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Third vaccine experiences


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I was so very interested in the getting the third vaccine since I am immunocompromised because of some of my AI diseases- definitely Lupus and Sjogren's= and then more immuncompromised by take immunosuppressants. I also tend to get very sick with anything URI because I cannot cough things out easily due to the Sjogren's.  I watched the CDC meeting and got all the info including that they were going to post online as soon as possible, most likely late afternoon.

I found out Publix has Moderna- I got Pfizer first.  Long story short, I got my third Mrna shot last night at 7:50pm.  My arm did hurt  a bit and this morning my arm hurts a bit more but less than my arthritic hands, elbows, feet, etc that are all hurting this morning as usual--- they have been hurting the last few days as we keep having t-storms swirling around us and I am in a flare with RA, ( My AS and Lupus are doing pretty well)

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2 minutes ago, Spy Car said:

Seems like the smart play. Would you be able to get antibody titers to demonstrate the level of immunity?


This is what I'm planning to do before I try to get a third vaccine.

I'm on an immunosuppressant, but my immune system is always so kicked up that I rarely get sick.

I feel like I am probably fine for now (especially since we are largely staying home), but I will probably want a third dose sooner than the general population.

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I'm planning on getting my third dose early next week. DH just had the shingles vaccine a few days ago, so he'll have to wait a couple of weeks. Like @Junie, despite being on an immune suppressant I very rarely get sick. But given the info that mutations may be more likely to develop in immune compromised people who get infected, getting that third vaccine seems to me to be the right thing to do (speaking solely for me). Plus with DH being super duper high risk . . I need to protect him as well as myself. I've looked over a lot of the CDC presentation and given the info there, plus the estimated 1.1 million people who've gotten unauthorized third doses, it seems like the risk is minimal.

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23 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

I was so very interested in the getting the third vaccine since I am immunocompromised because of some of my AI diseases- definitely Lupus and Sjogren's= and then more immuncompromised by take immunosuppressants. I also tend to get very sick with anything URI because I cannot cough things out easily due to the Sjogren's.  I watched the CDC meeting and got all the info including that they were going to post online as soon as possible, most likely late afternoon.

I found out Publix has Moderna- I got Pfizer first.  Long story short, I got my third Mrna shot last night at 7:50pm.  My arm did hurt  a bit and this morning my arm hurts a bit more but less than my arthritic hands, elbows, feet, etc that are all hurting this morning as usual--- they have been hurting the last few days as we keep having t-storms swirling around us and I am in a flare with RA, ( My AS and Lupus are doing pretty well)

Thanks for starting this thread.  So did you end up getting Moderna?   

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28 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

they have been hurting the last few days as we keep having t-storms swirling around us and I am in a flare with RA, ( My AS and Lupus are doing pretty well)

Sympathy and empathy. I feel like summer humidity is even worse for my joints than winter dampness. It's like reason 987 that I despise summer.

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42 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

I was so very interested in the getting the third vaccine since I am immunocompromised because of some of my AI diseases- definitely Lupus and Sjogren's= and then more immuncompromised by take immunosuppressants. I also tend to get very sick with anything URI because I cannot cough things out easily due to the Sjogren's.  I watched the CDC meeting and got all the info including that they were going to post online as soon as possible, most likely late afternoon.

I found out Publix has Moderna- I got Pfizer first.  Long story short, I got my third Mrna shot last night at 7:50pm.  My arm did hurt  a bit and this morning my arm hurts a bit more but less than my arthritic hands, elbows, feet, etc that are all hurting this morning as usual--- they have been hurting the last few days as we keep having t-storms swirling around us and I am in a flare with RA, ( My AS and Lupus are doing pretty well)

Did you have to show any kind of evidence that you were eligible? I've been reading over the wording, and it sounds like anyone on an immunosuppressant is eligible? My husband takes a biologic for psoriasis, so we're thinking he should maybe go ahead and get a booster. He did get his antibodies tested post second shot and had them, but that was several months ago and he's teaching high school. I kind of want him to get all the immunity he can get. 

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44 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

I was so very interested in the getting the third vaccine since I am immunocompromised because of some of my AI diseases- definitely Lupus and Sjogren's= and then more immuncompromised by take immunosuppressants. I also tend to get very sick with anything URI because I cannot cough things out easily due to the Sjogren's.  I watched the CDC meeting and got all the info including that they were going to post online as soon as possible, most likely late afternoon.

I found out Publix has Moderna- I got Pfizer first.  Long story short, I got my third Mrna shot last night at 7:50pm.  My arm did hurt  a bit and this morning my arm hurts a bit more but less than my arthritic hands, elbows, feet, etc that are all hurting this morning as usual--- they have been hurting the last few days as we keep having t-storms swirling around us and I am in a flare with RA, ( My AS and Lupus are doing pretty well)

Interesting!  Out of curiosity, did you have similar symptoms after the second dose of Pfizer?  Or was it worse with the second dose as opposed to this third dose?  (Even if a different vaccine.)  I'd love for my dh to have a third shot...  He's on life-long antibiotics and is undergoing immunotherapy treatments right now (for cancer).   Although, I really don't know if that makes him more vulnerable to illnesses.

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41 minutes ago, Spy Car said:

Seems like the smart play. Would you be able to get antibody titers to demonstrate the level of immunity?


I will be messaging my rheumatologist about that very thing. I mean I will be telling her I got it- we had discussed me getting it at my last visit-in late July.  And also asking for timing of restarting Cosentyx too.

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35 minutes ago, Seasider too said:

This is what I have been thinking, that there should be an antibody test to determine who most urgently needs these first boosters. I’m willing to take it but if I don’t need it my dose should go to another. 

I imagine we will, years down the road, settle into a pattern of annual shots just like the flu vaccine. I’d thing the rollout of such for covid would mimic that process, but maybe this technology is different.  

I just really needed to do it because I was off of most of my normal arthritis medications.  And I restarted two immunosuppressants this week- one of being my Medrol.  I really am at much, much greater risk if I get COVID- even so called mild COVID because every time I get any type of URI, I end up with a bacterial infection because of my Sjogren;s. The main effect of Sjogren;s is to the exocrine system- which is the body's moisture producing system.  My eyes hardly produce any tears when I am flaring, my saliva is always thicker than everyone else's,  my eustachian tubes are always at least somewhat blocked and I cannot use ear tubes since nothing would flow out.  Because of this, if I get a URI, I can't blow things out of my nose well- sinus infection happens and I can't cough it out well- leading to either bacterial bronchitis or pneumonia.  I haven't gotten a mild cold for about 15 years or so.  With Covid, especially Delta, I am concerned about getting anything that leads to mucus production- and Delta does.

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10 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

I will be messaging my rheumatologist about that very thing. I mean I will be telling her I got it- we had discussed me getting it at my last visit-in late July.  And also asking for timing of restarting Cosentyx too.

I hope the Moderna booster affords you full protection.

I'm getting concerned about my wife (no immunity issues) as her Pfister vaccinations are going on 7 months and she will be in a classroom full on unvaccinated students next week.

I'm not sure re-opening with Delta raging is a great idea.




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43 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Thanks for starting this thread.  So did you end up getting Moderna?   

Yes, since Publix only has Moderna-- I wanted the shot fast and I wanted Moderna.  The handout I filled out asked what I had gotten before and I didn't lie and did say Pfizer but as the pharmacist said, the CDC recommendation is if there is availability of both.  There wasn't at Publix and they were the first to start giving out legitimate third doses and also I chose them since that store has been were I have been getting a lot of my medications for about 8 years--they know I am at least moderately immunosuppressed. 

Do make sure you bring your vaccination card with you for your third shot.

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8 minutes ago, Spy Car said:

I hope the Moderna booster affords you full protection.

I'm getting concerned about my wife (no immunity issues) as her Pfister vaccinations are going on 7 months and she will be in a classroom full on unvaccinated students next week.

I'm not sure re-opening with Delta raging is a great idea.


There's always the "unofficial booster" route. I know people who've done that. (I know some people think it's unethical, but I don't see it that way in your wife's situation.) 

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4 minutes ago, Spy Car said:

I hope the Moderna booster affords you full protection.

I'm getting concerned about my wife (no immunity issues) as her Pfister vaccinations are going on 7 months and she will be in a classroom full on unvaccinated students next week.

I'm not sure re-opening with Delta raging is a great idea.




I will pray for your wife, Bill.

I really hope that they will let people get boosters soon-- the hold up there is that legally they can't order boosters under the EUA.

  In the long CDC Covid meeting yesterday, I learned that they are waiting for a study to be finished to allow J and J dosed people to get another shot but since that was not the topic yesterday- they didn'\t discuss whether J and J would get another J and J or a mRNA.  

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Just now, Not_a_Number said:

There's always the "unofficial booster" route. I know people who've done that. (I know some people think it's unethical, but I don't see it that way in your wife's situation.) 

Regardless of the ethics, it is illegal.  The vaccines are owned by the feds and getting one through fraud is a form of theft- now is anybody prosecuting= no.  And do I think we should prosecute- no- I would really like us to start lots of prosecutions on all those people who scammed the govt out of money with fake business, fake COVID, fake rentals, etc-- all the fraud that went on with all the rescue/stimulus packages.

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3 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

I will pray for your wife, Bill.

I really hope that they will let people get boosters soon-- the hold up there is that legally they can't order boosters under the EUA.

The UK is planning boosters this autumn for everyone over 50 or at high medical risk. 

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36 minutes ago, kokotg said:

Did you have to show any kind of evidence that you were eligible? I've been reading over the wording, and it sounds like anyone on an immunosuppressant is eligible? My husband takes a biologic for psoriasis, so we're thinking he should maybe go ahead and get a booster. He did get his antibodies tested post second shot and had them, but that was several months ago and he's teaching high school. I kind of want him to get all the immunity he can get. 

According to the CDC presentation being on any of the following medications qualifies for the third vaccine:


Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids, alkylating agents, antimetabolites, tumor-necrosis (TNF) blockers, and other biologic agents that are immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory 


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37 minutes ago, kokotg said:

Did you have to show any kind of evidence that you were eligible? I've been reading over the wording, and it sounds like anyone on an immunosuppressant is eligible? My husband takes a biologic for psoriasis, so we're thinking he should maybe go ahead and get a booster. He did get his antibodies tested post second shot and had them, but that was several months ago and he's teaching high school. I kind of want him to get all the immunity he can get. 

I believe that anyone on immunosuppressing biologics is eligible--- I am normally on Cosentyx-and that is one of the things that makes me eligible, but I am also on Dupixent- for asthma and that lowers my eosinophils and probably doesn't make anyone eligible.  

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9 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Regardless of the ethics, it is illegal.  The vaccines are owned by the feds and getting one through fraud is a form of theft- now is anybody prosecuting= no.  And do I think we should prosecute- no- I would really like us to start lots of prosecutions on all those people who scammed the govt out of money with fake business, fake COVID, fake rentals, etc-- all the fraud that went on with all the rescue/stimulus packages.

If I were over 50 and going into a classroom in a week and I had gotten Pfizer 7 months ago, I'd get the booster. And I wouldn't care about the illegality in the least. 

I'll bow out, because this isn't the right thread for this, though. 

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Just now, prairiewindmomma said:

I finished my series in May, so I am considering delaying my booster until January. (I qualify for a third also under the guidelines.) 

Happy health wishes!!

FWIW, some of the medical people I'm reading say it's incorrect to call this a booster. Instead it's a third dose for those who need it. Apparently the definition of booster is a vaccine that's given when immunity is waning, and that's not why this third dose is being recommended. It's because people for whom it's recommended need three doses to achieve good immunity. It can't wane if you didn't get it to begin with, I guess.

I  suspect that all of us--even those who need third doses now--will be getting boosters before too much longer.

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2 minutes ago, pitterpatter said:

DH got his third shot today. He was the first third-shot person at our local Walmart. At first, they weren't going to do it because they weren't sure they could. They finally got it worked out, though. You have to be taking certain medications on a list to be eligible.

Or have a qualifying medical condition. Here's the list from the CDC:


People with medical conditions or people receiving treatments that are associated with moderate to severe immune compromise.
Active or recent treatment for solid tumor and hematologic malignancies
Receipt of solid-organ or recent hematopoietic stem cell transplants
Severe primary immunodeficiency
Advanced or untreated HIV infection
Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids, alkylating agents, antimetabolites, tumor-necrosis (TNF) blockers, and other biologic agents that are immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory
Chronic medical conditions such as asplenia and chronic renal disease may beassociated with varying degrees of immune deficit


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7 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

I will pray for your wife, Bill.

I really hope that they will let people get boosters soon-- the hold up there is that legally they can't order boosters under the EUA.

  In the long CDC Covid meeting yesterday, I learned that they are waiting for a study to be finished to allow J and J dosed people to get another shot but since that was not the topic yesterday- they didn'\t discuss whether J and J would get another J and J or a mRNA.  

My dh had J&J, and his doctors just told him on Friday that he should get either Pfizer or Moderna as his booster. 

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3 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

My dh had J&J, and his doctors just told him on Friday that he should get either Pfizer or Moderna as his booster. 

I’m glad he gets to be boosted with one of those. I expect it will be some relief for both of you to have that on board.

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8 hours ago, Seasider too said:

This is what I have been thinking, that there should be an antibody test to determine who most urgently needs these first boosters. I’m willing to take it but if I don’t need it my dose should go to another. 

I imagine we will, years down the road, settle into a pattern of annual shots just like the flu vaccine. I’d thing the rollout of such for covid would mimic that process, but maybe this technology is different.  

I'd say that if there was a shortage of vaccine in an area - but here that is not the case. Places in some areas are going to be stuck with expired vaccines. Better they go in arms than the trash. 

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I'm so relieved you got a booster!

My mom is not yet - she has her regular MRI scheduled at Duke for her cancer follow up, and a mammogram scheduled after that, so doesn't want to mess with anything that will trigger lymph node enlargement before that. And she is not on a biologic yet, but is supposed to start in September. one that is for osteoporosis though, and may not be immune supressive. She could. maybe forget that when going to get a third dose. 

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34 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

I'd say that if there was a shortage of vaccine in an area - but here that is not the case. Places in some areas are going to be stuck with expired vaccines. Better they go in arms than the trash. 

This is so sad. For an area with as many sick and dying people as Florida to be having to throw away the vaccine that could have saved most of them because they were convinced by bad actors they didn’t want it 😭

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10 hours ago, Spy Car said:

I'm getting concerned about my wife (no immunity issues) as her Pfister vaccinations are going on 7 months and she will be in a classroom full on unvaccinated students next week.

I hit the 6 month mark two days ago and we will back in the classroom in 10 days, so I have similar concerns. I was in the classroom all of last year as well (except for when we went virtual between Thanksgiving and Christmas), but then we had well-enforced universal masking. This year masking is "encouraged, but not required." 

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19 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

If I were over 50 and going into a classroom in a week and I had gotten Pfizer 7 months ago, I'd get the booster. And I wouldn't care about the illegality in the least. 

I'll bow out, because this isn't the right thread for this, though. 

I was just talking about what the legal status is.  Do I agree?  No- I think that person should get a vaccine.  In fact, I am much in favor of more freedom with regards to medications.  

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12 hours ago, ktgrok said:

I'm so relieved you got a booster!

My mom is not yet - she has her regular MRI scheduled at Duke for her cancer follow up, and a mammogram scheduled after that, so doesn't want to mess with anything that will trigger lymph node enlargement before that. And she is not on a biologic yet, but is supposed to start in September. one that is for osteoporosis though, and may not be immune supressive. She could. maybe forget that when going to get a third dose. 

Just to tell you Katie- the CDC repeatedly in that meeting said it isn't a booster since it has nothing to do with waning immunity but rather that our immunity never full developed.

The biologic for osteoporosis is Prolia- it is actually a monoclonal antibody and I will be getting my third shot this Tuesday-  you get the shots every six months and it is very important to have enough calcium- more than you get in a diet.  And no, it isn't an immunosuppressant.

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Day 2 report-  my arm still has that typical arm pain that accompanies many shots. That means slightly achy all the time and more pain if I touch it.  Considering that my right arm has severe elbow pain- what little pain in my left upper arm has is miniscule.  I mean right now just picking up a glass with my right hand hurts my elbow.

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8 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Day 2 report-  my arm still has that typical arm pain that accompanies many shots. That means slightly achy all the time and more pain if I touch it.  Considering that my right arm has severe elbow pain- what little pain in my left upper arm has is miniscule.  I mean right now just picking up a glass with my right hand hurts my elbow.

How does it compare to the second shot?

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14 hours ago, ktgrok said:

Better they go in arms than the trash. 

I wish there was a "trash list" so people could go get 3rd doses if they want to. I wonder if there's any potential harm from taking a 3rd dose if you're not immune compromised...?

I got my vaccines back in March and am about to go work with kids younger than 12... all wearing masks though. Still, it's worrying.

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On 8/14/2021 at 12:38 PM, Pawz4me said:

I'm reading that the VSafe app will be updated to collect info on third dose side effects.

Is this Apple only?  Because wh3n I went to the Google Play store where you get apps, I get a lot of suggestions for cdc apps, etc, but nothing called V Safe. 

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3 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Is this Apple only?  Because wh3n I went to the Google Play store where you get apps, I get a lot of suggestions for cdc apps, etc, but nothing called V Safe. 

No, it’s not an app. After you sign up for it they text you a link for the check ins. If you search for V Safe you should see the info on a CDC page. I’d find it for you but I’m on my phone now. 

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DH got his third shot today; he went to CVS since they're the ones who fill his prescription, in case there was any question about eligbility. But he had to say he was eligible when he made the appointment, and they didn't ask anything else about it. All three have been Moderna--he had pretty much no reaction other than a sore arm for 1 and 2; we'll see tomorrow about this one (so far just a sore arm again). 

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I got my third dose of Pfizer about an hour ago at Walgreens. There was a question on their form that listed several conditions (cancer, diabetes, immuno-compromised and some others I don't remember) and asked if you had any of those, and if yes which one(s). I put down immuno-compromised and no questions were asked. I do get prescriptions filled there but the biologic I'm on has to come from a specialty pharmacy, so they don't have any record of that. (ETA: Although I have been on other immune suppressing medicines in the past that were filled through them.)

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