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I'm not sure who needs to hear this, but

Angie in VA

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Christmas is one month from today!!!

We're practical gift givers and only send about 3 Christmas cards. I have about 1/2 of the shopping done. Once MIL & FIL are taken care of, I'll feel much better. 

Are those who celebrate Christmas getting ready?

*Whispering this part* We put our tree up over a week ago. Fake. Pre-lit. Not one decoration on it yet. 

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The Christmas tree is going up tonight, mainly because if I wait until December like I usually do, something always comes up to delay me, and then I end up rushing around like a crazed lunatic trying to get the tree up and do all of the decorating around the house. Let’s just say I have a more-is-more approach to holiday decorating, so I’m trying to be pre-emptive this year and start early.

I have already bought a lot of gifts, but that’s normal for me. I’m always shopping!


Edited by Catwoman
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My inside decorations have been up for a couple weeks. All presents delivered and wrapped and under the tree. I've already started watching cheesy Christmas romances on Netflix. (I wait for outside decorations until December - same for the Advent calendar.)

I regret none of it. I'll still enjoy Thanksgiving, and I'm still just as thankful as I'd be if I'd waited. I'm peaceful and calm and burning a Frosty Gingerbread candle. 😛

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I have purchased the kids' big gifts and dh's. I have about  2/3 of what is left done. Need to inventory and discuss with dh. We need to shop for my mom and his parents. Sending Harry and David pears to his siblings. Not doing cards. 

I love Thanksgiving and do not do any Christmas decorating until we've enjoyed TG! This year, since the Sunday after TG is the first Sunday in Advent, I will do some decorating on Saturday. We'll put up the (real) tree the next weekend. Right now, I am enjoying my pilgrims and pumpkins. The Fisher Price Mayflower is on my coffee table because neighbor kids are still little enough to play with it. Ds reread Cheryl Harness' Three Young Pilgrims today. 

To everything there is a season.

Our schedule is less busy this December and I am hoping for some down time for puzzles, movies, reading, baking and just being home by a fire in my jammies.


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Just finished decorating the tree. I am definitely more is more when it comes to Christmas decorations. LOL. I’ve been working on it for about 2 weeks. It’s fake.

In the process of putting together the annual Christmas song playlist.

Tomorrow is garland-going-up day. Amaryllis and paper whites are looking good.

Wednesday I’m going to start shopping and putting together a few cookie boxes for friends and kids.

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We don't decorate until after Thanksgiving but I do make it a point to get all Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving weekend is over. I like doing that so I can celebrate Advent in a calm manner while also preparing the house for Christmas.

Shopping is 75% done.

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Dh has set up the tree.  We decorate it tomorrow.  We don't usually decorate before Thanksgiving but it's also not usually so late in the month.

I've made a list of movies and shows we watch, and a list of Christmas activities, some we want to do, some we need to do (like ds is in a parade)

I've organized our baking/making schedule so things that need time to cure (like caramels) can be done first, and more delicate things (like the chocolate cookies) are done last.

Youngest ds is mostly bought for, and the rest will get done this week.

I've printed out a bit of Christmas math from Math Salamanders and put out our book basket of usuals: we'd do our regular work until the middle of the month and switch to The Best Christmas Pageant Ever followed by A Christmas Carol and The Night Before Christmas.  Ds is learning how to write 1st person narratives and this year decided he wants to do a newsletter, so that'll be this week and next.

Advent ornaments are out and ready to be filled each night with a piece of chocolate for each and a slip with activity or movie on it.  I'm not doing pre-filled for the month because goodness knows it'll all change.


I think we're ready. 🙂

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15 hours ago, whitehawk said:

I do not Christmas before Thanksgiving.


Neither do I, even when Thanksgiving is late like it is this year. I've started thinking about gifts and texted my niece for ideas for her kids. I'm waiting for ddil to post a wish list for the grandkids (she usually puts it on Amazon) and will talk to her and dss about ideas for kid gifts when we see them for Thanksgiving.

We'll probably get the tree and everything else up next week. Dh had use it or lose it vacation time so he took all of December off and will be home to help. We're just doing minimal decorations this year. The house is going on the market early January so we don't want to hurry to take down and store a bunch of decorations (we always leave ours up until New Year's Day).

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I love Christmas, but don't start till after Thanksgiving.  In fact, I'll probably start ON Thanksgiving, maybe with a Christmas movie that evening or something.  However, this is probably the first year I remember that I don't have the mental energy to shop.  (Too much other  stuff going on!)   I'll probably just do it easy -- maybe a book per child (they're all young adults) and an Amazon gift card.  

But nothing, nothing would keep me from loving Christmas.  Even just walking in the fresh snow and admiring twinkly lights feels magical to me.

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I'm in panic mode.  Too many people to buy for and too many people coming and going during the holidays.  I have to get my house ready, shopping, cooking, cleaning, meals planned, things to do, gifts bought and wrapped, cards sent, etc.  I am overwhelmed and stressed, and looking forward to it being over.  😞

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10 hours ago, Kassia said:

I'm in panic mode.  Too many people to buy for and too many people coming and going during the holidays.  I have to get my house ready, shopping, cooking, cleaning, meals planned, things to do, gifts bought and wrapped, cards sent, etc.  I am overwhelmed and stressed, and looking forward to it being over.  😞


When my kids were young (they’re all adults now), I sometimes decorated Scandinavian style — iow, very simply. Just a plain tree with only garland. Presents went into bags from the dollar store or they were gift cards. A lot of the food was premade or easy to make.

Buy yourself some bath bombs and keep the rest simple. Tis the season to enjoy!

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I’m an after Thanksgiving person, but I told dh he could start Christmas as soon as my new floors got put in, figuring that’d speed up our timeline. It didn’t really, but he has been playing some Christmas music while we’ve been working on the flooring this week!

I have been shopping, but only a little here and there.

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9 hours ago, Familia said:

Oh, recommend some, please!

Haha. Well, "The Knight Before Christmas" was fairly enjoyable. We watched it this week.

I liked "Let it Snow" but it isn't family friendly (well, unless your family uses a lot of profanity, then it is, haha). We don't but I'm still considering letting the 13 yo watch it because I liked it so much.

We also watched "Princess Switch" (or something like that); it was okay.

My 13 yo daughter's absolute favorite is "A Crown for Christmas" with Danica McKellar but I think it's not on Netflix but Hallmark channel, rather. (It's SUPER cheesy but she insists we DVR it every year.)

Obviously, all of these require one to suspend disbelief and just accept the story (time travel, identical strangers, etc). 😉 

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I’ve gotten most of my shopping done, although admittedly this is gonna be a smaller than normal Christmas for us for several reasons.

We will likely do our tree this weekend. I feel like the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is gonna go by quickly this year, since Thanksgiving is pretty late.

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5 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

Haha. Well, "The Knight Before Christmas" was fairly enjoyable. We watched it this week.

I liked "Let it Snow" but it isn't family friendly (well, unless your family uses a lot of profanity, then it is, haha). We don't but I'm still considering letting the 13 yo watch it because I liked it so much.

We also watched "Princess Switch" (or something like that); it was okay.

My 13 yo daughter's absolute favorite is "A Crown for Christmas" with Danica McKellar but I think it's not on Netflix but Hallmark channel, rather. (It's SUPER cheesy but she insists we DVR it every year.)

Obviously, all of these require one to suspend disbelief and just accept the story (time travel, identical strangers, etc). 😉 

DH has been traveling a lot. I think sappy movies could just be what I need to distract me while also entertaining me & the pup this holiday season 🐶

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On 11/26/2019 at 9:47 AM, Kassia said:

I'm in panic mode.  Too many people to buy for and too many people coming and going during the holidays.  I have to get my house ready, shopping, cooking, cleaning, meals planned, things to do, gifts bought and wrapped, cards sent, etc.  I am overwhelmed and stressed, and looking forward to it being over.  😞

I refuse to let Advent be like this. So, tree will go up right before Christmas whenever the kids & DH have time. The house will just have to be delivered & cleaned as I can handle it. (Not today as I went down with a stomach bug yesterday.) I'll bake when I feel like it and likely eat it the next day...

I have started to buy a few presents which I will hide in different places & then forget about. Or, I will remember buying & hiding them but not be able to remember where I hid them. That's always my biggest problem.

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9 hours ago, Angie in VA said:

Hey, girl! How are you? Life is going by at the speed of light here. *Swish!*

*Swish* here, too. 🙂

And guess what guess what guess what? I'll get to see mlc some time next week! We're visiting the East Coast Mouse, and she'll come over to the shopping place and we'll spend some quality time together. 🙂 And Marmee is moving to Hawaii, and BreadLaDee now has, um, 10? 11? babies. You should hang out with us more. ❤️

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17 hours ago, Ellie said:

*Swish* here, too. 🙂

And guess what guess what guess what? I'll get to see mlc some time next week! We're visiting the East Coast Mouse, and she'll come over to the shopping place and we'll spend some quality time together. 🙂 And Marmee is moving to Hawaii, and BreadLaDee now has, um, 10? 11? babies. You should hang out with us more. ❤️


Wow, so many changes! Enjoy your visit! Please say hello to all the gang from me!

I'm a terrible human being for not staying in touch, that's my defense.

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