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2022 Goal Group - January


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Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful night and are ready to make 2022 the year you crush your goals.

Here's a basic introduction to what we are going to do.

1) Set a yearly goal(or 2, 3, 8, however many you want). The goal can be anything you want it to be: reading a specific number of books, walking a set number of miles, purge cleaning 4 rooms in your house, saving a set amount of money, calling a certain number of people.

Make certain your goals are specific and measurable. "I want to increase my walking" is a goal but it's too general. "I want to walk 500 miles." is specific and measurable.

Find a place to write down your yearly goals. I create spreads in my Bujo, but also use dedicated apps like Mapmywalk, to track my goals and progress.

2) Begin with January - Take into account your life factors (look at your work/schooling schedule, calendar, weather, health, etc) and decide how much of your goal you want to achieve this month. If you want to walk 1000 miles this year and want to do 84 miles this month make certain you will have the time, appropriate clothing for the weather, and are healthy enough (e.g. no knee injuries, no bronchitis). You don't want to set a monthly goal that isn't achievable due to current circumstances.  But don't make it too easy - you want to stretch yourself a bit. Maybe choose something between walking 31 miles (a mile a day) or 62 miles (2 miles a day). If you know you can do the 84, go for it. If walking is your thing and you have the time, set a higher goal.

Break your monthly goal down into How To steps. How will you walk 62 miles this month? By walking 3 miles before turning on the TV. By getting up an hour earlier and walking 2 miles. I'll download an audiobook that I will only listen to while walking (make certain it's a book you really want to listen to). I'll take each dog for a walk instead of walking them both at the same time (doubling my distance). I'll put my cold weather clothes in the front of my closet so I can easily reach my baselayers, snow pants, and boots (no excuses, Granny!!)

Be specific in your How To Steps. 

3) Take your monthly goal and How To steps and break them down into weekly goals. Following the above example, if you decide you want to walk 62 miles in January, you might want to set your first weekly goal at 14 miles.

Here's where you have a bit of wiggle room. If, for some reason, you don't walk your 14 miles this week, it's okay. You'll just have to adjust the number of miles you walk in the remaining weeks. If you only walk 10 miles the first week, those other 4 miles will need to be added into one of the following weeks. Your week two goal may become 18 miles. You don't want to get into a habit of pushing out the goal, however, as it can make the last week of the month insurmountable. You don't want to try walking 62 miles in 7 days in cold weather while working 40 hours a week and homeschooling 3 children.

Note: this is why you look at your commitments, weather, etc before setting your monthly goals. You don't want to sabotage yourself before you even lace up your walking shoes.

4) Track, track, track. Tracking your progress will give you information about yourself and your goal. Are you crushing it and completed the monthly goal in one day? Perhaps your goal is too easy and you need to make it a bit tougher. Are you not making progress at all? What are your hindrances? Maybe the goal is too difficult or you didn't make it measurable or your How To steps aren't specific enough. Are you making progress? Great, keep it up and assess at the beginning of next week.

5) This is where you can make it even more fun. Set a 30 day challenge for yourself. There are many sites with 30 day challenges for everything you can imagine. If your goal is weight loss, perhaps set a 30 day no sugar challenge or a 30 day Keto challenge. If you want to save money, set a 30 day no spend challenge.  You want to increase fitness - do a 30 day wall sit or plank challenge. Your challenge should be related to your goal.


For the thread:

I will begin the thread on the first of the month. This will be the only thread and will be bumped as needed. You should post at the beginning of the month to set your goal for accountability. Come back as often as you can (I know some of you have a Less Screen Time goal for the year). Use the thread to ask questions, talk about progress, and to offer support for others.

Every Sunday, we will set the goal for the week and assess how we did the previous week. It's wonderful for us that today is a Saturday and we can work on journal spreads, determining your (measurable) yearly and monthly goals, and thinking about How To steps.

Tomorrow (Jan 2) will officially begin Week 1. If you do begin today, it will certainly count.


Note: I want to keep this as positive as possible. We can all achieve our goals no matter our circumstances because we have set our goals within the parameters of our lives. Don't set a yearly goal that you know is impossible - like saving a million dollars or paying off $750,000 worth of debt when you are a one income household bringing in $75,000. I believe everyone can do wonderful things when we set our minds to it. Don't let the last two years dissuade you from trying to do something in 2022.

Let me know if any of this is unclear. It sounds good in my head but that doesn't mean anything since I began my No Chai 30 Day Challenge this morning and all I've had to drink is a bit of honey lemon water.

Edited by Granny_Weatherwax
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Yearly Goals:

1000 Hours Outside

500 Miles Biking

1000 km Walking/Hiking

Lose 10 pounds

January Mini goals:

15 hours outside (this is based on my having to teach tennis inside which greatly reduces my opportunities to get outside. I realize it means my hours outside will have to increase dramatically when the weather changes.)

75 miles on the stationary bike

30 km walk/hike

-2 pounds

4 CEUs

January Week 1:

5 hours outside (not teaching this week but have multiple obligations that will require me being in the car and indoors)

Steps: Walk the dogs daily, go to BTH at least twice

25 miles on stationary bike (can do this at night)

Steps: use the Kindle for a scenic biking video, Kaleigh Cohen Fitness cycling class two times 

10 km walk/hike

Steps: Walk the dogs daily, walk whenever possible, BTH

-.5 pound

Steps: No Chai this week, No sugar, no carbs, three day cleanse, 64 ounces of water daily, it also means I have to weigh myself which I really don't want to do (the toughest step yet)

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2 Goals for 2022: House Ready to Move. Bank Account Ready to Move. 

January goals:

House: Month 1 of 3 for clearing out/donating from kid rooms: bedrooms 1 & 2, homeschool room. (this is half the house)

Bank account: get firm grip on spending and full outlook of expenses through September. Try to trim down expenses so that a full half of income can start going to savings by March (to start February or March depending on how first step goes). 

House, mini goals by week: 1. Clean van and get it ready for donation runs. 1a. Pack up all kid books not being used for school and break up into sell/store/donate. 2. Clear out kid clothes that are too small or will be too small for their next season, for donation. 3. Clear out any bedding that is not being used: summer sheets into one box, heirloom blankets to 1(!) box (ok maybe 2), rest to donate. 4. Donation run last week of January.

Bank account, mini goals by week: 1. make 4-week repeating food schedule, with budget numbers with each meal/week; goal is less than $800/mo, preferably $650-700. 2. Pay all current bills, withdraw expected kid $$ for the year. House subscriptions (insurance, ~utilities) add to calendar and total up. 3. Check paycheck withholdings and adjust as necessary. Do a split deposit amount straight to savings?? 4. All business receipts/accounting together and ready for taxes; any business subscriptions put onto calendar based off 2021 receipts. 

Bonus goal: 300 days of logged workouts. January goal: 25 days. 

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2022 goals:

1-lose 25 pounds and then maintain that loss (if lost before end of year)

2-work out regularly=3 days per week for 20-30 min.


January mini goals:

-lose 4 pounds.  

   *weigh daily, drink at least 80 oz of water daily, IF, eat only pre-planned foods that I have documented

-work out 1 time per week

  * work out every Tuesday using DVDs that I have currently.  work out will be at least 15 min long.


While I have other goals I would like to work on, I am keeping it to these 2 for the board.  If I can master these 2 it will just increase my self-confidence and energy for mastering the other few that I have.     The 2 I have chosen for here are the 2 that I really need to get a firm handle on!





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36 minutes ago, Ditto said:

2022 goals:

1-lose 25 pounds and then maintain that loss (if lost before end of year)

2-work out regularly=3 days per week for 20-30 min.


January mini goals:

-lose 4 pounds.  

   *weigh daily, drink at least 80 oz of water daily, IF, eat only pre-planned foods that I have documented

-work out 1 time per week

  * work out every Tuesday using DVDs that I have currently.  work out will be at least 15 min long.


While I have other goals I would like to work on, I am keeping it to these 2 for the board.  If I can master these 2 it will just increase my self-confidence and energy for mastering the other few that I have.     The 2 I have chosen for here are the 2 that I really need to get a firm handle on!


I wanted to do this Goal thing along with you guys, but I read the instructions in the OP and got totally intimidated, so I was ready to give up before I even started. Then I saw your post and it's pretty much exactly what I want to do, too, so I'm stealing your goals and adopting them as my own. 😀

I feel like we are already a team. 🙂

Count me in on this thing!!! 

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Goal 1: Complete afghan  (alternating octagons of rainbows and unicorns, with star squares in between)

January Goal: Crochet ears, horns, and flowers. At a rate of 5 horns or 6 ears or 4 flowers per night, this should be done by February 3. 


Goal 2: Improve Spanish. Complete the last third of my grammar book, continue Duolingo, and read two novels! (Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal has 17 chapters. At one chapter per week, I'd finish April 30)

January Goal: Read one chapter of HP per week, taking notes on unfamiliar words. Complete 2 lessons per day in Duolingo (this is a cutback from my current level, but I want to try adding a novel into my studies and I'm not sure yet what that time commitment will look like)


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For my 2022 goals, I have four main goals. I will list them in priority order: 

1) Paint at least 52 watercolor paintings. At least 12 of these must be entirely my own design and execution; the rest can be tutorials or kits. This of course breaks down to one painting a eeek with one per month (minimum) totally my own. This is my number one priority because I already did paintings throughout last year so I have a lot of momentum on this and it’s very mentally gratifying. 

2) Complete at least a first draft of an entire novel. I will use the books “Save the Cat Writes a Novel” and “Story Genius” to help create my framework and plot points. January is for choosing an idea (currently have three) and creating an outline of plot points and maybe start writing bits of it. The remaining months of the year will have word-count goals and maybe some other mini-goals for moving towards publishing. 

3) Watch at least 24 documentaries with dh. This is part of my “The Grass is Greener Where You Water it” intention of the year. I can’t watch fictional stories with dh because he’s too ADHD for it, but I don’t mind documentaries because his interjections aren’t really a problem.

4) Complete no less than six large/largish tasks that get our house ready to sell potentially in one-two years (once ds is heading to college). These must be tasks *I* do, not something dh has to do. (I can’t set a goal that someone else has to meet, IOW.) It can be part of a task we are both working on, but my part of the task is completely my goal. I am making a list of tasks that I can choose from and every two months, I will choose the next one. My Jan/Feb first task will be to entirely clean and prepare C’s bedroom to be painted; paint. I actually already made a lot of headway in this bedroom over the past couple months but the walls need serious attention. 

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Hey @Granny_Weatherwax, I have a suggestion: Do you think you could possibly put the above lengthy explanation at the start of each month’s thread, or maybe a slightly condensed version of it but still - so we can all kind of remember how we’re doing this and how our parameters go? 

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1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

I wanted to do this Goal thing along with you guys, but I read the instructions in the OP and got totally intimidated, so I was ready to give up before I even started. Then I saw your post and it's pretty much exactly what I want to do, too, so I'm stealing your goals and adopting them as my own. 😀

I feel like we are already a team. 🙂

Count me in on this thing!!! 

Yes!!  I am happy to have a partner.  We are a team!

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Ok, I am not starting yearly. That just completely overwhelms me. December 2022 feels like 10 years away, though when it gets here it will feel like 10 minutes. So, here are my January goals:

Lose 5 pounds

Starting January 10, eat for 8 hours, so  5 am to 1pm. Our big meal is lunch, so that works. Note: Waiting until my husband leaves for overseas and daughter goes back to start this.

Drink 8 glasses of water

Continue to walk a minimum of 4 days a week 3-5 times a week. Email two different friends to see if they will meet me to walk some of those times since hubby will be gone.


1.       Publishing my devotion ( Start process. Won’t finish this month.)

a.       Get some friends to do the devotion: send email. send devotion to those who want it

b.       Figure out the platform to publish: pdf, Kindle Create, ?


2.       Complete 2 pieces for writing group to give feedback for possible publication.

Ideas for the two pieces ( already have)

Tribute piece:

a.       Post of Facebook to get comments about person,

b.        text kids to get their comments,

c.       look through their notebooks from lessons for comments

d.       Write rough draft

e.       Use synonym Finder and other editing techniques

f.        Submit to group

g.       Make edits

h.       Publish on Facebook and possibly to local paper

Caring for Elder piece

a.       Type up freewriting in my notebook into a rough draft

b.       Revise over several days

c.       Submit to writing group

d.       Edit

e.       Send query letter to possible online magazines

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2022 Goal: 500 miles Biking

January: 75 miles on bike

January Week 1: 25 miles on stationary bike to be ridden at night while following a Kaliegh Cohen video

January Week 2: 25 miles on stationary bike to be ridden at night while following a Kaliegh Cohen video

January Week 3: 25 miles on stationary bike to be ridden at night while following a Kaliegh Cohen video

January Week 4: ?? miles on stationary bike to be ridden at night while following a Kaliegh Cohen video

Goal progress: 0/75 miles completed; 0/500 miles completed

Did I meet January's goal? If no, why not? How can I do better next month?


What do you think about this format? I think it's much easier to read.

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45 minutes ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

2022 Goal: 500 miles Biking

January: 75 miles on bike

January Week 1: 25 miles on stationary bike to be ridden at night while following a Kaliegh Cohen video

January Week 2: 25 miles on stationary bike to be ridden at night while following a Kaliegh Cohen video

January Week 3: 25 miles on stationary bike to be ridden at night while following a Kaliegh Cohen video

January Week 4: ?? miles on stationary bike to be ridden at night while following a Kaliegh Cohen video

Goal progress: 0/75 miles completed; 0/500 miles completed

Did I meet January's goal? If no, why not? How can I do better next month?


What do you think about this format? I think it's much easier to read.

I like that. 

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Work out Goal:

Weekly: Work out 3 hours per week, to include Tai Chi, Strength, and Cardio, and anything else 

Monthly/yearly: about 13 hours per month and 156 hours per year

Weight loss goal:

Lose 12 pounds in the year

Lose one pound per month

Eating goal:

Eat Gluten-free and wheat-free in January to help support DH's health

Drawing goal:

draw one picture per week/about four per month/ 50-52 per year


Play piano one hour per week/four hours per month/50 per year


Watch one Russian movie per month. Find a workbook/curriculum I like, and set a new goal when I find it 

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Work out goal

There are 1440 minutes in a day. Work out every single day for 30 minutes. Make it a habit like brushing teeth.


Go back to swimming

Work on improving toning, flexibility, balance


Cook around the world more

Cook with children

Learn about immunity boosting foods/anti-inflammation foods

Learn about growing more food specifically microgreens

Learn about fermented foods to make at home other than yogurt


Read more genres. At least one book per genre 

More non-fiction


Go beyond mug rugs

Crochet snow flake ornaments for the Christmas Tree


Learn to play the piano, any level

Progress beyond recognizing alphabets in Urdu and Bengali

Art classes 

Gratitude journal every day


Get a better camera for nature Photography 

Continue learning to identify more birds with kids

Continue star gazing with kids 


500 miles outdoor in a year out of which 150 miles is not in the neighborhood or local parks but hiking

Learn to hike properly as a solo activity 

Mental Health

Recognize progress towards goals, do not beat self up if set backs occur or goal is not met


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I made up this spreadsheet on Excel, to keep on my computer desktop, and to print out each week to post on my bulletin board where I can refer to it daily: 



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Jumping in!  I'm writing stuff down that I don't usually say out loud and it's a little scary. I work best with goals by working backwards with a timeline. It usually takes me two weeks to form a new habit.

Overall 2022:

Better homeschooling relationship with dd17, get through last homeschool season in the way that I want to finish, maintain fitness level with a modest weight loss and increased arm strength, two significant art goals, two craft/handwork goals, staying on top of my volunteer commitments.

Two weeks from now: have a new morning routine with dd17.  Today: order lightbox, write intention for 9 - 3, find vitamin d, find an uplifting, day-starting video.  Start tomorrow without lightbox, incorporate as soon as it arrives. Be prepared for eyerolling and No declarations, do it anyway.  This is your last homeschooling term, Eos, hold it together. Also today: Finalize and write down the books, readings, podcasts and movies.  Describe in words the expected outcomes and deliverables. Get out the Atlas and remove the pressed flowers. Make a beautiful chart she can refer to.  Limit timeline creation to one week.

Two weeks from now: lose the holiday weight and started a daily arm workout.  This week: no cheese or bread, no stuffing, no chocolate. Learn to do rows and presses with hand weights. 

Three weeks from now: have received magic sculpt and started learning how to use it. This week: buy some.

Three weeks from now: see that I am on my way to my big puppet goal.  This week: take over a physical space and draw the puppet.

End of January: have met with my committee and sent email to consultant.  


I emailed this to myself, in a bid for more accountability.



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  • 2022 GOALS

    I’m setting a low bar, but my biggest goal is consistency – I want to establish healthy habits. 


    Goal for the year:  Daily walk of at least 20min.  Get up and walk before even thinking about it. (rain and cold is no excuse!!)

    Weekly: 3 hours minimum per week


    Goal for the year:  Lose 20kg by eating Keto

    Drink 2l of water per day

    Weekly:  Menu planning completed by Sunday night. Try out one new recipe each week.


    Goal for the year: Create stuff! 

    January:  Finish the granny square project I’ve been doing on and off for the last 18 months.


    Set up time to chat to a long-distance friend or family member at least twice per month.

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I was dubious about this but am jumping in. Usually I peter out on threads like this around April but always good to give it another shot!


 Hike the 50 miles of trails in a huge local park, plus walk the 75 miles of a nearby river trail.  The main challenge to accomplish this is time and the ability to get out of the house, On days I don't do this, I will walk 30 minutes someplace else, even my own boring neighborhood or even walking/jogging in place next to my desk on slow work  nights - sometimes I can get 3 miles in if the phones are quiet! IOW, minimum 30 minutes of walking per day. I have osteoporosis and (apparently, haven't seen doctor yet) some circulation/vein issues, so this is important.

January: this will be a low hiking month because of weather and transportation (we are short a car right now and driving to trails is not a priority use). I'll plan on 10 miles of hiking, that's low but may as well not set an impossible goal right off the bat. 



1.  Read Dante's Divine Comedy and other works in translation, along with supporting resources such as a Great Courses lecture series, and books/websites related to the subject. This shouldn't take a year but I may find new resources along the way.

2. Read one nonfiction book per month. I read so much fiction, mostly fluff. 



Spend more leisure time with my husband. We have been through a rough time the past... many... years due to decisions we made that have been pretty disastrous for our family. We are married for life but I want to get back to enjoying him and not tolerating him. This will mean inviting him on my walks (instead of listening to audiobooks/lectures), watching things of interest to him on tv (we are not big tv watchers overall), reading more of the WSJ so we can talk about articles. I really can't quantify that any more right now. 



Incorporate more vegetarian meals and meals where meat is more of a condiment than the main attraction, beginning with 2 per week and moving up from there. I have two family members who insist that meat is needed at every meal and while we don't always have meat, I've gone along with cooking/serving/eating too much for my comfort (budget, health, environment). 


January week 1:

One visit to the park for a minimum 2.5 mile hike (terrible weather forecasted). 

Listen to first 4 GC lectures, read Cantos I-10 of Inferno, read first 3 chapters of Reading Dante: from Here to Eternity by Prue Shaw. 

Read 13 chapters of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan.

Watch first episode of Around the World in 80 Days on PBS tonight. 

This week's meal plan includes a sweet potato/chickpea/yogurt dish which has no meat, and tacos which will include meat for those who want it; I'll also make either lentil or cauliflower taco filling as a meatless option. 






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Thank you for doing this! Hoping this helps me stay consistent.

Word of the year: Consistent

Goals for 2022:

1. Create and maintain a workable daily schedule for the kids and me.

2. Be intentional about maintaining relationships with friends and family.

3. Finish writing my book. 

*Less than 1 hour of screen time a day

*At least an hour outdoors daily

*Completely cut out sugar from my diet, except for scheduled Treat days. 

*30 minutes of exercise daily - split into two sessions

(*Daily goals that don’t need to be broken up - Habit training)

Goals for January:

Week 1:

Set up device screen time limits.

Work on a creating a realistic schedule. 

Go to bed on time. Wake up on time. 

Call 2 people. 



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January Progress

Work out goal

Rejoined Tai Chi virtual classes to work on flexibility and balance


Menu planned with kids so had input on what to cook around the world and with them. DS14 on two Saturday/Sunday in Jan. DD5 "helping" as she can

Used DH's Kindle Unlimited subscription to look at books for anti-inflammation foods

Using Maangchi as a resource to try and make spring onion kimchi. Must go to Asian Grocery store.


Chose one non-fiction and a fiction genre not very fond of for this week



Looking into buying a Keyboard. Almost finalized.

Looking into classes for Urdu and/or Bengali as progress not made in over a year

Art classes....perhaps a book better

Gratitude journal every day


Get a better camera for nature Photography - DH looking into this

Continue learning to identify more birds with kids

Continue star gazing with kids 


Walked 3 miles in unseasonably cold weather dressed very warm. 

Bought a hiking journal

Starting a thread on beginner hiking help in the board ....perhaps books

Mental Health

Recognize progress towards goals, do not beat self up if set backs occur or goal is not met - always this

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My goals for 2022:

Walk 2022km (comes out to about 6km a day)

Lose the last 27lbs to reach my goal weight (I lost 55lbs in 2021 and did not gain any back over the holidays)

Read a total of 50 books this year

Pay off all debt except house and car loan

Finish the needlework kits I have sitting around (there are about a dozen of them)


I was going to try to do the 1000 hours outside challenge for this year, but I just don't see that happening. I don't camp and I am not interested in suffering through bad weather just to say I got the hours in 🙂

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1 hour ago, marbel said:

I was dubious about this but am jumping in. Usually I peter out on threads like this around April but always good to give it another shot!


 Hike the 50 miles of trails in a huge local park, plus walk the 75 miles of a nearby river trail.  The main challenge to accomplish this is time and the ability to get out of the house, On days I don't do this, I will walk 30 minutes someplace else, even my own boring neighborhood or even walking/jogging in place next to my desk on slow work  nights - sometimes I can get 3 miles in if the phones are quiet! IOW, minimum 30 minutes of walking per day. I have osteoporosis and (apparently, haven't seen doctor yet) some circulation/vein issues, so this is important.

January: this will be a low hiking month because of weather and transportation (we are short a car right now and driving to trails is not a priority use). I'll plan on 10 miles of hiking, that's low but may as well not set an impossible goal right off the bat. 



1.  Read Dante's Divine Comedy and other works in translation, along with supporting resources such as a Great Courses lecture series, and books/websites related to the subject. This shouldn't take a year but I may find new resources along the way.

2. Read one nonfiction book per month. I read so much fiction, mostly fluff. 



Spend more leisure time with my husband. We have been through a rough time the past... many... years due to decisions we made that have been pretty disastrous for our family. We are married for life but I want to get back to enjoying him and not tolerating him. This will mean inviting him on my walks (instead of listening to audiobooks/lectures), watching things of interest to him on tv (we are not big tv watchers overall), reading more of the WSJ so we can talk about articles. I really can't quantify that any more right now. 



Incorporate more vegetarian meals and meals where meat is more of a condiment than the main attraction, beginning with 2 per week and moving up from there. I have two family members who insist that meat is needed at every meal and while we don't always have meat, I've gone along with cooking/serving/eating too much for my comfort (budget, health, environment). 


January week 1:

One visit to the park for a minimum 2.5 mile hike (terrible weather forecasted). 

Listen to first 4 GC lectures, read Cantos I-10 of Inferno, read first 3 chapters of Reading Dante: from Here to Eternity by Prue Shaw. 

Read 13 chapters of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan.

Watch first episode of Around the World in 80 Days on PBS tonight. 

This week's meal plan includes a sweet potato/chickpea/yogurt dish which has no meat, and tacos which will include meat for those who want it; I'll also make either lentil or cauliflower taco filling as a meatless option. 






This is on my goal list too.  I hope it is a good family show. 

My Jan. goal is to do the Jan Yoga with Adriene 30 day challenge.

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Goals for 2022:

Lose 25 pounds and maintain it through the holidays.

Try 52 new recipes.

Walk 30 minutes a day 4+ days a week

Bullet Journal all year, completing monthly and weekly spreads

January Plans:

Losing Weight:  (5 pounds)

  • Time Restricted Eating (try different time periods this month to figure out which is best for me
  • Weigh everyday
  • Sugar only in coffee creamer and on weekends
  • Drink water (at least 64 oz a day)

New Recipes:  4 this month 

Walking: Some of this might be in the house, but we have some good open space for it. We live in a new area, and I don't know what winter is going to be like. I tend to get sick from windy, cold weather. 

Bullet Journal: create January spread  and weekly spreads (working on the month and first week today)

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1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

And intimidating! 

Don't forget intimidating!!!

I am reading all of your goals, and am feeling like quite the slacker. 😉 

Oh yeah,  I am feeling the same way reading everyone's goals.  But we have each other!  We know what we can handle and we own that.   So we are just as badass as everyone with more and loftier goals than ours.

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Nobody should feel anything other than joy (for being here) and encouragement that we have each other for support and as a virtual tribe. Who knows, you just might even qualify for the Christmas card group in December.

My goals may appear to be lofty but they are all related and I've piggybacked them. I figure if I spend time outside I won't watch as much tv. Not watching tv will mean I won't want tv snacks. Not eating tv snacks should help me lose weight. Losing weight will help me fit into my outdoor clothes which will make me want to go spend more time outdoors (we will not talk about how much difficulty I had zipping my snow pants this morning). Similar thing with the bike. If I ride the stationary bike I won't watch tv (because it's not in a room with a tv) but can listen to an audiobook which will also help with my reading goal. I find it impossible to snack while riding the stationary bike so it will reduce my snacking too. (Stop snickering about my snow pants, please.) Walking and hiking will help with my outdoor and no snacking goals because with the dogs I have to pick up their poop and who wants to snack while walking two dogs whose poop bags are being carried in a bag near another bag or pocket with a snack; not me. The dogs don't care if my snow pants zip or not they just want to know if I brought their snacks along. Dratted dogs only think of themselves.

For some reason, I feel like reading If You Give A Mouse A Cookie and, since I don't have any cookies in the house, I should be okay. If I want a snack I have an orange. Except oranges don't taste like cookies... 

Maybe I'll just go try to let out my snow pants.

Edited by Granny_Weatherwax
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About goals being intimidating: 

Remember y’all, it looks more ambitious when it’s written out. We’re covering a whole year, though, so it seems like a lot. Mostly I just try to set up my life so I spend more time on the things I mean to do and less time on the things I don’t mean to do. (Arguing with Wrong People on the ‘Net, anyone??) 


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2022 Health Goals: Lose 15 lbs, get my lab results down to ideal levels (BP, cholesterol, etc.), work out at least 3x/week for at least 30 minutes, drink 64 oz water/day, start meal planning more seriously

2022 House & Garden Goals: Do a massive Marie Kondo level purge of the house and garage. (I also have a ton of remodeling and landscaping projects that have been postponed due to covid, but I can't really break those down into tasks I can work on each month, because I have no idea when I'll be able to hire help for those.) 

January Goals:
Lose 2 lbs, spend at least 1 hr/day purging, order and fill a dumpster, take several carloads to Goodwill, figure out how to use the Paprika meal planning app.

Week 1 Goals:
Spend at least 7 hours cleaning/organizing/purging, get a dumpster delivered, take at least one carload to Goodwill, download Paprika.
Drink two 8 oz glasses of water as soon as I wake up, cut back on chai. (No weight loss or work out goals this week, because we have way too much going on. I will start next week after DS goes back to college.)

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3 hours ago, Ditto said:

Oh yeah,  I am feeling the same way reading everyone's goals.  But we have each other!  We know what we can handle and we own that.   So we are just as badass as everyone with more and loftier goals than ours.

That's right! We are a team! And we can always add more goals later if we want to!!!

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29 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

2022 Health Goals: Lose 15 lbs, get my lab results down to ideal levels (BP, cholesterol, etc.), work out at least 3x/week for at least 30 minutes, drink 64 oz water/day, start meal planning more seriously

2022 House & Garden Goals: Do a massive Marie Kondo level purge of the house and garage. (I also have a ton of remodeling and landscaping projects that have been postponed due to covid, but I can't really break those down into tasks I can work on each month, because I have no idea when I'll be able to hire help for those.) 

January Goals:
Lose 2 lbs, spend at least 1 hr/day purging, order and fill a dumpster, take several carloads to Goodwill, figure out how to use the Paprika meal planning app.

Week 1 Goals:
Spend at least 7 hours cleaning/organizing/purging, get a dumpster delivered, take at least one carload to Goodwill, download Paprika.
Drink two 8 oz glasses of water as soon as I wake up, cut back on chai. (No weight loss or work out goals this week, because we have way too much going on. I will start next week after DS goes back to college.)

Not for anything, but cleaning, sorting stuff, and filling a dumpster, counts as some serious workout time... and more! That's hard work!!!

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15 hours ago, Quill said:

About goals being intimidating: 

Remember y’all, it looks more ambitious when it’s written out. We’re covering a whole year, though, so it seems like a lot. Mostly I just try to set up my life so I spend more time on the things I mean to do and less time on the things I don’t mean to do. (Arguing with Wrong People on the ‘Net, anyone??) 


Seriously, goals can be intimidating. When we see things like 500 miles, 1000 hours, $5000, or 35 pounds, we feel overwhelmed and think "There is no way I can do that." but that's why we break down those large, lofty goals into smaller chunks and those chunks into smaller bits and, if necessary, those bits into tinier bits. As each tiny bit is accomplished, we get to the bigger bits then the chunks. 

I think we get mired down by the big goal and it spawns the negative self talk and the pessimism. 

Don't be intimidated by the size or number of other people's goals. Think of just one thing you want to accomplish this year. Then divide that goal into 12 pieces (monthly goal). Look at those pieces. Can you break those down into 4 smaller pieces (weekly goal)? It is much easier to do something small a week at a time then to think (erroneously) that we have to do it all at once.

I also like to think of the small weekly goals as progress. Last year, I really wanted to ride 1000 miles. I thought it was going to be easy and I would be finished by June 1. I was on track for three months. I was excited and thinking about upping my goal to 1500 or 2000. Then I crashed my bike and suffered multiple injuries. My 1000 goal became 600. Am I disappointed? A bit. But you know what? I rode 600 miles I wouldn't have ridden without setting that goal.

Edited by Granny_Weatherwax
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@Corraleno - Why must we cut back on chai? It is life's blood. It is the reason I awaken. It is my comfort. It is my companion. 

I just completed Day 1 of being chai free. I have a headache and chai cravings. I seriously opened the container and inhaled the sweet spicy aroma just to get a fix.

You are not alone in your quest. I will be agonizing over the absence of this heavenly goodness right along with you.

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I have a few, although I feel pretty overwhelmed writing them down. My goals are bold and the January steps are below them.

Lose 50 lb

- Exercise with intention twice weekly

- Time restricted eating (1-9) and two low carb days per week

Save enough money to go home to NZ and fund an endorsement course I am starting in June

- Low spend January. Buying essentials only and shopping from my pantry first.

Read 25 books

- Start with 4 books in January. I get more reading done in the cozy winter months.

Finish the first draft of the book I am writing

- Write a very rough outline. I am honestly really nervous about this goal. I am trying to write a non-fiction book in an area I have a lot of credentials/experience, but I still deal with a lot of imposter syndrome.

Work toward shifting into a new role at work (can only be work toward because of training/licensing required)

- Officially register for the course (I have been accepted into my first choice)

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But you know what? I rode 600 miles I wouldn't have ridden without setting that goal.

Exactly this! I have an acquaintance who periodically admires something of mine and says she wants to do that too. She’s even bought supplies because she “wants to” do this thing. But so far she hasn’t even tried, AFAIK. I feel like saying, “Look here! Fish or cut bait! What are you stalling for?!” But I suspect I know…


It’s because *it takes courage* to take something out of the wishing’ and hoping’ stage and start stepping up. In some cases, you have to keep breaking through fears over and over again: fear of not being perfect, fear of putting time into something and having it turn out lame, fear that others will think you’re not that great, fear of letting the thing actually *be* reality. So many fears that have to be overcome. 

It’s worth it, though. 

If there’s one thing I don’t want to be true of me it is this: when I die, I don’t want my family wracking their brains to mention what I liked/did/accomplished. I want them to have too many things to list! I want the funeral director to say, “you need to trim this down; it won’t fit on the program, even in a 9-point font.” 

Let’s fill up those eulogies, ladies! 😆

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1 hour ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

@Corraleno - Why must we cut back on chai? It is life's blood. It is the reason I awaken. It is my comfort. It is my companion. 

I just completed Day 1 of being chai free. I have a headache and chai cravings. I seriously opened the container and inhaled the sweet spicy aroma just to get a fix.

You are not alone in your quest. I will be agonizing over the absence of this heavenly goodness right along with you.

No way am I giving it up, lol! I'm just trying to cut down from four 20 oz thermoses per day to 1 or 2, because I don't drink any water if I'm drinking chai all day. Last year I switched from caffeinated chai with milk and sugar to decaf with agave and Oatly Barista blend, but that's still a lot of sweetener I don't need. It's so hard to stop at one though...

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I think I did too much yesterday. 

I walked and did some exercise with weights, and I only ate for 7 hours. I think I really cut back my calories, too. I ended up waking half way through the night feeling terrible and it took a long time to go back to sleep. I realize I should ease into it, so I'm going to do like 11 hours today and make sure I eat enough. 

And I couldn't weight because the battery is too low in our scales, so I need to get a new one. I don't have a car right now because ds is gone to a conference with our 2nd one, and dh went to work. He might come home at lunch, and I  could take him back. 

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My big 2022 goal is to build better habits (routines) into my life. I have several routines I would like to build, but I plan to move slowly so I don’t get overwhelmed and with the hope that they stick. 

For January, my goal is to read Atomic Habits by James Clear. I have had this book since December 2019 and I have only read the introduction. There are six main sections of this book, so I will break down my reading:

- Week 1: The Fundamentals and The First Law

- Week 2: The 2nd Law

- Week 3: The 3rd Law

- Week 4: The 4th Law and Advanced Tactics

Of course I could read this book much more quickly, but I really want to take my time and focus on the strategies he discusses. 

I know the first habit (routine) I want to focus on is meal planning and cooking dinner regularly. As I read Atomic Habits, I will come up with a plan for building this habit. 

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12 hours ago, mom31257 said:

I think I did too much yesterday. 

I walked and did some exercise with weights, and I only ate for 7 hours. I think I really cut back my calories, too. I ended up waking half way through the night feeling terrible and it took a long time to go back to sleep. I realize I should ease into it, so I'm going to do like 11 hours today and make sure I eat enough. 

And I couldn't weight because the battery is too low in our scales, so I need to get a new one. I don't have a car right now because ds is gone to a conference with our 2nd one, and dh went to work. He might come home at lunch, and I  could take him back. 

You're trying the intermittent fasting, correct? Be careful with it starting out. My blood pressure dropped to frighteningly low numbers when I tried it. I would suggest going 14/10 to begin with and increase the fasting time by an hour each week until you get to your goal fast.

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2022 Goals

My main goal is weight loss.  I love making charts, and on paper broken down over months it seems doable.  In reality, I know it is hard.  I am optimistic, and any progress is good.


Weight Loss Health Goal:
Lose 60+ lbs in the year
Take 4 Million Steps in the year (nearly 11k a day which is what I usually do, but tracking will encourage me for those I-don’t-want-to-walk days )

Home Improvement:
Finish kitchen renovation (diy)
Start & finish bathroom renovation (diy)

Professional Development:
Work on various projects to prepare for re-entry into work world (vague I know)

Financial Involvement:
Spend time choosing and tracking financial investments

January Plans:

-         Incorporate fasting

-         Start None-to-Run program

-         Lose 8 lbs

-         Continue morning and afternoon walks

-         Decide on kitchen cabinet doors

-         Sell/donate existing boxes of unwanted items

-         30 minutes per day focused area cleaning/purging

-         Create a clear spreadsheet of current investment situation

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@Just Kate, I read Atomic Habits I think in the last quarter of 2020 and I still use the ideas for making or breaking a habit. I still ask myself those questions. So when I find myself asking, “Why is it so hard to make myself do X?” I start thinking: How can I make this more convenient to do? How can I make it more rewarding to accomplish? How can I make it more appealing or automatic? 

Or conversely, so I will *stop* doing something, I ask the reverse questions. 

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