auslan than Ds. Dd asked how he'd learned, and he said he'd gone back in time to eavesdrop on my Auslan classes at uni.

Dd worked pretty hard on her Auslan for a while after that. 😅

I love Auslan. I was really fluent about 20 years ago. I wish I'd kept it up. 

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We had my son, and then lost a pregnancy a little less that two years later. One day a couple of years later when he was about 4, he asked me what happened to the angel baby. We never talked about the baby we lost in that way. He was a baby/young toddler when we lost her, so we really didn't even talk to him about it.

It was freaky how serious he was. 

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