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Hive: Please solve this mystery....


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Last night as I was preparing for bed my toothbrush was missing.  I figured my dh accidentally took it instead of his to the extra b-room.  He will sometimes do that if he's hoping to leave extra early and doesn't want to wake me in the morning.  However, a search of the house did not turn up my toothbrush.   :huh:   Everyone else was asleep so I thought I'd ask in the morning.  I use a travel toothbrush I have.


Next morning, no one knows what I'm talking about.  I look around a bit again, just in case I put it somewhere weird in the bathroom (like the side of the tub or something).


I go out to get my g-kids for the day.


Come back .... my  toothbrush is in its place in the medicine cabinet.


Dh and son swear they are not pulling my leg and they have no idea what I'm talking about.



I then remember that the dog has been acting weird for about a month or two (don't really know because we moved here in Oct.).   My college daughter even commented on it when she was home during break. 


I start thinking paranoid thoughts.



What says the Hive? 

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I assume you mention the dog because you think maybe the dog senses a presence of some kind? (that's where my mind goes, since you mention the dog...)


I'd think more likely is that your husband or son grabbed a toothbrush to use for some odd something, didn't want to admit it, and snuck it back in place later. Probably your son (how old?). 


Or, it was there, and you just missed it somehow. Maybe something else was in the way, maybe you were just overly tired and didn't see it (have had that happen to me before), who knows. Did you double check the usual spot when you went back looking in the weird spots? (I would not have) If not, even more likely it was there and you just didn't see it. 


I wouldn't go to there being a presence in the house unless more things started happening, noticed by more people. But also now that you've noticed, I'd try not to go looking for things.....the mind has a way of making us see things we want to be there/see things more frequently once we've noticed one (like how when you buy a red car, suddenly you notice all the red cars), so I'd not freak out just yet. 


If that's not what you meant about the dog, then......oops. 

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You think your dog is manipulating your toothbrush into and out of your medicine cabinet?   :confused1:


Have you considered that your "dog" may actually be a chimpanzee?





LOL - no.  He's not that adventurous.


I'm thinking there's something going on and the dog senses it.

This is what I'm worried about... esp. with the dog acting weird:



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LOL - no.  He's not that adventurous.


I'm thinking there's something going on and the dog senses it.

This is what I'm worried about... esp. with the dog acting weird:




If I had even the slightest thought that something like that were going on, I'd be setting up my own camera to check it out - ASAP.

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If I had even the slightest thought that something like that were going on, I'd be setting up my own camera to check it out - ASAP.



I know, right?  I told my dh that's what I wanted to do to, but I got "the look".  


So no one believes me.  They think it was there all the time and I just didn't see it. 


I honestly don't know what to think.    


Food going missing in my house wouldn't really get noticed.  But, we don't have a lot of places to hide.  No basement, our attic is hard to get into (and very noisy).  


But, we do keep our doors unlocked except at night.  We live far off the street.  That will change.

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Definitely paranormal activity... :eek:


Seriously, though, that is weird. Something like that happened once right after dh and I moved into our new house. This was back before our kids were born. I dropped an earring back on our bedroom floor and couldn't find it anywhere. Crawled around, thoroughly swept the floor - it was just gone. I was ticked off because it was an expensive pair of earrings with distinctive backs, and I couldn't just replace it with a standard earring back.


Weeks go by and one day I walk into our bedroom and the first thing I see is the missing earring back sitting right smack in the middle of my dresser (I keep the top of my dresser clear of clutter, so it was very noticeable). I thought dh must have found it, but when I mentioned it to him later, he had no clue what I was talking about. There hadn't been any family or friends or workers in the house, either. It was very strange! It's a little mystery that I still wonder about from time to time...

Edited by Selkie
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I know, right?  I told my dh that's what I wanted to do to, but I got "the look".  


So no one believes me.  They think it was there all the time and I just didn't see it. 


I honestly don't know what to think.    


Food going missing in my house wouldn't really get noticed.  But, we don't have a lot of places to hide.  No basement, our attic is hard to get into (and very noisy).  


But, we do keep our doors unlocked except at night.  We live far off the street.  That will change.


The toothbrush would change too for me.  And I might set traps (setting up food a certain way in the fridge or similar and taking pics prior to when I left + after to compare).  If you see anything definitely off, then you have ammo to share with hubby.


Or for me, if I were really concerned, I'd go ahead with the camera anyway.  Trail cameras aren't that expensive.  I'm not sure about the types one could hide in their house - elf on a shelf varieties.

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I was thinking of setting traps.  Not sure what that could be.   What would appeal to someone who is sneaking around my house taking my toothbrush for the day.  :laugh:


If it's just you - noone else at home for the trap - how about a bowl of candy where you have the exact number of each type counted and a pic of what they look like when you left.  Make sure the dog can't reach it and there are enough items there (and a variety to appeal to differing palates) that "no one would miss just one or two."

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Well, I had a friend go through something that that where she would think that something was missing just to find it later. Things happened, or she would find stuff, that made her think someone was spying on her only to have the evidence disappear. She was starting to think something was wrong with her mental state.

Long story short, it turns out that her husband was intentionally gas lighting her as he was preparing to file for divorce. He used that and some other things to take primary custody of their kids.

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This happened to us a while back.


My stepfather passed away. My mother went to a psychic soon after, who told her that an item that was used by my stepfather would be moved, and that would be a sign from him. My mother became convinced it would be his coffee cup, the one he used every morning and no one else touched because it was so old and stained.


About 2 weeks later my brother and I hear my mother scream from the kitchen. We rush down to her telling us that ALL THE COFFEE CUPS ARE GONE! It was only me, my brother and my mother living there. We all swore we had no idea what happened, but sure enough, all the cups in all the cabinets had disappeared.


About another 2 weeks goes by, and another scream from the kitchen.  A few coffee cups had reappeared! And slowly, over the next week or so, the cups came back one or two at time until they were all replaced. 


Well, this became proof positive for my mother that her late husband had contacted us. They story was told at every holiday and every family gathering, always baffling everyone.


Until one holiday...... years later.... when my brother finally confessed. He had been taking a cup of coffee to work with him every morning, and then putting it in the back seat of his car when done. Being a clueless slob, before he knew it he had about 20 coffee cups rolling around in his car and he had depleted the coffee cups in the house. When my mother freaked, he knew he would get yelled at for being such a slob, so he decided it would be a good idea to roll with the whole "a ghost took the cups" and then try to sneak them back in a few at a time.


Perhaps the toothbrush incident will be solved eventually. Until then I would buy a new one cuz who knows what adventures the missing one had!



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LOL - no.  He's not that adventurous.


I'm thinking there's something going on and the dog senses it.

This is what I'm worried about... esp. with the dog acting weird:




Oh, yikes!! So, not paranormal, but an intruder?? 


I would never have thought of that, at all (but we keep our doors locked tight). 


Hope you get it figured out!

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Maybe the weather that we are having is causing atmospheric pressure in our homes to do things.


Last night at 2:52 I woke up to what I thought was Dh having turned the tv up as he was still downstairs. As I got more alert from waking up, I realized that it was actually a radio coming from youngest dd’s room. I got up to turn it off and I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off as she’s never had the radio on, just uses it for the CD player. I didn’t know if it had been on all night and I had tuned it out before I fell asleep or what. I turned on the hall light to find the power button and then Dh appeared wanting to know what was going on because he could hear the radio and see the lights from downstairs. He said there was no radio on when he turned dd’s light off at 10 and she was sound asleep then. We still don’t know how it got turned on.


Eta: Mystery solved! Dd woke up around midnight and turned the radio on because she heard noises and couldn’t go back to sleep.

Edited by school17777
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Once I arrived at our mountain cabin really late by myself, maybe midnightish.

I turned on the water and the heat, put away the perishable food, and went to bed.


Now, the cabin is mostly a great room--that's where the kitchen area, living room area, and dining room area are.

The master bedroom is right upstairs from the kitchen area, and there are shutters over empty window sized openings looking down from it into the great room--that way the heat can come up into the bedroom.


So about two hours after I went to bed, I wake up to realize that there is a light on downstairs in the kitchen area.  It could not possibly have been on when I went to bed, because it's basically in the same big room as the bedroom, and I would have seen it.  It is SO dark up there--there are no streetlights and no nearby porchlights--so dark that the starlight can cast shadows.  No way would I have missed a light downstairs when I went to sleep.


I thought, OK, no weapons up here, no lock on the bedroom door, nothing but a nail scissor, there is an intruder in the house, I am toast.  Then I thought, well, maybe they think the place is empty and if I make a little noise they will quietly leave to avoid a confrontation.  So I tromped around some.  Nothing.  I'm SURE I would hear it if someone opened a door and left. 


So I called the police.  Only up there, it's the county sheriff that has responsibility, and they are all at the county seat due to trouble at some rodeo.  So they say they will come up and check things out, but it will take quite a while.  So I went back to sleep, with my cell phone under my pillow.  About two hours later I get a call, the sheriff is outside and will look around the whole house, wanted to know how many doors there were and to be sure that my view is that none of them should be open.  I asked him to meet me at the door off the great room (closest one to the stairs) after he checked the doors from the outside.


I went down and let him in.  He reported that all the doors were locked, and there was no sign of anyone in the area.  We searched the house together, very carefully, including the crawl spaces and closets.  No one.  So he left.  And I went back to sleep.


I never did find out how that light went on.



Edited by Carol in Cal.
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LOL - no. He's not that adventurous.


I'm thinking there's something going on and the dog senses it.

This is what I'm worried about... esp. with the dog acting weird:



This happened to someone in my smaller town when I was growing up. They were having renovations done and one of the workers took up residence in their attic.

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We moved into a house once with the back door lock broken.  That part of the house was a sunroom that had been an addition, and there was a second back door with a better lock on it.  Well the first thing we do when we move in a place is to replace all the locks - day one, before moving anything in.  So the broken lock was fixed, and the second back door was too.  Well that first night around 2:30 the dogs started going crazy.  Someone was trying to come into the sunroom, but he left when the light inside switched on.  The next day we found a nest in an old shed behind the garage.  It turned out there'd been a homeless guy who lived in the shed, but at night when it was cold he'd come into the sunroom because it was warmer.  From the story we pieced together from the police and the neighbors, we think he went down to the main road and begged in the mornings, got enough money to drink the rest of the day, then walked about 10 blocks to a bar, and stayed there until last call every night.

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Last night as I was preparing for bed my toothbrush was missing. I figured my dh accidentally took it instead of his to the extra b-room. He will sometimes do that if he's hoping to leave extra early and doesn't want to wake me in the morning. However, a search of the house did not turn up my toothbrush. :huh: Everyone else was asleep so I thought I'd ask in the morning. I use a travel toothbrush I have.


Next morning, no one knows what I'm talking about. I look around a bit again, just in case I put it somewhere weird in the bathroom (like the side of the tub or something).


I go out to get my g-kids for the day.


Come back .... my toothbrush is in its place in the medicine cabinet.


Dh and son swear they are not pulling my leg and they have no idea what I'm talking about.



I then remember that the dog has been acting weird for about a month or two (don't really know because we moved here in Oct.). My college daughter even commented on it when she was home during break.


I start thinking paranoid thoughts.



What says the Hive?

Is it an electric toothbrush? Maybe someone was playing with it and didn't want to get in trouble...
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I’m no help.


I do know of an instance where someone was living in a basement for a long time before getting caught.


So my weird story—my husband lost a set of keys. They included his work keys and the keys to the firehouse, so he was really annoyed. We turned the house upside down looking for them. Never found them. Six months later, the baby and I were the only ones home. The older kids were spending a fun day with their grandparents and my husband was working a 24 hour shift. The dogs were crated and the door locked. I was in the living room, rocking the baby to sleep. When he fell asleep, I took him upstairs. When I came back down, that set of keys was sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room.


I took a picture of it, then took the keys, the baby and myself and got a hotel room until my husband got off his 24 the next morning. It freaked me out. We’ve never come up with a rational explanation for it either.

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This happened to us a while back.


My stepfather passed away. My mother went to a psychic soon after, who told her that an item that was used by my stepfather would be moved, and that would be a sign from him. My mother became convinced it would be his coffee cup, the one he used every morning and no one else touched because it was so old and stained.


About 2 weeks later my brother and I hear my mother scream from the kitchen. We rush down to her telling us that ALL THE COFFEE CUPS ARE GONE! It was only me, my brother and my mother living there. We all swore we had no idea what happened, but sure enough, all the cups in all the cabinets had disappeared.


About another 2 weeks goes by, and another scream from the kitchen. A few coffee cups had reappeared! And slowly, over the next week or so, the cups came back one or two at time until they were all replaced.


Well, this became proof positive for my mother that her late husband had contacted us. They story was told at every holiday and every family gathering, always baffling everyone.


Until one holiday...... years later.... when my brother finally confessed. He had been taking a cup of coffee to work with him every morning, and then putting it in the back seat of his car when done. Being a clueless slob, before he knew it he had about 20 coffee cups rolling around in his car and he had depleted the coffee cups in the house. When my mother freaked, he knew he would get yelled at for being such a slob, so he decided it would be a good idea to roll with the whole "a ghost took the cups" and then try to sneak them back in a few at a time.


Perhaps the toothbrush incident will be solved eventually. Until then I would buy a new one cuz who knows what adventures the missing one had!



That is hilarious! Your poor mom...

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This happened to us a while back.


My stepfather passed away. My mother went to a psychic soon after, who told her that an item that was used by my stepfather would be moved, and that would be a sign from him. My mother became convinced it would be his coffee cup, the one he used every morning and no one else touched because it was so old and stained.


About 2 weeks later my brother and I hear my mother scream from the kitchen. We rush down to her telling us that ALL THE COFFEE CUPS ARE GONE! It was only me, my brother and my mother living there. We all swore we had no idea what happened, but sure enough, all the cups in all the cabinets had disappeared.


About another 2 weeks goes by, and another scream from the kitchen. A few coffee cups had reappeared! And slowly, over the next week or so, the cups came back one or two at time until they were all replaced.


Well, this became proof positive for my mother that her late husband had contacted us. They story was told at every holiday and every family gathering, always baffling everyone.


Until one holiday...... years later.... when my brother finally confessed. He had been taking a cup of coffee to work with him every morning, and then putting it in the back seat of his car when done. Being a clueless slob, before he knew it he had about 20 coffee cups rolling around in his car and he had depleted the coffee cups in the house. When my mother freaked, he knew he would get yelled at for being such a slob, so he decided it would be a good idea to roll with the whole "a ghost took the cups" and then try to sneak them back in a few at a time.


Perhaps the toothbrush incident will be solved eventually. Until then I would buy a new one cuz who knows what adventures the missing one had!


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There were several episodes of the podcast Criminal (true crime stories) which were essentially about people discovering that someone else was living in their home. Attics, old keys, basement rooms etc.  One of them had a dog too.... 




The attic one was SO interesting!  And the basement one, too. Crazy. 

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I’m no help.


I do know of an instance where someone was living in a basement for a long time before getting caught.


So my weird story—my husband lost a set of keys. They included his work keys and the keys to the firehouse, so he was really annoyed. We turned the house upside down looking for them. Never found them. Six months later, the baby and I were the only ones home. The older kids were spending a fun day with their grandparents and my husband was working a 24 hour shift. The dogs were crated and the door locked. I was in the living room, rocking the baby to sleep. When he fell asleep, I took him upstairs. When I came back down, that set of keys was sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room.


I took a picture of it, then took the keys, the baby and myself and got a hotel room until my husband got off his 24 the next morning. It freaked me out. We’ve never come up with a rational explanation for it either.


My guess for this one would be a rat or similar moving its find, esp since they were found in the middle of the floor.  That won't work with a toothbrush being replaced in a cabinet though.  When I was young we even had an ermine in our house once.  My parents had it trapped and taken out, though I bet it became a pelt TBH.  Critters often like to steal things to decorate their abode, and sometimes move their best "pieces" with them when they relocate.  I've never seen one replace something exactly where they got it from though, so I'd still go with old age, someone not fessing up, setting traps, or installing a camera for the OP - especially since it's a new house for them.

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There were several episodes of the podcast Criminal (true crime stories) which were essentially about people discovering that someone else was living in their home. Attics, old keys, basement rooms etc.  One of them had a dog too.... 




well, here's the thing...


When we first looked at this house the access to the crawl-space was completely open.  Nothing was keeping anything from going in there.   I asked the home inspector repeatedly if there were critters living under there.  He said no - but there are a couple of side "rooms" that he may not have looked in that thoroughly - it's probably less than 3 feet high in there.   We've since closed it off and put in an access panel that can only be opened from the outside.  But, yeah I was actually a little worried about homeless people - in addition to snakes, raccoons, etc.   I've been down there a few times as we are trying to put insulation around the perimeter...no evidence of people. 


Not so sure about the detached garage/workshop though :scared:  


I think I need to change all the locks on the house for starters.  

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This is going to sound odd but hear me out: did searching for your toothbrush delay you in leaving to get your 

gkids? I've had similar things happen in the past and I have come to the conclusion (since nothing else makes sense)

that God has purposefully hidden whatever item from my eyes to delay me a bit to prevent me from being in some kind of 

accident, whatever. In other words, I see it as His protection. Do with that what you will but that's what I choose to believe.

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Once I arrived at our mountain cabin really late by myself, maybe midnightish.

I turned on the water and the heat, put away the perishable food, and went to bed.


Now, the cabin is mostly a great room--that's where the kitchen area, living room area, and dining room area are.

The master bedroom is right upstairs from the kitchen area, and there are shutters over empty window sized openings looking down from it into the great room--that way the heat can come up into the bedroom.


So about two hours after I went to bed, I wake up to realize that there is a light on downstairs in the kitchen area. It could not possibly have been on when I went to bed, because it's basically in the same big room as the bedroom, and I would have seen it.


I thought, OK, no weapons up here, no lock on the bedroom door, nothing but a nail scissor, there is an intruder in the house, I am toast. Then I thought, well, maybe they think the place is empty and if I make a little noise they will quietly leave to avoid a confrontation. So I tromped around some. Nothing. I'm SURE I would hear it if someone opened a door and left.


So I called the police. Only up there, it's the county sheriff that has responsibility, and they are all at the county seat due to trouble at some rodeo. So they say they will come up and check things out, but it will take quite a while. So I went back to sleep, with my cell phone under my pillow. About two hours later I get a call, the sheriff is outside and will look around the whole house, wanted to know how many doors there were and to be sure that my view is that none of them should be open. I asked him to meet me at the door off the great room (closest one to the stairs) after he checked the doors from the outside.


I went down and let him in. He reported that all the doors were locked, and there was no sign of anyone in the area. We searched the house together, very carefully, including the crawl spaces and closets. No one. So he left. And I went back to sleep.


I never did find out how that light went on.

Yikes! I don’t know how you were able to sleep after that!


Once when I was babysitting kids for a weekend at their house, after we were all asleep, I heard their driveway alarm go off (they had a long private driveway), then the door open, then male voices, then glasses clanging. Luckily, all the kids were asleep in the master bedroom with me (a big bedroom with a chaise and tv). I listened to see if it was the parents returning early from their cabin or something, but I didn’t recognize the voices and I figured if it was them, they would come tell me they came home early. So, I called the grandma, she lived about a mile away. She called the police and they said for me to stay in the room with the kids until they got there. In the meantime, I could hear the people in the house leave. In a little bit, the driveway alarm went off again and then the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and right before I got to the door, their exchange student came down the stairs, scared to death. He was supposed to be in NYC for the weekend, a couple of states away, but they decided to come home early and he figured since I didn’t come out to the kitchen, that I was sound asleep so no need to tell me. When I opened the door, it was a woman sheriff with what looked like a teenage boy standing behind her in a t-shirt that said sheriff’s helper. I told her what happened while the exchange student was standing right behind me. She said ok and left. I was surprised that she didn’t do more because he could have had a gun behind my back threatening me. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. The grandma called after the sheriff left and told me to take a shot of something to calm my nerves (I didn’t!) and she couldn’t believe the exchange student didn’t come tell me he was home early. When the parents got home, the dad sided with the exchange student and didn’t think it was a big deal that he didn’t come tell me he was home because he said I should have assumed it was him (?after being told he was away for the weekend states away?). The mom though he should have come told me that he came home.

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Yikes! I don’t know how you were able to sleep after that!



I will tell you how, because I still find this remarkable.


I have always gotten panicky feelings at times, and I have always pushed through them and still been effective, but never calm.  We have a family history of severe anxiety, but each generation has called it different things--DD's anxiety, my sick dread, my mom's stress, my grandmother's being a worrywort.  


Shortly before the cabin incident, maybe sometime in the previous 6 months, I was feeling that way one day about something, and it came into my head that God says, "Be not afraid" a lot in the Bible.  Over and over, that's the message.  And although the (actually serious) trigger stayed with me, the feeling left immediately.  It's hard to overstate how amazing this is as this is a lifelong, entrenched issue of mine.


So after that first time, every time I felt that panicky fear, I would pray and then think, "God says, 'Be not afraid,'" and the feeling itself would disappear, even though the circumstances did not improve.  So that's what happened in this case.  It's not that I was fine with maybe being attacked in my sleep.  It's that I really had done exactly all that I could do, and I did not feel fear, so I could sleep.  


I don't think God promised or owes me this freedom from fear, but I am grateful to Him for gifting it to me for this time, and pray that He will continue.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Carbon monoxide poisoning can make you do things and then not remember them. There is a case on Reddit where a guy was finding notes in his home, objects moved around, etc. Come to find out, he had carbon monoxide poisoning.



Thanks, I didn't realize that was a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning.

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I will tell you how, because I still find this remarkable.


I have always gotten panicky feelings at times, and I have always pushed through them and still be effective, but never calm. We have a family history of severe anxiety, but each generation has called it different things--DD's anxiety, my sick dread, my mom's stress, my grandmother's being a worrywort.


Shortly before the cabin incident, maybe sometime in the previous 6 months, I was feeling that way one day about something, and it came into my head that God says, "Be not afraid" a lot in the Bible. Over and over, that's the message. And although the (actually serious) trigger stayed with me, the feeling left immediately. It's hard to overstate how amazing this is as this is a lifelong, entrenched issue of mine.


So after that first time, every time I felt that panicky fear, I would pray and then think, "God says, 'Be not afraid,'" and the feeling itself would disappear, even though the circumstances did not improve. So that's what happened in this case. It's not that I was fine with maybe being attacked in my sleep. It's that I really had done exactly all that I could do, and I did not feel fear, so I could sleep.


I don't think God promised or owes me this freedom from fear, but I am grateful to Him for gifting it to me for this time, and pray that He will continue.

Yes, what a gift that you were able to use then!


When I get scared, the song from Veggie Tales, God is Bigger Than the Boogieman, helps calm me down.

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My first thought was that it was the blue construction workers from that Twilight Zone episode, “A Matter of Minutesâ€. Admittedly, a somewhat unlikely explanation. :lol: I’m sure no one has any idea what I’m talking about! But I guess that episode made a big impression on me as a kid, because I always think of it when an item goes missing and then reappears.


In any event, I wouldn’t use that toothbrush!

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This is going to sound odd but hear me out: did searching for your toothbrush delay you in leaving to get your 

gkids? I've had similar things happen in the past and I have come to the conclusion (since nothing else makes sense)

that God has purposefully hidden whatever item from my eyes to delay me a bit to prevent me from being in some kind of 

accident, whatever. In other words, I see it as His protection. Do with that what you will but that's what I choose to believe.


well, not really.  That was also the 2nd time looking.  I had looked for thoroughly the night before an couldn't find it.  I thought that I'd re-look in the morning.  

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Yikes! I don’t know how you were able to sleep after that!


Once when I was babysitting kids for a weekend at their house, after we were all asleep, I heard their driveway alarm go off (they had a long private driveway), then the door open, then male voices, then glasses clanging. Luckily, all the kids were asleep in the master bedroom with me (a big bedroom with a chaise and tv). I listened to see if it was the parents returning early from their cabin or something, but I didn’t recognize the voices and I figured if it was them, they would come tell me they came home early. So, I called the grandma, she lived about a mile away. She called the police and they said for me to stay in the room with the kids until they got there. In the meantime, I could hear the people in the house leave. In a little bit, the driveway alarm went off again and then the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and right before I got to the door, their exchange student came down the stairs, scared to death. He was supposed to be in NYC for the weekend, a couple of states away, but they decided to come home early and he figured since I didn’t come out to the kitchen, that I was sound asleep so no need to tell me. When I opened the door, it was a woman sheriff with what looked like a teenage boy standing behind her in a t-shirt that said sheriff’s helper. I told her what happened while the exchange student was standing right behind me. She said ok and left. I was surprised that she didn’t do more because he could have had a gun behind my back threatening me. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. The grandma called after the sheriff left and told me to take a shot of something to calm my nerves (I didn’t!) and she couldn’t believe the exchange student didn’t come tell me he was home early. When the parents got home, the dad sided with the exchange student and didn’t think it was a big deal that he didn’t come tell me he was home because he said I should have assumed it was him (?after being told he was away for the weekend states away?). The mom though he should have come told me that he came home.

If he knew he was going to be coming into the house later in the evening, he should have called and let you know he would be coming! My college kids have it drilled into them that if they arrive home at midnight for the weekend then they better let me know ahead of time so I will not call the police on them (or bean them with my frying pan!).

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If he knew he was going to be coming into the house later in the evening, he should have called and let you know he would be coming! My college kids have it drilled into them that if they arrive home at midnight for the weekend then they better let me know ahead of time so I will not call the police on them (or bean them with my frying pan!).

Pre-cellphones, but yes he should have tried to let me know he was there!

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