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When do kids start to trim their own nails?


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Having just experienced (read: endured) another nail trimming session with both kids, I am starting to wonder if I shouldn't be teaching them to do this themselves at this point.


Both are adamant that they don't want to do it themselves.  But I think they are old enough and have the manual dexterity - just not sure of the best way to approach it.  They are just turned 11 and 9. 


Even to me this sounds like a silly problem but I have no recollection of when/how I started trimming my own nails as a child.  So I'm asking for others' experiences in this area.


Are there Youtube videos for them to watch?  Is it easier to use clippers or some sort of scissors?  We use clippers and they tend to be afraid of them.  They also hate the feeling of having freshly trimmed nails and insist on running their hands and feet under water to get rid of the 'tickly' feeling afterwards.



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I don't remember exactly. They are 14 and 11 now and they've both been cutting them for many years now. My ds11 used to scream like he was being murdered when I'd cut his nails--up until 7 or 8. But somewhere between 7/8 and 11 he went from screaming bloody murder to doing it on his own. I never remind him. He's the one saying, "Mom, I need the clippers. My nails are too long."

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I haven't trimmed my 8yo or 6yo in years so they must have taken it over at some point.


Though I just asked my 6yo if she trims her toenails and she said no, never. What?? I had to do an inspection and they're just fine and she insists she never trims them (or bites them - yeah, I had to clarify that too).


So maybe I have kids with nails that don't grow?

Edited by xixstar
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Older two did it earlier, probably around age 6.  Basically, by the time they were strong enough to work the clippers, they were also coordinated enough to not hurt themselves.  They just got some clippers, and went at it on their own.


Younger dd, now age 11, waited longer.  She insisted she couldn't, but I think she just enjoyed the togetherness of me doing it.  There was always lots of giggling because it tickled her feet.  She hated it when I scraped under her toenails, though, so she took over that job first.  Then, one day, she needed it, and I was busy. I just told her to do it herself, and she did.  I still have to remind her, just as I have to remind her to wash her sticky hands.  The other two kids hated dirty hands.  


They're all different.

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It's funny, but I have no idea!  I never remember actually teaching them how, nor when they decided to take it on themselves.  I guess it just naturally happened at some point.


Maybe give the oldest one her own special manicure set?  Then she'll probably give it a try herself.  I think by 11 she can be doing it herself.

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Wait, is this possible, lol?? I think dog nails can because their toenails curve down and touch the ground...I can't picture that in kids.

LOL Not really sure. It's just a theory (albeit a poor one) based on my observations of nasty feet with jagged toenails all summer long. Maybe they trim them. Trimming nails is something I never tell them to do. And since every other act of personal hygiene only happens if I tell them, I need something to explain the lack of crazy long nails. 😀😜

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