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So, what are you doing for Valentine's Day today?

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We did school and I went for a walk around the park, where roses were for sale. I took Hobbes to Karate then couldn't get a taxi back because the cars were all full of people doing Valentines things. We walked back (only a couple of miles) but on the way I missed my footing and fell hard on both knees.


So now I'm in bed, with an egg on each knee, full of compensatory chocolate and waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in.



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Ouch, Laura!!


I'm trying to un-gook my eyes. ;) Dh must have been very inspired early this morning, he left me a HUGE boquet of daisies (my favorites) on his pillow before he left for work. Unfortunately, I'm allergic to daisies. I woke up to a beautiful boquet and swollen eyes and a clogged head. Hopefully I will look human by the time dh gets home. Poor man - he tries so hard.


After dinner and tae kwon do tonight, we'll all go out for ice cream.

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Oh, no! :( Hope it feels better soon!


I absolutely have to go and renew our visas tomorrow (the fine for late renewal is over USD 50 per person per day with the possibility of deportation) but the subsequent trip to the supermarket is not going to happen. Thank goodness for the restaurant opposite, which will deliver a delicious meal to our house on china plates, then pick up the crockery later. Luxury.



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Dh must have been very inspired early this morning, he left me a HUGE boquet of daisies (my favorites) on his pillow before he left for work. Unfortunately, I'm allergic to daisies.


I am not laughing, really. But this is almost classic.


How is the plumbing going? i keep checking your blog....

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That's sweet, Jean.


We've got cards and candy... preparing dh's favorite meal and maybe a special dessert (problem is he doesn't like desserts, so we'll see ).


Tomorrow night dd is going to a friend's bday sleepover, and he's taking me out then. So we're having a two day celebration! :)


Hope you and your family have a glorious day, Jean. Happy Valentines to you!



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I'm writing a paper I have no interest in for my learning and memory class. Dh has taken dd to lunch. The boys are studying. I am going to take a nap as soon as I get this DARNED old paper in. Had a headache this morning and ended up taking 4 aspirin, 4 Advil, and 2 Excedrin before it finally went away. I took all that throughout the morning, not all at the same time.:( Dh brought me 3 sad looking carnations. Sometimes I wonder who he is. It was a sweet thing to do... His idea to take dd out for lunch made much more sense.

Okay, back to my stupid, stupid paper...

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Blossom is delivering flowers today..He loves it. We have a friend who owns a flower shop and ever year she asks him to do V-Day deliveries. He probably won't get home till 6:00 or 7:00 but I always get some of her garbage - a big bouquet of flowers, usually roses. DH knows I am not a "buy me flowers" gal but they are nice. Even better is wine and chocolate.:)


I am planning on fixing some steak for us.

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DS and I will meet DH for lunch at the TGI Fridays near his office.


I never like to go out for dinner on Vday, restaurants are too crazy. I told DH not to get me a gift, beyond a Snicker bar, as we are trying to save extra money, and already spent a lot on the garden this year.


Not too exciting, I guess. Probably no :D tonight either, as DH is still recuperating from surgery last week.

Michelle T

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My sweetheart dh bought an elliptical trainer and today was the first available date for delivery. Through the years we've called the alcove in our basement "Babyland" when it was a baby-proofed play area and then "Legoland" in my attempt to restrict all the little pieces to one area of the house. And beginning today it will be an exercise area!


Other than that, Valentine's Day will be pretty uneventful around here. Dd and I both have miserable colds. I think I'll suggest that she and I go to bed early and dh and ds can watch an Abbott and Costello dvd since they love 'em and dd and I don't!

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Dh made the bed this morning. Properly. He even arranged the mountain of pillows the way I like them arranged.


And in the middle of the pillows there was a gift bag full of scented candles.


The candles are for our trip to the mountains this weekend. The cabin has a big jacuzzi. He is sweet man.


Other than that, today is a Thursday with school and swim lesson and all that jazz.

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Nothing today, but tomorrow....


DH and I have been invited to a Sweetheart Ball. I am like a giddy young Cinderella!


I didn't think I could find childcare for all 4, but a sweet friend offered. She told me to bring them over in their pjs. They will eat pizza, play wii, and watch movies.


Now...what to wear to the ball? Know a fairy godmother, anyone?

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My dh is sick and my children are still recovering from sickness so the children ate chocolate and did school. I still plan on cooking something special tonight. My husband let me go get my hair done today, which is a good gift. I got to go alone, which is rare, so that was a very good valentine present.

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We had school and the girls are going to grandma's overnight because my dh has a manipulation in the morning. They are going to force his shoulder to move.


So tonight we are going to the library (for books for us to read over the weekend), out to dinner and to the grocery store so we won't have to leave over the weekend and he can just rest and move that shoulder.


Pray for us tomorrow morning. He has surgery in the morning and then I have enrichment club in the afternoon but my co-host is sick with that nasty flu that's going around. :eek:


Hope the rest of you have a wonderful day!:)

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My children got up early and set the breakfast table with homemade cards and decorations. I made homemade muffins. My husband gave me a new Timex ironman watch and some chocolate. I should be cleaning house and packing but am here instead!




The made bed with candles and cabin with jacuzzi sounds wonderful!

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Oldest son was going to babysit, Pete and I were going to go out to the Blue Talon in Williamsburg, eat wonderful food, drink wonderful wine, hold hands, and exchange presents...I made a reservation a month ago so we'd get a table...


and instead I'M IN BED WITH THE FLU. Temperature, cough, runny eyes, sore nose, chest hurts, the whole nasty deal.



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How sweet! Hope you've had fun!


I bought strawberry glazed shredded wheats for my cereal lovers, and also candy filled hearts for my guys and a bag of my husband's favorite chips ahoy cookies, LOL, he's weird.....


My oldest was at a sophomore retreat all day. I took my youngest to a bowling Valentine party where they had pizza, made goodie bags, and exchanged candy, etc.


My Webelos I group met tonight and some of us brought Valentines and treats to the meeting.


That's all,



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Oldest son was going to babysit, Pete and I were going to go out to the Blue Talon in Williamsburg, eat wonderful food, drink wonderful wine, hold hands, and exchange presents...I made a reservation a month ago so we'd get a table...


and instead I'M IN BED WITH THE FLU. Temperature, cough, runny eyes, sore nose, chest hurts, the whole nasty deal.




((Susan)) I had to cancel our New Year's celebration this year because I had the flu. I have a lot of sympathy! Hope you are feeling better soon.


Take care of yourself--I have never gotten rid of the cough that I got when I had that flu--the Dr. finally prescribed antibiotics this week and said it was bronchitis...but then, I've been busy caring for my mom since she had a heart attack, which means I've not been taking care of my lungs. So spend as many days in bed and you can grab, and make sure the family knows you need lots of love and attention. :D


It appears that TWTMers are in tough shape here--one with banged up knees, another with puffy eyes, a chocolate stomach ache, and the flu, bronchitis...


I think we need to offer hugs all around!

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We skipped school, which felt great. We spent most of the day outside, walking, bike riding, and enjoying a sunny day, for a change.


Dh came home with armloads of chocolate and flowers, since he's got all four of us girls to buy goodies for. He wanted to take me out for dinner, but I'm just not up to it. I wore myself out today! I asked him to just take the girls instead, and they were thrilled when he asked them.


I'll have to make it up to him soon. I feel pretty guilty, now that I think about it. :o

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