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Any other 2016-2017 impulse buys??


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Somehow Spelling you See made it into my cart!!! What was I thinking? We have been doing OG based reading and spelling for so many years. My older kiddos are still miserable spellers and I just HAD to try something different. I could not take another year. I can only hope that a season of taking a different approach doesn't kill them. I did show a bit of restraint after putting 3 Memoria Press grade level packages worth $1500 in my cart!


So did anyone else get pulled into an impulse purchase? 

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I did show a bit of restraint after putting 3 Memoria Press grade level packages worth $1500 in my cart!


I suspect that if I tried to spend $1500 on some website the credit card company would flag that as possible fraud, and require me to confirm before letting that go through (they kept flagging me buying stuff at Walmart for over a year after we moved, and that was small quantities of $$ - it was ridiculous). Not that I'm going to try.


I bought Lively Latin books 1 & 2 at 2am when they were doing their sale. Not sure I should've bought both. I guess we'll find out.

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I just bought a Casio Privia Pro 560 digital piano to replace my aging Yamaha keyboard that DD has been taking lessons on for years. It was a splurge at $300-but since that piano is about $1200 typically, it was a great deal. DD is excited. So am I! We can't manage a real piano in our house, but this is a lot closer in sound and feel than the keyboard.

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My impulse items are never school items per say. I get books like the one I got on making life size lincoln logs (planks) that you can make forts out of. Or the book I got that explains jewish holidays from a christian perspective, complete with ways to celebrate. We probably would have made the lincoln logs this year had DH not needed cataract surgery. 


I have to place another order in about a month, I imagine then I will get something else interesting. :)


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DS is having trouble with his current BA chapter. I may have panicked slightly and bought some Singapore. (It didn't cost me anything out of pocket, though. I had credit at the homeschool consignment store just down the road.)

Edited by whitehawk
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Well, I originally wasn't going to use Phonetic Zoo with any of the girls, but I changed my mind. The oldest (6th) was going to "done" with spelling, while the twins (4th) were going to use the spelling in CLE Language Arts. Then I looked at the CLE spelling and thought about the fact that I already have all three levels of Phonetic Zoo, and why not use them? Oldest on C, twins on A. Duh. Phonetic Zoo takes spelling almost entirely off my plate, and the girls will enjoy having yet one more independent piece. So, the only thing I needed to purchase was two sets of little zoo cards for the twins. $10. That's my impulse buy limit, LOL.

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I decided at the last minute to color-code my kids, so I ran out and got more notebooks and similar.  :-D  


:001_wub: Another kindred spirit.


Funny story about this -- When our twins were born, there was a nurse at the hospital who suggested we put nail polish on one of the twin's big toes, so we could tell them apart. Well, I didn't want to do that, so instead we just color-coded their socks!


One day when they were still just a few weeks old, my husband was bragging about how he could always tell them apart, blah blah blah. He went out of the room, and quick as a flash, I changed their outfits and socks! When he came back in, he was calling Squeaky "Squishy" and Squishy "Squeaky." We had a good laugh out of that.


I love color-coding my kids, it just makes so much that much simpler. It helps that they all like "their" colors. As you can see from my signature line, oldest is purple, then green and red (or pink) for the twins. Every now and then they mix it up, and I am left like this: :blink: I still can't wrap my head around them switching colors. "You mean you have a purple bath towel? Aren't you green?"


Proceed with caution, Monica, or you will start to think of your children as their colors. :biggrinjester:

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My impulse items are never school items per say. I get books like the one I got on making life size lincoln logs (planks) that you can make forts out of. Or the book I got that explains jewish holidays from a christian perspective, complete with ways to celebrate. We probably would have made the lincoln logs this year had DH not needed cataract surgery. 


I have to place another order in about a month, I imagine then I will get something else interesting. :)


Link, pretty please?


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I just bought Artistic Pursuits books for my 2 oldest. I already had some for the younger two. I'm declaring this " the year we actually get to art." I also have MP Geo 1 coming on Monday. I really want Visual World Geography but it's not in my impulse-buy budget. I have MP's art posters on my wishlist at RR, but they'll have to wait until next year.

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I guess I'll brag a little and tell you all that all my impulse purchases were at a used curriculum sale. I don't think I'll use any of it but it was worth the money for the entertainment value. I just love looking at different curricula.


The only problem is the shelf space it takes up.

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We color code too, color code everything! Lol


Plates, towells, cups, bowls, notebooks, binders, balls, haha..you get the idea..everything !

When all 5 of mine were home. ..had to. And no more...whose is this that left that where , and why??. baha :)

Works .

Edited by Kat w
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I guess I'll brag a little and tell you all that all my impulse purchases were at a used curriculum sale. I don't think I'll use any of it but it was worth the money for the entertainment value. I just love looking at different curricula.


The only problem is the shelf space it takes up.

That real estate high up on that wall is very valuable isn't it? :)

We go high....still need more space.

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I cannot stop buying curriculum this year! It is a serious problem. First was build your bundle, terrible decision. But, I did figure out a couple of Barefoot Raggamuffin items I was going to buy....I actually already bought! Then the whole Child's Geography / Knowledge Quest package. Now I still "neeeed" Wayfarers, ELTL & RLTL! Help!



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Does ALMOST impulsively buying a bunny count?  :D  We wanted a class pet for ds' new office, and for a while there I really thought we'd get a bunny!  I had several lined up, figured out the spot, how to care for it...  But no, I think we're back to fish, quiet, boring, fish.

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I just bought 10 reading books in German :blush:

That isn't an impulse buy, you have to get those when you see them! Finding books in German is very rare in this country. Not enough people are learning german to justify bringing the books over. It is very hard to find any books in German I have found. 

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We have a Japanese student here for a summer exchange, and he brought my boys school supplies. I wanted my own, so I went on JetPens.com to look for a pencil case, and ended up buying a bunch of Kuru Toga automatically rotating mechanical pencils and Jetstream pens ... and ratcheting pencil sharpeners, erasers, and correction tape ... then went on Amazon to buy pen-style scissors, stapler, and multi-ruler. I will have the coolest, fullest, pencil case in the library. :coolgleamA:

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That isn't an impulse buy, you have to get those when you see them! Finding books in German is very rare in this country. Not enough people are learning german to justify bringing the books over. It is very hard to find any books in German I have found.

I live in Belgium, and although German is a minority language, it is one of the three languages of this country. Www.amazon.de send even without costs for shipping....

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I impulsively bought two blogger-created curriculum packages which I regret, because neither met my expectations/standards. I only spent $30, though, so at least I'm not out a ton of cash.


I also --not really an impulse buy but maybe a carried-away buy-- bought several Five in a Row manuals and books to go with them, and now that I'm actually in the process of implementing everything, I wish I hadn't. I'm debating whether to resell the manuals or not. I'll probably keep the books because they're good books, but the manuals? Eh..maybe keep until next year and see whether we use them/whether they'll fit next year's rhythm.


Not curriculum but I impulsively bought a big folding table we could use as a workspace/school space and it's too big for the room it's in, my son is too little to comfortably sit it with a regular chair, and it's kind of just collecting stuff now.

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I guess I'll brag a little and tell you all that all my impulse purchases were at a used curriculum sale.


I don't count stuff bought at a used curriculum sale as an impulse buy, unless it was something expensive I didn't have on my wishlist already. I just assume that I'll end up buying various $1-$5 items at a used curriculum sale.

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I guess I'll brag a little and tell you all that all my impulse purchases were at a used curriculum sale. I don't think I'll use any of it but it was worth the money for the entertainment value. I just love looking at different curricula.


The only problem is the shelf space it takes up.

Mine too!

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I just bought a Casio Privia Pro 560 digital piano to replace my aging Yamaha keyboard that DD has been taking lessons on for years. It was a splurge at $300-but since that piano is about $1200 typically, it was a great deal. DD is excited. So am I! We can't manage a real piano in our house, but this is a lot closer in sound and feel than the keyboard.

We're in the market for a digital piano... Was this a sale somewhere? It's a great price!

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We're in the market for a digital piano... Was this a sale somewhere? It's a great price!

We have a store called Bargain Hunt that sells a mixed bag of stuff that stores have chosen to remove from their shelves (if you return anything to Target, for any reason, it ends up at Bargain Hunt stores, plus stuff that's last season or just was overstocked). This one just happened to have a new in box digital piano, so I asked if we could take it out and test it, and then brought it home. I have no clue what it was doing there-and I really wonder if they looked up "Casio Privia"-because the price was pretty typical for how they'd price the lower-end Privia (about 50% of retail), but was extremely low for the Privia Pro.

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Memoria Press literature guides for my third graders and the fifth grade level for my 4th grader. Quark Chronicles. English Lessons Through Literature for my 4th Grader. I guess I did a lot of switching things around this year! Probably not smart seeing that we have newborn twins in the house but I did it before I knew they were coming... haha.

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My big impulse buy was for my 14 year old. I spent all of one day thinking on it. I really needed her to have the DLO from BJU . I just can't teach all of them myself. Hopefully it will not be a waste of a grand.


My other impulses were small. More like Saxon k readers for my little guy, an extra math u see level we " had" to have, another language arts program for my dd, even though we already had one.....

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That isn't an impulse buy, you have to get those when you see them! Finding books in German is very rare in this country. Not enough people are learning german to justify bringing the books over. It is very hard to find any books in German I have found.

I bought AOPS intro to number theory for the same reason. Second hand AOPS in NZ = grab it while you can.

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MP got me.   :leaving:


I'd already planned out our year with lots of WTM recommendations.  Then I visited the MP website...  The good news is that since we aren't using full cores, I was able to use many of my original purchases.  The bad news is that I am still totally over-budget for the year.  At the end of the day, I'm super thrilled with my materials for the coming year.


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We have a store called Bargain Hunt that sells a mixed bag of stuff that stores have chosen to remove from their shelves (if you return anything to Target, for any reason, it ends up at Bargain Hunt stores, plus stuff that's last season or just was overstocked). This one just happened to have a new in box digital piano, so I asked if we could take it out and test it, and then brought it home. I have no clue what it was doing there-and I really wonder if they looked up "Casio Privia"-because the price was pretty typical for how they'd price the lower-end Privia (about 50% of retail), but was extremely low for the Privia Pro.


Wow. Well I am jealous -- I hope you guys love it!


(Sorry for the threadjack....)

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Something possessed me to buy a Boogie Board Jot 8.5 for my kids to used during LOF and AAS.  Why paper and our white board are not good enough I will never know...  :confused:


I had to look that one up, as I hadn't heard of it. Why isn't the pen attached to it? Seems like it would go missing...


I liked a magnetic drawing board when the kids were younger. The pen was attached, so it wouldn't go missing, and it couldn't be used to draw on furniture, walls, etc, so that was awesome.

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Something possessed me to buy a Boogie Board Jot 8.5 for my kids to used during LOF and AAS. Why paper and our white board are not good enough I will never know... :confused:

I bought a few of those for our summer airplane trip since I figured it would be easier to bring on the plane than a ton of drawing paper. They were great for that purpose. I also reasoned when I bought them that they could use them for spelling quizzes and Alcumus during the schoolyear. My boys really love them. Dh and I have also been using them to keep score when we play cards. Definitely an impulse buy but one that's been pretty good for us.

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...an extra math u see level we " had" to have.....

I will just point out a lesson learned about MUS. as we were finishing up the year in April, I discussed curriculum with the children and we decided to continue with MUS, so I bought both levels. As technology is changing, I think companies are transitioning away from DVDs and going to focusing more on annual streaming subscriptions, which is kind of a bummer if you are going to be using it with more than one child. SO....my online streaming subscription for Zeta will end in mid April 2017, likely before we are finished. Luckily, we still have the DVD as well, but our new car (where we usually watch the math lessons) does not have a DVD player--just iPad holder and hotspot. The same thing happened with the Heartland adventures (Latin) subscription from CAP, but they let me delay it until August 1, at least.



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Does ALMOST impulsively buying a bunny count?   :D  We wanted a class pet for ds' new office, and for a while there I really thought we'd get a bunny!  I had several lined up, figured out the spot, how to care for it...  But no, I think we're back to fish, quiet, boring, fish.


Votes for Rabbits! Votes for Rabbits! We voted this morning, and here are the results:


Sa = Rabbit

Ha = Rabbit

Ma = Rabbit

Mama = Rabbit


Okay, it is unanimous. Votes for Fish = 0. Votes for Rabbits = 4.


We are rabbit folk. :biggrinjester:


Talk about impulse anything! I was at a Bible study over two years ago, when the pastor's wife asked, "Would you like a totally free bunny for your girls?" I knew they had a litter they were trying to find homes for, and I have three girls, so I impulsively replied, "Thanks! We'll take three!" Now, all that hay and bedding later, here we are, happy rabbit people. :001_wub:


:blink: Yup. Those "totally free" rabbits have eaten up and pooped out my retirement.

Edited by Sahamamama
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That isn't an impulse buy, you have to get those when you see them! Finding books in German is very rare in this country. Not enough people are learning german to justify bringing the books over. It is very hard to find any books in German I have found. 


:iagree: Spanish is all over the place, Mandarin is easy to find, French a bit harder to come by, but German is tough here in the US. I agree with 3ladybugs, you have to snap up German learning tools when you find them! :)


3ladybugs -- We are focusing on French (for now), but we do have an interest in adding at least two years of German at some point down the road (9th & 10th?). I don't know any German, though, except numbers and colors and a few other things. Without a background in the language, it has been hard to know what resources will work with children.

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:iagree: Spanish is all over the place, Mandarin is easy to find, French a bit harder to come by, but German is tough here in the US. I agree with 3ladybugs, you have to snap up German learning tools when you find them! :)


3ladybugs -- We are focusing on French (for now), but we do have an interest in adding at least two years of German at some point down the road (9th & 10th?). I don't know any German, though, except numbers and colors and a few other things. Without a background in the language, it has been hard to know what resources will work with children.


My son is in a "Saturday school" for German. They do a book sale once a year and I get books from that. As well, I live outside a major university town so I sometimes go in there and I am able to find things. It really isn't easy. My children are young (3 and almost 8) but I don't speak German at all really. So it is a challenge. The good thing is there are programs like Google Translate, that are free and help me when I need to read websites in German. 


The problem I am having is merging what we are doing at home, with the German. Germans are proud of the fact that homeschool is illegal there (at least the German's I have met). I mistakingly thought that it was just a forgotten law passed by the Nazi's. I was told otherwise. So we are seen as very odd in the German community. 


It is amazing that not that long ago German was everywhere. We think that WWII didn't do THAT much with our everyday life, but German went away in this country mainly because of the wars... at least that is my understanding. 

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I bought a "Math Puppet."  :blush: My kid is so much happier to take instruction if there's a puppet involved and I needed some variety from my Ziggy the confused and forgetful Zebra shtick. 


This puppet is Red from Fraggle Rock and she really loves numbers...she likes to think up math secrets and tricks for dd to figure out. She's very enthusiastic.  :lol:

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