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Any healthy, affordable bars??


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We try to eat healthy but we have to have convience food. My kids love Cliff bars and no wonder!! I flipped one of the little bastards over to read the ingredients and they are literally just flavored sugar. Energy indeed! Are there any affordable bars that my kids will eat that aren’t just six kinds of sugar, Frankensteined together?

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Best to make your own. It will still have honey or maple syrup to stick together but at least you are controlling it.


I have made these and my kids loved them.



And I have been meaning to try these but I haven't gotten around to it yet.


Edited by kewb
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Any EASY recipes for bars that A.) stick together after you cook them, and B.) are really easy to thow together?


Sorry to hijack, but I have been wondering.

I used to make balls with nut butter, honey and protein powder. I wonder where that recipe went? But my kids would eat all of them in just a few minutes so neither healthy or cheap.

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Yes, we love those!


Kind Nuts and Spices bars have 5 grams or less of sugar, so make sure and look for those. Some of their other ones have higher amounts of sugar.


This is what I buy.  Costco has a Kirkland brand knockoff that is good too, and I am pretty sure has the same amount of sugar.   When we first started buying them, we loved them, and ate 'em up too often.  But over time the thrill has died, and now they are just utilitarian.  Good, but not highly desirable.

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I eat the Larabar Nut and Seed bars occasionally. They are delicious and I think about 8 grams of sugar. I also make these to have on hand when I need a snack: 




I use almond butter, maple syrup for the sweetener and skip the chips. I make large ones, and freeze them. In the morning I take out what I plan to eat, pop them in the microwave or let them sit on the counter. I calculated 5 grams of sugar the last time I made them - I usually get between 15 and 22 cookies. I'm planning on trying pumpkin instead of banana this week. 

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My sister turned me onto Lara Bars a while back.



I love the Kind bars- the nut ones. Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt is my favorite.



I am on the road a lot and these two are the bars I take when I need to be driving for a long time and have no time to stop and eat anything that would require a spoon or fork. You can also cut up vegetables and take them into mason jars...but those are not bars. ;)

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Any EASY recipes for bars that A.) stick together after you cook them, and B.) are really easy to thow together?


Sorry to hijack, but I have been wondering.


I've made snacks that are pretty much dates in the food processor holding together nuts and rolled in coconut.  Dates will hold anything, so maybe look for recipes with them as a base.  Still, it's a lot of sugar and not everyone cares for them.  Sometimes a cheesestick and a piece of fruit is the easiest answer.

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I like these ones ingredient wise



I make homemade Lara bars



And these are one of my favorites, I add chopped cherries and use a fantastic antioxidant filled cocoa power


Edited by Lizzie in Ma
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I REALLY love the Lara bars, but I run in circles with many nut-allergic people, so our family generally doesn't take nut products out of the house.  I keep a few in my car's emergency kit and use them for myself when I have extra running around to do without the kids. (Tip: avoid the chocolate covered ones. Giant messes!)


With the kids, we try to throw cheeses, crackers, fruits, hummus, vegetables, and hard boiled eggs into cooler bags.  It's not always the right solution for any given day, and it does take more planning, but I never feel very good about the "replacement bar" option.

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