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My mother died last night


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I'm on my way back now (after an hour and a half delay leaving Memphis. Hoping the second leg is smoother). 

Since my mother wants a green burial, which means needing to do so quickly, my father is planning a family only service for that, and what is likely to be an extremely big memorial service next week, which gives time for people who need to travel to do so.  We need to write the obituary tonight so it can get in the newspaper Thursday. 


The good news is that dropping the mask mandate hasn't been too bad so far. I'd say the percentages in the airports have been about the same as in stores, etc in Memphis, and I seem to have lucked into the "masking" section of the plane. (I think it helped that there was a mix of older women gojng to Greensboro for an AKA founders weekend and a cheer team going to the All Star Worlds competition at Universal, and neither wanted to risk getting sick-one of the cheerleaders told them that their coach would pull them if he caught them NOT masking on the plane! )

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I don't post here much anymore BUT have followed the recovery of your dear parents.  I am SO VERY SORRY for this to have happened after all you all went through these past few months.  Your mom sounded like a really great lady and quite a fighter!  What a poignant way to pass:  resting in the comfort of the Lord.

I pray for you and all your family to have peace during these coming days.

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1 hour ago, Dmmetler said:

The Memorial service is Friday. We’re slowly getting paperwork stuff in my Dad’s name. It’s hard. 

It is really hard, time consuming and draining. It's wonderful that you're helping out your dad through this. I just went through it 2 months ago when my dad passed away. There are still things to do, but much progress has been made as well. It takes months, sometimes a year or more, to get through it all. Mom will have to complete dad's taxes next year, as he lived into the new year. That will be tough on her.

Big hugs through these difficult times. 

Edited by wintermom
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7 hours ago, Dmmetler said:

The Memorial service is Friday. We’re slowly getting paperwork stuff in my Dad’s name. It’s hard. 

Give yourself time. I am working through the legal stuff for my mom’s death as I am the executor of my parents’ will. Apparently the survivorship clause of bank joint accounts could be contested. I’m just thankful my parents do not own a home or a car. 

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