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Baby Names; Don't Love Anything


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We are expecting a baby boy this fall. I find baby boys so hard to name. I can come up with a ton of girl names that I think are meaningful, adorable, beautiful, and appropriate. Boy names....they are all meh. I was lucky to get a name I liked for DS and all his backup names are now off the list for various reasons that are not negotiable.


I'm not asking for baby boy suggestions. I have gone through lists of several thousands already. I've made a list of names that I don't hate. I'm wondering if anyone else didn't like any names for their babies, but picked one anyway, and then grew to love it? I don't know if I should keep searching until I find something I love, because it's my baby and we're going to live with it forever, and he deserves a name we love. Or, if it's normal not to love the name, but if it's meaningful and not horrible it will grow on you, and then you love it because you love Baby. Did any of you not really care for your baby's name, but now you think it's perfect? 


If we don't name him before he's born, I'm afraid he'll be stuck with the completely ridiculous nickname we've been calling him. 

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With one of my sons, it was hard to find a middle name. We had a first name we liked, but couldn't seem to find something to go with it. We decided to use my maiden name; I knew of people who had used their maiden names, but mine is not one that I thought would be good for it. However, the more we thought about it, the more we liked it. I wanted to name him for my father, but his name did not fit our first name choice. The maiden name fit the bill. As time has gone by, I love it more and more, and ds does too.


ETA: It is not a name that would work to call him by.

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DS has a family name. We knew it would likely be his name, and while I wasn't wild about it, it was fine. Now I have a hard time imagining him with any other name and he loves his name and the history behind it. If it had been a random name I wasn't crazy about I don't know if it would have worked out as well.

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I asked on here and got tons of suggestions. The one we went with wasn't even in my top ten. But it fit him so well we had to use it even though it wasn't a name I 'liked'. Now of course I love it because it's perfect for him, but I was glad to have asked on the Hive so at least I had a bigger list to consult.

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We just went with family names.  I couldn't find anything I liked to go with our last name and we wanted to be traditional.

Son #1 was named after my father with husband's father's name as middle name.

Son #2 was named after a grandfather with my maiden name as middle name.


My mom expected boys and got 4 girls.  She never had girl names picked out.  My oldest sister named our youngest sister and my youngest sister and I do not have middle names.

I was named after a dog. :)

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Maybe it's not so much the name as the association that makes it special. Might want to think of favorite characters or family members. I know you've looked at lists, but have you checked out any baby name books? Maybe the lists are different in a book than online. We have a baby name book here. I think it's this one: https://www.amazon.com/000-Baby-Names-Bruce-Lansky/dp/0684034506/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1492902120&sr=8-1&keywords=25%2C000%2B+Baby+Names


Sorry, not sure I can quite answer your actual question.

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We wound up coming up with a list of "not completely objectionable" baby boy names. We put it on the bulletin board in the kitchen so we were always walking past it. At meals we'd look at it and casually discuss them or try them out. After a while the right name became obvious. It is definitely not a name I grew up thinking I'd use for one of my children, and occasionally I'll get a "what was I thinking?" moment. But it's a great name, old and solid, rare on a young child but not unheard of, and it really is perfect for him.

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On boy #3, DH threw names at each other off and on through the pregnancy. Mostly, the other would reply "eh". Eventually we landed on one (only one) that we both thought was acceptable. And now that's DS1's name, and he's sticking with it!


It is a very well known name, though some may not choose it because it's also the name of a well known movie character. But it's also biblical and saintly, so there's that. ;)

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Three of our five boys weren't named right away.  For our second boy, it took five days, and the name we picked wasn't even on our short list, but it's so his name.  For our fourth boy, well, I mean, that's a lot of boy names; we ended up picking one of the names that we had considered for DS2.  It fits him perfectly too.  Then for DS5, we found out a few days before he was born that he was a boy, but come on, five boy names is a lot when I wanted them to go together, and because of family first names, several in that vein were already used.  We had a handful in mind, but then he was born under general anesthesia, and DH wasn't there either, and I was on meds and couldn't see him for 24 hours, and I certainly wasn't naming him before I even got to meet him.  We actually finally chose a name when he was two days old and doing really poorly in the NICU; they weren't sure he was going to survive the night, and I was determined that I was going to call him by name at least once before he died.  He was born a few days before Christmas, extremely prematurely, and we named him Nathaniel, which means "gift of God."  (But Nathaniel is such a big name for a micropreemie, so we called/call him Nate.  And its Biblical reference is *perfect* for him.)  As for Nate's middle name, I like it fine, but it wasn't necessarily at the top of my list; it fit the criteria we wanted and sounds nice with Nathaniel, and now I can't imagine not using it.  Once you pick a name, you won't be able to picture it any other way.


All of our children have at least one name that is very particular for who they are in terms of its meaning.  Perhaps there is a certain significance to this child's birth or something, and you could look for a name that means that significance?

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Meaning was really important to me.  I ended up making a list of meanings that I liked, and names that went with them.  Then my son was born with some special circumstances, and I changed from the name I thought I'd use, to one that had a meaning that fit the situation.  Of course, I also had to like the name.  There were a few names where I loved the meaning, but just didn't like the sound.

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We are expecting a baby boy this fall. I find baby boys so hard to name. I can come up with a ton of girl names that I think are meaningful, adorable, beautiful, and appropriate. Boy names....they are all meh. I was lucky to get a name I liked for DS and all his backup names are now off the list for various reasons that are not negotiable.


I'm not asking for baby boy suggestions. I have gone through lists of several thousands already. I've made a list of names that I don't hate. I'm wondering if anyone else didn't like any names for their babies, but picked one anyway, and then grew to love it? I don't know if I should keep searching until I find something I love, because it's my baby and we're going to live with it forever, and he deserves a name we love. Or, if it's normal not to love the name, but if it's meaningful and not horrible it will grow on you, and then you love it because you love Baby. Did any of you not really care for your baby's name, but now you think it's perfect?


If we don't name him before he's born, I'm afraid he'll be stuck with the completely ridiculous nickname we've been calling him.

So why not ask for our opinion. I love baby naming threads.

My son was very very difficult for us to name. My xh would hear a name I suggested....and then spit it back to me as if it were poison and say no son of mine will be named that! And I am talking normal names. Seriously he was deranged, it is because he had a girl name and he suffered his whole life. So he wanted a very manly name. We ended up giving our son XHs dads middle name for middle name...,,a very old name..,a family name. Nothing normal at all.......but the first name is very very strongly male. It was my suggestion early on and xh said no way....but THE NIGHT BEFORE I GAVE BIRTH.....while I was in labor he was all weepy and saying what do you think about naming him after my dad? I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! YOU ARE CHANGING THE NAME WHEN I AM IN LABOR.?


But now? Yeah, I can't marine this child with any other name.

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I can't ask for opinions yet because DH literally has not commented on any of my suggestions. I think he hates naming babies. Maybe I should just tell him what I want if he doesn't care! The only comment I've received was that he was "ok" with having Clay for a middle name, which my Dad has wanted for someone for years. It was the name of his father's twin brother who died very young. I'm not opposed to Clay as a middle name if it works with the first name, but I don't love it. 


Our rules are that it has to have a personal meaning and honor a family connection or person that we strongly admire. My problem is that my family was heavily matriarchal and DH's is tiny. And, I don't want to duplicate any close family members' children. I grew up in a family with 2-3 names that everyone seemed to have and it was confusing. I don't want to do that to my kids.


My top first names right now are: Frederick, Franklin, Gart, Harold, James, and Scott. None of those, however, are "cool" according to my kids, and they think it's unfair since DS's name is apparently cool. 

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I can't ask for opinions yet because DH literally has not commented on any of my suggestions. I think he hates naming babies. Maybe I should just tell him what I want if he doesn't care! The only comment I've received was that he was "ok" with having Clay for a middle name, which my Dad has wanted for someone for years. It was the name of his father's twin brother who died very young. I'm not opposed to Clay as a middle name if it works with the first name, but I don't love it. 


Our rules are that it has to have a personal meaning and honor a family connection or person that we strongly admire. My problem is that my family was heavily matriarchal and DH's is tiny. And, I don't want to duplicate any close family members' children. I grew up in a family with 2-3 names that everyone seemed to have and it was confusing. I don't want to do that to my kids.


My top first names right now are: Frederick, Franklin, Gart, Harold, James, and Scott. None of those, however, are "cool" according to my kids, and they think it's unfair since DS's name is apparently cool. 


I think, in a hipster sense, you probably can't get cooler than naming a baby Fred.  Or Harold for that matter (Harry being pretty trendy, or Hal, which is adorable for the right boy.) Have you thought about looking for maybe a different origin of the names on the list?


For instance James=Seamus, Frank=Francis, etc.


ETA: I'm also out of baby boy names, and am expecting an unknown.  I feel for you!

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We rarely have a name decided upon until the hospital threatens us with "if you don't fill out the form, you'll have to go down to this office and do it in person."   Some how, we end up with a name that works....and that either grows on both of us quite quickly or we realize that actually fits the new baby perfectly.


My Grandpa's name was Harold.  James reminds me of James Stewart. We have a few Scotts in the family, too.  :)  Frederick reminds me of "Pirates of Penzance" in a good way.  (Stay Frederick Stay!)  So, obviously, I like your names! :D

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My top first names right now are: Frederick, Franklin, Gart, Harold, James, and Scott. None of those, however, are "cool" according to my kids, and they think it's unfair since DS's name is apparently cool. 

 I think Hal is about the coolest name ever. And Harold a powerful name to grow into but one that would also work for a child(e Harold).

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Franklin (Frankie or Foggy, if you're Daredevil fan), Scott (Scottie is always a great nickname), and James (JJ or Jamie are my favorites for that) are al fantastic. And Clay works with each.

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Our son that DH was "in charge" of naming didnt have a name for 2 weeks.


After about a week, he picked a name and told everyone, then changed his mind. :svengo:


The name DH finally picked was OK, at the time I was kinda underwhelmed. Now I couldn't imagine DS without the name.


If it had been my decision, he probably would have been Kevin. Maybe Brian.

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You all are literally the only people who like my names! DH said, "Hairy Butt!" I hadn't even thought of Hal. Hal is cool- I love 2001: Space Odyssey. 


I have such sweet memories of the namesakes which make me like them, but they all sound really old fashioned to me except James. James is a little high on the popular baby name list, however. I almost scratched it for being in the top 25. 

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I'm voting for naming your ds before you leave the hospital. We didn't with dd and it wasn't fun. It wasn't any easier a week later. it's just that we did it.  :laugh: We worked in a school so most names made us think of those children. Eventually dh named her an old fashioned name. She was on the cutting edge and now many people have her name. lol For years she wasn't happy sharing. I like your choice of names.

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I had a much easier time coming up with girl names. It seemed like there was more of a creative license to be taken with them rather than the boy names. Or they were just... prettier? I don't know. We didn't know the genders of our first three until delivery, but we found out with ds. It was SO hard. I loved a certain name, but dh didn't and we went with option 2. Now I cannot picture him as the name I wanted, but I still love it.

I remember with our first we seemed to play a game with names. I'd suggest one and dh would say no. And that's how it went for months until he warmed up to my first and favorite suggestion. It was maddening. [emoji4]

And I think your list of names is very nice. I always wanted names for my children to not be so "old" that it's weird to call it out to a child, and not so trendy/cutesy/babyish that an adult would be embarrassed to claim it. I think all of yours are good!



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You all are literally the only people who like my names! DH said, "Hairy Butt!" I hadn't even thought of Hal. Hal is cool- I love 2001: Space Odyssey. 


I have such sweet memories of the namesakes which make me like them, but they all sound really old fashioned to me except James. James is a little high on the popular baby name list, however. I almost scratched it for being in the top 25. 



I've got a James, and the "cool" nickname for that is probably Jack.  Of course, we call him Pippin because he's a trouble-maker, so...  




Of my four kids, only two of the names did I REALLY love.  The other two have names that are ok.  But, now that they have them, I love them and can't picture them any other way.

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I like all the names on your list, Paige. 


I especially like Fredrick, which is a name seldom used anymore, but both adorable for a little guy and dignified for a grown up. I am partial to James because it's my dh's name, and all the other names on your list pass the classic test too. 



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I can't answer your first question. We don't find out gender ahead of time and had boy and girl names picked out each time. For each baby, there was one name I wasn't crazy about but the baby ended up being the other gender so we didn't use it. I'm convinced that somehow part of me "knew" the gender so I was didn't really care about the name of the other gender as much. 


For our first, dh and I each made a list, pretty long ones and somewhat ridiculous. Dh for instance put Bono, which he still insists was a real suggestion. Then we had veto power to cross off any names we hated on the other person's list. Then we took the names that were on both lists and thought about those. There were only three that we both had put down. At that point it was fairly easy to narrow it down from those three. 


ETA: I like all your names too! 

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First child- a gender neutral name- but still a family last name, so it was meaningful because of the family name part

Second child- named for our faith



The third child was extra special.  We couldn't come up with a name.  We thought and thought.  We were adopting him.  He had some physical "special needs."  One day my husband was at work and got an email from a client.  He saw the guy's name and thought, "Hey, I like that name" so he emailed me the name.  I looked it up.  It means, "Healed by Jehovah."  I started crying.  I knew that should be his name.  And you know what?  That boy hasn't let anything slow him down.  God has truly blessed him.

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