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DH is at a job interview right now Update Post 55


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Appreciate prayers and good thoughts for it to go well, whatever that ends up meaning. 


This is the job he was very interested in, had great feedback about his phone interviews for, and then was told "no thanks" based on his online psychological test thing. He was very upset with how it was handled, but they have now approached him again, this time it would be as a contract to hire position. Basically, the CSO (chief security officer) was pushing and pushing to hire him, but Human Resources refused based on the psychological assesment thing. This position has been open over a year, and the CSO feels that basically, security people (and more generally tech people) are NOT typical thinkers and that's why this keeps happening. 


So, we will see. Honestly, one of the best things about this job was the medical benefits ( zero deductible, zero coinsurance...just a copay!!!!!) but as a contractor he wouldn't have medical benefits. So, he has questions as to how long would the contract be, what pay would look like (initial discussion was about 19K more than he makes now, so more than enough to cover private insurance, but...contract position is still risky) and what about the signing bonus he was initially looking at...is that opportunity gone, or something that would apply if he was hired permanently, or what?


Basically, he's not real sure he even wants this job now, but is going to give the interview his best and see what shakes out. He has another interview, at a large multi-state law firm, later this week that he is very interested in as well. 


If nothing else, he's getting his confidence back because of this, as it was very shaken when they turned him down based on that assessment. 

Edited by ktgrok
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Good luck! 19k doesn't sound like enough to make a jump to self-employed status, but a successful interview is a good thing. :)


Especially if he'll be having to pay the self-employment social security on top of his normal share.

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Rule of thumb in tech used to be if you're working without the benefits and security of a permanent position you need to charge 2X your 'job' hourly wage.  However, that was more for consultants who were needing to spend some of their time looking for work, not just all actually working.


A contract job like this is in between the two.  I'm not sure I would suggest moving for 19K if it wasn't to more of a commitment from the employer than that.  Basically they have no motivation to bring him on as a permanent hire if they are only giving him that much more than a temp.  If he did take that job, he should simultaneously be looking for another one.  Otherwise he will be really vulnerable.

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I agree with everyone. There would have to be more good news to take the leap. Of course, to complicate matters his current job, that was supposed to be stable for the next 18 months, is now possibly going to evaporate in November. So, half that time. Nothing official, but the writing is on the wall. So staying where he is isn't going to work past that (the job is being moved to another state and we will not relocate). 


But if nothing else the security community is small, so it's worth going to make a good impression, as you never know. This CSO could be at some other company in a few years and be hiring again. And maybe they will say something to make it worthwhile. DH's current job was actually contract  to hire, and a risk, but it paid off well. At least, it did until they decided to consolidate in Atlanta. Luckily both this company and the one he is interviewing with later in the week have their national headquarters here, so no worry of that happening again. 

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Good thoughts sent your way.


I agree with PPs that 19k isn't enough to make up for the self-employment tax and medical insurance (which may not be deductible depending on the total salary).


This may also be the CSO's way to get your husband in the door. With good work experience, HR may have far less ability to say no.

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It's almost 5:30 here and no word. The interview was at 2pm. I know when his friend interviewed there (he now works there) it was several hours, but still. I thought he'd be done by 5pm!


I think it's a good sign! Hopefully they're just chatting or talking shop.

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So, he's home. Turns out he just was too tired to call me afterward. He'd already gone to pick up dry cleaning and everything. 


The interview was...weird. They basically sat him with one of their security team who talked about how the hours were too long, the equipment is out of date and putting them at risk, she'd have him do the grunt work if he's hired, and that their internal audit team is antagonistic to security and yells at her. 


Uh...yeah. Not selling him. Funny how they haven't been able to fill this position, lol!


Now, DH has a friend who works there (recently hired) who said that stuff is not happening since they hired the new CSO...that he wouldn't let people yell at his team, etc. But still. It was really weird. They'd have to come up with some awesome stuff to make him want the job. 


Hoping to hear tomorrow about an interview at the law firm. That would be a manager title, more money (20K more, with benefits), and he'd have a lot of autonomy supposedly. 

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The interview was...weird. They basically sat him with one of their security team who talked about how the hours were too long, the equipment is out of date and putting them at risk, she'd have him do the grunt work if he's hired, and that their internal audit team is antagonistic to security and yells at her. 



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Yeah. After we talked he realized they never said one good thing about the company. And they DO have good things...he know from researching them. It was really bizarre. 


Now, had they told him all that and then still been offering a 15K signing bonus plus amazing benefits plus good salary, he'd think of it differently. He'd be interested taking on their headache if financially he was able to get rid of some other headaches, like medical bills, money for new used car, etc. But to take that all on without the benefits originally offered is probably not going to happen. 


He also got a call from a former coworker at another company, telling him they are hiring and want him. Except he hated working there and people he knows that are still there are very frustrated. So again, good to be wanted but it isn't something he wants. He was actually very depressed about the whole thing last night. Which frustrates me, because when he gets in a funk he kind of wallows in it. Sigh. 


Hoping he hears today about setting up an interview at the law office. I think he'd like that, he's always been interested in legal matters and the job would be right downtown, where he prefers to work. 

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Hoping he hears today about setting up an interview at the law office. I think he'd like that, he's always been interested in legal matters and the job would be right downtown, where he prefers to work. 


I hope this works out for him.  All that other stuff is pretty weird to be happening.  "Come work here, it's awful!   :confused1: "

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So, the inside info via his friend in the company is that they loved DH and are now back to trying to hire him on as a regular hire, not contract to hire. That would make a big difference. 


Also, did I mention that the entire 2 hour plus interview took place in a tiny conference room the size of a closet, that they admitted "gets really hot"? I asked if they shined bright lights in his eyes at any time or threatened to water board him, lol. 


Oddly, his friend that interviewed there was with someone else, and had a great time at the interview. Got a tour of the state of the art facilities, and a $25 gift card just for coming. Totally different experience. I'm thinking maybe this person has no idea how to do interviews?

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And..now his old company is offering him 20K more to go work there. He could work remotely (not sure that's a good thing) but not sure if he would have to work remotely. If he did we'd have to use part of that salary bump to rent a space at the co-working place here as him home during the day doesn't work out for any of us. The person he'd be directly under he likes a lot. He knows other people there he likes a lot. But, he was not treated well there last time, and he's heard grumblings from a friend there. However, that friend is kind of negative in general, so he needs to explore that more. 


And he got a call from the recruiter about the law firm job, he has an interview on Friday. That would be a manager title (which he hasn't had before, but he is very good at managing people and has excellent leadership skills) and also 20K more. 


Basically, he's very popular but not sure if any of these are a good fit. But he feels better today. He was really low last night. 

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Huh. That's a lot of confusion with the offer and now the possible salary increase from the old job.


One thing that struck me is that a lot of places that seem like awesome jobs aren't equal among departments. We have this issue with my husband's employer. The more technical and specialized the position, the more nonsense and red tape one has to deal with. It pays well, but the glowing reviews are coming from HR, the secretarial pool, and the managers, not the ones actually running the calcs and correcting the shoddy work of the subcontractors. It's not a horrible place to work by any stretch, but what it looks like for the engineering staff is WAY less beneficial than many other employees. So if the individuals in that department were conducting an interview or tour they'd probably sound similarly wry and realistic about the ins and outs of day to day issues than, say, the manager of hiring. Both of them are correct, but their experiences differ because of the lack of technical understanding of the owner companies and their desire to cut costs in areas they don't have to deal directly with.

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LOL, he said earlier, "I have a lot of not so great options." Which is way better than no options. I think he will feel better when he has all the details. He HATES uncertainty. 


In totally unrelated news I can't help but share, we found out a few hours ago my mother's lung cancer has NOT come back, despite a VERY STUPID radiologist saying it probably had. She drove from Florida to North Carolina to see her doctors at Duke university, where she was treated 8 years ago, and they assured her there was no cancer. (did and MRI). What the radiologist saw down here on an X-ray was just the pneumonia she'd been fighting for a few weeks, and some altered anatomy because of her lobectomy years ago. He was furious that she was put through all this when it was obvious what was going on. I'm just so relieved I can't even really care about the job thing right now. I'm NOT ready to lose my mommy and so freaking happy she's going to be okay. 

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He got a call from the recruiter about the law firm job. It seems another recruiter, without DH's approval, already submitted his resume, for LESS salary than he makes now. And they frown on multiple recruiters submitting or some such thing, and are now canceling the interview he had set up for tomorrow!

He is SO angry. The recruiter he is working with is trying to straighten it out but isn't hopeful, and he can't get a hold of the one that did this to him. he's called and left a message and he has emailed. This is infuriating! He wants this interview so bad, he's REALLY excited about it. 


Between this and the whole crazy experience at the other place he's just incredibly frustrated. If you pray, please pray they get this worked out and he gets to interview tomorrow. 

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Between this and the whole crazy experience at the other place he's just incredibly frustrated. If you pray, please pray they get this worked out and he gets to interview tomorrow. 


Praying for him.  I can understand the frustration.  It might be time for some ice cream (or other special treat) for him.  


Also sending praises for the great news about your mom!

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Praying for him.  I can understand the frustration.  It might be time for some ice cream (or other special treat) for him.  


Also sending praises for the great news about your mom!


Thanks. I'm praying the first recruiter withdraws the resume and explains things, but it seems doubtful. 

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He got a call from the recruiter about the law firm job. It seems another recruiter, without DH's approval, already submitted his resume, for LESS salary than he makes now. And they frown on multiple recruiters submitting or some such thing, and are now canceling the interview he had set up for tomorrow!

He is SO angry. The recruiter he is working with is trying to straighten it out but isn't hopeful, and he can't get a hold of the one that did this to him. he's called and left a message and he has emailed. This is infuriating! He wants this interview so bad, he's REALLY excited about it. 


Between this and the whole crazy experience at the other place he's just incredibly frustrated. If you pray, please pray they get this worked out and he gets to interview tomorrow. 


Oh no!


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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And..now his old company is offering him 20K more to go work there. He could work remotely (not sure that's a good thing) but not sure if he would have to work remotely. If he did we'd have to use part of that salary bump to rent a space at the co-working place here as him home during the day doesn't work out for any of us. The person he'd be directly under he likes a lot. He knows other people there he likes a lot. But, he was not treated well there last time, and he's heard grumblings from a friend there. However, that friend is kind of negative in general, so he needs to explore that more. 


And he got a call from the recruiter about the law firm job, he has an interview on Friday. That would be a manager title (which he hasn't had before, but he is very good at managing people and has excellent leadership skills) and also 20K more. 


Basically, he's very popular but not sure if any of these are a good fit. But he feels better today. He was really low last night. 


One idea if he wants to work from home is a shed that you insulate and install an electrical outlet.    There was one that came with the house and I really love it.   It had been a train conductors shed, and before we bought the house I said, "That is my office.  I live in Texas, so a window AC is essential.   In winter because the space is so small a space heater works fine.  Ours isn't insulated yet but I imagine many places would require it.  The dog comes with me.   

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So, no interview. They have someone they are offering the job too, plus the double application due to competing recruiters plus they think the company he works for is owned by a company they are representing in a law suit (it isn't and hasn't been since 6 years before the incident with the lawsuit). All in all, a mess. 


And no word from the other job, that he had the weird interview at the other day. 

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It's almost 5:30 here and no word. The interview was at 2pm. I know when his friend interviewed there (he now works there) it was several hours, but still. I thought he'd be done by 5pm!


How draining. May it come out as the best scenario for your family.


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So, no interview. They have someone they are offering the job too, plus the double application due to competing recruiters plus they think the company he works for is owned by a company they are representing in a law suit (it isn't and hasn't been since 6 years before the incident with the lawsuit). All in all, a mess. 


And no word from the other job, that he had the weird interview at the other day. 


What a mess! I'm sorry for all the muddled communication.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Any chance if the other person turns down the offer that they'll look over the situation with your DH again?


Hang in there and I hope something comes through the way you want it too, and soon!

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So, he's at least in a better mood. He went to a networking thing downtown last night afterwork and talked to some people who had some possible leads, and he blew off some steam. He then went to a movie with a friend. Have not heard anything back from the one weird interview. Actually, he got a verbal offer but nothing in writing, and zero details. 

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I want to tell you that Dh's last job change included 12 months of negotiations. I almost lost my mind. HR was so horrible that I didn't want him to take the job. I said,"When people show you who they are, you need to believe them." He insisted that some very wonderful companies have awful HR departments.


Now he has been at the new job 6 months and absolutely loves it. He was invited to breakfast by the senior VP of HR to discuss what improvements can be made moving forward.


Even the person who is Dh's direct supervisor sent up some red flags for me. It turns out he is just overwhelmed and not a huge people person. Nevertheless, he is a great fit with Dh.


So, I'm just trying to say, hang in there. I know how stressful it is, but the weird interview company could still end up being a great job opportunity.

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My husband's last job interview process took so long that the company switched recruiters along the way and he and everyone else had to start over.  They got thousands of applications and actually interviewed 300 people.  He was his boss's first choice but there was some political stuff that made them offer the job to someone else.  I'm not sure exactly what happened with the other guy--whether he started and then quit or started and was let go or something, but then the offer came to DH, and he took it and has been very happy for years there.  The process from application to starting work took about 8 months, IIRC.  Hang in there, you never know.

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I want to tell you that Dh's last job change included 12 months of negotiations. I almost lost my mind. HR was so horrible that I didn't want him to take the job. I said,"When people show you who they are, you need to believe them." He insisted that some very wonderful companies have awful HR departments.


Now he has been at the new job 6 months and absolutely loves it. He was invited to breakfast by the senior VP of HR to discuss what improvements can be made moving forward.


Even the person who is Dh's direct supervisor sent up some red flags for me. It turns out he is just overwhelmed and not a huge people person. Nevertheless, he is a great fit with Dh.


So, I'm just trying to say, hang in there. I know how stressful it is, but the weird interview company could still end up being a great job opportunity.

Wow, that is worse than my dhs current job interview process which lasted almost 6 months. I was so stressed out. One time a bunch of men were interviewing him and someone rushed in and said "the city just shut down the <job name> !" Everyone jumped up and left the room with no word to Dh. He was left wth one HR guy who said,"well I guess the interview is over". No further word for another few weeks.


But. He got the job and he loves his job. So I agree hang in there. You just never know.

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So, he's at least in a better mood. He went to a networking thing downtown last night afterwork and talked to some people who had some possible leads, and he blew off some steam. He then went to a movie with a friend. Have not heard anything back from the one weird interview. Actually, he got a verbal offer but nothing in writing, and zero details. 


What a stressful time for your family, Katie. I hope he finds a good fit, financially and personality and skill-wise, soon.

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all your awful hiring stories make me feel better!


He got an official offer today. 30 day contract to hire, signing bonus is still in consideration, salary would be about $16K more than he makes now, plus twice a year bonuses (I think...maybe it's once a year) with the bonus being at least 18% of pay (I think.) He's going to take it. He feels he can learn a lot from the CSO he'd be under, and he does know one person working there that he likes a lot, and he thinks it is worth the risk. He'd rather do that than go back to the company he used to work for. And once he's hired (if he's hired I know) the benefits are amazing. So much better than we have now. 


So...he submitted for the background check and we will go from there. (shouldn't be a problem there). 

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all your awful hiring stories make me feel better!


He got an official offer today. 30 day contract to hire, signing bonus is still in consideration, salary would be about $16K more than he makes now, plus twice a year bonuses (I think...maybe it's once a year) with the bonus being at least 18% of pay (I think.) He's going to take it. He feels he can learn a lot from the CSO he'd be under, and he does know one person working there that he likes a lot, and he thinks it is worth the risk. He'd rather do that than go back to the company he used to work for. And once he's hired (if he's hired I know) the benefits are amazing. So much better than we have now. 


So...he submitted for the background check and we will go from there. (shouldn't be a problem there). 




You have discussed a couple possibilities on this thread--is this the one he interviewed for? In which they were so negative? 

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You have discussed a couple possibilities on this thread--is this the one he interviewed for? In which they were so negative? 


Yes. He thinks the woman was just so comfortable with him she treated it as a regular conversation instead of an interview. He really does like the person he'd be working under, and he has a friend that is working there now that seems to think everything is going in the right direction there. 


He talked to his current boss and learned that it's pretty definite things will be happening in November. As in, his boss no longer has access to the budget past then, because there probably won't be a department at that point. So yeah...he needs to move, and his boss understands. (this is all unofficial, his boss and he have a lot of unofficial, not in writing contact right now given the situation). Once he's signed the offer letter he'll put in his official notice. 


He's excited. The extra money will be a help, they will work around his part time teaching schedule at a local private college so he can keep doing that as long as he wants, etc. 


I'm excited because once he is on full time I will have leverage to talk him into another baby :)

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all your awful hiring stories make me feel better!


He got an official offer today. 30 day contract to hire, signing bonus is still in consideration, salary would be about $16K more than he makes now, plus twice a year bonuses (I think...maybe it's once a year) with the bonus being at least 18% of pay (I think.) He's going to take it. He feels he can learn a lot from the CSO he'd be under, and he does know one person working there that he likes a lot, and he thinks it is worth the risk. He'd rather do that than go back to the company he used to work for. And once he's hired (if he's hired I know) the benefits are amazing. So much better than we have now. 


So...he submitted for the background check and we will go from there. (shouldn't be a problem there). 



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