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A serious conspiracy theory question


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I have a few family members that I have snoozed in FB, but things occasionally pop up regardless.

I keep seeing that this virus is going to end November 4.  In this theory, will the Democrats stop perpetuating the virus hoax because it is now obvious Trump can’t be discredited? Or is it stopping because the Democrats win and no longer need the virus hoax?

I can’t google because I have no desire to Alice down that terrifying rabbit hole, but I really am confused about what the election is supposed to prove to whichever entity is promoting this virus as a hoax.

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What I don't get is why they think the rest of the world is making a big deal of the virus if the only reason it is a big deal here is because of our Presidential election? Do they think the entire world revolves around election cycles in the United States?!?

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It would stop on that day because the coronavirus is to deprive POTUS of his campaign rallies according to Eric Trump. Once the campaign is over, no need to stop rallies.

Second clip here - don't know why it gave you two clips. I hope this isn't political even though it is political figures;; it's just where I found the clip. Moderators, feel free to remove if this is not acceptable. 

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25 minutes ago, maize said:

What I don't get it why they think the rest of the world is making a big deal of the virus if the only reason it is a big deal here is because of our Presidential election? Do they think the entire world revolves around election cycles in the United States?!?

Seriously, yes, they do. They see this as: 

US greatest country on earth --> other countries* are jealous --> they see us "winning so much" --> they hatin' --> let's bring down US

The virus is just a way to destabilize the US enough that we can make the "wrong" choice in November, and then it will have served its purpose. So it will magically disappear and all of these "mysterious" people who have it or have died will be found to not have existed or died of other causes.

I've seen one person say that the virus is real so that it won't go away immediately, but a vaccine will be announced within the week after elections.

So yeah, no more FB for me.

* edit: this just has to be world leaders, not necessarily the populace. Also, they think that the case/death numbers are being inflated in the US, and probably think that other countries are exaggerating their own tolls as well (haven't seen this discussed except in a "of course the US isn't doing worse than xyz country").

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Okay, I went on FB quickly to find a relevant quote. I couldn't do too much for mental health reasons (only half joking). Here is an excerpt but that accurately portrays why they think this is worthy of a global conspiracy:

"The agenda is in the Communist Manifesto, The Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21 (changes according to date, 21 is in reference to 2021....now I believe they are calling it Agenda 2030 🤔) , etc. They all moving in same direction.....interesting that they are able to have unity on this. Unity is not the hallmark of the demonic, but for some reason they are in commonality over this.  ...  As you read through this, It will become more apparent as to why there is such an attack aimed ceaselessly at President Trump. He is the fly in the ointment thwarting their moving forward. He is what seems to be the vessel for holding off the sinister plans at the moment....if he is not re-elected, it will move forward with lightening speed."

So, to them, a hoax of this magnitude by the powers that be is consistent with their ultimate goals.

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I'm not on FB, so I can only say what I've observed and heard from people I know, FWIW.

They seem to suspect that (American) numbers are inflated and news stories exaggerated to make the current administration look bad.  I haven't heard anyone saying the US is the only country grappling with this (or that it isn't serious), just that our media is hell-bent on bringing up anything that might make Mr. Trump's handling of the US response seem worse.  The thought is that such reporting will become unnecessary once we are past the election.


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11 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

Okay, I went on FB quickly to find a relevant quote. I couldn't do too much for mental health reasons (only half joking). Here is an excerpt but that accurately portrays why they think this is worthy of a global conspiracy:

"The agenda is in the Communist Manifesto, The Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21 (changes according to date, 21 is in reference to 2021....now I believe they are calling it Agenda 2030 🤔) , etc. They all moving in same direction.....interesting that they are able to have unity on this. Unity is not the hallmark of the demonic, but for some reason they are in commonality over this.  ...  As you read through this, It will become more apparent as to why there is such an attack aimed ceaselessly at President Trump. He is the fly in the ointment thwarting their moving forward. He is what seems to be the vessel for holding off the sinister plans at the moment....if he is not re-elected, it will move forward with lightening speed."

So, to them, a hoax of this magnitude by the powers that be is consistent with their ultimate goals.

Ah  yes, this is similar to what my friend told me

<They are saying that the White House is looking into Fauci and Obama as they gave a ton of monies to China for the wuhan research and predicted this pandemic back in 2015 or so. It didn’t come from a bat .. it came from a lab... and was released ... it is germ warfare the Democratic Party is using to try to gain control of everyone and the government ... it is frightening how the media and social platforms are keeping information from being told. The virus is a threat to some people but it is being controlled by meds that many doctors have used and find to work but when they try to talk about it they are called crazy and their information gets buried. That is why the load of doctors from Houston went to Washington to talk about it. But the media didn’t cover it and all the videos of it have been taken down as fast as people put them back up. We are def living in the last days of pure evil.>>


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38 minutes ago, Pen said:

I haven’t heard that.
Maybe that’s the revised date for the Mayan world end prophesy 😜. Not.

Or maybe the revised projected date of Ragnarok?

And my son-in-law's family faked his paternal Grandmother's COVID death on a ventilator in ICU and are lying about his step-mom's mom being in ICU with COVID symptoms.

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The thought is the virus is a real thing but no worse than H1N1 which didn't shut down the economy. Media and Democrats are overblowing the seriousness to destroy the economy and in general make people miserable so they don't re-elect the president. As soon as the election is over everyone will move on and things will go back to normal. 

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When I replied to my friend with this

>>You believe the Democrats deliberately created a pandemic that is killing millions in order to gain control? How does that get them control? Control of what? For what? I don’t get it. The money sent to labs around the world for research has never been a secret. Scientists share info...and part of what may scientists have been saying for YEARS is that it is just a matter of time before another pandemic strikes.>>

     Then I linked a JAMA article from 2007 warning of a pandemic and she replied

 >>>It is way more complicated than the Democrats created a pandemic. And this wasn’t the flu now was it? Suffice it to say this pandemic was foretold By Fauci and funded by Obama’s administration ... trump is in their way to set up a one world government that is prophecy in the Bible. We are 72 years into Israel being a nation and the Bible says the generation that sees Israel as a nation will see his second coming. But you know all this. One world government is a part of what the world health organization is set up for. And all the “coin shortage” is just their next steps to a Cashless society and a mark of the beast. I know it is unpopular to talk of end days and people want to act like it’s not possible. Not in their lifetime. But I would rather be safe than sorry. And if I were to contract this China virus I would be demanding hydrochloroquinne zithromiacin and zinc as this has successfully worked for many people ...>>


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To the OP's question, the way people posit this in my social media feeds is that if we have a different president the American media will stop covering it with such intensity (running death and case counts on chyrons, etc.), not that the virus will literally be gone after the election.

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20 minutes ago, DoraBora said:

 I haven't heard anyone saying the US is the only country grappling with this (or that it isn't serious) 

I've heard tons of people say that it isn't serious. Depending on their level of dedication, it's either no more serious than the flue, or no more serious than the common cold. 

4 minutes ago, Scarlett said:


  I know it is unpopular to talk of end days 


Ugh, I wish it were unpopular. I've been hearing that we're in the end days on and off my whole life, and I don't even run in 'end days' circles. 

I think people starting predicting the end days on about the second day humans existed. 

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8 minutes ago, square_25 said:

Yeah, this isn't worth engaging with. 

I know.  That is when I knew it was pointless.  I did text her for a bit longer on the whole HCQ.....she is convinced it is all that is needed.....I tried to get her to think it through...but she is locked in.  

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31 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

When I replied to my friend with this

>>You believe the Democrats deliberately created a pandemic that is killing millions in order to gain control? How does that get them control? Control of what? For what? I don’t get it. The money sent to labs around the world for research has never been a secret. Scientists share info...and part of what may scientists have been saying for YEARS is that it is just a matter of time before another pandemic strikes.>>

     Then I linked a JAWA article from 2007 warning of a pandemic and she replied

 >>>It is way more complicated than the Democrats created a pandemic. And this wasn’t the flu now was it? Suffice it to say this pandemic was foretold By Fauci and funded by Obama’s administration ... trump is in their way to set up a one world government that is prophecy in the Bible. We are 72 years into Israel being a nation and the Bible says the generation that sees Israel as a nation will see his second coming. But you know all this. One world government is a part of what the world health organization is set up for. And all the “coin shortage” is just their next steps to a Cashless society and a mark of the beast. I know it is unpopular to talk of end days and people want to act like it’s not possible. Not in their lifetime. But I would rather be safe than sorry. And if I were to contract this China virus I would be demanding hydrochloroquinne zithromiacin and zinc as this has successfully worked for many people ...>>


And this is why I came to you all instead of other corners of the internet.  My brain hurts.

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1 hour ago, beckyjo said:

It would stop on that day because the coronavirus is to deprive POTUS of his campaign rallies according to Eric Trump. Once the campaign is over, no need to stop rallies.

Second clip here - don't know why it gave you two clips. I hope this isn't political even though it is political figures;; it's just where I found the clip. Moderators, feel free to remove if this is not acceptable. 

That was illuminating, thank you.

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1 hour ago, Moonhawk said:

Seriously, yes, they do. They see this as: 

US greatest country on earth --> other countries* are jealous --> they see us "winning so much" --> they hatin' --> let's bring down US

The virus is just a way to destabilize the US enough that we can make the "wrong" choice in November, and then it will have served its purpose. So it will magically disappear and all of these "mysterious" people who have it or have died will be found to not have existed or died of other causes.

I've seen one person say that the virus is real so that it won't go away immediately, but a vaccine will be announced within the week after elections.

So yeah, no more FB for me.

* edit: this just has to be world leaders, not necessarily the populace. Also, they think that the case/death numbers are being inflated in the US, and probably think that other countries are exaggerating their own tolls as well (haven't seen this discussed except in a "of course the US isn't doing worse than xyz country").


I don’t know if this is relevant (certainly not to this particular discussion, but maybe to your post), but I chat with someone from the UK on my Mac forum. He shared that the UK lowered their numbers by over 5000 in the last couple days because of inappropriately counted Covid deaths.

I do believe our numbers are inflated. The CDC’s deaths per day for 2020 is actually LESS than deaths per day in 2017 for the same span of time (I think 2020 is a little over 7100/day, whereas 2017 was 7400). If that’s the case, we either aren’t having some huge overabundance of Covid deaths, or Covid deaths are replacing all others. (I may not be perfectly accurate on those numbers but I’m close - she shared directly from the CDC site).

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1 hour ago, beckyjo said:

It would stop on that day because the coronavirus is to deprive POTUS of his campaign rallies according to Eric Trump. Once the campaign is over, no need to stop rallies.

Second clip here - don't know why it gave you two clips. I hope this isn't political even though it is political figures;; it's just where I found the clip. Moderators, feel free to remove if this is not acceptable. 

Never trust anyone who says, "all of the sudden" 

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4 minutes ago, katilac said:

Never trust anyone who says, "all of the sudden" 

Just when I thought we could be friends! 😞 

I think I say "all the sudden" or "all of a sudden." Is this trust-worthy? I've been sitting here for 2 minutes saying this out loud and English now -- suddenly -- all sounds wrong. 😉 

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3 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

I think I say "all the sudden" or "all of a sudden." Is this trust-worthy? I've been sitting here for 2 minutes saying this out loud and English now -- suddenly -- all sounds wrong. 😉 

I only heard "all of a sudden" all my life until just a few years ago. Then, all of a sudden, I started hearing "all the sudden" a lot. It irritated me. Still does. But "all of the sudden" is just way too far! 😂

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9 minutes ago, StaceyinLA said:


I do believe our numbers are inflated. The CDC’s deaths per day for 2020 is actually LESS than deaths per day in 2017 for the same span of time (I think 2020 is a little over 7100/day, whereas 2017 was 7400). If that’s the case, we either aren’t having some huge overabundance of Covid deaths, or Covid deaths are replacing all others. (I may not be perfectly accurate on those numbers but I’m close - she shared directly from the CDC site).

Can you share the link? I can only find stats for prior years, I can't figure out where deaths per day for 2020 is. 

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3 minutes ago, katilac said:

Can you share the link? I can only find stats for prior years, I can't figure out where deaths per day for 2020 is. 


Let me go find where she shared the info.

Okay so she has a graph shared from CDC that shows several years, including 2020, but it’s pretty blurry on my phone, so it might be easier to look up. It’s on CDC and it’s total deaths per week USA. It has 5-6 years showing on it. There’s only one spike in 2020 and it looks like March/April from what I can see. And my numbers were off. The doctor that originally shared the numbers said average per day this year through July was 7,434, and in 2017, the number for that same time period was 7,700.

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1 minute ago, Jaybee said:


I only heard "all of a sudden" all my life until just a few years ago. Then, all of a sudden, I started hearing "all the sudden" a lot. It irritated me. Still does. But "all of the sudden" is just way too far! 😂

Seriously. What a butchery of the language!

... It should be "all of the suddens" if you use a the there. 


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8 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

Just when I thought we could be friends! 😞 

I think I say "all the sudden" or "all of a sudden." Is this trust-worthy? I've been sitting here for 2 minutes saying this out loud and English now -- suddenly -- all sounds wrong. 😉 

You are perfectly free to say "all of a sudden." 

I would advice you to not say "all of the sudden." It is a pacific pet peeve of many people, and can illicit a bad reaction. 

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10 minutes ago, StaceyinLA said:


Let me go find where she shared the info.

Okay so she has a graph shared from CDC that shows several years, including 2020, but it’s pretty blurry on my phone, so it might be easier to look up. It’s on CDC and it’s total deaths per week USA. It has 5-6 years showing on it. There’s only one spike in 2020 and it looks like March/April from what I can see. And my numbers were off. The doctor that originally shared the numbers said average per day this year through July was 7,434, and in 2017, the number for that same time period was 7,700.

Thanks, I'll keep trying.  

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3 minutes ago, KidsHappen said:

I concur. There is not just one sudden but many. Pick one. 😉

So you're saying, that if something happened even faster than suddenly, one could say, "All of some suddens"? 

edit: think I'm going to leave this thread before I get suddenly skinned alive, lol

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27 minutes ago, StaceyinLA said:


I don’t know if this is relevant (certainly not to this particular discussion, but maybe to your post), but I chat with someone from the UK on my Mac forum. He shared that the UK lowered their numbers by over 5000 in the last couple days because of inappropriately counted Covid deaths.

I do believe our numbers are inflated. The CDC’s deaths per day for 2020 is actually LESS than deaths per day in 2017 for the same span of time (I think 2020 is a little over 7100/day, whereas 2017 was 7400). If that’s the case, we either aren’t having some huge overabundance of Covid deaths, or Covid deaths are replacing all others. (I may not be perfectly accurate on those numbers but I’m close - she shared directly from the CDC site).

How does that square with this graph from the CDC that shows excess deaths in 2020? https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm 

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2 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

So you're saying, that if something happened even faster than suddenly, one could say, "All of some suddens"? 

edit: think I'm going to leave this thread before I get suddenly skinned alive, lol

Well, my brain is not used to moving at that speed but if there were more than one suddens wouldn't that imply it happened slower? 🤔

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

Ah  yes, this is similar to what my friend told me

<They are saying that the White House is looking into Fauci and Obama as they gave a ton of monies to China for the wuhan research and predicted this pandemic back in 2015 or so. It didn’t come from a bat .. it came from a lab... and was released ... it is germ warfare the Democratic Party is using to try to gain control of everyone and the government ... it is frightening how the media and social platforms are keeping information from being told. The virus is a threat to some people but it is being controlled by meds that many doctors have used and find to work but when they try to talk about it they are called crazy and their information gets buried. That is why the load of doctors from Houston went to Washington to talk about it. But the media didn’t cover it and all the videos of it have been taken down as fast as people put them back up. We are def living in the last days of pure evil.>>


Except I think most of the doctors weren't from Houston and at least the one from my area hadn't looked up the doctor who is nuts and talks about alien sperm, etc

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

When I replied to my friend with this

>>You believe the Democrats deliberately created a pandemic that is killing millions in order to gain control? How does that get them control? Control of what? For what? I don’t get it. The money sent to labs around the world for research has never been a secret. Scientists share info...and part of what may scientists have been saying for YEARS is that it is just a matter of time before another pandemic strikes.>>

     Then I linked a JAWA article from 2007 warning of a pandemic and she replied

 >>>It is way more complicated than the Democrats created a pandemic. And this wasn’t the flu now was it? Suffice it to say this pandemic was foretold By Fauci and funded by Obama’s administration ... trump is in their way to set up a one world government that is prophecy in the Bible. We are 72 years into Israel being a nation and the Bible says the generation that sees Israel as a nation will see his second coming. But you know all this. One world government is a part of what the world health organization is set up for. And all the “coin shortage” is just their next steps to a Cashless society and a mark of the beast. I know it is unpopular to talk of end days and people want to act like it’s not possible. Not in their lifetime. But I would rather be safe than sorry. And if I were to contract this China virus I would be demanding hydrochloroquinne zithromiacin and zinc as this has successfully worked for many people ...>>


See, this is why I can’t talk to certain people.  Now I seriously want to know the connection between a cashless society and the mark of the beast/end times.  I mean, not enough to actually spend any more brain power on it, but it’s going to tickle for a while.

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5 minutes ago, medawyn said:

See, this is why I can’t talk to certain people.  Now I seriously want to know the connection between a cashless society and the mark of the beast/end times.  I mean, not enough to actually spend any more brain power on it, but it’s going to tickle for a while.

All I know is that I told my dh that we have to cash in his large collection of change minus  some of the quarters that I will need for laundry on the road and also potentially meters too.

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17 minutes ago, KidsHappen said:

Well, my brain is not used to moving at that speed but if there were more than one suddens wouldn't that imply it happened slower? 🤔

If my science memory serves me, I think suddens get smaller in groups. Similar properties to phlogiston or dark matter, where it's hard to quantify exactly. But the more you have the less there is. Or something. ....

(Yes, I homeschool my children. Why do you ask? 😛 )

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14 minutes ago, medawyn said:

See, this is why I can’t talk to certain people.  Now I seriously want to know the connection between a cashless society and the mark of the beast/end times.  I mean, not enough to actually spend any more brain power on it, but it’s going to tickle for a while.

I think I know this one. It's because as you step away from cash and onto credit only, the credit is stored on a chip. Then, once everything is stored on a chip, what better way to store the chip than as an implant? After all, the wallet was made for carrying cash, and now you are only carrying around a flimsy piece of plastic that is so easily lost, "it just makes sense" to implant it in your body. And these types of implants are tied to the mark of the beast, right?

I remember seeing this as a kid on a conspiracy show. Of course I didn't realize it was a conspiracy show, the presenters were very concerned about this. 

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4 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

I think I know this one. It's because as you step away from cash and onto credit only, the credit is stored on a chip. Then, once everything is stored on a chip, what better way to store the chip than as an implant? After all, the wallet was made for carrying cash, and now you are only carrying around a flimsy piece of plastic that is so easily lost, "it just makes sense" to implant it in your body. And these types of implants are tied to the mark of the beast, right?

I remember seeing this as a kid on a conspiracy show. Of course I didn't realize it was a conspiracy show, the presenters were very concerned about this. 

Okay, but how do you get from "a mark on their hands or foreheads" to a chip of any kind, much less an invisible implant? I wouldn't say that implants are traditionally tied to the mark of the beast, because implants of any kind are a pretty modern concept. And I know Revelations is hard to understand, but 'a mark' seems straightforward enough, and a chip would be invisible.

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Just now, kdsuomi said:

With the cashless society, people are concerned that it would give the government far too much information about your whereabouts. There is also concern about how domestic abuse victims will be able to squirrel away money in order to leave their abusers.

Some people do have these concerns, but they are very different concerns from it being the mark of the beast.  

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3 hours ago, katilac said:

Okay, but how do you get from "a mark on their hands or foreheads" to a chip of any kind, much less an invisible implant? I wouldn't say that implants are traditionally tied to the mark of the beast, because implants of any kind are a pretty modern concept. And I know Revelations is hard to understand, but 'a mark' seems straightforward enough, and a chip would be invisible.

That part I'm not sure of. For some reason in this tv special the idea that the implant would be put in your hand, so that it was easy to scan, was why it was part of the mark of the beast, and since it would leave a scar that was part of the mark. This was back in the 90's that I saw this but it stuck with me, along with the whole show, because it included parts (or it was part of a series) of prophecies from Edgar Casey and Nostradamus and how we were entering the end times. 

edit: also, my dad taped these shows and I re-watched them at times, another reason they stuck...  It's only been the past 5 years or so I've realized how conspiracy-minded my household was growing up.

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15 minutes ago, kdsuomi said:

With the cashless society, people are concerned that it would give the government far too much information about your whereabouts. There is also concern about how domestic abuse victims will be able to squirrel away money in order to leave their abusers.

I think there are lots of thoughtful conversations to have about the ramifications of a cashless society.  I just don't have "End Times" on my list of discussion points.

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The linguist in me just had to research the word "sudden" in noun form. According to etymonline :

"Noun meaning "that which is sudden, a sudden need or emergency" is from 1550s, obsolete except in phrase all of a sudden first attested 1680s, also of a sudayn (1590s), upon the soden (1550s)."

so, the oldest form recorded seems to be "upon the soden".

Wiktionary lists the following forms in usage:

all of a sudden

all of the sudden

of a sudden

on a sudden

upon a sudden

I find anecdotes suggesting that the "all of the sudden" or "all the sudden" forms are common in the southern US and in northern England. I'm pretty sure I use "all the sudden" more often than "all of a sudden", though both sound familiar to me. I'm neither from the southern US nor from northern England 🤷

Conclusion: as with any word or phrase in common usage among native speakers of a language, however folks say something is a correct way to say it. Regional and dialectical variations are never wrong or incorrect--they are just variations. Wrong, when it comes to language, can only be applied in a linguistically meaningful way to constructions that are not ordinarily found among native speakers.

All of the suddens, for example, would qualify as wrong unless someone can show me evidence of that phrase being in normal usage in some English dialect 😉

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8 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

That part I'm not sure of. For some reason in this tv special the idea that the implant would be put in your hand, so that it was easy to scan, was why it was part of the mark of the beast, and since it would leave a scar that was part of the mark. This was back in the 90's that I saw this but it stuck with me, along with the whole show, because it included parts (or it was part of a series) of prophecies from Edgar Casey and Nostradamus and how we were entering the end times. 

edit: also, my dad taped these shows and I re-watched them at times, another reason they stuck...  It's only been the past 5 years or so I've realized how conspiracy-minded my household was growing up.

Right, the idea has been around for a while, but not until implants were actually a thing - before people saw actual devices implanted in humans, no one was thinking the mark of the beast would somehow be inside of you. Before implant devices, people got all het up about bar codes being the mark. People pull their inspiration from what they see around them, not from the verses themselves. 

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5 minutes ago, maize said:

Conclusion: as with any word or phrase in common usage among native speakers of a language, however folks say something is a correct way to say it. Regional and dialectical variations are never wrong or incorrect--they are just variations. Wrong, when it comes to language, can only be applied in a linguistically meaningful way to constructions that are not ordinarily found among native speakers.

All of the suddens, for example, would qualify as wrong unless someone can show me evidence of that phrase being in normal usage in some English dialect 😉

I love me some living language, but I definitely don't think all of the sudden has crossed over into widespread usage. Perhaps we need an equation that somehow balances the number of people using it versus the number of people cringing when they hear it. 

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3 hours ago, medawyn said:

See, this is why I can’t talk to certain people.  Now I seriously want to know the connection between a cashless society and the mark of the beast/end times.  I mean, not enough to actually spend any more brain power on it, but it’s going to tickle for a while.

Disclaimer: I do not subscribe to the conpiracy theories 😁😁😁

But the link between no cash and the mark of the beast is that Revelation talks about people not being able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast.

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2 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

I would laugh at conspiracy theories, except it is making me angry that much of what is coming out under the guise of christianity. I just hate that.

I never found it hard to identify as a christian in my native country where we were a minority. Some people are persecuted as in face death even now simply for being a christian. Not pseudo not wearing masks to prove faith and get COVID kind. 🙄

On the contrary I find it so hard to identify as a christian in America when it is associated with crazy, power grab and exploitation and preying of gullible people. I have nothing nice to say so I better shut up or risk getting banned. 😷


THIS! We deliberately spent many years outside of the continental US and returning has not been good for us...at all. My faith in God and in humanity was much greater living outside the lower 48. Many of my family members have shared these thoughts/theories and I'm at once saddened and horrified. I have lost a tremendous amount of respect for them.

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4 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I know.  That is when I knew it was pointless.  I did text her for a bit longer on the whole HCQ.....she is convinced it is all that is needed.....I tried to get her to think it through...but she is locked in.  


 I literally blocked a newly identified relative over this issue AND snoozed my own Dad. He sent me another HCQ meme in messenger and when I asked him not to send me anymore conspiracy theories to debunk. b/c TIRED, he decided to post it to his wall. SMH.

Edited by Sneezyone
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