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S/O: New Car


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Talk me out of getting a new car. 😂

Our cars are all older.   DH and I have 3 cars between us, but one is a 2004 and the other is a 2014.   The 3rd car was our "fun car" a mini Cooper convertible, that I love driving, but DH complains about it all the time because it keeps having issues.  

My Aspie son is finally talking about getting a DL and we are looking at giving him the 2014 Honda and trading in the Mini (totally impractical with the 4 year old and my dad) for another car.

DH and I can't agree on a vehicle.   I want to trade the mini in for another mini, but a larger model, like the Countryman.   DH hates minis and wants a Lexus.   He even told me I could go get any Lexus I want (ok, not the 100k model!) if I will just shut up about the mini.   (He didn't say shut up, but that was the sentiment.)

Just for reference, we currently have 3 Toyotas, a Honda, and a Mini.   This is between all of us, my two kids who drive and have cars and DH and me.  All are at least 8 years old.


1. Do I want a vehicle that seats 7 since there are technically 7 of us?   I don't see us all traveling together much anymore as the boys are grown.

2. Should I just sell the Mini on my own and worry about a replacement later?   I have mentioned this to DH as an option.   We really don't need a car just yet, but I wonder if the trade in angle really brings more $$ towards a car.

3. What do we want?   What car do you enjoy?   Dh can get dealer pricing on a few cars as his firm audits them.....I think right now it is Subaru and Mazda,  but none of those cars seems to grab my attention.

I hate car shopping.

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My current car was about 4 years of planning.  I had requirements and only two models met ALL of them.  What it came down to, though, is that I needed a car I was comfortable driving, but dh could drive, too.  And since there's more than a foot height difference between us, it meant that the seat has to adjust.  A lot. 

I ended up with a Subaru.  I had decided on it 4 years before dh did, and once he came around he admits he really likes it.  It suits our needs, our climate, and our budget.

My other possibility was going with another Hyundai, but it was *almost*, not quite right.

Dh is shopping for a replacement for his vehicle, expected in another 4 years.  He's probably going for an electric truck, which will also work for us. 

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I don’t think you can know until you spend time looking & test driving. I thought I knew what I wanted on paper last time, but it changed with test drives. And supply issues are still a problem. I’d budget 8-12 weekend hours to do some test drives. 

Avoid Kia/Hyundai. Their cars are so easy to steal there are lawsuits about it. 

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17 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

My current car was about 4 years of planning.  I had requirements and only two models met ALL of them.  What it came down to, though, is that I needed a car I was comfortable driving, but dh could drive, too.  And since there's more than a foot height difference between us, it meant that the seat has to adjust.  A lot. 

I ended up with a Subaru.  I had decided on it 4 years before dh did, and once he came around he admits he really likes it.  It suits our needs, our climate, and our budget.

My other possibility was going with another Hyundai, but it was *almost*, not quite right.

Dh is shopping for a replacement for his vehicle, expected in another 4 years.  He's probably going for an electric truck, which will also work for us. 

Dh wants an electric truck.Have you looked in to them much yet?

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2 hours ago, DawnM said:

Talk me out of getting a new car. 😂

Our cars are all older.   DH and I have 3 cars between us, but one is a 2004 and the other is a 2014.   The 3rd car was our "fun car" a mini Cooper convertible, that I love driving, but DH complains about it all the time because it keeps having issues.  

My Aspie son is finally talking about getting a DL and we are looking at giving him the 2014 Honda and trading in the Mini (totally impractical with the 4 year old and my dad) for another car.

DH and I can't agree on a vehicle.   I want to trade the mini in for another mini, but a larger model, like the Countryman.   DH hates minis and wants a Lexus.   He even told me I could go get any Lexus I want (ok, not the 100k model!) if I will just shut up about the mini.   (He didn't say shut up, but that was the sentiment.)

Just for reference, we currently have 3 Toyotas, a Honda, and a Mini.   This is between all of us, my two kids who drive and have cars and DH and me.  All are at least 8 years old.


1. Do I want a vehicle that seats 7 since there are technically 7 of us?   I don't see us all traveling together much anymore as the boys are grown.

2. Should I just sell the Mini on my own and worry about a replacement later?   I have mentioned this to DH as an option.   We really don't need a car just yet, but I wonder if the trade in angle really brings more $$ towards a car.

3. What do we want?   What car do you enjoy?   Dh can get dealer pricing on a few cars as his firm audits them.....I think right now it is Subaru and Mazda,  but none of those cars seems to grab my attention.

I hate car shopping.

Cars are difficult to come by right now.  I would probably sell the mini and wait for a bit.  And I wouldn’t buy a 7 passenger 

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If you think you will be taking your dad places for awhile yet, make sure it will be easy for him to get in and out of easily and that a wheelchair will fit in the back.

We kept our 2006 minivan because my in-laws and dad could slide easily into and out of it.  I am ready for a new vehicle, but will keep this one until I’m not taking my dad anywhere anymore.


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7 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Dh wants an electric truck.Have you looked in to them much yet?

Me, not as much, lol, but dh is all about them.  He's looking at the concept Dodge for 2024 or 2025, and right now it looks like it can go 500 miles on a charge.  He keeps looking at what is coming out, whether hybrid or full electric will be a better buy, etc.  He's waiting to see how they do first before making the plunge.  His current truck is nearly 10 years old, and has had two accidents, so anywhere between year 13 and 15 he wants to look at replacing it with something. 

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Honestly I’d be getting something like a minivan.  I can’t imagine having your newest and most reliable vehicle small with a toddler, a senior, and your other kids not quite fully adulting. 

we’ve had 3 Kia’s in a row,  they’ve been great, especially the newest one.   I don’t know what some one is saying above about  them being easier to steal.  I’ve never heard that, and we have plenty of local friends with them too.   We live urban, and they’ve been very reliable and affordable vehicles for us.  Eta.  I did look this up, it looked like they were targeting them specifically in some  metros.  22 and beyond Kia’s will have anti theft mechanisms added.  There has been a theft and especially catalytic converter theft bumps here.  Smaller cars mostly targeted but not specific models.  

We are getting a new Honda minivan any time now.  We ordered it months ago.  My husband totaled a vehicle early October (not his fault, uninsured driver) and we are still waiting for resolution.  We are getting the Honda because that is what would be fastest.  We were open to all those with good safety ratings, most are great.  So before you get too attached to any vehicle you are considering  you may want to test drive and ask what lead times are like.  4 months was our fastest and we don’t have the vehicle yet, crossing fingers.  

Edited by catz
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7 minutes ago, catz said:

Honestly I’d be getting something like a minivan.  I can’t imagine having your newest and most reliable vehicle small with a toddler, a senior, and your other kids not quite fully adulting. 

we’ve had 3 Kia’s in a row,  they’ve been great, especially the newest one.   I don’t know what some one is saying above about  them being easier to steal.  I’ve never heard that, and we have plenty of local friends with them too.   We live urban, and they’ve been very reliable and affordable vehicles for us.  Eta.  I did look this up, it looked like they were targeting them specifically in some  metros.  22 and beyond Kia’s will have anti theft mechanisms added.  There has been a theft and especially catalytic converter theft bumps here.  Smaller cars mostly targeted but not specific models.  

We are getting a new Honda minivan any time now.  We ordered it months ago.  My husband totaled a vehicle early October (not his fault, uninsured driver) and we are still waiting for resolution.  We are getting the Honda because that is what would be fastest.  We were open to all those with good safety ratings, most are great.  So before you get too attached to any vehicle you are considering  you may want to test drive and ask what lead times are like.  4 months was our fastest and we don’t have the vehicle yet, crossing fingers.  

I agree with the minivan thought.  We just got a 2nd minivan, a hybrid Toyota.  We bought new and had to order and wait 6 or 7 months.  With your dad I would think a minivan would be good for getting into and out of.  Same with a young child.  Even though we have some older teens we still went with a minivan.  Even if my oldest goes off to college in 3 years I just don't see us not needing a smaller car.  The kids are growing as 2 are bigger than me.  They still might live at home.  Come on vacations.  I feel like we could possibly move the kids out of the house and then need a minivan for if we had grandkids that we were helping with.  Who knows?   I love minivans and I honestly don't want to drive anything else. 

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You might have to settle for whatever you can get yours hands on.  We are in a precarious car situation.  We have one well-functioning car and one very high-miles, rusty car.  And three drivers, one of which is living out of state for the summer.  We need at least one more car and ideally a second to replace the older car.  We do not buy new cars, ever, but considered it since we have been striking out on the used car front.  We learned that even for a new car, our options are limited.  We could either buy something off the lot that is not anywhere close to what we want or wait an unpredictable amount of time for something closer to what we want.  Time is not on our side so we have continued to battle it out on the used car front.  We *think* we have secured another older, high-miles, car and we are scooping it up.  It is better than nothing and we can always sell if something better comes along.  But we have been actively looking for 6 months and this is the first real bite we have gotten.  It is also not what we would normally buy, but I'd rather spend 1/4 the money on a car if it is not indeed what we even want.

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I'd be deciding what kind of vehicle you want and then start looking. I just bought a new to me car in January- 2018 with 30k miles. I thought I was going to have to get a new one with how things were but found a good deal. (and after talking to several dealers and getting tired of their crap- oh that car I just quoted you that was already 3k over MSRP now it is $2k more--- oh, we have these add-ons and no you can't get it without--- you can drive 6 hrs to get the car but even with a deposit we can't promise it will be there-- on and on)

We bought ds a 2007 Accord in the Fall, another good deal. There are still deals out there on used cars but it takes some looking and patience. Likewise if you decide to go new you're going to have to have patience and look around. Many are taking awhile to get in stock and lots of dealers are charging extra. You might have to look around to find a dealer not charging above MSRP --- calling it a "market fee" or adding on other bs add-ons to jack up the price charging well over market value. 

We moved down to a car. I don't like driving vans because they are big and the stupid doors go out and I like to keep vehicles a long time. Since ds started driving it is rare we are all in the car together. MOstly it is just Me and the girls. IN the last year it has been less than a handful of times we were together. I'd not worry about a car for a toddler, they are easy. I would be thinking about transporting your dad and how easily he can get in and out. 

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Good luck shopping! /s Honestly, that may be the most effective way to not buy a car right now. 

Our local dealership has zero new cars right now, and a handful of used ones on the lot. There is simply nothing to buy. They even sold off the display vehicles. You can put your name on a 9-12 month waiting list if you order a new vehicle, which, of course, you’d be ordering without a test drive. You can of course, decline completing the purchase at delivery. 

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4 hours ago, Katy said:

I don’t think you can know until you spend time looking & test driving. I thought I knew what I wanted on paper last time, but it changed with test drives. And supply issues are still a problem. I’d budget 8-12 weekend hours to do some test drives. 

Avoid Kia/Hyundai. Their cars are so easy to steal there are lawsuits about it. 

Like Prairie said, there aren’t cars available to test drive. Our dealership sold all their stock, including their loaner cars during the pandemic. I insisted on a test drive and only got one because they let me drive a car that had just been serviced- but only in the parking lot. And it was a few years older than the model I was interested in. But we do have a grace period after first getting the car where you can get your money back. 

(this might be slightly dependent on make and model and even location but only slightly. It’s a nationwide problem. ) 

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Wow!   Good to know about the inventory.   I do know my husband tried to find a Lexus he is interested in to go look at and there are none within 200 miles.

I should have said that we do have a Toyota Sequoia that can seat everyone and the wheelchair when needed.    We haven't all gone in that car for a long time, but it is available if we need it.

I think you are right about selling the mini and just doing with what we have for a while if we need to.   I only have to drive in 2 days per week and DH works completely from home, so we should be ok for a while, even if my other son starts driving.

We could also tell my college kid he can't take a car to school with him if we are in a bind.

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Just now, DawnM said:


We could also tell my college kid he can't take a car to school with him if we are in a bind.

I wouldn't send a car to college for a kid living on/near campus unless they really needed it for an internship or something.  If they just need it for running errands, it's WAY cheaper to pay for like delivery memberships, etc.  Target ships free at $35, we use that a lot for the college student.

Parking on my kid's campus is exorbitant and hard to get.  Very few students have cars and the ones that do tend to be targets for constant "favors".  

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Honestly, I'd be hesitant to sell off the Mini until you have a replacement vehicle. You're currently at five vehicles and about to be five drivers. The other fun bit of all of this is when you have a vehicle need the shop; replacement parts can take a few weeks to get in.  Since the pandemic started, we had one minivan die, and our commuter car is seriously ailing. We're currently waiting on parts to come in. We're down to one reliable vehicle.  Thankfully dh works from home, but it's a completely different world than pre-pandemic as far as vehicles go.

I've given considerable thought to flying cross-country to buy a new vehicle and drive it home. There seems to be slightly more used availability outside of the west coast....at least when I check dealerships in places where we used to live.

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I just wanted to post that it isn't all doom and gloom.   We shopped for a Toyota in January, put a deposit down and it arrived 3 weeks later.  Yes, we were limited to just a few per model but it still worked out.  The dealership we went through was more than happy to work with us, required just a small deposit, $250, and if we decided we did not want it after it arrived it was refundable as they knew they could sell the vehicle quickly.   We also did not pay above MSRP.  

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5 hours ago, mlktwins said:

With a little one, I might still buy a bigger car to haul sports equipment, his friends, etc. around.  I’m not a little car person though.


I agree. Two cellos (1/2 and 3/4) barely fit in our corolla trunk. I wanted to learn the harp but that would be hard to transport in a sedan or suv unless the back row is down which greatly reduces the number of passengers. 

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If you're not traveling with seven on a frequent/regular basis, - you can always rent a van or large suv for a road trip if needed..

It about killed me to downsize from a van to a midsized suv.  (it took me five years to let go of my van. And there are times I still miss it . . . . dh didn't want another one.)  I almost never use the 3rd row, and leave it folded down so I have a larger cargo area.  (And only for short in-town trips.)  I've rented a van when I want to transport something I could have easily transported with my minivan because mid-sized suv doesn't cut it . . . . . (though in dec . . . amazon delivery contractors rented almost every van around and they're nearly impossible to rent. I rented one from Hertz - and they didn't have it when I went to pick it up, so they offered me a SUV - as an 'upgrade'. . . . .  . .  just one of the reasons I've come to hate Hertz  . . . only if I'm desperate will I rent from them.)

It get's better milage than his camry.

1dd is out shopping for cars - but the specific one she has apparently decided she wants is a 23, and won't be available until august.


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2 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

I agree. Two cellos (1/2 and 3/4) barely fit in our corolla trunk. I wanted to learn the harp but that would be hard to transport in a sedan or suv unless the back row is down which greatly reduces the number of passengers. 

dh's nephew is a cellist.  He bought a vanagon to hold his instrument/s.  And the instruments and members of his "group".

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Reliability is huge for me.  If it's not reliable, it's in the shop,  and having it in the shop is the same practical reality as not having it. I care nothing about status or style.  As long as it fits in it what I need it to fit and it's almost always ready to go, I'm good.

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As far as selling the mini goes -- DH had a coworker just sell his car, I forget the make/model; several years old but lowish mileage (well, medium I guess? somewhere between 50K to 80K miles), and he had originally paid $15K for the car.....sold it for $14,300 to a used car place (who was only turning around and listing it for either $14,500 or $14,800, something like that...).  So....you're likely to make a good amount selling, even if you do just hold onto the funds for a future car purchase when you know what you want. 

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I would avoid the minivan. We got our current minivan when the kids were all still living at home. Well, as you know, time flies, the kids are all grown and mostly flown, and the Toyota minivan is such a great car that I’m stuck still driving it (we tend to keep cars until they are dead). 

I don’t see the point in super expensive cars. Toyota makes great reliable vehicles. I hate the look of SUVs, so our most recent car is a Camry, and it’s a winner! I especially love the supersonic red paint. Good luck!

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Random car buying thoughts>

Cars here - both new and used are super expensive right now. And there isn't a great selection at the dealerships.  Some have ordered cars and had to wait months to get them. One friend's daughter bought a used car for more than a new one - but she would have had to wait 10 months for the new one. 

We have a mini. My dh loves that car. I hate that car. It may be fun to drive, but it is always having issues that cost $$$ to fix. I do not like cars that require regular infusions of cash or that have to be taken somewhere to get worked on. I will lobby hard not to get another mini ever again. 

As we've gotten older, I find lower to the ground cars harder to get in and out of when my knee is acting up (Honda Accord driver now). I've been thinking that possibly my next car may be a crossover SUV or small SUV - simply because of the height getting in/out. But I love manual transmissions, but it is getting harder and harder to find one. Other than the occasional getting in/out issue with my car, I love it. Fun to drive, sporty (6 speed!), really sticks to the road. I like the low profile wheels, but the tires are expensive. 

So, I'd think about something easy for Dad to get in/out of that fits the rest of your family that you regularly would travel with. 

I prefer Hondas or Toyotas due to the fact I disliking taking any car to the shop to get anything fixed. 


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No argument from me.  Given the current prices of used cars, a new car that has the first several years of servicing included from the dealer seems perfectly reasonable to me.  That said, we tend to buy Toyotas new and then drive them until they completely die 20 years or so later.  

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