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I NEVER would have guessed that....

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My dh sent me an email saying "I told you so" the day the news broke. He's also been telling me for years that Ricky Martin is, and he tries to convince me Enrique Iglesias is since I like him so much.


I wish they wouldn't say it. Just live your life.

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He might not needed to come out publicly, but this news would have broken sooner or later. He lives in the limelight and eventually someone with a camera will catch him with a boyfriend. I think it is good to be honest with yourself and the public eye, even if it might cost you a few friends/fans.

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He might not needed to come out publicly, but this news would have broken sooner or later. He lives in the limelight and eventually someone with a camera will catch him with a boyfriend. I think it is good to be honest with yourself and the public eye, even if it might cost you a few friends/fans.


I agree. People are already grumbling about why he wasn't just upfront about it from the start. He can't win either way. And what's the big deal about celebrities stating whether or not they're gay? Obviously the public does care, or the news wouldn't sell magazines. Is it because you think being gay is sinful and you'd just rather pretend gay celebrities are straight? (Which sounds like a very combative question, I know, but I'm honestly wondering why people wish they wouldn't state it publicly!)

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My dh sent me an email saying "I told you so" the day the news broke. He's also been telling me for years that Ricky Martin is, and he tries to convince me Enrique Iglesias is since I like him so much.


I wish they wouldn't say it. Just live your life.


to a blond bombshell tennis player...the one who never won a major title.

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I'm so sick and tired of all these celebrities "coming out", aren't you??



No. I'm always a little bit relieved for a person who finally decides to "come out". I don't believe homosexuality is a choice one makes, and it's sad that some people have to pretend to be someone they are not for the sake of others.

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No. I'm always a little bit relieved for a person who finally decides to "come out". I don't believe homosexuality is a choice one makes, and it's sad that some people have to pretend to be someone they are not for the sake of others.




Also, what gets me is why is this important? I don't walk around announcing to the world that I am straight, and if I did so ("Hi, I'm LB and I'm openly straight."), it would be thought of as odd, but I cannot tell you how many folks I have met who have done and said just that about being gay.



We as a society seem to be all about stereotyping and fitting folks into boxes. I just don't get why this is big news, celebrity or no. More important to me is finding out about how and where folks were raised, their education, what is important to them, etc. I could care less about whether the people they choose to sleep with have similar private bits or not. It shouldn't be important enough to have to "come out" about.


And for the record, other than hearing about this man in the media since he made the decision to become a father, I have no idea who he is, or why he is famous.


Time to put the soapbox back under the bed now.



Edited by Needleroozer
spelling typo as usual
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No. I'm always a little bit relieved for a person who finally decides to "come out". I don't believe homosexuality is a choice one makes, and it's sad that some people have to pretend to be someone they are not for the sake of others.


I would rep you if I could.

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Clay Aiken was gay!!! I knew right from the start, but basically...who cares??!!

FWIW he's on the cover of People magazine with his newborn son claiming he doesn't want to keep any secrets from him.

I'm so sick and tired of all these celebrities "coming out", aren't you??



Well, there have been rumors floating around for a long time...I guess he was not too discreet in some of his relationships. I agree, with the "who cares?" sentiment.


And, Cadam, he fathered a child through artificial insemination with a friend of his, so she was a surrogate mother.

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No. I'm always a little bit relieved for a person who finally decides to "come out". I don't believe homosexuality is a choice one makes, and it's sad that some people have to pretend to be someone they are not for the sake of others.





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Guest QLazarus


Also, what gets me is why is this important? I don't walk around announcing to the world that I am straight, and if I did so ("Hi, I'm LB and I'm openly straight."), it would be thought of as odd, but I cannot tell you how many folks I have met who have done and said just that about being gay.



But that's exactly the point. If you are straight, you have zero reason to come out. A straight person can't come out because heterosexuality is the default, it's assumed in everything that you do. In this society (and all those to my knowledge) a person is essentially straight until "proven" gay. (By the way, as a bisexual man, I often wonder where people think I'm supposed to fit into that little schema!)


Do you wear a ring on your finger? Do you mention your husband/wife and children without pause? Do you have an issue bringing your spouse to social events? Do you worry that your parents will disown you for being straight?


When the world "sees" your straightness at all times and socially rewards that, yes, it really would seem silly to "come out" as straight. But then again, when you're at the top of the food chain it's easy to forget why others might not have that same luxury.

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I think most people knew already so there was really no reason to come out and say it. I think he needed to get himself out there again and this was the way to do it. Make an announcement.


I'm not sure how to word this next part so I'm sorry if it comes out really wrong. If people want to make it more normal then do it quietly. Instead of saying "hi, my name is and I'm gay" or yes, I'm gay" just start talking about your boyfriend, girlfriend, partner. Talk about it like its the most normal thing instead of something you have to do to change the world.


I really hope that made sense. When I'm talking with people about kids and school talk comes around I try to put homeschooling in as a very normal thing. I try to bring it into the conversation quietly and not announce it.



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Just because I am totally out of the loop did he adopt this new baby or something? Just trying to figure out the logistics of a new father announcing he is gay. I guess I don't see it as a big deal. Too bad it has to be "announced" and can't just "be" without fanfare. Of course if he had a new girlfriend that would be announced by the media as well so maybe that is just part of celebrity life.


If I am not mistaken his sperm was used to create the boy with a much older than him female friend of his (maybe even his manager). I am pretty sure it was the plan that he would be an active part of the child's life.

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If people want to make it more normal then do it quietly.


That's not always possible, Kelly. Just one small example could be found at a recent event held by my church. It was a weekend-long seminar titled "The Christian Response to Homosexuality." I didn't attend, but I understand that it was just more of the usual.

Until gay people no longer face such hostile opposition to simply being who they are, it will always be difficult for them to just quietly be.

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That's not always possible, Kelly. Just one small example could be found at a recent event held by my church. It was a weekend-long seminar titled "The Christian Response to Homosexuality." I didn't attend, but I understand that it was just more of the usual.

Until gay people no longer face such hostile opposition to simply being who they are, it will always be difficult for them to just quietly be.



I'm not sure what you mean as more of the usual. I personally don't agree with homosexuality but I don't go around preaching it. Just because someone doesn't agree doesn't mean they are hostile. Yes, there are hostile people but I wish everyone who didn't agree weren't lumped into the hostile group. I'm not saying you were doing that. I'm just ranting a bit.


I still think if it were not made into such a big deal it would be accepted as more normal. I think these big parades and magazine spreads do a lot to strengthen the hostility.


On a side note I sometimes make my friends mad when I question the statement that gay marriage will ruin heterosexual marriage. I usually say that heterosexuals have ruined it all on their own. We didn't need any help.



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I think some gay people may put it out there when they first meet someone because it is such a fundamental part of who they are as a person, that they don't want to waste time building a relationship with a person if down the road that same person will turn on them when they find out they are gay.


It may not seem logical and rational to those on the other side, when you're thinking "I don't care if you're gay or not, so why are you making such a big deal out of it?" but if people had been hateful towards you time and time again because of part of your identity, you would want to find out when you first met them if that's how they felt.


Back to the original topic, I find it annoying that Clay Aiken "coming out" is news. First of all, it's not new. Secondly, I am annoyed that he has spent the past few years denying it. Over and over again. Thirdly, I am 100% sure it was done just to get attention (and it worked - even the homeschooling moms are talking about it!). But I think it's important for gay and lesbian celebrities to be honest and open. Like it or not, celebrities are role models, and I think it's important for kids to see that it's okay to be gay, that they aren't the only ones, and to feel free to be themselves. (And I know that many here will disagree with me on that last statement, but oh well...)

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to a blond bombshell tennis player...the one who never won a major title.


No they are not married, even though they have been dating for 5 years. I read recently that he asked her to marry him and she said no, which proves that she is certifiably insane! :)

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I'm so sick and tired of all these celebrities "coming out", aren't you??


Actually, NO. I'm not sick and tired of it. I welcome it and celebrate it with those who are happy to finally feel that they CAN come out publicly.


I find it sad when people tsk-tsk about it. Yet, on the other hand, I find myself laughing at people who make such a big "Ooo-shock-and-gasp" spectacle out of someone else's mere mention of their sexuality.

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#1 - I just don't think it is newsworthy, but then again, I don't really think celebs lives in general are newsworthy.


#2 - I'm not homophobic, and I would certainly NEVER treat any homosexual with disrespect, but I am not FOR homosexuality. I do think it is fundamentally wrong.


Finally, I, for one, am tired of it being shoved in my face on every magazine, tv show, movie or newspaper. If 10% of the population is gay, then EVERY SINGLE SHOW does not need to have homosexuals represented. It is just ridiculous.


And I'm sure there are many who won't like THAT response, but it is, after all, my right to have that opinion.

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Finally, I, for one, am tired of it being shoved in my face on every magazine, tv show, movie or newspaper. If 10% of the population is gay, then EVERY SINGLE SHOW does not need to have homosexuals represented. It is just ridiculous.




Could that be a *slight* exaggeration, Stacey? :001_huh:

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Finally, I, for one, am tired of it being shoved in my face on every magazine, tv show, movie or newspaper. If 10% of the population is gay, then EVERY SINGLE SHOW does not need to have homosexuals represented. It is just ridiculous.




Why is it ridiculous?

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I have not come across any recent tv shows that have not had someone gay on them, or at least a reference to homosexuality. Every movie has to have at least one. All the sitcoms have gays, if they aren't about gays. I'm not going to say I don't ever watch them, but I think sometimes they just have to force it in when it doesn't need to be (gosh, in the second Legally Blonde, they made the DOGS gay).


And why is it ridiculous?? Because it doesn't need to be shoved down people's throats anymore than it already is. If only 10% of people are gay, then they don't need to push the agenda in 90% (notice I dropped it from 100% just to be on the safe side) of the entertainment. THAT is ridiculous.

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I'm not at all tired of celebrities coming out; it saddens me that people feel they have to hide who they are. My only surprise with respect to Mr. Aiken is that there's anyone out there who didn't already know.

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And why is it ridiculous?? Because it doesn't need to be shoved down people's throats anymore than it already is. If only 10% of people are gay, then they don't need to push the agenda in 90% (notice I dropped it from 100% just to be on the safe side) of the entertainment. THAT is ridiculous.
That doesn't follow because I'm pretty sure that it isn't the case that 10% of characters in film and on television shows are gay. I could just as easily say that half the population is women, but that doesn't mean there needs to be women on all shows.
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No, I'm not tired of celebrities coming out. I just wish it were not necessary in 2006 to do so; you'd think we'd be beyond that by now. I truly wish Clay the best, and I'm glad his son brought him the courage to be himself.



Psst, Judy; it's 2008--almost 2009. :)


To answer the OP, I don't want to know who's gay and I don't want to know what straight celeb is having sex with whom. I just. don't. care. and I don't particularly want to know. And, for the most part, I agree with Stacy.

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I could just as easily say that half the population is women, but that doesn't mean there needs to be women on all shows.


did you leave out a word in this sentence? Maybe it's just because it's after 1 AM but I am not understanding it. They way I read it it's supporting Stacy's point.

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I could just as easily say that half the population is women, but that doesn't mean there needs to be women on all shows.


did you leave out a word in this sentence? Maybe it's just because it's after 1 AM but I am not understanding it. They way I read it it's supporting Stacy's point.

I'm making a ridiculous statement using the same logic that was in in Stacey's post.

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Total hijack, but when I see your handle, JudyJudyJudy, I think of that Beatles song Hey Jude when Paul starts scatting and it sounds like Juday! Juday! Juday! Heyyy Jude!


I think of Jan saying, "Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!" except it's Judy...possibly we grew up in different decades LOL.

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I have not come across any recent tv shows that have not had someone gay on them, or at least a reference to homosexuality. Every movie has to have at least one. All the sitcoms have gays, if they aren't about gays. I'm not going to say I don't ever watch them, but I think sometimes they just have to force it in when it doesn't need to be (gosh, in the second Legally Blonde, they made the DOGS gay).


And why is it ridiculous?? Because it doesn't need to be shoved down people's throats anymore than it already is. If only 10% of people are gay, then they don't need to push the agenda in 90% (notice I dropped it from 100% just to be on the safe side) of the entertainment. THAT is ridiculous.


Okay, but if it is true that 10% of the population is gay, that means 10 in 100are gay, or let's say 1 in 10. So if you watch a movie or TV show, most times the show has more than 10 people. So if there is one person in the show that is gay, that's just a fair representation of life.


So, how is that shoving "the gay agenda" down our throats? It's just life.


The question I ask is this: If it is true that 10% of the population is gay, why is it ridiculous to have a fair representation of the population on TV and in the movies? I'm sorry, but I still don't see how it is ridiculous.

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No, I am not tired at all of celebrities or anyone else coming out. It takes a great deal of courage and strength.


What I am weary of is a hateful bigoted world where non-heterosexuals feel compelled to hide who they who because of fear for their safety, ridicule, harassment, retraction of parental love and support, and employment discrimination to name just a few. There is a high emotional cost to hiding an instrinic part of who one is.


Are celebrities flaunting their heterosexuality when they appear on magazine covers with babes they birthed themselves? In wedding photos? Smooching on a lover of opposite gender? Were the young Duggar engaged couple flaunting their heterosexuality with their publicizied claims of purity? I would challenge any woman here to go several weeks with no mention of a husband, lover, or children.


I welcome the era when non-heterosexuals do not find it necessary to come out because they are judged based upon their character, not who they love. When the odd obsession over other people's sexual lives is recognized for what it is.

Edited by tibbyl
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No. I'm always a little bit relieved for a person who finally decides to "come out". I don't believe homosexuality is a choice one makes, and it's sad that some people have to pretend to be someone they are not for the sake of others.



I think that's what all the coming out is about.

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I have been having a mental debate for days over whether or not to revive this thread, but I am convinced that we can have a civil discussion about the topic, so here it is.


It was Kelly's statement, "I personally don't agree with homosexuality," that confused me, but I've heard the same sort of thing many times, from many folks in the past. Please understand, Kelly, that my intent is not to single you out. When I say "you" in the post that follows, I am simply referring to the general population. I would just like to get a better understanding of this point of view.


How do you not "agree" with homosexuality?


I might claim that white bread is just as good as whole wheat. On that we can disagree.

I could say those shoes are UGLY and there are many folks who are sure to disagree.

I think Rod and Staff is an excellent grammar program. You may not agree.


But that I am a brunette is not something about which you can agree or disagree. It is just the truth.

That I am 5'10" isn't up for debate.

That my friend is gay is simply a fact. How does one not agree with that?

What do you really mean when you say you don't agree with homosexuality?

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No, I am not tired at all of celebrities or anyone else coming out. It takes a great deal of courage and strength.


What I am weary of is a hateful bigoted world where non-heterosexuals feel compelled to hide who they who because of fear for their safety, ridicule, harassment, retraction of parental love and support, and employment discrimination to name just a few. There is a high emotional cost to hiding an instrinic part of who one is.


Are celebrities flaunting their heterosexuality when they appear on magazine covers with babes they birthed themselves? In wedding photos? Smooching on a lover of opposite gender? Were the young Duggar engaged couple flaunting their heterosexuality with their publicizied claims of purity? I would challenge any woman here to go several weeks with no mention of a husband, lover, or children.

I welcome the era when non-heterosexuals do not find it necessary to come out because they are judged based upon their character, not who they love. When the odd obsession over other people's sexual lives is recognized for what it is.


This is one of the best posts I have read in a long time. Very well said.


But that I am a brunette is not something about which you can agree or disagree. It is just the truth.

That I am 5'10" isn't up for debate.

That my friend is gay is simply a fact. How does one not agree with that?

What do you really mean when you say you don't agree with homosexuality?


And this one ..... again, very well said.


I keep hanging on to the hope that 20 years from now we will look back on this and shake our heads, ashamed of our actions, wondering just what the heck we were thinking.


All this will be just as embarrasing as the insistence on seperate water fountains for "colored people", or being horrified over interracial marriages. Too bad we can't wake up and be ashamed of ourselves just a bit sooner and stop persecuting people.

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