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I had to schedule my cat's euthanasia today

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I hate being responsible and having to make this decision. My Siamese cat is older than my two girls and we got him when he was nine weeks old and my son was three. My cat has cardiomyopathy and most likely some form of cancer according to the vets and my research. In the last eight months, he has lost almost 70% of his weight. He ate a few tiny flecks today and had trouble drinking water. He also looks like walking, standing, sitting and even lying down are uncomfortable or downright painful. My dh is away and I decided when he was having trouble drinking water that it was time. At least my girls, though understand that he is dying and suffering.

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Oh, Christina, I'm so sorry. This is so hard. I had to make this same decision last October for my precious baby kitty of 19 years. The wonderful girls here told me to picture her in a place where she was free of pain, totally healthy and happily playing. It helped (still helps) a lot. I know she is waiting for me.


:grouphug: Your kitty will be waiting for you.

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:grouphug: So sorry. It's hard saying goodbye to a beloved friend and family member but you are doing the best thing for him given his pain and discomfort.


I just went through this this past Spring and I found creating a memory board for my cat (see avatar) very therapeutic/comforting.


Sorry for your loss.

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I hate being responsible and having to make this decision. My Siamese cat is older than my two girls and we got him when he was nine weeks old and my son was three. My cat has cardiomyopathy and most likely some form of cancer according to the vets and my research. In the last eight months, he has lost almost 70% of his weight. He ate a few tiny flecks today and had trouble drinking water. He also looks like walking, standing, sitting and even lying down are uncomfortable or downright painful. My dh is away and I decided when he was having trouble drinking water that it was time. At least my girls, though understand that he is dying and suffering.


:grouphug: I'm so sorry; I know how hard it is to lose a furry friend...and to have to be the one to make that hard decision.

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I'm sorry! :grouphug: We had to put our 14 year old cat down 2 months ago. We all went and sat with him, talking to him and petting him as he drifted off to sleep. Everyone had the choice and they all chose to be with him. We're still trying to get used to him not being around.

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Sorry about your loss. :grouphug: We had to put our 14 yr old dog down last month. It never gets easier having had to do this for several of our pets. After the initial day of crying here, my son says "he misses her and is sad, but knows that we did the right and best thing for her." As I am sure you have as well. :grouphug:

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