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So, what's on the menu for dinner?

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We are having beef stew with carrots, onions, broccoli, peas, corn, barley and potatoes in it. I figured that would get the veggie & fiber requirements out of the way for the day for everyone. I'll probably make cornbread to go with it -- as soon as my get-up-and-go comes back.

Edited by RoughCollie
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We had stir-fry beef, bok choy, and oriental mushrooms ( tried typing the name... s..take and the website blanked it out. Too funny!) . Eating early tonight...ds (11) has soccer at 6, I have to be at the jr. high school for back-to-school night from 7-9, and dh is at his seminary class and won't get home until 10 pm. Busy, busy, busy.



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We are thinking alike. Meatloaf is in the oven. I make mine with the same recipe I use for meatballs, so we will probably have a side of spaghetti and a green salad with it. The leftovers are really the best part. Tomorrow I will slice the remains, fry until crisp in a little olive oil, and serve on rolls with sauce and melted mozzarella just like a meatball sub.

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oriental mushrooms ( tried typing the name... s..take and the website blanked it out. Too funny!) .



Giggling over that as well!


So someone thought that her son had a 4-H county council meeting (meal provided) so someone wasn't planning on cooking tonight. Well someone (ahem, you know who) realized that she had the wrong date penned on the calendar and dinner was a requirement.


Eggplant and onion is now cooking in tomato sauce, to be served over pasta, topped with parmesan. Fortunately I had a loaf of sesame semolina bread in the freezer for those who like to sop up the sauce. Pumpkin/chocolate chunk muffins for dessert.


It will do quite nicely for a last minute throw together.



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It's rainy and cooler today


Oh, I wish! It's 99 right now. yuck.


This weekend I spent some time organizing my recipes. But I didn't do any shopping. So tonight I think it will be Potato Roesti (fancy name for hashbrowns, sounds like) and eggs and fruit. The kids should love it. I have some leftover lasagna but no one ate much the first time around....

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We're going to have left over "string noodles" (spaghetti with olive oil & garlic) with an added bonus tonight: pre-cooked cubed chicken! Woo hoo! Actually the chicken is nice and soft, and the baby can eat it too. We really enjoyed it last time. I will see if I can find the lettuce I *know* is in the fridge somewhere, and if it's not slimy, perhaps there will be a salad. Otherwise I will whip out some green beanies. Slice up some fruit and voila!


Tomorrow, though, it's chicken tikka masala. My wonderful friends are coming over to hang with the baby while I go to Bible study and dh takes the girls to dance/gymnastics. I try to have tasty things for them to have for dinner because I appreciate them coming so much. And, she's newly pregnant, so I'm trying to have stuff that will taste good to her too. :) I may even splurge and go to the Indian market for some fresh, home made samosas - YUM!

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It's our Rosh Hashanah dinner tonight.


We're having:


Tilapia - marinated in agave nectar, ginger, tamari and balsamic and then broiled


Green salad


Carrots - steamed with agave/honey and cinnamon


Apples dipped with honey


Honey cake


Maybe a coconut/apple crisp, but I may not get that done


I didn't get the round challah done.

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I don't cook much (dh loves to cook) so I'm not surprised that I'm having numerous disasters as I go tonight.


I made a bread today (honey white) and butternut squash soup. It will be done any minute--late dinner tonight b/c of a messy "pureeing" experience. My kitchen still tells the tale... looks like I'll be cleaning after the dc go to bed!


tastes good though...mmmm

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It's our Rosh Hashanah dinner tonight.


We're having:


Tilapia - marinated in agave nectar, ginger, tamari and balsamic and then broiled


Green salad


Carrots - steamed with agave/honey and cinnamon


Apples dipped with honey


Honey cake


Maybe a coconut/apple crisp, but I may not get that done


I didn't get the round challah done.


Yummy! This sound delish. I love challah- will be making it for Thanksgiving.

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It's rainy and cooler today, so I thought a good, home-cooked comfort meal was in order.



Mashed potatoes


Warm applesauce


I want to come over! :tongue_smilie: We had about ten drops of rain today and you would have thought manna fell from the sky my children were so excited. I would *love* some rain!


We are having tostadas. Yum!

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