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My neighbor planted an invasive weed - a vent


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My next door neighbor planted an invasive weed. It truly is a weed, I'm sure of it. I call it a pea weed, but I don't know it's official name. Anyway, he put up a little trellis on the edge of his lawn where it borders mine and planted it. Now the weed has overtaken one of my beautiful camila's and two of my oak leaf hydrangeas. They are still alive, but barely. I think if I get the weed out, I can rescue them. I'm mad at myself for letting it grow this long. I should have snipped them as soon as I saw them hitting the ground on my side of the trellis. I worked on it for an hour this morning before the heat got to me. I think I have about 1/4 of it up, and I haven't gotten to the bushes they are growing on yet. I really think I'm going to need to use something like Round Up to keep it from coming back, it has rooted in so many places. I suppose if I use Round Up while it is wrapped around my bushes, it will likely kill my bushes. I guess I'll do my best to pull it out of the bushes tomorrow morning and then use the Round Up. This is so much work. I am mad at my neighbor for planting the weed and I am mad at myself for not staying on top of it. I no longer enjoy yard work - several years ago I had a lot of perennials planted - camilas,  hydrangeas, and dogwoods. I did this so I could have a beautiful yard with little work. All I typically do it trim everything up once a year, maybe twice. Now I'm stuck out there, probably every morning this week, pulling this stupid weed out! By back door neighbor let her ivy get in my wooded area as well. I'm just going to put Round Up on that. I'm not even going to try to pull it up. They told me a few years ago they were trying to kill it, so I'll just help it along. Right now I feel like my back yard looks like a jungle. I worry about snakes, which is why I am getting rid of all of this undergrowth stuff. My next door neighbor (the one that planted the weed) actually loves the jungle look. That's probably why he liked this weed, but it's growing into my yard, not his! Several years ago he planted wisteria in the trees that are between our two houses. It has grown through them and he's already had to take two trees out that it killed. We don't want to have to pay for tree removal and if a dead tree is left in place there, it could fall on either one of our houses, so my husband snips it if he sees it getting on our side.  This same neighbor had to be told by the HOA that he had to paint his house & replace the roof because there was algae on the side of the house and moss on the roof. He thought it looked good & had no idea he was damaging the structure of the house. Anyway, thanks for listening. I don't need any advice, just a little sympathy. Oh, and if you're in the area and enjoy yard work, stop on by!

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Ugh that's annoying!

I know you didn't ask for advice, but maybe this will help.  My husband has successfully used Roundup on a plant that was wrapped around/growing into another plant. He sprays the Roundup on an old sponge and dabs it on the leaves of the thing he wants to kill.  It has worked. He's killed the weed but not the good plant.  It's a bit tedious. But it does work.

Edited by marbel
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I feel your pain. Neighbor on one side doesn’t take care of his yard at all and the weeds are overtaking his and creeping into mine. And the guy on the other side feels *I* don’t do enough to tend my yard, which is why he felt digging up my hosta to replant in his yard was justified. 

I hope you can eradicate the weed without killing your plants, I have successfully applied weed killer on unwanted leaves and at the plant base without my own plants suffering. If you can do it when there is no rain expected for a few days even better. 

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Oh, ugh!  I hear you,

Our old neighbor planted - yes, planted - VA Creeper on the fence between our tiny yards, right where we had a seating area.  The creeper grew through the fence and covered both sides, of course.  My DH and DSS are both highly allergic to VA Creeper and any exposure can ruin a summer with systemic rashes and multiple hospital trips.  It was a nightmare.  She was a nightmare of a neighbor, in so many ways, ugh.

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8 minutes ago, Spryte said:

Oh, ugh!  I hear you,

Our old neighbor planted - yes, planted - VA Creeper on the fence between our tiny yards, right where we had a seating area.  The creeper grew through the fence and covered both sides, of course.  My DH and DSS are both highly allergic to VA Creeper and any exposure can ruin a summer with systemic rashes and multiple hospital trips.  It was a nightmare.  She was a nightmare of a neighbor, in so many ways, ugh.


That stuff is the worst!  I am currently in year five of a bloody battle with that stuff.  I am losing.  I may have to move.  

OP, is the stuff growing in your yard sweet pea?  If so, we find that it seems to co-exist with whatever it is growing on.  I do pull it down in the fall to compost it but otherwise, it seem harmless.

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56 minutes ago, marbel said:

Ugh that's annoying!

I know you didn't ask for advice, but maybe this will help.  My husband has successfully used Roundup on a plant that was wrapped around/growing into another plant. He sprays the Roundup on an old sponge and dabs it on the leaves of the thing he wants to kill.  It has worked. He's killed the weed but not the good plant.  It's a bit tedious. But it does work.

Yes, this!  Roundup is systemic, so if you get enough on the leaves it will travel through the plant and kill the whole thing. Of course, you could have multiple vines, so I would get as many leaves as you can. 

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33 minutes ago, skimomma said:


That stuff is the worst!  I am currently in year five of a bloody battle with that stuff.  I am losing.  I may have to move.  



We moved.  ?


I tried vinegar spray to no effect, and eventually resorted to Round Up on our side of the fence.  It never killed her side, the main vine, so it was a constant battle.  I detest that stuff.  She mixed it in with English Ivy.  


My my mother always said that if you don’t like your neighbors, plant English Ivy and bamboo.  She’s right!

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do you have a picture - of the leaves, growth habit, and flower.

if it's truly an invasive weed - it may be on your state's noxious weed list (yes - you can find some of them for sale), and lodge a complaint with the state. (i think the agriculture dept.  depending upon the plant - that can bring fines.)

you can try round up - one person dug up half the roots from a bindweed (looks like white morning glory - but pernicious) - and stuff them in round up.  killed the whole plant.   bind weed spreads by underground roots, seeds, and *pieces* of root. it will strangle plants as well as taking the water.

cut the stems at the base of your shrubs. (that's what you do with ivy that has climbed into trees)   use cardboard to protect your shrubs and spray the weed.

there is a wild perennial sweet pea.

camellias, hydrangeas, and dogwood are shrubs/small trees.  they're not perennials.

does your hoa have a list of approved plants? (or at least banned plants.)  if not - it's time to talk to them about it as you've got a neighbor who seems to have more enthusiasm than sense.

if round up doesn't work - it doesn't kill everything, you can try crossbow. (I jumped for joy when I learned it kills horsetail!)


eta: where is he getting these plants?

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1 hour ago, Annie G said:

I feel your pain. Neighbor on one side doesn’t take care of his yard at all and the weeds are overtaking his and creeping into mine. And the guy on the other side feels *I* don’t do enough to tend my yard, which is why he felt digging up my hosta to replant in his yard was justified. 

I hope you can eradicate the weed without killing your plants, I have successfully applied weed killer on unwanted leaves and at the plant base without my own plants suffering. If you can do it when there is no rain expected for a few days even better. 

did he get informed that is legally defined as THEFT???   the chutzpuh of some people.

33 minutes ago, Spryte said:


We moved.  ?


I tried vinegar spray to no effect, and eventually resorted to Round Up on our side of the fence.  It never killed her side, the main vine, so it was a constant battle.  I detest that stuff.  She mixed it in with English Ivy.  


My my mother always said that if you don’t like your neighbors, plant English Ivy and bamboo.  She’s right!

oh my.


if you plant bamboo becasue you don't like your neighbor - you can still put the copper holey stuff underground to keep it polite on your side.  (I know one woman who planted bamboo - with the copper.   bamboo hates copper - so it won't spread past it but it does have to go deep.   she had very thick bamboo in very polite clumps.  even 20 years later.)

Edited by gardenmom5
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53 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

did he get informed that is legally defined as THEFT???   the chutzpuh of some people.

oh my.

He’s a real piece of work. I went beserk on him and he backed off for a few years, but this summer he’s back to his antics. Some people...

i wish he was a weed so I could douse him with Roundup.g

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Ugh! I get so frustrated when people don't do their homework and they plant invasive plants/vines. They did that in the house next door two owners ago. The current owners have been there over three years and are still trying to get rid of some of the stuff that was planted. Some of it crept over our fence so we're still fighting it too.

I actually like the jungle look but...

I try to only plant natives, and when that's not possible I choose Florida friendly plants. I also recognize that just because a plant is native doesn't mean it's appropriate for every location. Some plants, even native ones, aren't meant to live in suburban neighborhoods.

I agree with those who said to find out if it's on your state's noxious weed list. 

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4 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

you can try round up - one person dug up half the roots from a bindweed (looks like white morning glory - but pernicious) - and stuff them in round up.  killed the whole plant.   bind weed spreads by underground roots, seeds, and *pieces* of root. it will strangle plants as well as taking the water.

I'm tucking this idea away for another time. Thanks!

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My daughter has a raised garden box that she planted full of random seeds...including Morning Glory. My dad came over to visit, and his reaction was like, are you crazy?!  ?

Thankfully, it hasn't reached beyond her box (well, up onto the deck). She learned her lesson after seeing the havoc it caused up to her other plants.  It's getting pulled out as soon as this heat breaks. 

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6 hours ago, Annie G said:

He’s a real piece of work. I went beserk on him and he backed off for a few years, but this summer he’s back to his antics. Some people...

i wish he was a weed so I could douse him with Roundup.g

motion control sprinkler?

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13 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

My daughter has a raised garden box that she planted full of random seeds...including Morning Glory. My dad came over to visit, and his reaction was like, are you crazy?!  ?

Thankfully, it hasn't reached beyond her box (well, up onto the deck). She learned her lesson after seeing the havoc it caused up to her other plants.  It's getting pulled out as soon as this heat breaks. 

morning glory and bindweed are two different things - although they look a lot alike.

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42 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

motion control sprinkler?

He’s up to different antics, actually. We have contractors doing work outside and he comes over and ‘gives them advice’ and generally irritates them. Also, he told one to do some additional work to my house - stuff he thinks we need to have done. Luckily the contractor has already figured out neighbor is a piece of work. 

‘We live in Victorian houses and both of us are having exterior painting done. After about 4 weeks his painters stopped showing up...he had criticized their work so much that they quit. So at least it’s not just ME he irritates. 

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That stinks!

I accidentally planted an invasive weed in one of my front beds. It was so cute as a little plant. A year or two later, it took over the bed.  A friend of ours helped me pull it out.  At first we were wondering how it got there, and then he found the tag that I put with the plant when I originally planted it.  He was surprised that our local nursery even sold it.  I forgot the plant, but it was created for the state highway to plant in between the highway so they wouldn’t have to mow.

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1 hour ago, school17777 said:

That stinks!

I accidentally planted an invasive weed in one of my front beds. It was so cute as a little plant. A year or two later, it took over the bed.  A friend of ours helped me pull it out.  At first we were wondering how it got there, and then he found the tag that I put with the plant when I originally planted it.  He was surprised that our local nursery even sold it.  I forgot the plant, but it was created for the state highway to plant in between the highway so they wouldn’t have to mow.

there's one type of lirope that is like that.  (another is quite polite and makes nice clumps).  it's great - as long as it's surrounded by concrete.   it makes a great groundcover.

there's a place between polite and invasive - aggressive.  nurseries will sell aggressive plants - and even though english ivy is invasive, they still sell it . . . . though who in their right mind plants it .. . .

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