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If my mom had been a member of the Hive...

happi duck

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If my mom had been a member of the Hive I can imagine this post:


My youngest dd, I love her to pieces...

She's not picky per se *but* her favorite meals change from loved to hated with no.warning.whatsoever! I can serve what I think is her favorite meal and she won't eat it because "I hate that". Ugh.


(Sorry mom!)


So has anyone else imagined what their mom or dad would've 'said' on a forum?

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She gets so interested in just one thing and wants to do it all the time!  It's so annoying!  She's been obsessing about Peru for weeks, and aside from practicing piano I can't get her to study anything else without a big argument.  Math and grammar are the worst.  OTOH, she IS reading Prescott's "Conquest of Peru" for fun (pretty dense for a 9 year old), but obviously she needs to be more well-rounded than this.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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She doesn't have any friends!!  I bend over backward trying to get her involved in sports, Brownies, play dates, etc., but she doesn't want anything to do with the other kids.  She says they're boring and don't know anything and that she would rather do the math workbooks she is always asking for.  Right now she is working on long division and negative numbers - she's only 6!!  I just don't get her.

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My ds is so shy that I'm afraid she won't be able to manage social interactions. We've tried everything! Even putting her as the lead in a play to break her out of her shell. Her voice is so quiet, people are always asking her to speak up so that they can hear her. Will she ever be a successful adult?


I am thank you very much! And I have a ds exactly like I was as a child.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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She's so stubborn, it's infuriating. My eldest is so much easier to parent.


She doesn't want to go to church; I don't know what to do. She's constantly getting into arguments with the pastor over the meaning of the original Greek in the Bible. Should I just let her stop going, or continue to force her?




Need help! I just caught my dd reading a smutty book. I mean, of course I threw it immediately into the wood stove, but how can I keep her from reading this stuff in the future?

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She reads All. The. Time. She's always lost in her own head, pretending, telling herself stories. At least she cooperates with our homeschool or I don't know what I'd do.


Later: She won't do her schoolwork. I've helped her make to-do lists, threatened, punished, and even told her I'll send her to school. Nothing is working. (She sent me to school)


Even later: She keeps begging me to homeschool her again. It's so frustrating. And she still reads All. The. Time. :-)

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My mom would never have homeschooled, so no way would she be on this forum.  


But if she were, she'd be complaining that no matter how much she tried to change my personality, I was a quiet, reserved introvert instead of a loud, outgoing extrovert like her.    


She'd also complain that I didn't share her liberal mindset and the grudge she held against all males. 

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My mom would have asked advice about my piano obsession and early, early drive towards college scholarships and auditions. I began planning in 5th grade when I exited method books for the Anna Magdalena Bach book. I was very willing to skip meals when working through a difficult section or working on homework to make sure my grades were stellar. I lost weight - weight I didn't have to lose at the time - leading up to my audition for scholarships to Interlochen.


I was generally a compliant child except that I was pretty stubborn about major interruptions to school or practice.


In second grade I ran away from home - five blocks to grandma and grandpa's house hiding out in the barn - so I would not have to go on the three week family vacation. The whole thought of missing three piano lessons plus 21 days of practice sent me into a tailspin. I was of course found quickly and thankfully mom had the sense to make my dad promise that we would stop every day in a city or town big enough to have a piano store where I could beg to practice.


She would have told stories. Lots of stories. And then there would have been the drama of me leaving for college pretty young, and then meeting dh whom ny father figure would later pitch a fit about "not being the right kind of christian" and.....


Lots of stories.

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My mom was a homeschooler (not me but some of my younger siblings), and she'd probably enjoy swapping ideas here like I do. Although about me, she'd probably not worry much about school, because I was pretty compliant, but she'd worry about me and the older boyfriend (although maybe not online).


However, if she had had this forum, and if homeschooling had been more popular/accepted when I was in K, I could see her saying that I was bored in school and reading above grade level and all of that, and she may well have appreciated the support for keeping me home. She considered it back then but just didn't feel like it was right at that time. (The only homeschoolers she knew had severe learning disabilities and were socially strange, so it wasn't exactly a ringing endorsement, even though she understood why it made sense for their family.). And then when I hit fourth grade and was bullied by the mean girls for several years, she probably would have liked the support here, telling her to pull me out (which is why I tell moms here the same thing when they're concerned about bullying). The academics were okay by that point (bigger district with more opportunities), and it wasn't until I hit eleventh grade that the elementary schools were unsatisfying enough to pull my siblings out, so I think they just didn't know what to do.

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She would have been banned by now.




Mine, too. :lol:


She suffered no fools, would put a whiner in their place so fast their head would spin, and could throw a "bless your heart" so hard and with such accuracy, it made rocket launchers blush with shame.


Man, I loved that woman.

Edited by Audrey
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I found out she skipped school AGAIN! I know she gets great grades, but if she doesn't go, there is going to be trouble...


And later....


I suspect she isn't going to school anymore... She is in that I.B. program, and they said there would be a couple of hours of homework every night, but she always says it is all done... Do you think I should call the school?


(And yes she did call, and the councillor went around to all my teachers, and yes, I was getting it all done.)


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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