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picky eaters come commiserate with me


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I hate avocados, onions, cilantro, olives, and feta cheese.  Every meal planning thing I use features these ingredients in at least 2 dishes a week.  I HATE these things.  Hate. 


I can't seem to get away from these things.


Please people move onto some other fad.....hurry....





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One recipe this week is south of the border stuffed and baked avocados.  What?!  So piles of weird stuff on top of an avocado then it's baked.  Gawd that's weird. 


Although looking at this, maybe it would work on top of something else...hmmm...like zucchini...or spaghetti squash maybe....

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Agreeing on the avocados, cilantro and feta. I just can't figure why people are so crazy about those things! Blech! 

I also hate barbecue sauce of any kind, anything pickled or rotted (like sauerkraut), any salad dressing but ranch.

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I despise grated coconut in anything, the texture gags me. I can not tolerate fruit being added to meat dishes - please do not sugar glaze my ham either. No raisins or fruit in my baked goods or chocolate, either. No sour cream on my baked potato or Mexican food (sour cream only belongs in Jewish coffee cake). Keep that gross whipped cream off my ice cream (and everything else...and (this one drives my pastry-chef wanna-be dd crazy) do NOT ice my cupcakes!!!! No gooey sugared fat on top of my cupcake! BLEAH!!!

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I despise grated coconut in anything, the texture gags me. I can not tolerate fruit being added to meat dishes - please do not sugar glaze my ham either. No raisins or fruit in my baked goods or chocolate, either. No sour cream on my baked potato or Mexican food (sour cream only belongs in Jewish coffee cake). Keep that gross whipped cream off my ice cream (and everything else...and (this one drives my pastry-chef wanna-be dd crazy) do NOT ice my cupcakes!!!! No gooey sugared fat on top of my cupcake! BLEAH!!!


My husband hates raisins.



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Cilantro is nasty.


There is no meal planning service in the world that would work for the three of us. And I have stopped buying cookbooks unless I can read them at the library first and verify that 2/3 of the recipes don't start with chili oil or whatever seems to be the author's bizarre favorite ingredient.

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The only one of those things I like is olives....but I wouldn't consider myself picky.  I eat lots of other stuff, veggies like the standard green beans, corn, tomatoes, etc, but also things like zucchini, parships, and other not quite as common veggies. 


Honestly, I just don't make things with avacado.  Onions, if it's necessary for flavor (which is sometimes true) I will use them, but when it comes to actually eating them, I will either pick them out or not use them.  Like, for fajitas, I cook with them, but then I just pick them out of my fajitas.  But for burgers I will often use minced onion flakes.  Anyway, cilatro, I just don't make stuff with it, or I leave it out.  Feta, I usually sub mozz cheese. 


Well I like most other foods.  That's my list of things I won't eat.  Although the one thing on that list that I wouldn't eat even if I were dying is onions.  Onions is in a different league, but it is quite annoying to not be able to eat onions.  If I eat something with onions that's all I can taste and it makes me gag.  No matter what it is.  It just completely overpowers.  Even if it is just onion powder.  I've always been like that.


DH likes onions, but he has said he doesn't miss them. I don't ever use them. 

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Well I like most other foods. That's my list of things I won't eat. Although the one thing on that list that I wouldn't eat even if I were dying is onions. Onions is in a different league, but it is quite annoying to not be able to eat onions. If I eat something with onions that's all I can taste and it makes me gag. No matter what it is. It just completely overpowers. Even if it is just onion powder. I've always been like that.


DH likes onions, but he has said he doesn't miss them. I don't ever use them.

I am so with you on the onion thing - I will spend 20 minutes picking them out of a dish before starting to eat it if it has onions. And if they're raw, all bets are off! The texture, the overpowering flavor ... Just gross!


I swear I can smell them on my husband for days if he has eaten something with onions, like it just exudes from his pores or something. Fortunately, he likes me so has sworn off eating onions so I don't have to avoid him for days after eating them.

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I am a very picky eater.  I hate eating at restaurants because it is so hard for me to find anything I want to eat.  And I'm always nervous about being served food at an event or a friend's home because I don't know if I'll find anything to eat.  I just want something simple like a bowl of cereal.  My husband and kids aren't picky at all.  



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And I'm always nervous about being served food at an event or a friend's home because I don't know if I'll find anything to eat.  


Yes!  Most restaurants require basic enough changes that it isn't hard for me to eat there...but people's homes??  I hate it.  I get so nervous and have forced many things down, trying my best to not gag.  Luckily, I also love to  host, so I'm more likely to have people to my home than go to someone else's home.  But, yeah.  


I hate being picky.  I'm far better than I used to be and I'd love to be more adventurous....but I'm just not.  

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I hate avocados, onions, cilantro, olives, and feta cheese.  Every meal planning thing I use features these ingredients in at least 2 dishes a week.  I HATE these things.  Hate. 


I can't seem to get away from these things.


Please people move onto some other fad.....hurry....




All of those, and ricotta, cottage cheese (seriously, ew), yogurt, sour cream, seafood, a lot of veggies (I like the basics - corn, green beans, peas, carrots, that's it), mustard. The list goes on. It's not just stuff I don't like, it's that I like things certain ways. Brownies, cookies, and cake have to be just right, or I won't eat them.


My husband always makes fun of me if we eat out, I special order or pick things apart. Two of my kids are picky, but nothing like I was at their age. The other two will try anything, like their dad. Yuck.

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I get so nervous and have forced many things down, trying my best to not gag.  


I can't do this! I have the worst gag reflex and I can't stop it. I gagged when I was writing the other post because I thought about black-eyed peas and lima beans. So I just look rude when I decline almost everything at someone's house. It took my MIL a few years to figure it out.

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I love avocado and cilantro.  Some feta cheese I love and others make me gag.  I can't tell the difference by looking at it, or even by the label.  I don't know why some have such a strong goat/sheep taste that permeates everything it is near.  If I have that kind, I have to throw out the whole dish.  If I have the good kind of feta (whatever that is), I can't get enough of it!


I believe I've read that people who have a "cilantro gene" don't like cilantro or similar items.  It's actually a genetic thing that affects how you perceive that flavor.   

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I can't do this! I have the worst gag reflex and I can't stop it. I gagged when I was writing the other post because I thought about black-eyed peas and lima beans. So I just look rude when I decline almost everything at someone's house. It took my MIL a few years to figure it out.


oh yeah this is me with onions


forget it...I cannot stop it


My MIL thought she was being smooth and was going to trick me...that didn't end well. 

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  I get so nervous and have forced many things down, trying my best to not gag.  

I hate being picky.  I'm far better than I used to be and I'd love to be more adventurous....but I'm just not.  


When I was a kid, my mom forced me to eat whatever was on my plate.  If I gagged, I would get in trouble.  It was awful because I couldn't control it.  I tried stuffing food in my cheeks and spitting it out in the bathroom, but she caught on to that.  I never made my kids eat anything they didn't like because of that.  

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oh yeah this is me with onions


forget it...I cannot stop it


My MIL thought she was being smooth and was going to trick me...that didn't end well.

This reminds me of the time I tried and force dd to eat at least a bite of mashed potatoes when we went to a relatives house for Thansgiving. I think she was six or seven. Bless her heart she tried and then started heaving at the table. I let her spit it out in a napkin and figured not eating the potatoes was less of a faux pas than her puking all over the table. That was the last time I forced her to eat anything. Total mom fail.

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When I was a kid, my mom forced me to eat whatever was on my plate.  If I gagged, I would get in trouble.  It was awful because I couldn't control it.  I tried stuffing food in my cheeks and spitting it out in the bathroom, but she caught on to that.  I never made my kids eat anything they didn't like because of that.  


One night, my mom made my favorite dinner of Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. That same night, an avocado disappeared out of the fridge. She wouldn't answer me when I asked where it went, she let me believe she had put it in the waffles. She made me sit at the table for hours that night because I refused to eat dinner. I laugh about it now, but it was pretty mean spirited on her part.


My kids have never been forced to eat something they don't want, or forced to sit at the table if they don't eat. I just can't do it. I wonder what she would have done if she had a diabetic child like we do...

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I don't like feta, either, and I'm a pretty adventurous eater.  Though, for me, "don't like" doesn't mean "can't eat."  I ordered a salad with feta accidentally last week, and I ate it.  It wasn't my favorite thing ever, but I didn't gag or anything.  


It must be frustrating to not be able to eat some things!

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I can't do this! I have the worst gag reflex and I can't stop it. I gagged when I was writing the other post because I thought about black-eyed peas and lima beans. So I just look rude when I decline almost everything at someone's house. It took my MIL a few years to figure it out.

Only some things can I do it with.  Most things?  No way!  Thankfully, most times we are at other homes, it's a potluck-type thing so it's easy to skip the things I can't force down.  



One night, my mom made my favorite dinner of Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. That same night, an avocado disappeared out of the fridge. She wouldn't answer me when I asked where it went, she let me believe she had put it in the waffles. She made me sit at the table for hours that night because I refused to eat dinner. I laugh about it now, but it was pretty mean spirited on her part.


My kids have never been forced to eat something they don't want, or forced to sit at the table if they don't eat. I just can't do it. I wonder what she would have done if she had a diabetic child like we do...

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to have even more control over my food and not trust others to tell me what is in it.  The Sneaky Chef book was really popular when my oldest was a baby and I was so turned off of it for this reason.  

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I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love avocados.


I'm so sorry for you that you don't. It's tragic.  :sad:


I'm the substitution queen. Not because I dislike a lot, but because I'm usually not willing to purchase 10 things for one recipe. Just throw in what you have/like. Most likely it will still be good.

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With those meal planning services, they tend to get repetitive.  What you could do is save the recipes you do like and then create your own meal plans out of those.  You can just plug in recipes at random or kind of space things out (like fish one day, vegetarian another day, chicken next, etc.)  Once you get a repertoire that is big enough to satisfy your need for variety, you can cancel the meal planning service and go solo!

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I'm not picky like I used to be (bring on the cilantro and feta!) but there are still some things I cannot do... namely vinegar (unless it's part of something that will be cooked off, like in a marinade or a bit in a sauce that gets cooked) or mayonnaise. I loathe the way people are like, oh, but it's just a half cup of balsamic vinegar. Really. Like, no. No. Shudder. No. And yes, I'm a supertaster. I will be able to tell that dip involved mayo. It's not hidden like you think. Sigh.


Anyway, those two things really are in so much. It's a pain.


I'm not fond of olives either. Or mushrooms. Or brussel sprouts (yes, even with bacon). But I don't see those in everything. Anything with olives and you can just leave them out most of the time.

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Yes, for the people who have the anti cilantro gene, it tastes like soap. 



This is something I've wondered about.  When I was young, I thought cilantro tasted like soap.  When I was older -- maybe my 30s -- I liked it.  It didn't taste like soap anymore.  What happened?  if it were a gene, wouldn't it still taste like soap to me?  I wonder if it's just that as you age your taste buds lose sensitivity.

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I really don't like chocolate or coconut, which results in skipping dessert almost everywhere. 


Me too!  Everyone says Oh I wish I didn't like chocolate.  Really?  Every Christmas holiday gathering is nothing but chocolate.  Halloween is mostly chocolate.  Stores are filled with it at Valentines Day.  Every candy dish in places I have worked is filled with chocolate.  I never got a cupcake in school when I was little when moms would bring in cupcakes for their kids birthdays because all chocolate.  Eating muffins at group gatherings is annoying with mini chocolate chip muffins look very similar to mini blueberry muffins-found that out the hard way and now always have to find the person that made them and ask.  Even the smell makes me feel sick. I have asked coworkers to leave my office while they were eating M&Ms.  Dh was a little concerned when we started dating about dating someone with such a hatred towards something he loved but now he sees the benefits.  He never had to share (until ds was born) and every time I was given chocolate guess who got it?


I remember being in college and my church sent out care packages to the college students at Christmas.  Really sweet of them.  But out of a huge basket of individually wrapped little gifts and treats I was able to keep a pencil.  Every single bit of it was chocolate.  My parents and sisters loved that care package!


Please people remember that not everyone loves chocolate!!!  :D


Whew, glad to get that off my chest :lol:  Yes I am super picky.  No chocolate, seafood of any kind, no condiments including salad dressing (why must every salad in restaurants come covered in dressing?), chicken is iffy and liable to have me gagging if I hit any bit of grisle or fat.  Yeah I can't do the meal planning programs.  All of them use something I will not eat.  And its not that I am trying to be rude but I will start gagging and vomit everywhere and isn't that worse? 

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I can sympathize. I am uber-picky about food.


Mustard? only a tiny bit and it has to be the pricy stuff. Bbq sauce? No way. Avocado? Feta? Kale? Yuck. Gravy is gross. Ham (and pretty much all pork) is Horrible. And lately I've become lactose sensitive.


Considering that I'm on a low carb diet all the time, I'm a miserable person to have over to dinner.

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Cilantro and avocado are two of my favorite foods lol.


I am allergic to fish, my skin dislikes eggs and dairy, and my tastebuds dislike meat. That leaves shellfish, fruits, veggies, and starches.


I think of myself as selective rather than picky. Growing up, I was never forced to eat anything and I did not force my children, either.

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I don't do most forms of cows milk dairy. I'm thinking that I don't have to call that picky eating though because I am lactose intolerant. I don't do myself any favors eating most dairy. Cottage cheese, chowders and such is like my own personal versions of hell. Dairy that has been cooked for more than 30 minutes at 375+ degrees is digestible for me but still, most dairy foods aren't something that I miss or am excited about eating.


And for me to eat ranch, or blue cheese or 1000 island dressing, sour cream or yogurt it would have to be because if I didn't eat it some how someone was going to die. I would not even take good money to eat that stuff. I'm not fond of sundried tomatoes (glad that fad died), oysters, feta or kalamata olives but I can get them down. I actually like plain goat cheese and tolerate it fairly well, just not the saltier feta. Super salty isn't my thing.

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And I was thinking that finally, the moms of kids who refuse to eat things like spaghetti (with nothing crazy like olives) or you know, pb&j sandwiches, or cheeseburgers with American instead of cheddar cheese, insane stuff like that where going to talk. lol. Good luck!

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And I was thinking that finally, the moms of kids who refuse to eat things like spaghetti (with nothing crazy like olives) or you know, pb&j sandwiches, or cheeseburgers with American instead of cheddar cheese, insane stuff like that where going to talk. lol. Good luck!


My daughter won't eat spaghetti, cheeseburgers, or macaroni and cheese. She won't eat ketchup, the only thing that got me through most meals as a child. Weird kid. 


I don't like feta or blue cheese.  No bananas or peanut butter (that's mostly the texture, think - I like peanuts).  I don't like sea slug either.


Okay, I had to look up sea slugs, never heard of them. You know those videos of parents gagging as they change a dirty diaper... That was me just now, looking at sea slugs and thinking about eating one. Do people really eat those?  :ack2:

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Okay, I had to look up sea slugs, never heard of them. You know those videos of parents gagging as they change a dirty diaper... That was me just now, looking at sea slugs and thinking about eating one. Do people really eat those?  :ack2:


I was served one by the granddaughter of a Chinese Imperial cook when I lived in Taiwan.  It was stuffed with a spiced pork stuffing.  Honestly, the texture wasn't too bad (like overdone squid, so just a bit rubbery) but my imagination wouldn't stop going to wildlife videos.

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Eating muffins at group gatherings is annoying with mini chocolate chip muffins look very similar to mini blueberry muffins-found that out the hard way and now always have to find the person that made them and ask.  Even the smell makes me feel sick. I have asked coworkers to leave my office while they were eating M&Ms.  


Oh yes!


And people think you're so weird when you're hunting around because you're hopeful that those are actually blueberries and not chocolate chips. 


I can't even cook with chocolate for someone else because the smell is so bad. And if I go to something like a pancake house where they have chocolate pancakes I can't have pancakes because they tend to cook all the pancakes on the same griddle and the faint taste of chocolate makes them inedible to me. 

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I don't like any of the ones you don't except onions. And my entire family hates mayonnaise.

I wish I was not the only Mayo-hater here. Barbecue food is my enemy because it's often a sea of mayonaissey salads.

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How the [insert some sort of explicative here] did you manage to get into culinary school??? :D




The onion thing was difficult, but I discovered that if I soak them in vinegar I can tolerate them.  Not that I did that all the time, but I found that interesting.


Avocado...oh gee I think we used one once in a cob salad which was a tolerable way to eat Avocado.


Olives...we never used those. 

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I don't do most forms of cows milk dairy. I'm thinking that I don't have to call that picky eating though because I am lactose intolerant. 


Yeah, that's not picky.  A few years ago I mentioned staying up late to bake a cake and making frosting. My neighbor, who knows I have celiac, told me that I am raising my kids to be picky because I bake all our desserts. Um,  :huh: I CAN'T eat store bought cakes. I need Foxworthy...."Here's your sign" 

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