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What time do you usually wake up for Christmas Morning?


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Generally around 7:00. We only all go downstairs together, so the kids congregate in our bedroom and then we all go down.


When they were younger, it was earlier, but probably not earlier than 6:00am. We always had them congregate on our bed and we all go down together.

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So cute!


When my kids were little, we have lots of pictures of them waiting in the hallway or on the stairs until we had everything just riiiiiight by the tree--all of the gifts out, fire going, music on. It had to be perfect before they could come in.


Then they hit mid teens and began to sleep in. Dh and I get everything ready. Drink coffee. Read the paper. Drink more coffee. Chat. Wait.


My, how the tables have turned!!


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I'm always the first one up, just like every other day.  I'll be up by 7 or so.


We have always been leisurely present-openers.  Maybe when the kids were really little they were excited and couldn't wait.  One year, my inlaws were arriving (by plane) on Christmas Day. I think my kids were 4 and 5, or 5 and 6 then.  We had them wait till the grandparents arrived after 10am.  My sister told me I was SO MEAN to make them wait. But they seemed none the worse for it.  Now of course at their ages, I am waiting around for people to wake up.  

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the year I was up past 2am, no one was allowed to wake me up before 8am. (they weren't' allowed in the living room either.)  it stuck.  kids who don't live here but are coming, are here by 8am for opening presents.  It was really funny the year the kids went and woke up dudeling at 8am.

I have fond memories of my olders at the top of the stairs outside my bedroom - whispering loudly (they thought they were more quiet than they were) - is it 8am yet?  what time it it?  can we wake her up yet?


generally - everyone is awake well before that - but if someone wants to sleep in until 8am, they can.  everyone must be present for opening gifts.

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Dh gets up at 4 every day so he's always up first and gets the tree lit and the Christmas music playing.  I get up at 6 and shower. By 6:20 dh is turning th music up hoping to wake the kids. However, they are adults now so it'll probably be 8 before they come down.  When they were little they were up between 6 and 7. 

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My little one has always been an early riser plus Daddy gets up at 5am to get ready for work.


If she sleeps later that would be awesome.


I remember when my siblings and I hit our teen years our Dad would come in and loudly proclaim it was time to get up because Santa came and he wanted to open his presents. Ah payback for all the years we woke him up early.

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My little one has always been an early riser plus Daddy gets up at 5am to get ready for work.


If she sleeps later that would be awesome.


I remember when my siblings and I hit our teen years our Dad would come in and loudly proclaim it was time to get up because Santa came and he wanted to open his presents. Ah payback for all the years we woke him up early.

Putting this in my notes too! Hilarious!

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