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Mamas w/ kids in public high school - PE grade?


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So, DS "did" PE and by did, I mean earned a special badge by doing months of bicycling, culminating in a 20 mile course in one day, and having to learn the ins and outs of caring for himself and his body through all of this.  It was an incredible amount of time spent on physical fitness.  Frankly, I want to give him an A.  


However, I'm not sure if the public high schools still grade PE?  And if they do, is that part of the GPA?


Because I also don't want him penalized (me putting a pass/fail) when other kids are getting their PE grade pushed into their GPA.  KWIM?


This was DEFINITELY not fluff.

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My kids did get grades for PE in high school that were factored into their overall GPA.  


Their classes were such a waste, though.  The PE teacher was just holding on until retirement and did absolutely nothing.  She wasn't even on time for her first period class and she would just let them play basketball or walk the track when she was there.   

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We are required to complete 2 credits.  He completed Boy Scouts Personal Fitness.  We also did Backpacking, Swimming, etc.  But the Cycling one was really a full credit (100+ miles WITHOUT the studying.)  So I figure one credit as personal fitness/PE and another as PE/Cycling.   


This is pretty serious business. His GPA determines Honors College or not and I don't want him to get messed up because I put Pass instead of a grade.

Edited by BlsdMama
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I did not give my son an A for kayaking for home school PE. I had to keep finding his stuff and I gave him a B because he kept losing his paddle, and it caused me a lot of inconvenience lol.


My dd gets a letter grade for PE, which is always an A, in public school. Everyone gets an A in PE in her otherwise academically advanced public school, lol.

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My dd gets a letter grade for PE, which is always an A, in public school. Everyone gets an A in PE in her otherwise academically advanced public school, lol.

Even when they fail the California physical fitness tests at 5th, 7th and 9th grade :lol:

The high school kids need two PE credits to get their high school diploma. The PE grade does not affect GPA for state universities and does not get used for Cal Grant. So schools are pretty generous with PE grades.

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Sounds to me like he earned an A. At the high school I taught at, kids got bad grades in PE. If students participated every day with a good attitude  and worked to improve their fitness level, they got an A. You wouldn't believe how many kids would stand on a basketball court and then not move. They didn't get As. Give your son the grade he deserves.

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Sounds to me like he earned an A. At the high school I taught at, kids got bad grades in PE. If students participated every day with a good attitude and worked to improve their fitness level, they got an A. You wouldn't believe how many kids would stand on a basketball court and then not move. They didn't get As. Give your son the grade he deserves.

This is how it works in our public school. PE is a serious class with a real grade.

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Look at it this way:


You grade it an A - they include the A when calculating his gpa. Everything is good.

You grade it an A - they change it to a Pass and don't using it when calculating his gap. Everything is good.


He earned an A. Give him the A and feel secure about it.


I had one kid do a Health class pass/fail because that was how it was offered at the public school too. Public school translated that to an A on the treanscript because their system couldn't handle a Pass - everyone gets an A or an F in the record....

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PE is a serious class here, and an unweighted grade. There are so many nonparticipants hete that all sections are combined, with one teacher taking nonparticipants to track or gym where they must shamble the entire period to get their participation grade. Engaged students work on the course objectives. Some do take PE and music ensembles pass/fail in order to gain class rank by not pulling the weighted gpa down.

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IIRC, my oldest did get a grade for PE, but it was unofficially a pass/fail class.  Meaning, you either failed by never showing up ever, or you got an A. 


This is kind of what ours is as well. Hard not to do well if you show up and do what they tell you. Also, at our high school, if you play a sport you are exempt from PE. You are required to do a half year of PE but after that, as long you do one sport a year, that fulfills your PE requirement for the other years.

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DSD got a grade for PE last semester in P.S. (she's been to 3 H.S. they all grade for PE).  I have/will be giving my HSed kids grades for PE.  Some Colleges replace a pass with a C, DS deserves way more than a C, kid has gotten in gear, bike riding, running, working out at the gym (eating healthy), and lost 30 pounds in 2.5 months. He's definitely getting an A, it may be his only one  :glare: .

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My kids in PS got their PE credits for sports -- Oldest for wrestling and Muppet Boy for Marching Band... I don't remember if there were grades attached but an athletic letter precluded the need for a class.


I got INTO band in 6th grade to get out of PE in high school. Yes, marching band counts and we got graded on band.

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My kids did a lot more PE in homeschool than I did in public school.  Yes, I graded their PE because schools did and I wasn't going to hurt their GPA.    


I have no memory of what grades I got in high school but I know I hated PE at my junior high because it wasn't graded by effort- it was graded by skill and effort along with the locker rooms being a place of bullying including the PE teacher.  I definitely got my GPA lowered because of that stupid PE in 9th grade at that junior high.  

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We are required to complete 2 credits.  He completed Boy Scouts Personal Fitness.  We also did Backpacking, Swimming, etc.  But the Cycling one was really a full credit (100+ miles WITHOUT the studying.)  So I figure one credit as personal fitness/PE and another as PE/Cycling.   


This is pretty serious business. His GPA determines Honors College or not and I don't want him to get messed up because I put Pass instead of a grade.


100 miles of cycling is only 6 or 7 hours. How is that another credit? I definitely agree with giving him an A though :).

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