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CC Please pray my friend's dd will be found safe Update--Found safe

Chris in VA

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Came across my FB that a former parishoner and friend's dd is missing. I believe she's 15. She's been gone almost 48 hours. They live in Hawaii and she was supposedly spotted early today at a Target.

No more details known. The dad is military and they live near the base. IDK if she contacted police.

I'm really scared for her.


Update; no details, but found safe last night. Continue in prayer, pls. THanks so much.

Edited by Chris in VA
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Praying!  My friend's daughter (12 years old) ran away on Monday.  She and another girl just walked right out of their middle school after lunch, skipped the last three periods, and slept in a ditch that night.  Thankfully they were found the next morning by a kind man and his wife.  They gave the girls food, blankets, and called the police.  We live in Texas, but it still gets down in the 50s at night and she was wearing shorts (running away was totally spur of the moment) so she was very cold when they were found.  Their family's end result was positive.  I pray that your friend's outcome will be similar.

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