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What do you think of this? (re family Christmas card photo)

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I send out cards snail mail at this time of year and like to include a family photo. I prefer to use a picture that has all of us in it, as opposed to just the children. We don't have pictures taken professionally, but usually I have a few decent photos from which to choose. My pickin's are rather slim this year, though. I'm choosing between two pictures, both taken when we were in Switzerland.


The first is "meh"; just okay at best. We were facing the midday sun and are all squinting, big time. My hair ~ okay, this is vain, but we women do want to look good in pictures:tongue_smilie: ~ seriously looks like there are wings growing out of the sides of my head. Don't know what was goin' on there.:D A stranger was taking the picture and it has that "A stranger is taking a posed picture of my family!" look to it. I'm okay using it, but it's not a real winner if you kwim.


The second picture is nicer, among other reasons, because it was taken toward sunset and the coloring is "warm". We were sitting in the grass; Hans's cousin took the picture, so we're more relaxed and at ease. I really love this photo. The thing is, Hans's aunt and her toddler granddaughter are also in it. I love this aunt, which is of course one reason I love the picture. But it seems kind of odd to send a photo of our family, with these other two people in it. Or not? I honestly can't decide. Not that this is of pressing importance, but I'm curious what you think. Thanks!

Edited by Colleen
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Can you photoshop the aunt and her granddaughter out of the picture?


I wouldn't have a clue how to do so, to be honest. I don't want to invest too much time in this project, either. And even if I could make the aunt and toddler "disappear" (;)), it'd leave one of my boys sorta off to the side on his own with this empty space there, if you kwim.

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I wouldn't have a clue how to do so, to be honest. I don't want to invest too much time in this project, either. And even if I could make the aunt and toddler "disappear" (;)), it'd leave one of my boys sorta off to the side on his own with this empty space there, if you kwim.


Could you post that pic? It may be easier than you think to rearrange. If it's doable, I'd be happy to edit it for you. I have a long history of making people "disappear" :001_smile:

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I think my dh exchanges Christmas cards with just about everyone he's ever met. To be honest with you, most of the pictures/photo greeting cards that we receive at Christmas just end up in the garbage. I don't know most of the people so I don't know whether it's a good picture of them or not, and I don't display the photos or cards so at least at our house no one else is going to be analyzing them either. :)


I don't even keep the photos that one of his school friends sends of the dd taken with some V.I.P. during the year. :tongue_smilie:


You could always have copies of both prints made up and just include the picture with the aunt in the cards you send to family.

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with a short note, if possible, that says "Our family at x place with Aunt . . . and cousin . . .", Christmas greetings, etc, and all of your names. I think it's just fine.



I"m all for looking good in a picture. ;) Ask anyone you know...I ruthlessly destroy all unflattering pictures of people and I ask they do the same for me. (this does not include OF COURSE antique photos of dead relatives). So in the situation you are describing, I say use the one you like and explain the extra relatives with a brief note.


Pictures are forever...so why choose the unflattering one?

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I tend to be a bit perfectionistic about this sort of thing, so take my two cents with a big grain of salt.... but I don't think I could bring myself to send out a Christmas picture with two extra people in it. I would rather send a so-so picture of my family than one with other people in it.


If I really wasn't happy with the other picture either, I would probably opt to not include a photo in the cards this year. But as I said, I'm a perfectionist about things like this. :tongue_smilie:

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I tend to be a bit perfectionistic about this sort of thing ... I don't think I could bring myself to send out a Christmas picture with two extra people in it....


But what would you think if you *received* a card from a family you knew, that also included a beloved aunt or other relative? Would you even think to question it?

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I send out pictures every xmas b/c we have many who are dear to us but not near to us. A few years ago, I sent a great photo of my kids while at the beach w/cousins. I simply titled it "A, B & C at the beach with the Z cousins" I know some on my side of the family will not have a clue who the Z cousins are b/c they're from dh's side of the family, but it really did show my kids having fun, was flattering to all and I loved the photo. I didn't hear any complaints.

Go with the photo you love. Half the people will trash it, others will cherish it (or at least display it for a few weeks) and a little explanation will stop anyone from wondering if your dh suddenly took on a second wife with another child!

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But what would you think if you *received* a card from a family you knew, that also included a beloved aunt or other relative? Would you even think to question it?


Well... depends what you mean by "question," lol. I would notice. I would think it was sort of odd and funny to receive a Christmas card from a friend or family member with other people on it. I certainly wouldn't think *less* of the person sending it, of course, but it would stand out to me and I would think it was unusual.

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Take a new pic. Be sure the sun is facing the family (no shadow) but not too bright to squint.


Or, my friends have a pic where the 4 kids are laying on the grass with their heads in a circle (the tops of their heads are all touching in a circle--am I making sense??) In the pic, all you can see are their heads, shoulders and the grass. That's a great pic.


Lay down on the grass on a sunny day and have someone stand above you snap the picture.

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I think my dh exchanges Christmas cards with just about everyone he's ever met. To be honest with you, most of the pictures/photo greeting cards that we receive at Christmas just end up in the garbage. I don't know most of the people so I don't know whether it's a good picture of them or not, and I don't display the photos or cards so at least at our house no one else is going to be analyzing them either.


I'm not fooling myself into thinking everyone keeps and "analyzes" our picture. I happen to enjoy receiving photos from friends, though, and I know some other people feel the same.

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Hmmm, lemme see...I have it on my computer. How do I post it here?


You have to host it somewhere else, like flickr or photobucket, I don't think you can upload it directly from your computer to here. Once you have your photo hosted somewhere, if you right click on it you can copy the address under properties, then click on the "insert image" icon above and paste into the box that will pop up.

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I am officially a techno-bum. I don't know how many times I've asked how to upload pictures here.:tongue_smilie: Thanks for the reminder. Let me see if it works...




Edit: Huh. That's weird. I uploaded to Photobucket and copied and pasted the link here to insert the image. I dunno why it's not working...

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Thanks for your replies. Even though it should be easy enough in the digital age, I don't foresee taking another, different picture. I don't want to have to deal with that. Our pics are almost always spur-of-the-moment, taken when we're doing an activity outside. Doing a picture just for the sake of the picture doesn't feel like us.


At the risk of sounding like I'm over-analyzing this, my only concern per se about the pic with the aunt is that my in-laws will be offended. I never know with these people. Knowing my fil in particular, I could see him some how twisting into a subliminal message on my part ~ sharing a photo of us with the aunt, that is, rather than with the grandparents.:rolleyes: Stoo-pid, I know.

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Colleen, email it to me and I'll see if I can photoshop them out for you.


Thanks, Mindy, I'll do that. Although now I'm starting to think...Will the aunt be offended by a picture that originally included her ~ in which she and the little girl are now invisible? Except she probably doesn't remember anyway which people were in which pictures. Or I could send her a photo in which she's "intact". That'd be best.


See what happens to me after I've been in CH? I twist myself into a pretzel like this.;)

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I took about five minutes -- literally just five -- and Photoshopped your photo to tame your hair's windblown sections.


Hey, don't go tamin' me, girlfriend; I'm a windblown kinda gal.:D Seriously, if I use the pic with the aunt, I'm okay with how everyone looks. The other picture (I haven't put it on photobucket but I can if anyone is just desperately interested:tongue_smilie:) is the one in which I look set for take off, complete with wings. I s'pose that'd be fixable. I'm amazed at you savvy folks who can touch up pics so quickly. Now I know why people are starting to look better and better in the pictures I receive each year.:lol:


If you'd like to use the photo for this year's card, email it to me, and I'll do the same with the original.


Thank you! Mindy just offered to do that, too, and I emailed her. Y'all are so kind.

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Given the background and the grassy setting, it will be super easy to remove the aunt and cousin and move your son over so he's right next to his brother.


Ahh, the age of artificial ~ er, digital ~ photography; the lingo is so funny. It's good to know I have Photoshop-savvy friends who can fix me should I ever need/want to look really good in a picture. But the real question is...When I'm old and gray and incapable of using the tweezers to remove the hair from my cheek mole, who'll be friend enough to take care of the real life editing process?:D

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But the real question is...When I'm old and gray and incapable of using the tweezers to remove the hair from my cheek mole, who'll friend enough to take care of the real life editing process?:D


Well, that could become a problem, I suppose,

Have too many of your photos edited, or have them done poorly, and you'll never be able to leave the house again. Folks will think there's something wrong with you. :lol:

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Colleen, I know I'm probably replying too late ~ since the photoshop elves are working on your picture back at the lab ~ but...I just want to say...you are so gorgeous! Really, I don't think you could take a bad picture! I also wanted to comment on one of the other photos in your photobucket, the one with the whole family standing up. Is that the pic you were referring to when you mentioned the hair and "wings?" I LOVE that picture! Your hair looks pretty and windblown. Your face is radiant. I think the family pose looks great and would make a lovely Christmas card photo ~ and I consider myself picky. Just sayin.' But...the elves are most likely finished with the other one, which is a fabulous picture too! ;)

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Just to clarify :001_smile: I LOVE the relaxed picture with the family sitting on the grass ~ it's warm and cheerful. AND it's the one you are drawn to, so that's a good thing. I just wanted to say that the other photo (if that is the other photo with the wing thang workin' :tongue_smilie: ~ well, I think you are too critical of yourself. It's a lovely family photo.

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Colleen, I know I'm probably replying too late ~ since the photoshop elves are working on your picture back at the lab ~ but...I just want to say...you are so gorgeous! Really, I don't think you could take a bad picture!


Goodness! That's kind of you to say. Thank you.


I also wanted to comment on one of the other photos in your photobucket, the one with the whole family standing up. Is that the pic you were referring to when you mentioned the hair and "wings?" I LOVE that picture! Your hair looks pretty and windblown. Your face is radiant. I think the family pose looks great and would make a lovely Christmas card photo ~


Funny you'd say that, because I did use the picture you're talking about, two years ago.:) It was taken in Switzerland, atop Mount Pilatus, where it's typically windy. Thus the windblown hair.:D


I just now added the other picture ~ the one I mentioned in my original post !~ to my Photobucket album. It's this one:



But this one http://s103.photobucket.com/albums/m131/swissfarm/?action=view&current=P1020870.jpg has the best "winged hair". LOL I actually like all three of these pics ~ although Kai is looking down in this last one. I just think the grassy background and warm evening sun look the nicest.


Any-hoo. Thanks again for your comment.

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After my first post, I did go back and look at the kid's faces. They did appear younger to me, but I thought, well, sometimes people look different in a variety of photos, and I couldn't see how tall your kids were in the grassy pic. You, of course, do not appear to age. ;)


I still like your "winged" look ~ such a cool mom. Definitely, though, the warm, grassy picture is the winner for 2008! I hope you post the finished product ~ or you can just send the Hive a Christmas card. :tongue_smilie:

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Can we see the finished product??? :D



Hey, don't go tamin' me, girlfriend; I'm a windblown kinda gal.:D Seriously, if I use the pic with the aunt, I'm okay with how everyone looks. The other picture (I haven't put it on photobucket but I can if anyone is just desperately interested:tongue_smilie:) is the one in which I look set for take off, complete with wings. I s'pose that'd be fixable. I'm amazed at you savvy folks who can touch up pics so quickly. Now I know why people are starting to look better and better in the pictures I receive each year.:lol:




Thank you! Mindy just offered to do that, too, and I emailed her. Y'all are so kind.

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